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宗教是人类超越生存难题的一种信念与行为模式,它具有关注社会、影响社群生活的内在动力和人文精神.为了研究宗教与社会生活良性互动的可能性、路径及其价值,充分发挥宗教在构建社会主义和谐社会进程中的积极作用,2012年7月8日-11日,由四川大学道教与宗教文化研究所、香港文化更新研究中心联合举办的"宗教文化与社会关怀"国际学术研讨会在四川大学科华苑宾馆隆重举行.  相似文献   

梁漱溟一生竭力复兴中国文化的合理价值,努力重构儒学体系向现代形态转变,他以一种宗教式的超越气度,带着一种救世主的姿态,思考整个人类的关怀和中国社会的危机,试图重建新的价值体系与意义世界来回应西方文化的挑战,提出了著名的"文化三路向"说,其宗教社会思想是他对中国以及整个人类未来命运思考的结果.他认为中国没有系统宗教,儒学非宗教,但她发挥了类似于宗教的作用,维系中国社会秩序稳定运转.  相似文献   

至善是伦理学中善观念的一种终极的或本体的表述,也因此具有了哲学和宗教的含义.至善作为一种终极的价值追求,其目的在于保存并发展人类自身,也即是真知人类和爱人类①.什么是真知人类和爱人类呢?对此,中西不同的文化体系做出了不同的解答.本文试就至善的本质,两种文化的解说体系进行论述,并做出综合性的解释,认为"和"与"宽容精神"不仅要在学术或行为准则上并举,还要在意识和行为上努力奉行,才是当今世界各种宗教、派别、学说、思潮及其反映出来的力量之间追求和谐的完整体系.  相似文献   

宗教在人类文化史上占有十分重要的地位,是人类文化的重要组成部分。但由于宗教所处的地域不同,其社会作用和文化影响也不尽相同。目前在欧美影响较大的是基督宗教,在中东和亚洲一些国家影响较大的是佛教和伊斯兰教。在中国佛、道、伊、天、基五大宗教各有千秋,和谐相处,共同构成了中国的宗教文化。近年来,习近平总书记先后在中央统战工作会议和全国宗教工作会议上指出:"积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应,一个重要的任务就是支持我国宗教坚持中国化方向。"这一论断高屋建瓴,具有很强的理论性、现实性,实践性、指导性,因而立即在我国宗教界引起广泛响应。笔者认为,融入我国优秀文化,是天主教中国化的重要途径。  相似文献   

本文着重从生殖、生存、生命等多种意义上探讨湘西土家族原始宗教文化的生命意识,试图为土家族顽强的生命力作一个追根溯源的理论探索,并由此得出如下现代启示:原始宗教文化中的生命意识是十分强烈的;宗教信仰的本质是"人类的精神";中国传统文化除了有人文性特性之外,还有更为重要的巫性特性;现代社会的文明进程也不能缺失人类原始动力.  相似文献   

邱鸿钟教授撰写的<医学与人类文化>一书,时隔十余年后于2004年11月由广东高教出版社再次出版.这部长达48万余字的学术著作是我国第一部系统而深入探讨医学与人类文化的"开疆拓土"的理论之作,也是一本跨学科研究,涵盖哲学、人类学、民俗学、宗教学、经济学、政治学、管理学等学科内容,涉及医药思想史、医学学术史、医学方法论、医学社会学、中国医学和西方医学等研究领域,是取百家之长,成一家之言的理论佳作.全书立意高雅、构思新颖、论证严谨、韵味极为深远,堪称研究医学人文科学的上乘之作.  相似文献   

王从友 《天风》2012,(2):8-12
十七届六中全会所作的《中共中央关于深化文化体制改革推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣若干重大问题的决定》中,提出要"全面贯彻党的宗教工作基本方针,发挥宗教界人士和信教群众在促进文化繁荣发展中的积极作用"。宗教作为人类文化的重要组成部分,各大宗教都有着源远流长的历史和文化传统。基督教作为普世性的宗教,其文化底蕴之深厚,并且这些文化资源经过人类漫长的历史的洗礼,不断且深刻地影响着人类的生活和发展的进程。本刊在今年第一期摘登部分教会领袖的发言,本期特摘编新年伊始的常委会上部分同工的发言,共同寻求基督教为文化繁荣发展做贡献的可能与途径。  相似文献   

马克思曾说:"宗教世界只不过是现实世界的反映.""即使在宗教教条占主要影响的时代和社会结构中的文化,也存在着世俗精神."[1]从宗教的目的与要求来看,宗教总是把天国的神圣与现实的世俗看作是对立的,追求灭绝世俗的享受,宣扬天国的神圣与美好.  相似文献   

正2018年10月21-22日,由中国社会科学院世界宗教研究所、中国宗教学会与华侨大学共同主办,华侨大学哲学与社会发展学院、华侨大学海外华人与闽台宗教研究中心、华侨大学海外华人宗教与闽台宗教研究创新团队承办,《世界宗教文化》编辑部协办的第七届东南亚宗教研究高端论坛在福建厦门召开,本届论坛的主题为"东南亚宗教与人类命运共同体"。长期以来东南亚宗教研究作为世界宗教研究的重要领域和东南亚社会文化发展的关键议题持续受到学界广泛关注。近年来,人  相似文献   

医学文化是巴比伦文明的重要组成部分,是世界非物质文化遗产.巴比伦时代的医学文化大致经历了以占星为主旨的魔术医学阶段,以宗教为主旨的巫术医学和以世俗为主旨的经验医学三个发展阶段.这三个发展阶段不是平行的,而是相互交织,形成了巴比伦独特的医学文化.同时巴比伦是最早医学立法的民族.  相似文献   

Sexual coercion is an unstable practice, often performed nervously on the boundary between flirtation and violation, flattery and coercion. While it is true that sexuality may sometimes be lived on a liminal fourth dimension, where it is immunized from morality by the press of (mutual) desire, it is also true that desire can be commandeered by all manner of malignancies which coopt the erotic into a traumatic register. This essay takes sexual coercion on its face, and explores many of its grim varietals, while also seeking to deconstruct the alchemy of sexuality, awash in its painful pleasures.  相似文献   

李刚 《周易研究》2012,(2):3-10
魏伯阳所撰《周易参同契》是运用《周易》原理来支撑金丹之道的滥觞。它以《周易》的变易原理作为道教神仙存在学说的理论基础,通过论说"物性可变",进而说明人也可变。人通过服炼金丹能够变化自己的身体而为神仙之体,即"変形而仙",从而可以超越生死。"变形而仙"思想并非《参同契》独创,而是有所本的。这一思想对后世道教产生了巨大而深远的影响,如葛洪、陶弘景、沈汾等人皆明显继承了《参同契》的"变形而仙"说。  相似文献   


Carl Jung's decision to undertake a thorough study of Western alchemy was inspired by his reading of The Secret of the Golden Flower, a ninth-century Chinese Taoist text describing the process of meditation in alchemical terms. When he first read this book in 1928 and wrote a commentary for it, he completely ignored its alchemical aspects. He simply tried to make the text comprehensible to Western readers by explaining its basic psychological concepts and assumptions.

In the foreword to the second German edition of The Secret of the Golden Flower. June acknowledged this oversieht1  相似文献   

Jung's contribution to the understanding of the relevance of psychology to alchemy has become increasingly invalidated by the ahistorical nature of his approach, just as his tendency to ignore the importance of cognitive aesthetics for an improved comprehension of the functions of alchemical images has prevented Jungians from further extending Jung's insight of the importance of alchemy for psychology. This paper explores the history of the development of alchemical illustrations in Western Europe from the 14th to the 16th century, tracing the emergent processes over time. It is only when we take into consideration the historical dimension and the aesthetics of alchemical imagery that it becomes possible to demonstrate how the increasing use of certain aesthetic techniques such as the disjunction and recombination of separate metaphorical elements of previous illustrations, the use of compressive combinations and the use of framing devices worked to gradually increase the cognitive function and the symbolical power of the images. If alchemy is still relevant to psychotherapy it is exactly because it helps us to understand the importance of cognitive aesthetics in our approach to the images, metaphors and narratives of our patients.  相似文献   

This paper reflects on the conference question concerning the clinical and theoretical significance of Jung's Liber Novus, two years after its initial publication, and looks at how Jung himself reflected upon it and how it informed his turn to alchemy, with particular attention to the theme of opposites and their reconciliation in Liber Novus, later taken up in Mysterium Coniunctionis.  相似文献   

This paper explores R. Jacob Emden's surprising quest for the knowledge of alchemy. This important eighteenth-century rabbinic leader searched for ancient books in the library of Göttingen University, sought living experts and read original alchemical works in German. His sustained interest in alchemy reflects an historical phenomenon far deeper than his personal curiosity. By delving into his forgotten 1736 Igeret bikoret, comparing it to his other writings, and then contextualizing it within contemporary European medical discourse, I wish to use the quarrel between competing medical world views, so typical of the early modern era, to understand R. Jacob Emden's alternative, esoteric path to modernity and the specific ties it reveals between theology, law and medical practice.  相似文献   

全真道内丹修炼得以进行,需要满足法、财、侣、地四个方面的条件,其中"地"即是指修道场所,而全真道的人居理念主要体现在其对修道场所的选择上。其在选择修道场所时所体现出来的崇阳、择静、取便和尚简的理念,对于当代社会合理而科学的择居具有重要启示价值。  相似文献   

Historians have been revising the contribution made by alchemists to the Scientific Revolution, noting that alchemy was far more than a prelude to the development of modern chemistry. The present study reexamines alchemy's history, beginning with an unusual fifth-dynasty Egyptian painting located in the tomb of Queen Nefertari. The image shows two major male deities, Ra and Osiris, merged together forming a mysterium coniunctionis. This painting foretells a problem that still exists today: a disharmony in the balance between masculine and feminine principles. A review of relevant ancient Egyptian mythology and literature brings to light several new findings: First, mummification was an early preconscious form of alchemy that significantly pushes back the date of its origin. Secondly, Osiris and other prominent Egyptian gods eventually emerged as archetypes, and together with their respective myths, developed into alchemical recipes. And finally, the notion that alchemy “died” with the advent of Newtonian physics is not supported by major historical events in the 19th and 20th centuries. Modern science still stops short of including the feminine principle in its work. There are, however, signs of growing awareness of the problem, most notably in the Jung–Pauli conjecture, and subsequent interest in a more balanced approach in science, religion, and medicine. Nonetheless, as unprecedented challenges continue to threaten the modern world, retrieving ancient wisdom and integrating it into the corpus of contemporary science are needed now more than ever.  相似文献   

<周易参同契>作为道教易学的重要代表作,其最重要的特色是会归"大易"、"黄老"和"炉火"三家之理,借<周易>言黄老说炼丹.本文将<周易参同契>置于汉代易学的背景下,从黄老道家哲学与道教仙学的发展中,来探讨<周易参同契>如何托<周易>卦爻象为象征符号来隐喻金丹道之内涵,以展示易学在道教中的传播与影响.  相似文献   

In deconstructing the alchemy of sexuality, awash in its painful pleasures, these papers consider how the eros of erotic pressure can default into the trauma of sexual coercion. They also consider how, from a feminist perspective, the “personal is (still) political,” but how, from a psychoanalytic perspective, the sheer messiness of sex makes it extremely difficult to hold it to account. In sexuality, surrender and submission live in very close quarters, making “coercion” a very complex matter.  相似文献   

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