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Frege claims that the laws of logic are characterized by their “generality,” but it is hard to see how this could identify a special feature of those laws. I argue that we must understand this talk of generality in normative terms, but that what Frege says provides a normative demarcation of the logical laws only once we connect it with his thinking about truth and science. He means to be identifying the laws of logic as those that appear in every one of the scientific systems whose construction is the ultimate aim of science, and in which all truths have a place. Though an account of logic in terms of scientific systems might seem hopelessly antiquated, I argue that it is not: A basically Fregean account of the nature of logic still looks quite promising.  相似文献   

Psychological Research - The reversal logical recoding rule (i.e., “respond opposite”) induced by an incompatible task (e.g., a task requiring to respond to red or green stimuli by...  相似文献   

Reductions in children's retroactive interference were examined with conceptual recoding. Children learned two 10-item lists of toys; items on the 2nd list could also be classified as vehicles. Some children were not told about this 2nd category, whereas others were told either at the end of acquisition or just prior to the retention test 24 hr later. The results showed that (a) children benefited from the recoding instruction, (b) younger but not older children failed to benefit from the recoding manipulation when it occurred just prior to the retention test, and (c) recoding reduced retroactive interference primarily through affecting storage processes. These results provide new evidence concerning the importance of making information distinctive in storage in children's retention.  相似文献   

Picture#x2014;word interference studies typically show that semantically related distractor words embedded within a picture slow picture-naming responses, relative to unrelated ones. This semantic interference effect is commonly interpreted as arising from the competition of lexical#x2014;semantic (e.g., Schriefers, Meyer, & Levelt, 1990) or lexical#x2014;phonological (e.g., Starreveld & La Heij, 1996) codes. The experiment reported here tests a crucial assumption shared by these accounts#x2014;namely, that the effect reflects a lexical, rather than a nonverbal, conceptual conflict. Pictures were named while participants attempted to ignore embedded distractors that were in either verbal or pictorial format. The presence of both words and pictures substantially interfered with naming responses, but only words, not pictures, were found to induce semantic interference. These findings support the claim that for semantic interference to arise, both target picture and distractor have to be lexicalized. Consequently, a general conceptual locus of the effect can be excluded, and the claim that semantic interference is based on a lexical conflict is confirmed.  相似文献   

When left and right keypresses are made to stimuli in left and right locations, and stimulus location is irrelevant to the task, responses are typically faster when stimulus location corresponds with response location than when it does not (the Simon effect). This effect reverses when the relevant stimulus-response mapping is incompatible, with responses being slower when stimulus and response locations correspond (the Hedge and Marsh reversal). Simon et al. (Acta Psychol. 47 (1981) 63) reported an exception to the Hedge and Marsh reversal for a situation in which the relevant stimulus dimension was the color of a centered visual stimulus and the irrelevant location information was left or right tone location. In contrast, similar experiments have found a reversal of the Simon effect for tone location when relevant visual locations were mapped incompatibly to responses. We conducted four experiments to investigate this discrepancy. Both results were replicated. With an incompatible mapping, irrelevant tone location showed a small reverse Simon effect when the relevant visual dimension was physical location but not when the color of a centered stimulus or the direction in which an arrow pointed conveyed the visual location information. The reversal occurred in a more standard Hedge and Marsh task in which the irrelevant dimension was location of the colored stimulus, but only when the response keys were visibly labeled. Several of the results suggest that display-control arrangement correspondence is the primary cause of the Hedge and Marsh reversal, with logical recoding playing only a secondary role.  相似文献   

Affective priming (AP) is a well-established phenomenon in which performance to a valenced target is typically better when it is preceded by an affectively congruent prime than when it is preceded by an incongruent prime. Several studies have emphasized a strong similarity between AP and Stroop suggesting that both are driven by response interference. The present study investigated this hypothesis by testing whether a general prediction of the response interference model was verified in the two tasks. This prediction refers to target strength and states that the size of compatibility effects should increase as the strength of the relevant information decreases. In four experiments, we show that this general prediction of the response interference model was verified in AP and Stroop when the strength of the relevant information was manipulated at the perceptual level (Experiments 1 and 2), while the opposite pattern was observed when this variable was manipulated at the semantic level (Experiments 3 and 4). While the results do not undermine the hypothesis that AP and Stroop effects are governed by response interference, they suggest that the model should be refined in order to account for differential effects of target strength in compatibility tasks.  相似文献   

Some evidence suggests that memory for serial order is domain-general. Evidence also points to asymmetries in interference between verbal and visual–spatial tasks. We confirm that concurrently remembering verbal and spatial serial lists provokes substantial interference compared with remembering a single list, but we further investigate the impact of this interference throughout the serial position curve, where asymmetries are indeed apparent. A concurrent verbal order memory task affects spatial memory performance throughout the serial positions of the list, but performing a spatial order task affects memory for the verbal serial list only for early list items; in the verbal task only, the final items are unaffected by a concurrent task. Adding suffixes eliminates this asymmetry, resulting in impairment throughout the list for both tasks. These results suggest that domain-general working memory resources may be supplemented with resources specific to the verbal domain, but perhaps not with equivalent spatial resources.  相似文献   

Some evidence suggests that memory for serial order is domain-general. Evidence also points to asymmetries in interference between verbal and visual-spatial tasks. We confirm that concurrently remembering verbal and spatial serial lists provokes substantial interference compared with remembering a single list, but we further investigate the impact of this interference throughout the serial position curve, where asymmetries are indeed apparent. A concurrent verbal order memory task affects spatial memory performance throughout the serial positions of the list, but performing a spatial order task affects memory for the verbal serial list only for early list items; in the verbal task only, the final items are unaffected by a concurrent task. Adding suffixes eliminates this asymmetry, resulting in impairment throughout the list for both tasks. These results suggest that domain-general working memory resources may be supplemented with resources specific to the verbal domain, but perhaps not with equivalent spatial resources.  相似文献   

Ninth graders rated their degree of liking for each of 12 striving tasks and, on another occasion, rated their perceptions of the similarity between each pair of tasks. Analyses of variance revealed strong PersonX Task interactions, suggesting the possibility of individual differences in task preference generality. A derived measure of task preference generality-specificity related significantly to an overall measure of perceived task similarity—generalizers saw the tasks as being more similar than did specifiers. Investigation of individual differences in degree of cross-situational generality was suggested as a way to integrate trait and situational theories of behavior.Data collection and initial data analyses for this study were conducted under the auspices of the Institute for Juvenile Research, Chicago, Illinois. Gratitude is expressed for the cooperation of the staffs and students at St. Michaels and Immaculata high schools, Chicago; for useful discussions of theoretical issues with Mark Oberlander; and for much assistance with data analysis provided by Arthur Kendall.  相似文献   

On the generality of some memory laws   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several memory laws have been established for the free recall of word lists. The generality of some of these laws were tested, using tasks which the subjects performed (SPTs) as to-be-recalled list items. SPT recall obeyed one law of word recall in showing a strong positive recency effect in immediate free recall, which appeared to be due to these events being in a temporary state of high accessibility. Differences between word and SPT recall were: 1) The reliable primacy effect associated with word recall did not appear in SPT recall; 2) Subjects reported using active memorisation strategies for word lists, but not for SPT lists; 3) Unlike word recall, diverting the subject's attention to so-called deep or shallow features of the SPTs during presentation did not affect the level of their recall. These results considered together with Cohen & Stewart's (1981) finding that SPT recall was not age-sensitive were taken to indicate that SPTs should be regarded as a different class of memory event than words, and that memory models dealing with SPT recall should de-emphasize the importance of encoding, stressing instead retention, and retrieval operations.  相似文献   

Climbers were trained on two routes on a climbing wall, one vertical and one horizontal. The routes differed in the amount that could be seen from the start position, in the visibility of the holds (both of which were greater in the vertical climb), and in the need to use a range of hand and body configurations during the climb (which was greater in the horizontal climb); also the vertical climb was shorter than the horizontal climb. After training, subjects imagined climbing the routes under control conditions and with one of three secondary tasks derived from the working memory literature. The secondary tasks were dynamic visual noise, spatial tapping, and kinaesthetic suppression. Spatial tapping increased the duration of both routes; dynamic visual noise increased the duration on the vertical route, and kinaesthetic suppression increased duration on the horizontal route. The results are discussed in terms of the multiple forms of representation for action and the complexity of imagery for skilled movement. It is suggested that these working memory tasks may have a role in elucidating the demands of movement imagery under different conditions. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In affective Simon studies, participants are to select between a positive and negative response on the basis of a nonaffective stimulus feature (i.e., relevant stimulus feature) while ignoring the valence of the presented stimuli (i.e., irrelevant stimulus feature). De Houwer and Eelen (1998) showed that the time to select the correct response is influenced by the match between the valence of the response and the (irrelevant) valence of the stimulus. In the affective Simon studies that have been reported until now, only words were used as stimuli and the relevant stimulus feature was always the grammatical category of the words. We report four experiments in which we examined the generality of the affective Simon effect. Significant affective Simon effects were found when the semantic category, grammatical category, and letter-case of words was relevant, when the semantic category of photographed objects was relevant, and when participants were asked to give nonverbal approach or avoidance responses on the basis of the grammatical category of words. Results also showed that the magnitude of the affective Simon effect depended on the nature of the relevant feature.  相似文献   

Yeh SL  Liao HI 《Acta psychologica》2008,129(1):157-165
The contingent-orienting hypothesis states that attentional capture by a task-irrelevant stimulus is contingent on whether that stimulus shares a feature property that is critical to the task at hand [Folk, C. L., Remington, R. W., & Johnston, J. C. (1992). Involuntary covert orienting is contingent on attentional control settings. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 18, 1030-1044]. Studies supporting this hypothesis have mostly used set size four displays throughout the experiment and thus constrict its ecological validity, since conclusions drawn from experiments using fixed set-size displays may not be generalized to other conditions with different set sizes. We used a spatial cueing paradigm in which a non-informative onset or color cue preceded an onset or a color target, and manipulated set size as a within- or between-subject factor. In four experiments, the original finding of Folk et al. (1992) was replicated only when a fixed set size (four) was used throughout. When both set-size four and eight were used in an experiment, stimulus-driven capture by onset in search of a color target was found even for set-size four displays. These results raise doubts as to the generality of the contingent-orienting hypothesis and help to delineate the boundary conditions on this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated competing explanations for the reversal of spatial stimulus—response (S—R) correspondence effects (i.e., Simon effects) with an incompatible S—R mapping on the relevant, nonspatial dimension. Competing explanations were based on generalized S—R rules (logical-recoding account) or referred to display—control arrangement correspondence or to S—S congruity. In Experiment 1, compatible responses to finger—name stimuli presented at left/right locations produced normal Simon effects, whereas incompatible responses to finger—name stimuli produced an inverted Simon effect. This finding supports the logical-recoding account. In Experiment 2, spatial S—R correspondence and color S—R correspondence were varied independently, and main effects of these variables were observed. The lack of an interaction between these variables, however, disconfirms a prediction of the display—control arrangement correspondence account. Together, the results provide converging evidence for the logical-recoding account. This account claims that participants derive generalized response selection rules (e.g., the identity or reversal rule) from specific S—R rules and inadvertently apply the generalized rules to the irrelevant (spatial) S—R dimension when selecting their response.  相似文献   

Perceptual conflict and response competition interpretations of studies of color-word interference are briefly considered, and a study of the effect of semantic factors on color-word interference in a color comparison task is reported. It is concluded that the locus or interference is after, and not during, the processing of the word component of color-word stimuli.  相似文献   

Number magnitude is assumed to be holistically represented along a single mental number line. Recently, we have observed a unit-decade-compatibility effect which is inconsistent with that assumption (Nuerk, Weger, & Willmes, 2001). In two-digit Arabic number comparison, we have demonstrated that compatible comparisons in which separate decade and unit comparisons lead to the same decision (32_47, 3 < 4 and 2 < 7) were faster than incompatible trials (37_52, 3 < 5, but 7 > 2). Because overall distance was matched, a holistic model could not account for the compatibility effect. However, one could argue that the compatibility effect was due to the specific vertical perceptual arrangement of the two-digit numbers in Nuerk et al.'s (2001) experiment where the decade digits and unit digits were presented column-wise above each other. To examine this objection, we studied the perceptual generality of the compatibility effect with diagonal presentation. We replicated the compatibility effect with diagonal presentation. It is concluded that the compatibility effect is not due to encoding characteristics imposed by the perceptual setting of the original experiment. In particular, the assumption of an overall analog magnitude representation for two-digit numbers is not consistent with these data.  相似文献   

Spatial pattern learning permits the learning of the location of objects in space relative to each other without reference to discrete visual landmarks or environmental geometry. In the present experiment, we investigated conditions that facilitate spatial pattern learning. Specifically, human participants searched in a real environment or interactive 3-D computer-generated virtual environment open-field search task for four hidden goal locations arranged in a diamond configuration located in a 5 × 5 matrix of raised bins. Participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups: Pattern Only, Landmark + Pattern, or Cues + Pattern. All participants experienced a Training phase followed by a Testing phase. Visual cues were coincident with the goal locations during Training only in the Cues + Pattern group whereas a single visual cue at a non-goal location maintained a consistent spatial relationship with the goal locations during Training only in the Landmark + Pattern group. All groups were then tested in the absence of visual cues. Results in both environments indicated that participants in all three groups learned the spatial configuration of goal locations. The presence of the visual cues during Training facilitated acquisition of the task for the Landmark + Pattern and Cues + Pattern groups compared to the Pattern Only group. During Testing the Landmark + Pattern and Cues + Pattern groups did not differ when their respective visual cues were removed. Furthermore, during Testing the performance of these two groups was superior to the Pattern Only group. Results generalize prior research to a different configuration of spatial locations, isolate spatial pattern learning as the process facilitated by visual cues, and indicate that the facilitation of learning spatial relations among locations by visual cues does not require coincident visual cues.  相似文献   

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