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Substance abuse relapse has been linked to a number of internal and external vulnerability factors. The authors explored the internal construct of Adlerian social interest (Adler, 1956 ) and the external construct of Hirschi's ( 1969 ) social bonding to provide a holistic risk profile of relapse.  相似文献   

Delay of gratification captures elements of temptation and self‐denial that characterize real‐life problems with money and other problem behaviors such as unhealthy risk taking. According to fuzzy‐trace theory, decision makers mentally represent social values such as delay of gratification in a coarse but meaningful form of memory called “gist.” Applying this theory, we developed a gist measure of delay of gratification that does not involve quantitative trade‐offs (as delay discounting does) and hypothesize that this construct explains unique variance beyond sensation seeking and inhibition in accounting for problem behaviors. Across four studies, we examine this Delay‐of‐gratification Gist Scale by using principal components analyses and evaluating convergent and divergent validity with other potentially related scales such as Future Orientation, Propensity to Plan, Time Perspectives Inventory, Spendthrift‐Tightwad, Sensation Seeking, Cognitive Reflection, Barratt Impulsiveness, and the Monetary Choice Questionnaire (delay discounting). The new 12‐item measure captured a single dimension of delay of gratification, correlated as predicted with other scales, but accounted for unique variance in predicting such outcomes as overdrawing bank accounts, substance abuse, and overall subjective well‐being. Results support a theoretical distinction between reward‐related approach motivation, including sensation seeking, and inhibitory faculties, including cognitive reflection. However, individuals' agreement with the qualitative gist of delay of gratification, as expressed in many cultural traditions, could not be reduced to such dualist distinctions nor to quantitative conceptions of delay discounting, shedding light on mechanisms of self‐control and risk taking. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Shenel Husnu 《Sex roles》2016,75(11-12):573-582
The aim of the current study was to investigate the relationship between ambivalent sexism, specifically hostile sexism (HS) and benevolent sexism (BS), religiosity, and attitudes toward childlessness in Muslim undergraduate students. The sample consisted of 157 (79 women, 78 men) Turkish Islamic undergraduate students studying in North Cyprus, aged between 17 and 30 years-old and originating from various regions in Turkey. Participants completed measures of ambivalent sexism and attitudes toward childlessness as well as rated their level of religiosity. It was expected that due to its emphasis of traditional gender roles, benevolent sexism and high Islamic religiosity would predict negative attitudes toward childlessness in the Turkish sample. Results showed that in women, higher levels of religiosity and benevolent sexism predicted negative attitudes toward childlessness, whereas in men, benevolent sexism alone was predictive of negative attitudes toward childlessness. The results are discussed in accordance with literature on ambivalent sexism and the religion of Islam.  相似文献   

用问卷法对194名初中生学业延迟满足的特点及相关因素进行了研究。结果表明:初中学生的学业延迟满足存在年级和性别差异,初二和初三学生的学业延迟满足水平明显低于初一学生,女生比男生的学业延迟满足能力高。课堂目标结构与学业延迟满足有显著关系,任务取向的课堂目标与学业延迟满足呈正相关关系;自我取向的课堂目标与学业延迟满足呈负相关关系。任务价值、自我效能与学业延迟满足呈正相关关系,学业延迟满足与学业成绩呈正相关关系。  相似文献   

Silverman  Irwin W. 《Sex roles》2003,49(9-10):451-463
A series of meta-analyses were conducted to test Bjorklund and Kipp's hypothesis that due to selection pressures operating during evolution, women and girls are better able than men and boys to delay gratification (Bjorklund & Kipp, 1996). A total of 38 effect sizes were derived from 33 studies in which participants made one or more choices between a small (or less preferred) immediate reward and a large (or more preferred) delayed reward. Overall, there was a small female advantage (r = .058). Further analyses revealed that the female advantage was larger when continuous measures (r = .096) rather than dichotomous measures were used (r = .021). No evidence was found for the gender gap changing systematically with age. Discussion focuses primarily on alternative explanations for the gender difference found here. Consideration is also given to how the female advantage in delay of gratification might be reflected in real-life situations.  相似文献   

This study investigated the lived experience of substance abusers in the South African context. Participants were 10 individuals attending a drug treatment centre in Durban, South Africa. Data were collected using open-ended interviews with data being analysed using thematic analysis. Findings suggest that normative social influences and levels of social support play an important role in shaping, maintaining, and determining the trajectory of drug usage.  相似文献   

延迟满足是个体为获得更有价值的奖励结果,坚持目标行为而推迟即时性满足的倾向与行为。其产生机制在很大程度上基于未来取向的自我调节。未来时间洞察力对延迟满足的作用可由期望-价值理论、解释水平理论和自我调节周期模型等多种理论进行解释。除行为层面的机制,未来时间洞察力与延迟满足涉及腹侧额叶-纹状体环路等相似的脑机制。未来研究需深化和丰富延迟满足的理论机制,明确与时间洞察力各维度的复杂关系,探究与时间洞察力相同的生理神经机制,促进其应用于社会实践。  相似文献   

The present study examined the relations between religious faith and alcohol and drug problems in undergraduate college students at a large public university in the Southeastern United States. The Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire—Short Form and the Alcohol Problems and Drug Problems scales of the Personality Assessment Inventory were given to 303 undergraduate students. Findings indicated that religious faith was inversely associated with drug and alcohol problems in both males and females. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This study assessed the validity of three Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-based (MMPI-2: Butcher, Dahlstrom, Graham, Tellegen, & Kaemmer, 1989) substance abuse scales. The scales were the MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale-Revised (MAC-R; Butcher et al., i989) and the recently developed Addiction Acknowledgment Scale and Addiction Potential Scale (AAS & APS; Weed, Butcher, McKenna, & Ben-Porath, 1992), Study participants were 308 male and female college students who completed the MMPI-2 and the substance use disorder modules of the Diagnostic Interview Schedule. The MAC-R and the APS had a nonsignificant-to-weak relationship with substance dependence as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders' (3rd ed., rex. [DSM-III-R]; American Psychiatric Association, 1980). The AAS had a moderate ability to identify the 33 study participants who met DSM-HI-R criteria for a substance use disorder, primarily alcoholism, Broadening the definition of substance abuse to a continuum of alcohol/drug problems did not alter the character of findings, These results highlight the relative superiority of direct (AAS) versus subtle (APS, MAC-R) scales to detect substance dependence and support studies that question the overall utility of traditional MMPI scales to identify substance abuse.  相似文献   

探讨学习困难学生(学困生)和学习优秀学生(学优生)在三种不同情境下——独自操作、单一团体操作和混合团体操作,延迟满足能力的差异.结果表明:(1)在延迟满足实验中,被试变量(学优生、学困生)与情境变量(独自、单一团体、混合团体)的交互作用显著;(2)在独自操作和单一团体情境下,学优生延迟满足能力显著高于学困生,混合团体则不存在这种差异;(3)学优生的延迟满足能力在独自操作和单一团体时水平较高,而混合团体的成绩则显著的低于单一团体,学困生的延迟满足能力在单一团体和混合团体时水平较高,而单独操作成绩则显著低于混合团体.本研究一方面拓展了对延迟满足能力的群体比较研究,同时,对学困生的心理教育实践也有指导意义.  相似文献   

采用学生生活状况:态度和行为调查、核心自我评价量表、青少年学生生活满意度量表和快乐感量表对395名初中生进行调查,考察发展资源、核心自我评价和主观幸福感的关系。结果表明:(1)发展资源、核心自我评价及主观幸福感相关显著;(2)核心自我评价在发展资源与积极情感、生活满意度间起部分中介作用,在发展资源与消极情感间起完全中介作用;(3)核心自我评价到生活满意度的路径系数存在性别差异,核心自我评价对男生生活满意度的预测作用更强。  相似文献   

In substance abuse treatment, general self‐efficacy and religiousness are factors that may support positive outcomes. The authors surveyed clients receiving substance abuse treatment (N = 121) and found that religious coping predicted general self‐efficacy scores. Clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

采用实验室实验观察和问卷法相结合的方法,考察幼儿气质与其自我延迟满足能力的关系.研究结果表明:(1)儿童气质与自我延迟满足能力发展有密切关系.(2)负情绪水平低,坚持性好和冲动性低的儿童自我延迟满足能力的发展较好.活动性水平高的儿童自我延迟满足的能力较差.(3)修订的TAB-R量表有较好的信度和效度,可以用来测定与自我控制相关的研究.  相似文献   

The development of a campus-based Substance Abuse Prevention Program (SAPP) is discussed. The program has been designed in accordance with recommendations made by prominent authorities in this field, keeping in mind the needs of the campus at which the program is located. Suggestions for developing such programs are provided.  相似文献   

Little attention has been paid to the examination and measurement of self-stigma in substance misuse. This paper aims to fill this gap by reporting on the development of a new scale to measure self-stigma experienced by people who are misusing substances, the Substance Abuse Self-Stigma Scale. Content validity and item refinement occurred through an iterative process involving a literature search, focus groups, and expert judges. Psychometric properties were examined in a cross-sectional study of individuals (n?=?352) receiving treatment for substance misuse. Factor analyses resulted in a 40-item measure with self devaluation, fear of enacted stigma, stigma avoidance, and values disengagement subscales. The measure showed a strong factor structure and good reliability and validity overall, though the values disengagement subscale showed a mixed pattern. Results are discussed in terms of their implications for studies of stigma impact and intervention.  相似文献   

以2岁儿童为被试,探讨其在延迟满足情境中的自我控制能力发展的状况。结果表明:(1)2岁儿童已具有一定程度的自我控制能力,个体差异显著,性别差异不显著;(2)2岁儿童已能使用一定的延迟策略,包括问题解决、分心、寻求安慰、消极等待、寻求他人帮助、回避等,其中使用频率最高的是分心策略;(3)不同的策略对延迟时间有着不同的影响;(4)儿童对策略的使用不会因延迟满足情境的不同而出现显著差异。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法,以4372名中学生为研究对象,考察核心自我评价和心理需求网络满足在亲子间科技干扰与青少年智能手机成瘾之间的中介作用。结果表明:(1)亲子间科技干扰可显著正向预测青少年智能手机成瘾;(2)在控制了性别、年龄之后,科技干扰可分别通过核心自我评价和心理需求网络满足间接地影响青少年智能手机成瘾。  相似文献   

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