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I develop a basic theory of content within the framework of truthmaker semantics and, in the second part, consider some of the applications to subject matter, common content, logical subtraction and ground.  相似文献   

Call the thesis that, possibly, there are two times, t1 and t2, such that everything that exists at t2 also exists at t1, but some things that exist at t1 do not exist at t2 Temporal Change. Call the thesis that, possibly, there are two worlds, w and v, such that everything that exists at v also exists at w, but some things that exist at w do not exist at v Modal Difference. I argue that if either Temporal Change or Modal Difference is true, then Orthodox Truthmaker Theory—the theory that every truth requires a necessitating truthmaker—is false.  相似文献   

According to the verifiability approach, liars tend to provide details that cannot be checked by the investigator and awareness of this increases the investigator's ability to detect lies. In the present experiment, we replicated previous findings in a more realistic paradigm and examined the vulnerability of the verifiability approach to countermeasures. For this purpose, we collected written statements from 44 mock criminals (liars) and 43 innocents (truth tellers), whereas half of them were told before writing the statements that the verifiability of their statements will be checked. Results showed that ‘informing’ encouraged truth tellers but not liars to provide more verifiable details and increased the ability to detect lies. These findings suggest that verifiability approach is less vulnerable to countermeasures than other lie detection tools. On the contrary, in the current experiment, notifying interviewees about the mechanism of the approach benefited lie detection. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Information security can be of high moral value. It can equally be used for immoral purposes and have undesirable consequences. In this paper we suggest that critical theory can facilitate a better understanding of possible ethical issues and can provide support when finding ways of addressing them. The paper argues that critical theory has intrinsic links to ethics and that it is possible to identify concepts frequently used in critical theory to pinpoint ethical concerns. Using the example of UK electronic medical records the paper demonstrates that a critical lens can highlight issues that traditional ethical theories tend to overlook. These are often linked to collective issues such as social and organisational structures, which philosophical ethics with its typical focus on the individual does not tend to emphasise. The paper suggests that this insight can help in developing ways of researching and innovating responsibly in the area of information security.  相似文献   

This paper presents a critical overview of René Girard’s mimetic theory, identifies several concerns about the adequacy of mimetic theory’s account of human agency and interdependence, and suggests ways this account might be clarified and enhanced. We suggest that mimetic theory tends to reify or hypostatize the core reality of mimetic desire, which sometimes is spoken of as a kind of trans-individual entity that directs human action, no doubt because of Girard’s concern to avoid any taint of individualism or subjectivism. We argue, however, that hermeneutic and dialogical philosophies like those of Hans-Georg Gadamer and Mikhail Bakhtin explicate profound human relationality and interdependence in a way that obviates individualism without overriding or obscuring personal responsibility. The concern of many Girardian theorists that hermeneutic philosophy covers over or even rationalizes conflictual and violent human dynamics, we contend, is unfounded. However, we insist that most contemporary social theory, including hermeneutic thought, fails to do full justice to the challenges posed by envy, enmity, and scapegoating violence in human affairs and to the struggle for a good or decent life that mimetic theory richly portrays. Thus, we explore some of the possibilities for a fruitful cross-fertilization of mimetic theory and hermeneutic/dialogical viewpoints. Similarly, we argue that recent work on virtue ethics in theoretical psychology contains rich resources for elaborating what would be involved in a so-called “positive” or “creative” mimesis that moves beyond the destructive kinds of mimetic entanglement upon which Girardian thought has tended to concentrate. Finally, we suggest that any effort of this sort to clarify what Girard terms our “interdividual” human reality and to investigate positive mimesis would be greatly assisted by Eugene Webb’s delineation of a fundamental kind of “beneficient motivation” or positive “existential appetite,” a third species of human desire in addition to the two that Girard clearly identifies, namely finite needs and the kind of insatiable, artificial craving that the term mimetic desire usually designates.  相似文献   

Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review - Although clinicians typically acknowledge the importance of insecure attachment as one factor that can contribute to children’s psychopathology,...  相似文献   

近年来,努斯鲍姆在批评契约论的基础上,发展出一种能力进路的正义理论。可以说,努斯鲍姆的能力进路开启了正义研究的新视野。然而,这一理论进路也存在不少疑点。从正义的尺度上看,单纯能力难以衡量个人的福祉;从正义原则的内容上看,能力清单难以成为重叠共识的对象;从正义原则的可行性上看,能力进路难以达到公开性的要求;从正义的论题上看,能力进路错失了相互性的正义维度。至少就目前来说,能力进路还不足以成为我们研究正义问题的主要理论框架。  相似文献   

First, we discuss basic probability notions from the viewpoint of category theory. Our approach is based on the following four “sine quibus non” conditions: 1. (elementary) category theory is efficient (and suffices); 2. random variables, observables, probability measures, and states are morphisms; 3. classical probability theory and fuzzy probability theory in the sense of S. Gudder and S. Bugajski are special cases of a more general model; 4. a good model allows natural modifications. Second, we show that the category ID of D-posets of fuzzy sets and sequentially continuous D-homomorphisms allows to characterize the passage from classical to fuzzy events as the minimal generalization having nontrivial quantum character: a degenerated state can be transported to a nondegenerated one. Third, we describe a general model of probability theory based on the category ID so that the classical and fuzzy probability theories become special cases and the model allows natural modifications. Finally, we present a modification in which the closed unit interval [0,1] as the domain of traditional states is replaced by a suitable simplex.  相似文献   

This article explores the advantages of using a range of actual cases in doing political theory. This sort of approach clarifies what is at stake in alternative theoretical formulations, draws attention to the wisdom that may be embedded in existing practices, and encourages theorists to confront challenges they might otherwise overlook and to think through the implications of their accounts more fully.  相似文献   

The authors replicated and extended results from the gunfight paradigm (A. Welchman, J. Stanley, M. Schomers, R. Miall, & H. Bulthoff, 2010a) in which participants moved faster when reacting to the perceived initiation of an opponent compared to initiating an action themselves. In addition to replicating these movement time effects, the authors found that time to peak velocity, peak velocity, and movement-endpoint dispersions were similarly impacted. The findings are discussed in terms of a triggering mechanism involved in ballistic and internally generated movements.  相似文献   

This article critically examines some of the claims of chaos theory from the perspective of the philosophy of science. Chaos theory uses scientific terminology, but it is possibly better described as a metaphysical belief or value orientation. Some of the concepts developed by chaos theory are of great interest and may be useful in counseling. These concepts, however, are not always clear and consistent, and the theory could become the repository of all kinds of untestable and even antiscientific notions.  相似文献   

The article is a reflection on what I perceive to be a confusion about the relation between theoretical judgments and judgments of pedagogical efficacy. My interest in the issue originated with my own confusion over persistent student resistance to certain assigned texts that I had initially felt confident would prove valuable in the classroom. The essay unfolds in three segments. In the first, I recount how this concern about the relation between theoretical judgments and judgments of pedagogical efficacy evolved out of my own teaching. I next list three tentative conclusions about the correlation or lack of correlation between theoretical judgments and judgments of pedagogical efficacy. In the concluding segment, I call for concerted resistance to the tendency of pure rationality to colonize the aesthetic and dramatic components of experience so essential to transformative teaching and learning.  相似文献   

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