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“Hotspots” refer to memories of detailed moments of peak emotional distress during a traumatic event. This study investigates hotspot frequency, and the emotions and cognitions contained in hotspots of memory for trauma, to replicate a previous study in this area (Holmes, Grey, & Young, 2005). Participants were patients receiving treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) at a specialist outpatient clinic after experiencing a range of traumatic events. The main finding was that, after fear, the most common emotions reported were anger and sadness. Cognitions related to psychological threat to the self were more common than those related to physical threat.  相似文献   

The ability of 3-year-old children to perceive the identity of vowels in full-vowel and silentcenter, consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) syllables was investigated using a two-alternative pointing procedure. Silence replaced the middle 10%, 35%, 65%, or 90% of the steady-state formants of synthetic “bad” and “bud” syllables. Identification of the two full-vowel syllables was 87% correct, whereas performance for the silent-center syllables was somewhat lower (72%, 70%, 67%, and 66% correct for the 10%, 35%, 65%, and 90% deletion stimuli, respectively). The performance of individual children fell into two subgroups: (1) those who performed like adults by maintaining correct vowel identification for all of the silent-center syllables, and (2) those who identified the full-vowel syllables correctly but performed at chance for all of the silent-center syllables. Three additional experiments showed that none of the children performed poorly when noise replaced the gap in the silent-center syllables. These results demonstrate that many 3-year-olds can identify vowels correctly in CVC syllables in the absence of the full spectral properties of steady-state formants.  相似文献   

An exploratory approach was taken to examine personnel psychologists' use of sources of information when making a decision regarding candidates' fit to managerial positions. The main focus was on the process, based on actual information used to make real-life decisions about real-life candidates. Different types of information, available to the psychologists were used to predict their actual final decision regarding a sample of 434 managerial candidates. Results suggest a preference to indices of cognitive skills in making decisions about candidates. It seems that even when other non-cognitive indices were used, they were tainted by the cognitive indices, suggesting a halo effect. Implications for practice and further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous research using the Deese–Roediger–McDermott (DRM) paradigm has shown that lists of associates in which the critical words were easily identified as the themes of the lists produce lower levels of false memories in adults. In an attempt to analyze whether this effect is due to the application of a specific memory-editing process (the identify-to-reject strategy), two experiments manipulated variables that are likely to disrupt this strategy either at encoding or at retrieval. In Experiment 1, lists were presented at a very fast presentation rate to reduce the possibility of identifying the missing critical word as the theme of the list, and in Experiment 2, participants were pressed to give yes/no recognition answers within a very short time. The results showed that both of these manipulations disrupted the identifiability effect, indicating that the identify-to-reject strategy and theme identifiability play a major role in the rejection of false memories in the DRM paradigm.  相似文献   

Sharing memories in conversations with close others is posited to be part of the social function of autobiographical memory. The present research focused on the sharing of a particular type of memory: Specific memories about one-time co-experienced events, which we termed Specific We memories. Two studies with 595 total participants examined the factors that lead to and/or are influenced by the sharing of Specific We memories. In Study 1, participants reported on their most recent conversation. Specific We memories were reportedly discussed most often in conversations with others who were close and with whom the participant had frequent communication. In Study 2, participants were randomly assigned either to increase or to simply record the frequency of communication with a close other (parent). Increases in the frequency of reported sharing of Specific We memories as well as closeness to the parent resulted. Mediation analyses of both studies revealed causal relationships among reported sharing of Specific We memories and closeness. We discuss the relevance of these results for understanding the social function of autobiographical memory.  相似文献   

Transition theory posits that autobiographical memories are organized by major life transitions, which is often supported by the Living-in-History effect that occurs when people frequently refer to public events to support their date estimates of personal events. In the present study, 52 Chinese older adults in Hong Kong recalled autobiographical events using cue-word method and justified the date estimates of the events. They also reported the most important events and assessed their impacts. Results showed that participants referred to public events only when estimating the date of 5.5% of word-cued events and reported a few public events as personally important, suggesting an absence of the Living-in-History effect. Nonetheless, word-cued events and important events accumulated around major life transitions to form a transition bump; the material change that important events brought about predicted whether the important events were used to organize autobiographical memory, thereby providing new evidence for the transition theory.  相似文献   

A personal construct counselling approach that we are using with young children is presented here, an approach based on the construct of “wellness”, a medium to promote the well-being of troubled children and their families. The case study we share with you shows a counselling intervention based on play, with experiments drawn from self-related construct systems of “making things better” rather than construct systems of “fixing things up”. We present a case study of a young girl grieving over the death of her father. Emphasis is placed on the relationship of trust between the child and the counsellor, to encourage experimentation with relationship experiences to help the child to reconstrue events outside the counselling context. Working hypotheses drawn from cognitive and emotional developmental research into young children are provided, and the subsequent investigations which guide our intervention. Suggestions for process and outcome research in this area are finally made.  相似文献   

In this paper I address some related aspects of Merleau-Ponty’s unfinished texts, The Visible and the Invisible and The Prose of the World. The point of departure for my reading of these works is the sense of philosophical disillusionment which underlies and motivates them, and which, I argue, leads Merleau-Ponty towards an engagement with art in general and with literature in particular. I suggest that Merleau-Ponty’s emerging conception of ethics—premised on the paradox of a “universal singularity” and concerned with the concrete experience of the individual subject, rather than with abstractions and formal categories—can best be articulated through the formalist concept of “defamiliarization,” the fundamental performativity of all literature, and the dialogic relations which, though inherent in all discourse, become most powerfully evident in the dynamics of reading.
Daphna Erdinast-VulcanEmail:


Jung and the Alchemical Imagination. 2000. By Jeffrey Raff. York Beach, ME: Nicholas-Hays.

Path to the Soul: Unifying Eastern and Western Wisdom to Heal Your Body, Mind and Soul. 2000. By Ashok Bedi. York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser.

The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep. 1998. By Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications.

The Psyche on Stage: Individuation Motifs in Shakespeare and Sophocles. By Edward Edinger, edited by Sheila Dickman Zarrow

Lying Awake, 2001. By Mark Salzman. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.

Self Through Art and Science. 2001. Edited by Patton Howell and James Hall. Ist Books Library (www.istbooks.com)  相似文献   

One of the most fundamental, yet often overlooked, components of language is the personal pronoun system. Pronouns reveal and empower different perspectives, providing insight into and even altering how a person is conceptualizing the self. Here, we illustrate how the pronouns “I,” “you,” and “we” can enable shifts in perspective that bring a person further from, or closer to, others. We additionally highlight the implications of these pronoun shifts on the addressee(s). We review a growing body of research that focuses on how these words can function as both windows—providing insight into the thoughts and emotions of a speaker, and levers—that can subtly alter the speaker's and addressee(s)’ thoughts, emotions, and even behaviors, across a range of domains. We conclude by discussing possibilities for future research.  相似文献   

I interweave literature and life experience to describe the tension between accepting and negating the changes inherent in aging. I consider the costs and the increasing strains of holding onto the illusion of perpetually keeping life the same in the face of inescapable existential realities: diminishment, vulnerability, relinquishment, loss, and an approaching end. I emphasize the importance of acceptance, love, and memory, and embracing the moments we have as they are.  相似文献   

Reading is a complex process that includes the integration of information about letters (graphemes) and sounds (phonemes). In many circumstances, such as noisy environments, response inhibition is an additional factor that plays a marked role in successful oral reading. Response inhibition can take the form of task relevant inhibition (i.e., foils in a go/no-go task) and task irrelevant inhibition (i.e., distractor information). Here we investigated task relevant inhibition by having participants (N?=?30) take part in two tasks: go/no-go naming with nonwords foils (GNG-NW) and go/no-go naming with pseudohomophones foils (GNG-PH). Also, we investigated the addition of task irrelevant inhibition by having participants (N?=?28) take part in two tasks: GNG-NW?+?information masking and GNG-PH?+?information masking. We provide evidence that during a task relevant inhibition task, sub-word sound level information can be successfully inhibited, as evidenced by comparable response times for regular words and exception words, provided the foils do not contain familiar sound-based information (GNG-NW). In contrast, regular words were read aloud faster than exception words in a GNG-PH task, indicating that sub-word level interference occurs when the foils contain familiar sound-based information. The addition of task irrelevant inhibition (i.e., information masking at the phoneme level), served to increase response time overall, but did not impact the pattern of response times between regular words and exception words. Together these findings provide useful information regarding the role of response inhibition in word recognition and may be useful in computational models of word recognition and future work may benefit from accounting for the effects outlined in this paper.  相似文献   

Shock advertising antidrug campaigns pose significant implications for methamphetamine (meth) addicts. In recent years, the Montana Meth Project public service campaign has broadcast a series of advertisements containing shocking and disturbing images of meth addicts in an attempt to prevent meth use. Although intended to warn teens about the dangers of meth, the shock-based advertising reaches another population: meth addicts, unintentionally exposing them to a labeling process. This study examines the effects of Montana’s advertisements on the worldview of 20 recovering meth addicts using interviews. Results highlight the unintended consequences of shock advertising on those attempting to reintegrate into the non-using community, suggesting that the campaign negatively impacts addicts’ worldviews and creates stereotypes, stigma, and differential treatment of meth users. Ultimately, this antidrug scare campaign appears to be a barrier to reintegration for meth addicts.  相似文献   

In George Eliot's The Mill on the Floss, early unresolved emotional conflicts in Maggie set a pattern that leads her to "tragic error" as a young adult. Eliot links Maggie's dilemma with Sophocles's Ajax, in which the Greek hero takes his life after shame pushes him blindly to an action that results in only deeper humiliation and a shattering of his social being. In both works, emotional conflict is driven by a desire to transcend shame and ultimately leads to a mortifying error that is recognized only after the fact as tragic in its consequences.  相似文献   

We respond to the commentaries on our target article, “The Ape That Thought It Was a Peacock.” We start with specific issues raised by the article. These relate to the magnitude of human sex differences; the evolution and relative importance of pair bonding, paternal care, and polygyny in our species; and the distinction between the males-compete/females-choose (MCFC) model of human sexual psychology and the mutual mate choice (MMC) model. We then evaluate two competing theories of human sex differences and similarities: Social Role Theory and Attachment Fertility Theory. We conclude with some thoughts about how to present and teach evolutionary psychological research and theories without conveying an exaggerated impression of the scale of human sex differences.  相似文献   

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