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Research has demonstrated the anxiolytic and affective changes following resistance exercise. However, several studies have allowed the participants to leave the testing facility and return at a later time to complete psychological assessments. This weakens internal validity, making it impossible to interpret findings as due to exercise per se. To address this issue, 23 male participants were randomly assigned to either a “stay” or “go” group. Within each group, all participants completed a non-exercise control session and a weight-training session based on 50% of their one repetition maximum for each of five exercises. All participants remained in the laboratory for 60 minutes following each session, at which time only those in the “go” group left the laboratory and returned at 90 and 120 minutes for their remaining affective assessments. The results indicate that despite transient disruptions in mood, an acute bout of resistance exercise results in positive psychological changes that occur within 60 minutes after completion of the exercise session and which persist up to 120 minutes post-exercise. Allowing participants to leave the laboratory or requiring them to remain in the testing environment was found to lead to different patterns of affective responses during the post-exercise assessment period. Future researchers must take into account such methodological issues when designing acute exercise studies requiring extended periods of post-exercise assessment.  相似文献   

The “second generation” of testing problems are discussed and research data relevant to them are reported. Counselor and teacher behavior with regard to tests does not seem congruent with expressed opinions about tests. The social effect of reporting scores is considered by noting the variables to be used in estimating the impact of such information.  相似文献   

The counseling aspect of the counselor's role has been eroded recently by a number of negative influences. If this erosion is not halted the counselor will not have enough time to counsel because of an overinvolvement in noncounseling activities. Counselors must focus on and preserve counseling as their primary function if the counseling profession is to have a clear identity.  相似文献   

无生源论认为生命是自然化合而来的.要使这一假设成立,需要解决以下悬而未决的难题:一是由无机物和简单有机物合成生命小分子存在的问题;二是由生命小分子合成生命大分子存在的问题;三是由生命大分子聚集合成原始生命存在的问题;四是由原始生命进化成细胞存在的问题.  相似文献   

试论现代社会变化对人们心理健康的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
分析现代社会变化的特点与心理问题的内在关系,现实的社会变化对人们心理健康既有积极影响,也有很大危害.焦虑等心理障碍的发生与社会变化的非理性因素有密切关系.在促进社会发展中要考虑社会变化对心理健康的影响后果,根据心理卫生的要求扬优抑劣,尽量避免或减少其对心理的劣性刺激.  相似文献   

One measure of the impact of genetic counseling and testing (GCT) is the extent to which it fosters behavioral change that is consistent with mutation status. We describe and illustrate how two different signal detection methods, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis and recursive partitioning, can be used in this context to evaluate the impact of GCT. We analyzed real screening behavior data obtained in the 12 months following GCT for Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colon Cancer (HNPCC) using these two different signal detection approaches. Each approach demonstrated that GCT had an impact on behavioral outcomes, and was effective in fostering behavioral outcomes appropriate to mutation status. The ROC approach demonstrated that GCT was effective because mutation positive and mutation negative individuals could be distinguished on the basis of the number of recommended screening behaviors. The recursive partitioning approach demonstrated that GCT was effective because there were generally high rates of adherence to screening guidelines among subjects. The recursive partitioning technique also identified four subgroups of subjects, each with distinct characteristics, for which tailored interventions could be developed to increase rates of adherence to screening guidelines. Signal detection methods are easily implemented and are useful techniques for evaluating the impact of GCT.  相似文献   

Witnesses are frequently questioned immediately following a crime. The effects of such testing on false recall are inconclusive: Testing may inoculate against subsequent misinformation or enhance false memory formation. We examined whether different types of processing can account for these discrepancies. Drawing from Fuzzy‐trace and Associative‐activation theories, immediate questions that trigger the processing of the global understanding of the event can heighten false memory rates. However, questions that trigger the processing of specific details can inoculate memories against subsequent misinformation. These effects were hypothesized to be more pronounced in children than in adults. Seven/eight‐, 11/12‐, 14/15‐year‐olds, and adults (N = 220) saw a mock‐theft film and were tested immediately with meaning or item‐specific questions. Test results on the succeeding day replicated classic misinformation and testing effects, although our processing hypothesis was not supported. Only adults who received meaning questions benefited from immediate testing and, across all ages, testing led to retrieval‐enhanced suggestibility. © 2016 The Authors. Applied Cognitive Psychology Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Needed Concepts in the Study of Gender Identity   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

不久前兴起的道德悖论研究虽然逐渐引起学界的重视,但对道德悖论的概念即"什么是道德悖论"的问题依然存在疑义,这是因为没有注意从学理上认同道德悖论的界定阅限、明晰道德价值实现结果之悖论与道德价值标准选择之悖论的关系、划清道德悖论与逻辑悖论的界限,以及理解道德悖论之现象与道德悖论之直党(思想)的区别.把握理解这几个学理的问题,是把握道德悖论概念、规范道德悖论研究并展现其应有价值和意义的方法论前提.  相似文献   

No Norm Needed: on the Aim of Belief   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

In this article, the author describes the impact of high technology on career changes. Suggestions are provided to counselors for helping clients make successful career changes.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of self-control in the measurement of integrity. We present two empirical studies. In Study 1 we examine the nomological net for the integrity construct. Results indicate that self-control accounts for a substantial portion of the variance in integrity scores over and above measures of the Big Five personality dimensions. In Study 2, we examine the impact of ego depletion on a measure of integrity. Consistent with hypotheses, results indicate that scores on measures of integrity and self-control were lower under ego depletion conditions. Implications for the measurement and assessment of integrity are discussed.  相似文献   

The psychometric properties of three scales of alexithymia were examined in a sample of 187 female undergraduates. The Shalling Sifneos Personality State (SSPS) and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality inventory (MMPI) Alexithymia scale had little internal consistency. The scored archetypal test with nine elements (SAT) had very low interrater reliability. As predicted, the three measures were not significantly related to one another and the SSPS had a more clearly defined factor structure than the MMPI scale. The MMPI and SSPS scales were differentially related to measures of symptomatology but were similarly related to extraversion, absorption, and SAT scores. Of the three scales, the SSPS appeared to have the highest content validity. The results suggest that alexithymia is not a unitary construct and that its reification as such may be premature.  相似文献   


There is a recognized need to rigorously examine the efficacy of approaches to supporting informal learning. In this study, we used a 2 × 2 factorial experimental design to test the impact of a computer guide on 3 proximal measures of visitor learning at an interactive math exhibit. In total, 128 families were systematically assigned to engage with the exhibit either with or without access to a supplementary computer kiosk. Visitor groups with access to the computer spent longer, on average, at the exhibit and engaged in more mathematical behaviors compared to other groups. However, based on interviews, visitors with access to the computer were less likely to fully articulate the mathematical relations in the exhibit. These results suggest that although computer guides are a promising approach to supporting visitor engagement, they may, unless carefully designed, undermine other learning outcomes.  相似文献   

一、调查目的: 培养学生科学世界观的基础是学校教育的任务之一.党和国家历来重视青少年科学世界观的培养,但由于学校、社会、家庭教育中还存在一些问题,一些学生的科学世界观仍出现了偏差,因此,我们对部分小学的高年级学生做了问卷调查,力图分析产生偏差的原因,解决实际问题.  相似文献   

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