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Previous research has identified the role of perceived peer hierarchies, or organizational structures, in affecting students’ adjustment to school (Lease et al. 2003, Journal of Early Adolescence, 23, 194–217). The purpose of this study was to examine whether middle school classrooms can be described in terms of the perceived status individual students hold for who will and will not be ‘liked’ by the teacher. Specifically we examined: (1) Do students share a mutually agreed on representation, a perceived organizational structure, for describing relative status with their teacher? (2) Are teachers perceived as systematically favoring girls or boys? (3) Are peers’ perceptions of teacher liking associated with individual students’ social and academic motivation and relationship quality with teachers? (4) Are students identified by peers as ‘not liked’ at risk for long-term teacher rejection and underachievement? And, (5) What are the underlying criteria students use to judge teacher likeability? Data for this study were drawn from peer ratings from 516 (262 boys, 254 girls) middle school students in 20 classrooms. Findings indicate multidimensional scaling techniques can be used to map the ‘teacher-liking space,’ accounting for  > 90% of the variability in peers’ ratings of teacher likeability. Additionally, findings indicate perceived status in the teacher-liking space has consequences for students’ achievement and teacher relationship quality.  相似文献   

Research in the social psychology of achievement motivation stresses the contribution of the classroom motivational context to problems of student engagement among low achieving students. This analysis contributes to that literature through a focused analysis of English and language arts instruction during the middle school years. Using data from the Partnership for Literacy Study the author investigates the relationship between classroom evaluation during question and answer sessions and two forms of student engagement, participation in classroom discourse, and student effort on classroom and homework assignments. When teachers focus on provoking student thought and analysis, and postpone evaluation during question and answer sessions by engaging in dialogic instruction, levels of student effort are more evenly distributed among students. Moreover, the relationship between levels of initial achievement and student effort is weaker in classrooms where teachers incorporate elements of dialogic instruction into question and answer sessions. However, dialogic instruction had no effect on the distribution of participation in classroom discourse itself.  相似文献   

采用学习倦怠、学业自我效能、班级集体效能问卷,选取26个班级的1125名初中生作为被试,运用多层线性模型探讨班级集体效能对学业自我效能与学习倦怠的影响。在控制性别和年级的影响后,结果发现:(1)班级集体效能与学习倦怠具有直接的关联:班级正向联合力越高,则学生的学习成就感越高;班级负向联合力越高,则学生的情绪与生理的消耗越严重;班级优秀成员的效能越高,则其他学生学习的成就感越低,师生关系越疏远、生理消耗越严重;而班级成员的自我效能越高,学生的学习成就感越高、情绪的损耗越小;(2)班级集体效能对学业自我效能与学习倦怠之间的关系具有显著的调节作用:班级的正向和负向联合力越强,则学业自我效能对师生疏离的负向影响就越弱;班级的负向联合力越强,则学业自我效能对情绪耗竭的负向影响就越小;优秀成员效能越高,则学业自我效能对学习低成就感的负向影响就越大;而成员自我效能强,则学业自我效能对师生疏离的负向影响也强。  相似文献   

Understanding the social context of classrooms has been a central goal of research focused on the promotion of academic development. Building on the current literature on classroom social settings and guided by a risk and protection framework, this study examines the unique and combined contribution of individual relationships and quality of classroom interactions on behavioral engagement among low‐income Latino students in kindergarten to fifth grade (= 111). Findings indicate that individual relationships with teachers and peers and classroom quality, each independently predicted behavioral engagement. Moreover, high‐quality classrooms buffered the negative influence of students’ difficulties in individual relationships on behavioral engagement. Findings illuminate the need to consider multiple layers of social classroom relationships and interactions and suggest the potential benefit of targeting classroom quality as a mechanism for improving behavioral engagement in urban elementary schools.  相似文献   

中文“教师效能感量表”的信、效度研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
本研究以405名中学教师为对象,对中文版教师效能感量表(TES)的心理测量学特征进行了探讨。结果表明中文版TES具有良好的信度、结构效度和同时效度,说明中文版TES是一个可以推广的量表,但在使用过程中应注意一些问题。研究还表明教龄、职称等老师特征变量对教师效能感不存在显著影响。  相似文献   

Participants were 360 (52.2% male) ethnically diverse and academically at-risk first-grade children attending one of three school districts in southeast and central Texas. Using latent variable structural equation modeling, we tested a theoretical model positing that the quality of the teacher–student relationship in first grade predicts children's peer acceptance the following year, controlling for children's previous externalizing problems and peer acceptance. We also expected that children's classroom engagement would mediate the effect of teacher–student relationship quality on peer acceptance. The hypothesized model provided a good fit to the data. Engagement fully mediated the effect of teacher support on subsequent peer acceptance. Neither ethnicity nor gender moderated the mediation findings.  相似文献   

针对领域一般性职业成熟度测量中存在的问题,从领域特殊性视角出发,在开放式问卷调查的基础上编制了师范生教师职业成熟度问卷,包括师范生教师职业态度成熟度和师范生教师职业能力成熟度两个分问卷,经过对2056名大学生的初测和5512名大学生的正式实测,结果发现:(1)师范生教师职业态度成熟度问卷包括内在取向、确定性、独立性和外在取向四个维度,研究编制的师范生教师职业成熟度问卷具有较好的信效度。(2)一般职业成熟度无法替代师范生教师职业成熟度的测量结果。与非师范生相比,师范生在师范生教师职业成熟度问卷上的得分更高,师范生教师职业成熟度随年级升高呈增长趋势。这些结果对于师范生教师职业成熟度问卷的构想效度提供了较好的支持。  相似文献   

团体辅导改善大学生人际关系及心理健康水平的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨团体心理辅导对改善大学生人际关系及心理健康水平的有效性及可行性。方法:采用单因素重复测量设计自然实验,对16名有改善人际关系愿望的大学生进行为期2个月,共10次的团体心理辅导干预;使用人际关系综合诊断量表和症状自评量表前后施测,结合团体成员的反馈自评和表现进行质的分析。结果:被试人际关系综合诊断量表前后测有差异(t=2.55,p<0.05),症状自评量表总分有显著差异(t=3.12,p<0.01),其中抑郁、敌对因子有显著差异(抑郁因子t=2.95,敌对因子t=2.71),人际关系和偏执因子有差异(人际关系因子t=2.53,偏执因子t=2.57)。结论:人际交往团体辅导对改善大学生的人际关系,提高心理健康水平是有效的。  相似文献   

This essay review examines Indigenous and Cultural Psychology: Understanding People in Context, Edited by U. Kim, K.-S. Yang and K.-K. Hwang (New York, NY, US: Springer, 2006), from the perspective of feminist pastoral theology. In doing so, it focuses on shimjung, a critical Korean indigenous concept by Choi and Kim (Naïve psychology of Koreans’ interpersonal mind and behavior in close relationships. In U. Kim, K.-S. Yang &; K.-K. Hwang (Eds.), Indigenous and cultural Psychology: Understanding people in context (pp. 357–369). New York: Springer, 2006). There are three main sections in the essay review. First, shimjung of Korean women is discussed and compared with that of Korean men. Second, shimjung in mother–son relationship is analyzed and explored. Third, an invitation is given for further research in promoting shimjung exchange in the husband and wife relationship in Korean culture.  相似文献   

以223名小五、初二、高二学生为被试,探讨对学习项目的加工水平与再认中场合效应的关系以及这种关系的年龄特征。结果表明:(1)当对学习项目进行深加工时,场合因素对三个年级再认效果的影响没有表现出年龄趋势;当对学习项目进行浅加工时,场合因素对小学五年级再认效果的影响显著高于对初二、高二年级的影响,而初二、高二年级的差异不显著;(2)小学五年级学生再认中的场合效应与掩蔽模型的假设一致,初二、高二年级学生的场合效应与加和整体匹配模型的假设一致。  相似文献   

以三套分别含有按照解题方法可以分为二类、三类、四类的物理学科问题分类实验材料,对济南市6所中学3个年级766名中学生进行研究,结果表明:不同年级、不同学业水平学生分类表征层次的差异显著,呈现随年级升高而升高的趋势,学优生的水平明显高于学困生,学优生更多地倾向内在分类表征;随着分类任务的类别数量增多,更多学生倾向外在分类表征;不同性别学生的分类表征层次没有显著差异;不同物理学科问题分类表征层次学生的物理成绩之间存在显著差异。  相似文献   

张文娟  程玉洁  邹泓  杨颖 《心理科学》2012,35(3):624-630
为了考察中学生师生关系现状,并探讨中学生的情绪智力、社会问题解决技能与师生关系之间的内在联系,本研究采用《中学生情绪智力量表》、《中学生社会问题解决技能量表》和《中学生师生关系量表》对2172名中学生进行调查。结果发现:(1)中学生的师生关系的总体状况良好,且存在显著的年级和性别差异:初一、高一年级的师生关系好于初二、高二年级。在亲密性和支持性方面,不存在显著的性别差异,在冲突性方面,男生显著高于女生,在满意感方面,女生显著高于男生。(2)情绪智力的不同维度对中学生师生关系的预测作用各不一样。情绪感知对师生关系的亲密性具有显著的负向预测作用,对师生关系的冲突性具有显著的正向预测作用。情绪运用、理解和管理都能够显著预测师生关系,其中情绪运用对师生关系的亲密性、支持性和满意度的预测作用最为突出,情绪管理对师生冲突的负向预测作用最强。(3)社会问题解决技能在中学生情绪智力与师生关系之间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

采用成就目标定向、社会比较和学业自我效能感三个量表,以724名初中生为被试,对社会比较在成就目标与学业自我效能感之间的中介作用进行了考察。结果表明:(1)除对学习能力自我效能感产生直接影响外,掌握接近目标会通过上行比较、成绩接近目标会通过上行/下行比较间接地影响学习能力自我效能感;(2)掌握接近目标、成绩接近目标和成绩回避目标不仅会对学习行为自我效能感产生直接影响,还会通过下行比较对其产生间接影响。说明成就目标可以通过直接和间接两种不同的方式影响学业自我效能感。  相似文献   

The most original aspect of Hedwig Conrad-Martius’ research is her interpretation of nature, performed through the phenomenological method. She pinpoints the very essences of the natural phenomena, discovering entelechies inside them and a trans-physical dimension. She reads the evolution of nature in a new way, against the deterministic interpretation of it. Inside nature one can discover many levels, qualitatively different. The human being participates to all of them, but his/her peculiarity is linked to the mental–spiritual life.  相似文献   

通过构建的渗透培育模式,以初中二年级数学教学为依托,运用教学实验方法探索数学教学中渗透学生学习自我效能感培养的有效性。采用实验组、对照组前后测实验设计,以《自我效能感自陈式问卷》、《数学自我效能问卷》和《中学生心理健康问卷》为测量工具。结果表明:实验后,实验班自我效能感高于前测,高于对照班,差异显著;在学习压力、适应不良、情绪不平衡、心理不平衡及总分上,实验班学生低于对照班,差异显著;数学学业成绩实验班高于对照班,高于实验前,但无显著差异。说明该模式能够显著提高学生学习自我效能感和心理健康水平,促进其学业进步。  相似文献   

Although research has indicated that cognitions and situational factors play a role in relationship satisfaction and aggression, few studies have investigated the association between intimate partner violence (IPV) and relationship values. We addressed this gap by measuring college students’ perpetration of and victimization by four types of IPV; namely, physical violence, sexual violence, threats, and psychological aggression over the past year. One-way ANOVAs and multiple regression analyses were used to measure the association between IPV and the endorsement of relationship values. The results suggest that past IPV perpetration and victimization correlated with the current endorsement of relationship values for males more than females. In general, male perpetrators rated relationship values such as security, investment, others’ approval, and daily conflict as less important than non-perpetrators. Although male victimization explained significant variance in security, investment, and others’ approval, the results were somewhat mixed as to whether victimization related to higher or lower ratings of relationship values, with the majority of the results suggesting an inverse correlation between relationship value endorsement and IPV experience. Future research can investigate mediating factors in the relationship between IPV and relationship value endorsement, as well as look at how IPV and relationship values influence decisions concerning relationship maintenance.  相似文献   

采用主动性人格量表、工作绩效量表、人际关系量表、教师职业认同量表对385名实习教师从其实习第一周起连续追踪测量五周,利用多层线性模型探讨实习初期教师职业认同的发展轨迹,以及主动性人格对教师职业认同的影响及其机制。结果表明:(1)实习初期教师职业认同呈先高后低再升高的U型非线性发展趋势;(2)工作绩效和人际关系在主动性人格与教师职业认同之间起部分中介作用,且工作绩效的中介效应显著大于人际关系的中介效应。研究结果不仅揭示了实习初期教师职业认同的动态发展轨迹,同时还揭示了主动性人格影响教师职业认同的中介机制,对提升教师培养质量具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

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