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Since the mid-19th century, a dominant trend in the social sciences has been the development of a rigorous technique for devising predictive models of empirical social systems. Central to this development has been the assumption that unexplained variation is simply error in a given model, rather than the generally held view that human beings have a special capacity for acting independently of the universe of empirioals. The increasing predictive accuracy resulting from this axiom of determinism has, in turn, tended to stimulate the interest of applied fields. A predictable side-effect of such interest, however, appears to be an intra-field re-examination of its own philosophical foundations. It is suggested that the field of guidance has reached this juncture, that the resulting internal conflict has emerged, and that the strategic value of prediction will insure a continued transition from an art to an applied science.  相似文献   

Previous research has indicated a difference between taboo and nontaboo words rated as upsetting in that the former are learned more easily than matched neutral words, while the latter are not. In an effort to determine the source of this differential effect, a four trial study was performed on 64 female college students. The effects of rate and organization of list presentation on the learning of the two types of emotional words were compared to the learning of neutral words. Earlier results demonstrating the significant superiority of taboo but not of upsetting words over matched neutral counterparts were replicated. It was also determined that experimental conditions which result in generally poor performance and low rates of clustering (e.g., early trials, uncategorized list presentation) accentuated the taboo word effect.  相似文献   

文化与人格研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化影响人格发展。笔者以文化与人格的研究为起点,详细评述了文化与人格的研究历程,着重介绍了文化决定论、文化与人格相互作用论;探讨了文化与人格的相互作用途径,为深入理解文化与人格的关系奠定了基础。  相似文献   

作为一种异彩独放的地域文化,齐文化之所以具有重实效、崇功利、尚法治、重变革、扬兵学、倡开放等特点,与创造这一文化的齐人性格有莫大关系。齐人性格是先秦人群中最活跃、最具多样化的性格之一,其形成是一个复杂的历史过程,受多种因素的影响。本文拟就在齐人性格特点、形成原因及演变方面作一浅显论述。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to outline some of the religious implications of Western personality theory. It begins with broad comments about the general theoretical tradition of the West, especially of secular disciplines such as psychology. Next, it sketches briefly the religious implications of many aspects of the three forces of psychology, i.e., psychoanalysis, behaviorism, and humanism, with special emphasis on some of the more classical theorists, such as Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, B. F. Skinner, Albert Bandura, Carl Rogers, and George Kelly. Lastly, it paints some broad-brush strokes regarding alternatives to these three forces, specifically, two types of postmodern understandings of religious persons and their contexts, social constructionism and hermeneutics.  相似文献   

李庆安 《心理科学》2016,39(2):497-511
以邓小平等29位中外杰出人物为研究对象,以他们的32本传记为编码材料,以《论语管理素质编码手册》为工具,针对中外杰出人物儒家心理资产和债务的结构与发展,进行了一系列实证研究。结果发现,在中外杰出人物的儒家心理资产结构中,明、语、功、友、劳、政和变的品质为七种关键品质;在中外杰出人物儒家心理债务的结构中,恶见、疑、瞋、慢、痴和贪的品质为六种核心品质。前者与道家智慧存在神秘的对应关系,后者与佛家智慧存在神秘的对应关系。基于该系列研究,修正了西方心理学家提出的人格五因素理论,提出了具有中国文化特色的人格理论——中国人格模型,提出了具有中国文化特色的动机理论——关键需要理论。  相似文献   

文化与人格研究中的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“文化与人格”包含着“文化中的人格”和“人格中的文化”两个命题。当今人格与文化研究中存在几个问题:人格特质的跨文化普遍性问题;人格与文化研究中的文化问题;人格与文化的作用机制问题。要解决这些问题:1.将主位研究与客位研究结合起来;2.将文化看作动态的过程;3.考虑到文化与人格之间起作用的中间机制;4.加强人格心理学与其它学科的联系。  相似文献   

幸福人格是影响个体幸福感的重要人格特质。为了探索中国人幸福人格的结构和内涵,研究基于人格的词汇学假设,从以往研究者编制人格测验使用的初始词汇表中,筛选出225个与幸福感有关的人格词语。通过探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析,最终得到49个幸福人格词语。因素分析结果显示:中国人的幸福人格包含胆识、美德、乐观三个维度。以Campbell幸福感量表、主观幸福感量表和中国大五人格问卷简式版为效标的分析结果表明,幸福人格各维度得分可有效预测幸福感。  相似文献   

文化差异的认知影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨红升 《心理科学》2007,30(4):1002-1005
文化是人类认知活动的产物,反过来又会影响着认知。在从视知觉、痛觉、时间知觉等基本的感知觉过程到面孔识别、记忆和思维等高级认知过程中,都存在着显著的文化差异。近年来,文化对认知括动的影响作用得到了越来越多的研究,甚至于认知神经科学的研究手段也已经被用于其中,预期文化差异的认知影响作用将会成为一个重要的研究领域。  相似文献   

Four traditions in research on personality and culture are distinguished: (i) the culture-and-personality school and recent relativistic perspectives, (ii) the trait approach, (iii) interactionistic orientations, and (iv) situationist approaches. Next, the first two of these traditions are evaluated to ascertain how much variance is explained by culture. Thereafter, it is argued that the (questionable) focus on explanations with a high level of inclusiveness or generality is a major reason for the near absence of situationist interpretation of cross-cultural differences. Finally, three possible strategies are discussed to bridge the gap between relativism (emphasizing differences) and universalism (assuming basic similarities). A suggestion is made as to how both approaches can be valuable when unexplainable, as well as explainable variances, in cross-cultural personality research are taken seriously.  相似文献   

孝文化与中国人人格形成的深层机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为中国文化的重要特征,孝文化提供了一整套系统的文本、言说和行为准则,不仅影响到中国社会的历史面貌和现实状况等宏观领域,而且也影响到人格形成等微观领域。该文从文化的辩证角度分析了孝文化长期存在的合理性,对孝文化的内涵和消极效应进行了心理学解读,并简要分析了孝文化与中国人具体人格特征之间的关联。正是通过具体的教养方式和亲子关系,孝文化完成了其对人格的塑造作用。  相似文献   

Numerous American high schools are turning to flexible-modular scheduling as one means of freeing educational programs from the rigid demands of traditional programs. Advantages include far more student contacts, greater availability of counselees, increased drop-in traffic, improved team relationships with teachers, and greater accessibility of guidance library materials to students. Among disadvantages are a greatly increased workload, student truancies, necessity for counselor involvement in supervisory activities, excessive professional time devoted to clerical tasks, and initially negative lay reactions.  相似文献   

The application forms of graduate applicants to six organisations were analysed in two investigations. In the first, those features of the forms which predicted whether they were rejected or passed on for interview were discovered. These differed across organisational type, and included aspects of the way in which the form was completed and personal background factors, as well as experience and achievement. In the second investigation, the think-aloud protocols of recruiters as they read the application forms were analysed. Inferences from information rather than the information itself predicted decisions. It is concluded that careers advisers should offer instruction on a variety of matters relating to completion of application forms; and that graduate recruiters should continue to undertake the task of pre selection rather than seeking to 'farm it out'.  相似文献   

Self-inflicted injury (SII) in adolescence marks heightened risk for suicide attempts, completed suicide, and adult psychopathology. Although several studies have revealed elevated rates of depression among adolescents who self injure, no one has compared adolescent self injury with adolescent depression on biological, self-, and informant-report markers of vulnerability and risk. Such a comparison may have important implications for treatment, prevention, and developmental models of self injury and borderline personality disorder. We used a multi-method, multi-informant approach to examine how adolescent SII differs from adolescent depression. Self-injuring, depressed, and typical adolescent females (n = 25 per group) and their mothers completed measures of psychopathology and emotion regulation, among others. In addition, we assessed electrodermal responding (EDR), a peripheral biomarker of trait impulsivity. Participants in the SII group (a) scored higher than depressed adolescents on measures of both externalizing psychopathology and emotion dysregulation, and (b) exhibited attenuated EDR, similar to patterns observed among impulsive, externalizing males. Self-injuring adolescents also scored higher on measures of borderline pathology. These findings reveal a coherent pattern of differences between self-injuring and depressed adolescent girls, consistent with theories that SII differs from depression in etiology and developmental course.  相似文献   

Structural equation modeling (SEM) has become an increasingly used methodological strategy in psychology. Nevertheless, many psychologists continue to be unclear about how to apply this analytic tool in their research. This article reviews SEM from a conceptual perspective, particularly focusing on confirmatory factor analysis. Additionally, the relation between SEM and other analytic techniques (e.g., exploratory factor analysis) are addressed. A confirmatory factor analytic example is presented and reviewed in detail. Finally, limitations of SEM and other considerations are discussed.  相似文献   

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