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On présente, dans cette introduction à l'édition speciale sur la psychologie economique, trois étapes et trois domaines de cette psychologie. Les trois étapes représented les tentatives historiques pour introduire des approches et des concepts psychologiques dans la théorie économique. Les deux premières étapes ont été vouées l'échec, mais la dernière et actuelle (l'économie psychologique) parǎt plus prometteuse. Les trois domaines de la psychologie économique qui sont traités dans cet article sont: la psychologie micro-économique, la psychologie macro-économique et l' économie psychologique. Les six articles de cette édition spéciale sont des représentants de ces approches et traitent de sujets intéressant aussi bien les psychologues, les économistes, les spécialists du marketing que les conseillers auprés des consommateurs.
In this introduction to the special issue on economic psychology, three waves and three domains of economic psychology will be discussed. The three waves are the historical attempts to introduce psychological concepts and approaches in economic theory. Although the first two waves were unsuccessful, the third and present wave (psychological economics) looks more promising. The three domains of economic psychology that are discussed in this paper are: (1) micro-economic psychology, (2) macro-economic psychology, and (3) psychological economics. The six papers in this special issue are examples of these approaches in economic psychology, and discuss interesting topics for psychologists, economists, marketing professionals, and consumer educators alike.  相似文献   

On souligne, dans I'introduction du numéro spécial d' Applied Psychology: An International Review sur la Psychologie Politique, qu'il existe deux courants parmi les contributions au champ de la psychologie politique. L'un traite des implications politiques en jeu quand la politique est utilisée pour illustrer des problématiques psychologiques. L'autre est une « Psychologie Politique politique >> où les orientations des Sciences Politiques définissent les problématiques. La seconde partie de l'introduction montre que cette discipline emprunte largement à trois grandes théories de la psychologie (la théorie cognitive, la théorie de I'apprentissage et la psychanalyse) et que la plupart des publications abordent des thèmes en rapport avec les psychologies sociale, clinique, de la personnalité et du développement. Enfin, les sept contributions émanant d'auteurs de quatre continents sont brièvement introduites.
The introduction to Applied Psychology: An International Review's special issue on Political Psychology argues that there are two streams of contributions to the field of political psychology. One is work with political implications where politics are used to illustrate psychological research questions. The other is a "political Political Psychology" where the agenda of political science defines the research questions. A second part of the introduction shows that the discipline draws most heavily on three grand theories of psychology, namely cognitive theory, psychoanalysis, and learning theory with most publications working on questions related to social psychology, personality, clinical, and developmental psychology. Finally the seven contributions by authors from four continents are briefly introduced.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This article introduces the Journal of Personality's special issue on the life voyage of Dodge Morgan who, in 1986 at the age of 54, sailed solo around the world in 150 days. Before the voyage, Morgan agreed to participate in an intensive psychological case study, the data for which provide the focus for this special issue. William Nasby and Nancy W. Read have organized the vast array of psychological data obtained from Morgan and produced a complex and illuminating interpretation of his life, drawing liberally from the five-factor trait model of personality and the life-story model of adult identity. This introduction provides a historical and intellectual context for Nasby and Read's study by considering the various ways in which personality psychologists have employed the case study in research and examining the many conceptual and methodological problems and possibilities that arise in the psychological study of the single case.  相似文献   

Trait Psychology and Culture: Exploring Intercultural Comparisons   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Personality traits, studied for decades by Western personality psychologists, have recently been reconceptualized as endogenous basic tendencies that, within a cultural context, give rise to habits, attitudes, skills, beliefs, and other characteristic adaptations. This conceptualization provides a new framework for studying personality and culture at three levels. Transcultural research focuses on identifying human universals, such as trait structure and development; intracultural studies examine the unique expression of traits in specific cultures; and intercultural research characterizes cultures and their subgroups in terms of mean levels of personality traits and seeks associations between cultural variables and aggregate personality traits. As an example of the problems and possibilities of intercultural analyses, data on mean levels of Revised NEO Personality Inventory scales from college age and adult samples (N = 23,031) of men and women from 26 cultures are examined. Results showed that age and gender differences resembled those found in American samples; different subsamples from each culture showed similar levels of personality traits: intercultural factor analysis yielded a close approximation to the Five-Factor Model; and factor scores were meaningfully related to other culture-level variables. However, mean trait levels were not apparent to expert raters, casting doubt on the accuracy of national stereotypes. Trait psychology can serve as a useful complement to cultural perspectives on human nature and personality.  相似文献   

心理分析与中国文化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
申荷永  徐峰  宋斌 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1432-1434
无意识水平的工作、象征性的分析原理和感应性的转化机制是心理分析的三大基本原则,其中都包含着中国文化的意义;梦的分析、积极想象和沙盘游戏是心理分析的三种主要方法.其中都具有中国文化的渊源;安其不安与心理治疗、安其所安与心理教育和安之若命与心性发展,包含着心理分析的目的和实践,本身也都具有中国文化的内涵。在中国文化的基础上可以发展一种整合性的心理分析体系。  相似文献   

There has long been a criticism that scholarship devoted to the study of cultural variation in psychology has too easily ascribed the observed differences between different societies to essentialized notions of ‘culture’ while paying less attention to historical forces that shape these differences. In this paper, we argue that the conceptual frameworks of cross‐cultural and cultural psychology should allow for analysis of how major geopolitical events and historical processes bear on people's lives. Specifically, we point to colonialism, a discussion that has been less attended to in psychology, and argue that colonialism and its legacies exert a powerful influence on many worldwide populations. Analysis of colonialism and its legacies necessarily calls for attention to its prominent ideological cornerstones: race and ‘culture’, which are also central concepts in psychology as a global discipline. In psychology, colonialism has primarily been engaged in two ways: the study of the colonial impact on individuals; and the consideration of the colonial impact on the discipline and practice of psychology in formerly colonized nation states. We review this engagement and introduce examples of scholarship from each. This paper challenges the field to pay greater attention to sociopolitical discourses and historical contexts and, in turn, to theorize culture in ways that are responsive to the fluidity and complexity of social lives.  相似文献   

Ken Wilber is unquestionably the leading figure in the developing field of Transpersonal Psychology, and his work deserves serious engagement by pastoral theologians and pastoral counselors who seek to find their place in today's postmodern, post-Christian culture. This article summarizes the key concepts of Wilber's model of Transpersonal Psychology, provides an elementary pastoral and theological critique of his ideas, and suggests contributions that Wilber's thought can make to the field of pastoral theology and pastoral counseling.  相似文献   

An adult seems to articulate surprisingly similar meaning themes and similar processes about relationships in several widely disparate domains of behavior, domains of both non-pathological and pathological types. Whether the person is consciously describing early relationships with parental figures, unconsciously acting them out in current relationships, experiencing relationships with God or the Transcendent, or acting on the basis of relational delusions during psychotic episodes, his or his experienced relational reality seems to be filtered through a single, coherent, personally unique spiritual, existential, and epistemological relational lens. Conflicts may involve other relational meanings, but may be conflicts because of the existence of that dominant lens. Two parts of that dominant lens system, specifically the part relating the person’s concept of God to the other parts of the system and the part relating the specifics of psychotic breaks and spiritual emergence to other parts of the system, are seldom discussed. Both understanding the person’s dominant relational lens and the implications of that person’s using the lens to see reality, and sharing that knowledge with the individual (if he or he has stabilized to some degree) can help the troubled or disoriented individual. That person can gradually give a more adaptive meaning to consistent distortions in the many areas of meaning and behavior attached to relationships, and even to very skewed behavior such as hallucinations and delusions during psychotic breaks. Distortions during experiences of spiritual emergence also can be made clearer to the disturbed client if the therapist has a better understanding of the person’s overall coherent relational meaning system and its implications, and can translate the language of that system into spiritually transformative terms. A case is summarized and discussed as an example of these ideas. Then, two theories are described. A useful theory of human-felt connection and a cognitive developmental theory of Postformal Complex Thought have been developed by the author and described in earlier publications. These two theories help make sense of the multiple but coherent themes, cognitive dimensions of theme genesis and change, and the nature of the relational lenses used. Suggestions about interventions in the person’s system of coherently distorted relational themes, suggestions based on the two theories, are discussed. The recommendation is made that all therapists become fluent in the languages of, and especially the connections among, all of the relational areas named in the title of this paper that are part of the coherent relational theme.  相似文献   

介绍了现代瑞士心理学的来源、科研和教学、研究经费来源和学术组织。  相似文献   

The study of Positive Psychology brings a much needed emphasis to the study of the cognition, traits and contexts of behavior that are associated with optimal development and flourishing during the entire course of life. It highlights the ways in which growth, hope, and resilience (to name just a few concepts) aid a person in dealing with the inevitable challenges of life, either in individual terms or via organizations that optimize chances for growth. The papers in this first Special Issue on Positive Psychology and Adult Development focus especially on wisdom, the workplace, and mental health issues.  相似文献   

家庭中心积极心理学以积极心理学为基础,以社会生态学理论和家庭中心服务为思想来源,采用以家庭、学校、咨询者三位一体的联合行为咨询的干预策略,以实现家庭中儿童的发展性需要为最终目标。本文主要介绍了家庭中心积极心理学的内涵、理论来源、基本原则、实施方法—联合行为咨询。  相似文献   

论心理学与文化关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理学与文化之间的关系历来是心理学研究中所关注的核心问题,也是根本问题。考察与探究心理学与文化之间关系,可关联和涉及到心理学的新视野、新领域、新理论、新方法。心理学与文化心之间关系走过了一条复杂而又深刻的道路。深入考察与解读心理学与文化之间不同历史阶段的不同关系,其中折射的不仅仅是心理学研究思维和方法论的根本转变,更重要的也是心理学科学观的深刻变革。  相似文献   

This article presents an overview of this special issue of the Journal of Personality on religion in the psychology of personality. I begin with a brief historical overview in which I highlight the discrepancy between the vision of early personologists and how religion is handled today within the field of personality. I then consider how contemporary research and theory can profit by incorporating religious and spiritual constructs and processes. As personality psychologists purport to study the whole person, the relative neglect of religiousness in the current literature is a serious omission that precludes a comprehensive understanding of the person.  相似文献   

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