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This research examined the effects of the selection ratio on applicants’ perceptions of the fairness of a battery of tests. These fairness perceptions were also examined to assess whether they moderated the validity of the tests. A laboratory study was undertaken to examine the effects of the selection ratio on applicants going through a selection process and to examine the effects of being hired or rejected. Results revealed that the selection ratio did not have an effect on perceptions, but that hired individuals perceived greater distributive fairness. Furthermore, attitudes towards the cognitive ability test moderated the validity of the cognitive ability test, but attitudes toward the personality test did not moderate the validity of the personality test.  相似文献   

Micropat is a battery of computer-based aptitude tests designed to assess aspects of psychomotor coordination and information management. Initial research and development work on Micropat started in 1980 with the Army Air Corps and the tests were successfully validated against rotary wing pilot training outcome. In 1985, funding for the project was taken over by the Royal Navy (RN) with a view to improving selection for both RN Pilots and RN Observers. Validation of the main battery was carried out on Pilot and Observer trainees at Britannia Royal Naval College (BRNC), Dartmouth, UK. The paper outlines the development of the Micropat programme over the past decade, focusing on a number of key practical methodological issues. These include discussion of the task-based approach to test construction, the use made of the potential afforded by computer-based assessment and the problem of developing robust composite predictors from small samples. In particular, the relative merits of unit-weighted, rationally weighted and empirically weighted composite predictors are examined. Evidence for the validity of the tests is summarized. It is concluded that we are unlikely to improve substantially on the levels of prediction which were being obtained in the 1950s. Continual development and improvement in selection testing is needed simply to maintain levels of prediction as the demands of flying change. The new forms of test made possible by computer-based assessment technology provide the means of maintaining useful levels of prediction as flying training courses become longer and more complex.  相似文献   


Biodata instruments can be used in selection for several purposes (including screening, prediction, analysis of decision strategies). This article is concerned with the construction and validation of a biodata instrument for the selection of intermediaries by a profit-making employment agency in the Netherlands. The instrument was constructed according to the sample approach and measures work experiences with regard to relevant tasks and job dimensions. A field study gathered biodata scores from applicants (n £ 300) and present employees (n £ 70), interview ratings from the applicants, and ratings of job performance for the employees. The results obtained indicated that the instrument was a potentially useful selection device. The homogeneity of scale scores was sufficient and the scores show little overlap with other selection devices (interview ratings). In addition, particular scores correlate at a statistically significant level (P < 0.01) with ratings of job performance of present employees (r £ 0.30 to 0.40). Estimates of the utility (financial gains) of using the instrument in selection revealed that the instrument may yield considerable pay-offs. It is concluded that the construction and validation of the instrument yielded several positive results, and that the sample approach in constructing biodata selection instruments is an option worth considering.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) was conducted to ascertain the numbers of factors in the mental processing subtest of the K-ABC. After a summary and synthesis of the psychometric literature, a pooled correlation matrix was computed and a factor analysis applied. Two and 3-factor extraction (rotated by varimax) methods using principal axis factor analysis and principal component analysis consistently yielded 2 factors-namely, sequential and simultaneous processing. The results suggest that the original K-ABC theory was not supported.  相似文献   

Hand Test variables were evaluated to see if they would empirically discern varying levels of behavioral and social maladjustment in severely behaviorally handicapped children. Hand Test protocols of 6- to 18-year-old students (N = 100) were gathered. Twenty protocols from each of three levels of special education placement were obtained in addition to 40 protocols of students enrolled in regular educational classrooms. A stepwise discriminant analysis yielded both pathology (PATH) and aggression (AGG) as significant discriminators (p less than .05). Cutoff scores and a weighted equation consisting of nine variables was derived using proper placement in group setting as the criteria. The assignment of children to correct placement levels was 64% or 79%, depending on the stringency of criteria. These findings reinforce the utility of the Hand Test as a valuable tool in the psychologist's testing armament for assisting with placement decisions and support the strength of integrating multiple variables to aid with these decisions. Replication of this study for the purpose of cross-validation of the Placement Index is strongly encouraged.  相似文献   

A case study on a computerized test battery is presented based on more than a decade of use in military and civil settings. The study sheds light on the general issues associated with computerized testing. The accent is on the contrast between computerized and traditional paper-and-pencil testing. The computerized battery, called Taskomat, is founded on concepts arising from human performance theory. The tests of the battery are described, as well as issues related to the hardware (cost of purchasing, hardware reliability and industrial styling). Criteria used to evaluate the content of the tests were: reliability, robustness of effects, uniqueness or newness of abilities relative to paper-and-pencil testing, and validity of these abilities for predicting occupational success. A conclusion is that a theoretical foundation helps to increase the likelihood of assessing new abilities.  相似文献   


In addition to impacting the physical health of millions of Americans, the novel-coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is a significant psychological stressor due to both the threat of the illness itself and the mitigation strategies used to contain the spread. To facilitate understanding of the impact of COVID-19, validated measures are needed. Using a stepwise procedure in line with best-practice measurement procedures, the current report summarizes the procedures employed to create the COVID-19 Impact Battery (CIB). Two independent samples recruited via Amazon Mechanical Turk (N?=?175, N?=?642) and a third community sample (N?=?259) were used for reliability and validity testing. Validation procedures yielded a battery consisting of three scales assessing COVID-19 related behaviors, worry, and disability. The behaviors scale contains three subscales assessing stockpiling, cleaning, and avoidance. The worry subscale also contains three subscales assessing health, financial and catastrophic concerns. In addition, we created a short version of the battery (CIB-S) to allow for more flexibility in data collection. In summary, we have provided reliability and validity information for the CIB and CIB-S, demonstrating that these measures can facilitate evaluation of the broad impact of COVID-19 on mental health functioning.


ProjectA对我军士兵心理选拔研究的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国军队选拔与分类项目(The Army’s Selection And Classification Project,Project A)是美军20世纪80年代为改进军队人员的选拔、分类和使用,加强军队质量建设而进行的一项大规模的研究工作,其目的是建立一套完整、科学、符合军队建设需要的军队人员选拔与分类方法,形成一整套用于军队人员军队人员选拔与分类的预测工具。本文简要介绍了Project A产生的背景、研究目的、基本实验设计、绩效评价系统建立、预测工具以及预测效度,并对我军开展士兵心理选拔分类以及安置的必要性和可行性做了简要分析,提出了基本构想  相似文献   

《Military psychology》2013,25(4):205-219
This research describes the evaluation of a recently developed experimental computer-based aircrew secondary selection test battery. Student naval avia- tors selected for flight training on the basis of current paper-and-pencil screening tools were administered a series of performance tasks. The tasks assessed abilities in problem solving, spatial reasoning, perceptual motor skills, and memory. Performance data included measures of both accuracy and reaction time. The results indicate that performance-based test measures can be used after initial selection to predict flight training performance. Several test measures were reliably related to both pass/fail and primary flight grade (FG) criteria. Age and previous flight training also were found to contribute to prediction of the criteria. The results provide support for the prediction of performance in addition to passing or failing in flight training.  相似文献   

This article re-examines data from the Nonreading Aptitude Test Battery (NATB) and General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB) test manuals in light of some conventionally accepted psychometric considerations. The NATB standardization sample is adequate. However, the validity is open to question since the NATB demonstrates only a modest correlation with the GATB. It is recommended that caution be employed in relating NATB profiles to the Occupational Aptitude Patterns' norms. This is especially relevant since the NATB, lacking norms of its own, relies on GATB norms and its derived Occupational Aptitude Pattern (OAP).  相似文献   

This study presents a data set for a reference group on the Reitan-Indiana Neuropsychological Test Battery for Young Children. The data set is based on a sample of 224 children, ages 5 to 8 years, referred to a special services cooperative for academic or behavioral concerns during the years 1980 through 1993. Data are presented in terms of sample size, means, standard deviations, diagnostic classifications, and population characteristics. Previously published data sets are reviewed in comparison to this newly acquired data set. Potential advantages of this data set include the larger sample, contemporary data collection, and a sample drawn from a United States school-referred population.  相似文献   

The scientific approach to the study of creative problem-solving has shifted from using classic insight problems (e.g., the Nine-dots problem), toward sets of problems that have more robust psychometric properties, such as the Remote Associate Test (RAT). Because it is homogeneous, compact, quickly solvable, and easy to score, the RAT has been used more frequently in recent creativity studies. We applied the Item Response Theory (IRT) to develop an Italian version of this task. The final 51-item test was reliable (α = .89) and provided information over a wide range of ability levels, as revealed by the IRT analysis. The RAT correlated with five measures of creative performance: The Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM), three classic insight problems, a set of anagrams purposefully developed, the fluency and flexibility scores of the Alternative Uses Task (AUT), and the Creative Achievements Questionnaire (CAQ). The new measure provided is meant to encourage the study of creativity and problem-solving in the Italian language.  相似文献   

The present study describes the development and validation of a situational judgment test (SJT) of emotional intelligence (EI). Initially, 80 situations and three response alternatives for each situation were created based on the available theoretical models. Principal component factor analysis with direct oblimin rotation of data (N = 213) yielded a three‐factor structure with 46 items. These factors were (1) utilizing own emotion, (2) sensing other's emotion, and (3) understanding emotional context. Additional studies showed that the measure had good internal consistency and test‐retest reliability. None of the three factors strongly correlated with the Big Five factors of personality (NEO Five‐Factor Inventory, thus establishing its identity as a construct distinct from personality. Findings of confirmatory factor analysis on secondary data reconfirm the three‐factor model for a 46‐item SJT of EI. The second study also found no correlation among these three factors, intelligence scores measured using Raven's Matrices, and trait EI score measured using the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire. The third study was conducted in order to determine the relationship of SJT of EI with academic achievement and life satisfaction. All three factors of SJT‐based EI measure were significantly associated with academic achievement and life satisfaction.  相似文献   

Based on Becker's theory (1998) and pilot work (2000) , I developed a situational judgment test of employee integrity. In this study, I examine whether scores on this test predict integrity‐relevant outcomes. The analysis of data from fast service employees, engineers, and production workers revealed that employees' integrity scores were correlated with managerial ratings of career potential, leadership activities, and job performance. Integrity was not related to the quality of interpersonal relationships.  相似文献   

The study reported here investigated the use of the High School Placement Test as a predictor of 9th grade academic achievement as measured by school grades. The sample was composed of 3,194 boys who were enrolled in an academic curriculum at 1 of the 10 randomly selected Diocesan high schools in Philadelphia. A multiple regression analysis and a canonical correlation analysis were performed using the subtest scores of the High School Placement Test as independent variables, and final 9th grade average, grades in English, social studies, Latin, general science, and algebra as the dependent variables. It was found that the Composite score of the High School Placement Test individually would have been as useful a predictor of final grades as either of the empirically determined predictor composites computed in performing the multiple regression analysis and the canonical correlation analysis.  相似文献   

《Military psychology》2013,25(1):97-120
This investigation evaluated potential revisions to the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). The data analyzed were collected from trainees in 17 U.S. Air Force, Army, and Navy jobs as part of the Joint-Services Enhanced Computer-Administered Test (ECAT) battery validation study. Predictors included the trainees’ preenlistment scores for the 10 tests in the current ASVAB, plus the 9 experimental ECAT battery tests. The criteria were measures of training performance. All possible combinations of tests that (a) included the Word Knowledge and Arithmetic Reasoning tests of the ASVAB and (b) could be administered in a 134- to 164-min interval were evaluated with respect to 5 indexes of test battery performance: criterion-related validity, classification efficiency, and 3 types of subgroup differences (White vs. Black, White vs. Hispanic, and male vs. female). The 5 indexes were calculated for each of the 16,437 possible combinations of tests. The standard deviations of the indexes across the combinations of tests showed that (a) values on the validity index varied little, (b) values on the classification efficiency and White versus Black and White versus Hispanic subgroup differences indexes varied moderately, and (c) values on the male versus female difference index varied substantially. The validity index of the combinations showed a moderate correlation with the classification efficiency index and a nearly zero correlation with subgroup differences. However, the classification efficiency index showed a small-to-moderate positive correlation with the subgroup difference indexes. The subgroup difference indexes showed moderate-to-high positive correlations with one another. Examinations of the top 20 combinations of tests identified by each index demonstrated that tests that optimize one type of index usually do not optimize each of the other indexes. In particular, trade-offs were observed between (a) the maximization of validity (and classification efficiency) versus the minimization of all 3 types of subgroup differences and (b) the minimization of differences between Whites and Blacks (or between Whites and Hispanics) versus the minimization of differences between men and women. These results suggest that no combination of the tests considered in this investigation simultaneously optimizes all 5 test battery performance indexes.  相似文献   

In 2 studies with a total of over 300 participants, the Epstein Creativity Competencies Inventory for Individuals (ECCI-i) was shown to be a reliable measuring instrument. In the first of these studies, the test was also shown to be a valid predictor of 2 measures of creative expression. The test is derived from empirical research on the creative process in individuals, which suggests that creative expression can be accelerated through the strengthening of any of 4 measurable, trainable competencies: capturing (preserving new ideas as they occur), challenging (taking on difficult tasks), broadening (seeking knowledge and skills outside one's current areas of expertise), and surrounding (seeking out new stimuli or combinations of stimuli). In the second study, training such competencies improved test scores and led to a significant increase in creative output.  相似文献   

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