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Rational-emotive therapy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

RET is a comprehensive mode of relationship therapy that takes a double-barreled psychotherapeutic approach of helping all the partners in a relationship to accept responsibility for their own disturbances and failings and to work at correcting these-while, at the same time, helping them to understand and work actively at changing the marital or family system in which they are relating and the conditions in this system that are contributing to their practical and emotional problems. Rational-emotive relationship therapy is a form of cognitive behavior therapy that includes the following features: (1) It importantly stresses the cognitive or philosophic causes of emotional disturbance and of family disruption. (2) It teaches partners that they largely disturb themselves and that they can effectively refuse to continue to do so. (3) It almost always employs a number of cognitive, emotive, and behavioral techniques but employs them not merely to achieve symptomatic change but to help couples achieve a profound philosophic reconstruction that will, hopefully, lead to elegant and permanent change. It clearly acknowledges the biological as well as the sociological bases of disturbance, and therefore stresses vigorous and forceful, active-directive methods that will impinge upon and help alter the strongly held disturbances that partners frequently experience. (5) It holds to a rigorously scientific and yet highly humanistic outlook in both its theory and its practice. (6) It stresses a phenomenological, intraindividual, and depth-centered approach to understanding and tackling human disturbance, but at the same time uses practical problem-solving and skill-straining methods of changing family situations and interactions.  相似文献   

In some cases a person's religious beliefs can cause or exaccerbate emotional problems. Sometimes religious concepts can be used to ameliorate a client's problems. In dealing with Christian clients, the RET therapist can utilize the teachings and actions of Jesus in leading a client to recognize irrational beliefs. This paper illustrates and discusses rational teachings and actions of Jesus as regards four basic irrational beliefs and eleven underlying irrational beliefs.Sandra D.M. Warnock, M.A., served as a missionary to Hawaii with the Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention and as Minister of Outreach at Vinton Baptist Church, Vinton, Virginia. She was Senior Staff Clinician at Hollins Communications Research Institute in Hollins College, Virginia and is currently an adjunct lecturer in Psychology at Southside Virginia Community College in Keysville, Virginia.  相似文献   

The religious client presents a particular challenge to the RET therapist in that the irrational beliefs responsible for the client's problems are often created or supported by distortions in the religious belief system. This paper will discuss the connections between religious distortions and the irrational ideas, ways to deal with them, and then present the most common religiously based irrational beliefs along with biblical disputations.Constance Lawrence, M.S., is Director of the Christian Counseling Center in Norwalk, CT, and also has a private practice in Weston, CT.  相似文献   

This review was conducted to explore the feasibility of Rational-Emotive therapy as an approach to addressing the problems of providing mental health services to persons who have a severe hearing impairment. Informational resources dealing with the topics of Rational-Emotive Therapy and counseling with persons who are hearing impaired were reviewed. References indicated that RET is reasonably well suited to the task of counseling with clients who are hearing impaired, provided that appropriate modifications are incorporated. Specific modifications of RET are recommended and discussed.  相似文献   

Therapeutic Communities (TC's) have become increasingly popular in the treatment of substance abusing psychotherapy clients. Their popularity appears to have stemmed from the failures of traditional and more individual treatment modalities. Approaches focusing on immeasurable constructs and often irrelevant past events are argued to contribute to symptom maintenance and resistance in this client population. It is argued that a more direct, responsibility-oriented approach be implemented in a systematic and consistent fashion in order to facilitate treatment. The systematic application of Rational-Emotive Therapy in a self-contained therapeutic system is discussed.Raymond J. Yeager Ph.D., is Director of Psychological Services at A.P.P.L.E. Inc.: A Program Planned for Life Enrichment, a graduate fellow and staff therapist at the Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy and is a privately practicing psychologist in Commack and Huntington, Long Island, N.Y.Raymond DiGiuseppe, Ph.D., is a Diplomate of the American Board of Professional Psychology, is the Director of Training and Research at the Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy, is an Assistant Professor of psychology at St. John's University and is in private practice in Hempstead, L.I., N.Y.John T. Olsen is a certified substance abuse counselor at A.P.P.L.E. Inc. He is a graduate of APPLE'S residential program and has worked in the field of substance abuse treatment and prevention for over 11 yearsLogan Lewis ia the President and founder of APPLE Inc.Robert Alberti is the Program Director of APPLE's residential treatment program, and is a certified substance abuse conselor.  相似文献   

Estimates of the degree of genetic and environmental influences on religiousness have varied widely. This variation may, in part, be due to age differences in the samples under study. To investigate the heritability of religiousness and possible age changes in this estimate, both current and retrospective religiousness were assessed by self-report in a sample of adult male twins (169 MZ pairs and 104 DZ pairs, mean age of 33 years). Retrospective reports of religiousness showed little correlation difference between MZ (r=.69) and DZ (r=.59) twins. Reports of current religiousness, however, did show larger MZ (r=.62) than DZ (r=.42) similarity. Biometric analysis of the two religiousness ratings revealed that genetic factors were significantly weaker (12% vs. 44%) and shared environmental factors were significantly stronger (56% vs. 18%) in adolescence compared to adulthood. Analysis of internal and external religiousness subscales of the total score revealed similar results. These findings support the hypothesis that the heritability of religiousness increases from adolescence to adulthood.  相似文献   

The attempt to utilize the methods of science to justify one ethical code as opposed to another has the advantage of avoiding the dogmatism and question‐begging techniques characteristic of many traditional ethical theories. However, such attempts are invariably involved in value reductionism, leaving normative terms bereft of their normative import. Science is related to ethics in a number of important ways, but not in the sense that inductive evidence can justify one standard of right conduct as opposed to others.  相似文献   

R Warren  G Smith  E Velten 《Adolescence》1984,19(76):893-902
This study evaluated the effectiveness of rational-emotive therapy and rational-emotive imagery. Fifty-nine junior high school students who volunteered to participate in treatment for interpersonal anxiety were randomly assigned to rational-emotive therapy without imagery (RET), rational-emotive therapy with imagery (REI), relationship-oriented counseling (ROC), and waiting-list control (WLC) groups. Groups met for seven 50-minute treatment sessions during a three-week period. Assessments were conducted at pretreatment, posttreatment, and three-week follow-up. Both self-report and sociometric measures were used to evaluate treatment outcome. At postassessment, both the RET and REI groups were rated on sociometric measures as significantly less interpersonally anxious than the WLC group. Mean scores favored the RET and REI groups, but no significant differences between these groups and the ROC group were obtained. The self-report measure did not significantly differentiate between groups, but the REI group demonstrated significant pre- to follow-up changes. Both the RET and REI groups yielded greater reductions in irrational thinking than did the ROC and WLC groups. In addition, the pattern of the results supported the use of rational-emotive imagery as a component of rational-emotive therapy. The practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

It is a common observation that certain kinds of patient-therapy (therapist) pairings are more beneficial than others. Attempts to find out why, through interactional research on therapy, have proven to be difficult. It is often suggested that one reason for this is the absence of an adequate theoretical framework within which such research can be conducted. However, in recent years, one theory, conceptual systems theory (CST), a cognitive personality theory, has developed to the stage where it appears to offer some promise in this regard. This article offers an evaluative review of the empirical studies, with relevance to therapy, which use CST as a basis for interactional research; an analysis of the conceptual and methodological problems inherent in its use; and a discussion of the implication of findings for therapeutic practice. Figures 1 and 2 originally appeared in Short, Edmund C., “Knowledge Production and Utilization in Curriculum: A Special Case of the General Phenomenon.”Review of Educational Research, Summer 1979, pp. 237-301. Copyright 1979, American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C. Reproduced with permission.  相似文献   

Stability and change in religiousness during emerging adulthood   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Understanding the development of religiousness is an important endeavor because religiousness has been shown to be related to positive outcomes. The current study examined mean-level, rank-order, and individual-level change in females' religiousness during emerging adulthood. Genetic and environmental influences on religiousness and its change and stability were also investigated. Analyses were completed with an epidemiological study of 2 cohorts of twins: 1 assessed at ages 14 and 18 and a 2nd at 20 and 25. Mean levels of religiousness decreased significantly with age, while rank-order stability was high. Individual-level change was also evident. Analyses also supported the hypotheses that more change would occur in the younger cohort compared with the older cohort and that more change would occur in religious service attendance than the general index of religiousness. Twin analyses suggested that the heritability of religiousness increased with age, while the shared environmental influences decreased. For the younger cohort, change was genetic in origin, while stability was environmental. In the older cohort, change was influenced by nonshared environment and stability by both genes and family environment.  相似文献   

This article reviews research concerning the use of operant conditioning in stuttering therapy, and discusses the clinical implications of this literature. In order to be considered for this review, a report had to treat the findings of research specifically designed to use operant conditioning in the manipulation of speech disfluency. This body of experimental literature clearly indicates that operant management techniques can effectively reduce stuttering with punishment of disfluencies producing more notable results than reinforcement of fluent responses. Operant conditioning is an effective means of modifying stuttering behavior and should be more visible in terms of procedures used by speech therapists.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the benefits and general considerations regarding group therapy with Vietnam veterans. A review of veteran rap groups and traditional therapy groups highlights the similarities and differences between types of groups used to treat this population. The importance of countertransference reactions and the need to consider a variety of treatment approaches is emphasized.  相似文献   

This article reviews literature related to family therapy supervision which appeared in major journals between 1980 and August, 1985. The authors conclude that the level of theoretical inquiry and research regarding family therapy supervision has not kept pace with broader developments in theory and practice in the field. A selected review of clinical supervision literature from allied disciplines is included to provide an impetus for the family therapy field.  相似文献   

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