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吴国林 《哲学研究》2012,(7):113-120,126,129
波函数是量子力学的核心概念。波函数的实在性问题一直是科学实在论与反实在论争论的焦点之一。20世纪上半叶量子力学研究主要是检验量子力学的理论是否正确或完备,仅有少量量子技术产品问世。1935年爱因斯坦、波多尔斯基和罗森(EPR)发表的《能认为量子力学对物理实在的描述是完备的吗?》一文,提出了EPR关联——量子纠缠,直接引发了对量子力学基本问题的论争。(Einstein,Podolsky and Rosen,pp.777-780)基于EPR量子纠缠,1993年本内特(Bennett)等6位科学家在《物理评论快报》发表题为《经由经典和EPR通道传送未知量子态》的重要论文,引发了一系列有关量子信息与量子技术的研究,形成了量子信息理论、量子控制论、量子技术等新的量子科技理论。量子纠缠  相似文献   

Previous experimental work on the origin of the after-effect of seen movement is discussed and the relevance of the argument from transfer, which is generally used to demonstrate that the effect is central, is brought into question. The problem is reformulated in terms of whether a retinal contribution is necessary throughout the aftereffect and experiments are described which support the hypothesis that it is necessary. It is suggested that perception of the movement after-effect also involves normal movement perception, which itself is dependent on the integrity of cerebral functioning.  相似文献   

青少年学生体像烦恼现状研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用自编的《青少年学生体像烦恼现状调查表》,对3121名大、中学生的形体烦恼、性别烦恼、性器官烦恼和容貌烦恼等进行抽样调查.研究表明:(1)22.3%青少年存在体像烦恼,且女性高于男性;(2)44.0%青少年肥胖指数异常,其中偏瘦的为33.7%,偏胖的为10.3%,前者男性高于女性,后者女性高于男性;(3)7.6%的学生存在形体烦恼,且女性多于男性;(4)8.9%的学生存在性别烦恼,且女性多于男性;(5)5.2%学生存在性器官烦恼,且男性多于女性;(6)5.1%学生存在容貌烦恼,男女之间没有差异.  相似文献   

施动感是个体在自主运动过程中对自身行为产生的主体性体验,揭示其发展过程对了解自我意识的形成具有重要意义。三阶段模式全面概括了施动感的发展过程。婴儿形成动作预测、建立动作-效果联结以及与养育者良好的人际互动对施动感的发展起着重要作用。未来施动感发展研究应从多种施动感生成理论出发,改进婴幼儿施动感的测量范式,探索施动感发展与社会认知发展、自闭症症状的关联。  相似文献   

Evgeny Zolin 《Studia Logica》2014,102(5):1021-1039
We give a new proof of the following result (originally due to Linial and Post): it is undecidable whether a given calculus, that is a finite set of propositional formulas together with the rules of modus ponens and substitution, axiomatizes the classical logic. Moreover, we prove the same for every superintuitionistic calculus. As a corollary, it is undecidable whether a given calculus is consistent, whether it is superintuitionistic, whether two given calculi have the same theorems, whether a given formula is derivable in a given calculus. The proof is by reduction from the undecidable halting problem for the so-called tag systems introduced by Post. We also give a historical survey of related results.  相似文献   

禅宗心性学说中的心理治疗思想探究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
禅宗心性学说中包含许多心理治疗的思想,对其挖掘与探究有着独特的价值。它的人性假设是人的当下自性是清净、空寂的;其病因理论认为人们的烦恼、苦难都是由于自心的执著导致;其治疗的方法核心是破除我法二执;其治疗的基本程序包括明心见性与修心养性两个阶段;其具体技术是禅定、正念、看话等方法。  相似文献   

正义王国的理想--柏拉图政治哲学评析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
柏拉图以思辨哲学为主的思想体系中包含着丰富的实践哲学,以正义为核心的政治哲学便是其集中表现。柏拉图所设计的理想的城邦国家是以“贤人政制”作为标准模式的。这种政制以理念论为指导思想,以正义为根本原则,以智慧、勇敢、节制为伦理基础,以善为最高目的;实施这种政制的社会是以奴隶制为基础的严格的等级制、等级分工的社会,通过特制的教育制度培养一批身心健全、德才兼备、有知识有政治智慧的贤能的统治者、“哲学王”,由他们来执掌政权,在统治者集团内部实行财产公有,妇女和子女共有,男女平等,防止统治者腐败变质,以确保这种政制世代相传。  相似文献   

A theory of sense of humor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.— Humor is a strategem for relating the collective social reality of a group of persons (the rational world) to their personal imaginations of alternative social worlds, meanings, or identities (the irrational world). The humorist is committed to the rational world. At the same time he permits idiosyncratic phantasies to occur within the social context if they are accompanied by an explicit message saying that the performance is made for fun. By such communications the rational social world is kept stable as well as more tolerable. The comical situation is composed of three essential elements: (1) the message, (2) the audience, and (3) the target or content treated by the message. The message brings the target to the irrational level, where it is brought into disrespect in favor of the alliance between the humorist and his audience. Laughter is the announcement that the disrespect is accepted just for fun. A person may, however, keep a straight face for different reasons. A conceptual scheme is proposed for prediction of laughter. It is based upon three dimensions of the comic situation: (1) the humorous message, (2) the interpersonal likings, and (3) the permissiveness towards actual laughter. The corresponding personal dispositions are the habitual sensitivity to such messages, the habitual tendency to favor comical situations and persons, and the habitual need for emotional-impulse control. Suggestions are made as to the modification of laughter by constellations of high and low values on these variables.  相似文献   

举证责任倒置对医疗纠纷诉讼的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
举证责任倒置是一般举证责任原则的例外,在医疗纠纷诉讼中施行举证责任倒置的法理依据。主要是医患双方的诉讼地位不平等和医患双方的信息不对称,导致患方举证困难,实施新的举证规则后,必将会对医疗纠纷诉讼产生一系列的影响,医方对此要有深刻的认识并积极研究其对策。  相似文献   

非酒精性脂肪肝是一种无过量饮酒史,与遗传-环境-代谢应激相关性疾病,导致肝相关性患病率和病死率升高的主要原因之一。非酒精性脂肪肝的发病机制尚未完全明确,也无疗效理想的治疗药物。治疗策略主要是减肥,合理控制血糖和血脂并去除其他引起肝病的病因,酌情选用相关药物辅助治疗。  相似文献   

Quality of Life of Caregivers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

方杰  温忠麟 《心理科学》2022,45(3):702-709
类别变量在心理学和其他社科研究领域经常遇到,当自变量或调节变量为类别变量时,应当如何分析调节效应呢?详述了多类别变量的被试间设计和两水平被试内设计(因变量重复测量2次)的调节效应分析方法,并给出了分析流程。先进行调节效应的显著性检验,后用选点法或Johnson-Neyman法进行简单斜率检验。多类别变量被试间设计的简单斜率检验是先进行整体检验,后进行配对检验。用两个实际例子演示如何进行类别变量的调节效应分析,最后展望了两类设计的类别变量调节研究的拓展方向,例如更复杂的类别变量的调节模型等。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the psychology of the voice effect (the effect that people show more positive reactions when they are allowed an opportunity to voice their opinion in the decision‐making process than when they are denied such an opportunity). It is argued that it is important to ask about what decisions people are allowed voice. More specifically, results of two experiments suggest that when participation in decision making is appropriate (i.e. voice is allowed about decisions that are relatively important to participants) the voice effect is found: People's procedural judgements and other reactions are more positive following voice as opposed to no‐voice procedures. However, when participation in decision making is inappropriate (i.e. voice is allowed about decisions that are unimportant to participants) no effect or even a reversal of the voice effect is found. These people do not react differently or even react more negatively following voice as opposed to no‐voice procedures. It is concluded that these results further our insights into the psychology of procedural justice in general and voice in particular. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Piotr Kulicki 《Studia Logica》2012,100(5):921-946
A calculus of names is a logical theory describing relations between names. By a pure calculus of names we mean a quantifier-free formulation of such a theory, based on classical propositional calculus. An axiomatisation of a pure calculus of names is presented and its completeness is discussed. It is shown that the axiomatisation is complete in three different ways: with respect to a set theoretical model, with respect to Le?niewski??s Ontology and in a sense defined with the use of axiomatic rejection. The independence of axioms is proved. A decision procedure based on syntactic transformations and models defined in the domain of only two members is defined.  相似文献   

未来中医发展途径的双向性探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对中医存在形式多样性的深入分析,提出未来中医发展方向包括对经典中医的不断深化研究和借助现代科学技术方法对中医的某些层次进行深入开发、应用,认为掌握、领悟经典中医和开发利用中医并不矛盾,都是中医生存发展的重要形式.  相似文献   

We describe an ontology of philosophy that is designed to aid navigation through philosophical literature, including literature in the form of encyclopedia articles and textbooks and in both printed and digital forms. The ontology is designed also to serve integration and structuring of data pertaining to the philosophical literature, and in the long term also to support reasoning about the provenance and contents of such literature, by providing a representation of the philosophical domain that is oriented around what philosophical literature is about.  相似文献   

It is commonly suggested that empathy is a morally important quality to possess and that a failure to properly empathize with others is a kind of moral failure. This suggestion assumes that empathy involves caring for others’ well-being. Skeptics challenge the moral importance of empathy by arguing that empathy is neither necessary nor sufficient to care for others’ well-being. This challenge is misguided. Although some forms of empathy may not be morally important, empathy with another’s basic well-being concerns is both necessary and sufficient to care for another’s well-being, provided that one’s empathy is both cognitive and affective. I further defend the idea that empathy of this form is a moral virtue. In doing so, I address three challenges to empathy’s status as a virtue: (1) that empathy is unnecessary for being ethical, (2) that it is not useful for promoting ethical behavior, and (3) that an empathetic person can lack other traits central to being virtuous, such as being motivated by the moral good and being disposed to do virtuous things whenever appropriate opportunities arise. I argue that these challenges are mistaken.  相似文献   

采用3×3×2(年龄,材料,性别)三因素混合实验设计,按照学习成绩好、中、差分层随机选取小二、初二、大二学生被试各18名,其中男女各半,利用不同难度的材料,对被试提取自信度准确性的发展进行了考察。被试的判断等级与被试的记忆成绩之间的两点距随年龄而变化。而这种变化在不同难度间有不同的表现。(1)提取自信度准确性从小二到初二发展迅速,表现出显著差异;初二到大二阶段年龄差异不显著。材料难度对不同年级的被试提取自信度判断准确性的影响不同。材料难度越小,提取自信度准确性发展得越早。(2)提取自信度准确性发展的性别差异不显著。  相似文献   

管理与伦理结合涉及管理目的、管理者、管理对象、管理职能、管理方法等各个方面,是一个重大的管理问题。它既不是操作层次的问题,也不是管理原则的问题,而恰恰是观念层次的问题,是经营、管理与伦理有没有联系、要不要结合的观念问题。这一观念的变革将导致管理原则、管理程序、管理方法、管理技巧的一系列变革。与传统管理相比,它引发的变革无疑是根本性的。  相似文献   

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