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Counselors from school and community practice, counseling students, and counselor educators (N= 468) participated in this study of competence to serve lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) clients. Participants reported high LGB‐affirmative attitudes but lower knowledge and skills. School counselors reported significantly lower LGB competence than did counselors in other settings. Implications include the importance of graduate and postgraduate training to improve LGB knowledge and skills and the hope that LGB‐affirmative attitudes suggest receptivity toward such growth. Consejeros que trabajan en prácticas escolares y de comunidad, estudiantes de consejería y educadores de consejería (N= 468) participaron en este estudio sobre la competencia para servir a clientes lesbianas, gays y bisexuales (LGB). Los participantes comunicaron un nivel elevado de actitudes afirmativas hacia LGB, pero menores conocimientos y habilidades. Los consejeros escolares indicaron niveles de competencia en LGB significativamente menores que los consejeros en otros escenarios. Las implicaciones incluyen la importancia de la formación de estudiantes de grado y posgrado para mejorar sus conocimientos y habilidades sobre LGB y la esperanza de que las actitudes afirmativas hacia LGB sugieren receptividad hacia dicha formación.  相似文献   

Whereas multicultural advances in the area of gay, lesbian, and bisexual issues have been made for increased knowledge and awareness, little development has been made regarding counselor skill building. This article outlines a model of training using role‐playing to enhance counselor skill when working with gay male, lesbian, and bisexual male and female clients. Mientras que avances multiculturales en el campo de cuestiones homosexuales, lesbianas y bisexuales han resultado en un aumento en el conocimiento y la conciencia, poco desarrollo ha resultado en cuanto a la habilitación de consejeros. Este artículo traza las líneas generales de un modelo de entrenamiento que utiliza el juego de roles para mejorar las tácticas del consejero cuando trabaja con clientes homosexuales, lesbianas, y bisexuales.  相似文献   

This study surveyed addictions counselors to determine factors that predict affirmative attitudes and behaviors with all clients and with gay, lesbian, and bisexual clients (GLB) in particular. Three factors were predictive with regard to all clients, and 5 factors were predictive with regard to GLB clients. Nonheterosexist organizational climate was the only factor predictive in both situations. The implications of these results are discussed with regard to practice, research, and training.  相似文献   

Values-based conflicts, such as between counselor religiosity and ability to work with lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) clients, can present a challenge for counselors and trainees who seek to provide ethical and competent care. Because empathy can facilitate understanding a client's frame of reference, the authors examined the relationships between counselor religiosity, empathy, and LGB perspectives, as well as the potential mediating effects of empathy on values conflicts. The authors discuss implications for counselor education and practice.  相似文献   

In this phenomenological study, we interviewed 12 counselors who identified as both religious and able to provide ethical and competent counseling to lesbian and gay clients. Participants discussed their lived experiences providing counseling. Our analysis revealed three primary themes: seeking congruence, responding to lesbian and gay clients, and cultivating competency. We discuss these findings and identify implications for counselor training and practice.  相似文献   

The cultural world of the Two Spirit, the traditional role of Native individuals believed to possess both male and female spirit, is explored in both “old ways” and current‐day experiences. Cultural beliefs and meanings around sexual identity are discussed from a Native perspective with recommendations for counseling Two Spirit clients. El mundo cultural del Doble‐espíritu, el rol tradicional de indígenas que se creía que poseían espíritus masculinos y femeninos, se explora en formas tradicionales y experiencias actuales. Creencias culturales y significados acerca de la identidad sexual se analizan desde una perspectiva indígena con recomendaciones para el asesoramiento de clientes Doble‐espíritu.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to understand the relationship among counselors’ self‐reported multicultural counseling competence and their attitudes of the geriatric population. A statistically significant negative correlation was found between participants’ attitudes of the geriatric population and their self‐reported multicultural counseling competence. Implications for training and practice are provided.  相似文献   

Initial interactions between lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) clients and psychotherapists can reveal existing biases from both parties. LGBT clients may have previous experiences with the mental health establishment and legitimate concerns about being pathologized. Psychotherapists may approach clients with openness and acceptance, but are likely to have little training in working with LGBT individuals. In this article, we discuss affirmative practices as a framework for clinicians beginning the intake process with LGBT clients. Through a brief history and overview of LGBT mental health, we provide mental health professionals with an appreciation of the multiple influences on LGBT individuals’ well-being. We then discuss the intake interview process in relation to each subgroup of the LGBT acronym, as each of these four populations face different (yet inter-related) challenges. While there is clearly no “formula” for working with LGBT individuals, in keeping with the principles of multicultural competency (Sue, The Counseling Psychologist, 29:790–821, 2001), our goal is to encourage therapists to reflect on their existing biases and to gain knowledge and skills for working with this diverse population. Overall, we hope this article demonstrates to therapists how to conduct an affirmative intake interview that minimizes heterosexual and dualistic gender assumptions that remain so pervasive in our society and in therapeutic practice.  相似文献   

Meeting the health care needs of gay, lesbian, and bisexual teenagers has become a public health imperative, and mental health professionals should be prepared for the challenge. The stigma of homosexuality often gives rise to psychosocial problems for adolescents, who are in the process of sexual identity development. The stigma also may complicate delivery of appropriate, ethical, and sound mental health treatment. Suggestions are offered to support healthy development, to assist recovery from stigma, and to avert the disastrous consequences of suicide and AIDS.  相似文献   

Religion is known to be a protective factor against suicide. However, religiously affiliated sexual minority individuals often report a conflict between religion and sexual identity. Therefore, the protective role of religion against suicide in sexual minority people is unclear. We investigated the effect of religion on suicide risk in a sample of 358 lesbian, gay and bisexual Austrians. Religion was associated with higher scores of internalized homophobia, but with fewer suicide attempts. Our data indicate that religion might be both a risk and a protective factor against suicidality in religiously affiliated sexual minority individuals.  相似文献   

Highly religious Americans are relatively likely to oppose lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) rights and many churches are unwelcoming to sexual minorities, which may lead LGB Americans to retreat from religion. To assess this possibility, we investigate trajectories of religious change for sexual minorities and other emerging adults. We use two longitudinal data sources (National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health and the National Study of Youth and Religion) to explore how sexuality predicts the likelihood of decreasing religiosity in emerging adulthood. Results show that three different operationalizations of sexual minority status—attraction, behavior, and identity—are each strongly and consistently associated with disaffiliating from religion and declines in religious service attendance. On the other hand, sexual minority status has inconsistent and relatively small associations with changes in prayer. We conclude by discussing how these results further understanding of religion, sexual identity, and the current generation of emerging adults.  相似文献   

This study discusses the impact of stress specific to being lesbian, gay, or bisexual (LGB)—measured by means of the concepts of stigma consciousness and internalized homonegativity—on the mental well-being of LGB youth. Also, the effects of positive and negative social support were considered within the model. The sample consisted of 743 LGBs less than 26 years old who were recruited during the online ZZZIP survey in Flanders, Belgium. Hierarchical regression shows that LGB-specific unsupportive social interactions have the greatest direct effect on mental well-being of LGB youth, followed respectively by stigma consciousness, internalized homonegativity, and confidant support.  相似文献   

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth are a vulnerable population at high risk of suicide and, as such, benefit from an informed psychotherapeutic approach to treatment. While it is clear that sexual orientation and gender identity are independent dimensions from psychopathology, LGBT youth are frequently marginalized and may face unique challenges with self-acceptance and identification with peers, family, and society, increasing risk of social isolation, which in turn increases vulnerability to anxiety, mood disorders, substance use, and suicide. We elaborate on the common phenomenon of ambivalent repression of the sexual self in adolescents associated with intertwined themes frequently expressed in suicidal lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual, and queer patients on the inpatient adolescent unit: anger directed toward internal and external objects; desire for self-punishment, atonement, and possibly rebirth; and desperation and desire to escape psychic pain. We enhance our discussion with case examples and practical therapeutic considerations that emerge from these themes that can be harnessed across treatment settings.  相似文献   

Counselor's multicultural counseling competence (attitudes/beliefs, knowledge, and skills) has been highlighted as an important ingredient in creating positive counseling outcomes when the clients are ethnic and racial minorities. The use of experiential activities in general, and games in particular, is presented as a potentially useful strategy to instill and enhance multicultural competence in counselor trainees. Illustrative games and guidelines for implementation are described.  相似文献   

Social empowerment is designed to prepare individuals to reconstruct their political, economic, psychological, and social environments. Addressing empowerment for lesbian and gay male populations is critical because of the numerous stereotypical situations that result in their powerlessness. The application of social empowerment strategies as tools for self‐advocacy with lesbian and gay male populations is presented as a consideration for counseling.  相似文献   

In this article, the author identifies resources available to assist the gay and lesbian population with career planning and job search concerns. Evolving legal issues are also discussed.  相似文献   

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is pervasive and crosses all boundaries of sexual orientation, race, and class. Scholars contend that the intimidation of another person through abusive acts and words is not a gender issue. Organizations seeking to offer equitable services to survivors of IPV must intentionally establish themselves as inclusive agencies. This article presents a review of common societal myths and barriers to help-seeking for survivors of same-sex partner violence and offers program guidelines for lesbian, gay, and bisexual affirmative outreach services and advocate training.  相似文献   

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