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This paper discusses two types of real interval representations for interval orders and semiorders ? on a set X of arbitrary cardinality. In each type, each x in X is mapped into a real interval F(x). The first model is: x ? y iff a < b for all a in F(x) and all b in F(y). The second is: x ? y iff sup F(x) < infF(y). Necessary and sufficient countability conditions are presented for the second model for interval orders and for semiorders; simpler sets of these conditions are shown to be sufficient for the first model. Some special properties for the representations are noted, including two monotonicity properties for the semiorder representation.  相似文献   

Several authors have identified sets of axioms for a preference relation ? on a two-factor set A × X which imply that ? can be represented by specific types of numerical structures. Perhaps the two best-known of these are the additive representation, for which there are real valued functions fA on A and fX on X such that (a, x) ? (b, y) if and only if fA(a) + fX(x) > fA(b) + fX(y), and the lexicographic representation which, with A as the dominant factor, has (a, x) ? (b, y) if and only if fA(a) > fA(b) or {fA(a) = fA(b) and fX(x) > fX(y)}. Recently, Duncan Luce has combined the additive and lexicographic notions in a model for which A is the dominant factor if the difference between a and b is sufficiently large but which adheres to the additive representation when the difference between a and b lies within what might be referred to as a lexicographic threshold. The present paper specifies axioms for ? which lead to a numerical model which also has a lexicographic component but whose local tradeoff structure is governed by the additive-difference model instead of the additive model. Although the additive-difference model includes the additive model as a special case, the new lexicographic additive-difference model is not more general than Luce's model since the former has a “constant” lexicographic threshold whereas Luce's model has a “variable” lexicographic threshold. Realizations of the new model range from the completely lexicographic representation to the regular additive-difference model with no genuine lexicographic component. Axioms for the latter model are obtained from the general axioms with one slight modification.  相似文献   

This paper discusses two “nondecomposable” conjoint measurement representations for an asymmetric binary relation ? on a product set A × X, namely (a, x) ? (b, y) iff f1(a) + g1(a)g2(x) > f1(b) + g1(b)g2(y), and (a, x) ? (b, y) iff f1(a) + f2(x) + g1(a)g2(x) > f1(b) + f2(y) + g1(b)g2(y). Difficulties in developing axioms for ? on A × X which imply these representations in a general formulation have led to their examination from the standpoint of bisymmetric structures based on applications of a binary operation to A × X. Depending on context, the binary operation may refer to concatenation, extensive or intensive averaging, gambles based on an uncertain chance event, or to some other interpretable process. Independence axioms which are necessary and sufficient for the special representations within the context of bisymmetric structures are presented.  相似文献   

Suppose we have a number representation of a semiorder 〈A, P〉 such that aPb iff f(a)+δ(a) < f(b), for all a, bA, where δ is a nonnegative function describing the variable jnd. Such an f (here called a closed representation) may not preserve the simple order relation R1 generated by 〈A, P〉, i.e., aR1b but f(a) > f(b) for some f, δ and a, bA. We show that this “paradox” can be eliminated for closed and closed interval representations. For interval representations it appears to be impossible. That is why we introduce a new type of representation (an R-representation) which is of the most general form for number representations that preserve the linear structure of the represented semiorders. The necessary and sufficient condition for an R-representation is given. We also give some independent results on the semiorder structure. Theorems are proved for semiorders of arbitrary cardinality. The Axiom of Choice is used in the proofs.  相似文献   

Many empirical data support the hypothesis that the sensitivity function grows as a power function of the stimulus intensity. This is usually referred to as the near-miss-to-Weber's law. The aim of the paper is to examine the near-miss-to-Weber's law in the context of psychometric models of discrimination. We study two types of psychometric functions, characterized by the representations Pa(x)=F(ρ(a)xγ(a)) (type A), and Pa(x)=F(γ(a)+ρ(a)x) (type B). A central result shows that both types of psychometric functions are compatible with the near-miss-to-Weber's law. If a representation of type B exists, then the exponent in the near-miss is necessarily a constant function, that is, does not depend on the criterion value used to define “just noticeably different”. If, on the other hand, a representation of type A exists, then the exponent in the near-miss-to-Weber's law can vary with the criterion value. In that case, the parameters in the near-miss co-vary systematically.  相似文献   

Let {Pλ} denote the family of decisiveness relations {Pλ: 12 ≤ λ < 1} with aPλb if and only if P(a,b) > λ, where P is a binary choice probability function. Families in which all decisiveness relations are of the same type, such as all strict partial orders or all semiorders, are characterized by stochastic transitivity conditions. The conditions used for this purpose differ in various ways from the traditional forms of strong, moderate, and weak stochastic transitivity. The family {Pλ} is then examined from the viewpoint of interval representation models, the most general of which is aPλb if and only if I(a, λ) > I(b, λ), where the I's are real intervals with I(a, λ) > I(b, λ) if and only if the first interval is completely to the right of the second. With I(a, λ) = [f(a, λ), f(a, λ) + σ(a, λ)], the specializations of the interval model that are discussed include those where the location function f (for left end-points) depends only on the set A of alternatives or stimuli and where the length function σ depends only on A or on λ or neither.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, rats were trained on a discrimination in which one occasion setter, A, signaled that one cue (conditioned stimulus, CS), x, would be followed by one outcome, p (unconditioned stimulus, US), and a second CS, y, by a different outcome, q (x → p and y → q); a second occasion setter, B signalled the reverse CS-outcome relations (x → q and y → p). In a subsequent stage, the animals were divided into two groups, and trained as before, except that both A and B were presented in compound with a novel occasion setter, C. For Group S (same) the CS-outcome relations following A and B were identical to those in the pretraining stage, whereas in Group D (different) they were reversed. In a subsequent test, stimulus C was shown to be a more effective occasion setter in Group D than in Group S. In Experiment 2, rats were trained on a negative occasion-setting discrimination in which CS x signaled outcome p, and y outcome q; when x and y were signaled by the occasion setter A then no outcome followed (x → p, y → q, A:x-, and A:y-). In a subsequent stage, A was now trained as a positive occasion setter, signaling reinforcement of x and y. In Group S, x and y signaled the same outcomes as in the prior training stage (x-, y-, A:x → p, and A:y → q), whereas in Group D they signaled the opposite outcomes (x, y, A:x → q, and A:y → p); more efficient test performance was seen in the latter group. These results suggest that the each occasion setter conveyed information about the specific combination of CS and US paired in its presence (i.e., x → p and y → q, or x → no p and y → no q). These results are consistent with the suggestion that occasion setters operate, at least in part, on a specific CS-US association.  相似文献   

Great controversy exists on whether associative learning occurs without awareness. In Experiment 1, 31 participants received discrimination training by repeated presentations of two stimulus sequences (S1A → S2A, and S1B → S2B), S1 being a masked stimulus. S2 were imperative stimuli for a reaction time (RT) task. After the acquisition phase, all participants were tested with 20 presentations of congruent (S1A → S2A and S1B → S2B) and incongruent (S1A → S2B and S1B → S2A) stimulus sequences. The RT in the testing phase was faster in congruent than in incongruent stimulus sequences. These results are considered strong evidence of associative learning without awareness of the contingency between the stimuli. A second experiment was designed with SOA varied between three groups (23, 58, and 117 ms). The results showed that the participants responded more quickly to congruent stimulus sequences and that the SOA did not affect RT. The SOA did not modify the effect of congruence either, although the interaction was near significance.  相似文献   

Given a set X with elements x, y,… which has a partial order < on the pairs of the Cartesian product X2, one may seek a distance function ? on such pairs (x, y) which satisfies ?(x1, y1) < ?(x2, y2) precisely when (x1, y1) < (x2, y2), and even demand a metric space (X, ?) with some such compatible ? which has an isometric imbedding into a finite-dimensional Euclidean space or a separable Hilbert space. We exhibit here systems (X, <) which cannot meet the latter demand. The space of real m-tuples (ξ1,…,ξm) with either the “city-block” norm Σiξi∥ or the “dominance” norm maxi, ∥ξi∥ cannot possibly become a subset of any finite-dimensional Euclidean space. The set of real sequences (ξ1, ξ2,…) with finitely many nonzero elements and the supremum norm supi, ∥ξi∥ cannot even become a subset of any separable Hilbert space.  相似文献   

The nonsimple conjoint measurement model examined in this paper maps each (a1, a2, a3) in A1 × A2 × A3 into ω1(a1)φ2(a2) + ω2(a1)φ3(a3), where each of ω1, ω2, φ2, and φ3 is a real-valued function, so as to preserve a binary relation ≥ on A1 × A2 × A3 by ≧ in the numerical system.The principle structure of the present model is similar to the structure of the simple models. But in the nonsimple model, we define two different identity elements of A1 for its different multiplicative effects on the other two components A2 and A3, whereas in the simple model, one identity element for each component is defined.  相似文献   

Let a, b, c, with a?b?c, be positive real numbers indicating the intensities of physical stimuli in a psychophysical experiment; let Pabc be the probability that b is judged to be more similar to a (“closer to”) a than to c. This paper investigates the following representation and its subcases for triadic judgments
Pabc=F[u(a)-u(b),u(b)-u(c)],  相似文献   

This paper explains the effect of a motion platform for driving simulators on postural instability and head vibration exposure. The sensed head level-vehicle (visual cues) level longitudinal and lateral accelerations (ax,sensed = ax_head and ay,sensed = ay_head, ayv = ay_veh and ayv = ay_veh) were saved by using a motion tracking sensor and a simulation software respectively. Then, associated vibration dose values (VDVs) were computed at head level during the driving sessions. Furthermore, the postural instabilities of the participants were measured as longitudinal and lateral subject body centre of pressure (XCP and YCP, respectively) displacements just after each driving session via a balance platform. The results revealed that the optic-head inertial level longitudinal accelerations indicated a negative non-significant correlation (r = −.203, p = .154 > .05) for the static case, whereas the optic-head inertial longitudinal accelerations depicted a so small negative non-significant correlation (r = −.066, p = .643 > .05) that can be negligible for the dynamic condition. The XCP for the dynamic case indicated a significant higher value than the static situation (t(47), p < .0001). The VDVx for the dynamic case yielded a significant higher value than the static situation (U(47), p < .0001). The optic-head inertial lateral accelerations resulted a negative significant correlation (r = −.376, p = .007 < .05) for the static platform, whereas the optic-head inertial lateral accelerations showed a positive significant correlation (r = .418, p = .002 < .05) at dynamic platform condition. The VDVy for the static case indicated a significant higher value rather than the dynamic situation (U(47), p < .0001). The YCP for the static case yielded significantly higher than the dynamic situation (t(47), p = .001 < 0.05).  相似文献   

An ordinal utility function u over two attributes X1, X2 is additive if there exists a strictly monotonic function ϕ such that ϕ(u) = v1(x2) + v2(x2) for some functions v1, v2. Here we consider the class of ordinal utility functions over n attributes for which each pair of attributes is additive, but not necessarily separable, for any fixed levels of the remaining attributes. We show that while this class is more general than those that are ordinally additive, the assessment task is of the same order of difficulty, and involves a hierarchy of multilinear rather than additive decompositions.  相似文献   

Let X = 〈X, ≧, R1, R2…〉 be a relational structure, 〈X, ≧〉 be a Dedekind complete, totally ordered set, and n be a nonnegative integer. X is said to satisfy n-point homogeneity if and only if for each x1,…, xn, y1,…, yn such that x1 ? x2 ? … ? xn and y1 ? y2 … ? yn, there exists an automorphism α of X such that α(x1) = yi. X is said to satisfy n-point uniqueness if and only if for all automorphisms β and γ of X, if β and γ agree at n distinct points of X, then β and γ are identical. It is shown that if X satisfies n-point homogeneity and n-point uniqueness, then n ≦ 2, and for the case n = 1, X is ratio scalable, and for the case n = 2, interval scalable. This result is very general and may in part provide an explanation of why so few scale types have arisen in science. The cases of 0-point homogeneity and infinite point homogeneity are also discussed.  相似文献   

Random variables A and B, whose joint distribution depends on factors (x,y), are selectively influenced by x and y, respectively, if A and B can be represented as functions of, respectively, (x,SA,C) and (y,SB,C), where SA,SB,C are stochastically independent and do not depend on (x,y). Selective influence implies selective dependence of marginal distributions on the respective factors: thus no parameter of A may depend on y. But parameters characterizing stochastic interdependence of A and B, such as their mixed moments, are generally functions of both x and y. We derive two simple necessary conditions for selective dependence of (A,B) on (x,y), which can be used to conduct a potential infinity of selectiveness tests. One condition is that, for any factor values x,x and y,y,
sxysxy+sxy+sxy,  相似文献   

Monotonically convergent algorithms are described for maximizing six (constrained) functions of vectors x, or matricesX with columns x1, ..., x r . These functions are h1(x)= k (xA kx)(xC kx)–1, H1(X)= k tr (XA k X)(XC k X)–1, h1(X)= k l (x l A kx l ) (x l C kx l )–1 withX constrained to be columnwise orthonormal, h2(x)= k (xA kx)2(xC kx)–1 subject to xx=1, H2(X)= k tr(XA kX)(XAkX)(XCkX)–1 subject toXX=I, and h2(X)= k l (x l A kx l )2 (x l C kX l )–1 subject toXX=I. In these functions the matricesC k are assumed to be positive definite. The matricesA k can be arbitrary square matrices. The general formulation of the functions and the algorithms allows for application of the algorithms in various problems that arise in multivariate analysis. Several applications of the general algorithms are given. Specifically, algorithms are given for reciprocal principal components analysis, binormamin rotation, generalized discriminant analysis, variants of generalized principal components analysis, simple structure rotation for one of the latter variants, and set component analysis. For most of these methods the algorithms appear to be new, for the others the existing algorithms turn out to be special cases of the newly derived general algorithms.This research has been made possible by a fellowship from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences to the author. The author is obliged to Jos ten Berge for stimulating this research and for helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   

We present a new mathematical notion, dissimilarity function, and based on it, a radical extension of Fechnerian Scaling, a theory dealing with the computation of subjective distances from pairwise discrimination probabilities. The new theory is applicable to all possible stimulus spaces subject to the following two assumptions: (A) that discrimination probabilities satisfy the Regular Minimality law and (B) that the canonical psychometric increments of the first and second kind are dissimilarity functions. A dissimilarity function Dab for pairs of stimuli in a canonical representation is defined by the following properties: (1) ab?Dab>0; (2) Daa=0; (3) If and , then ; and (4) for any sequence {anXnbn}nN, where Xn is a chain of stimuli, DanXnbn→0?Danbn→0. The expression DaXb refers to the dissimilarity value cumulated along successive links of the chain aXb. The subjective (Fechnerian) distance between a and b is defined as the infimum of DaXb+DbYa across all possible chains X and Y inserted between a and b.  相似文献   

Comparison time for pairs of vertical-line stimuli, sufficiently different that they can be errorlessly discriminated with respect to visual extent, was examined as a function of arithmetic relations (physical ratio and difference) on members of the pair. Arithmetic relations are coded very precisely by judgment time: Responses slow as stimulus ratios approach one with difference fixed, and as stimulus differences approach zero with ratio fixed. Most models which assume a simple (Difference or Ratio) resolution rule operating on independent sensations require judgment time to depend on either ratios or on differences but not on both. Further tests showed both an index based on median judgment times and a confusion index based on pairs of observed judgment times, satisfied the requirements for a Positive Difference Structure. One representation of these data, which remains acceptable through all analyses, is a Difference resolution rule operating on sensations determined by a power psychophysical function with β < 1. Specifically, L(x, y) = F{ψ(x) ? ψ(y)} + R, where L(x, y) is the judgment time with the stimulus pair x and y, ψ(x) = Axβ + C, R is a positive constant, and F is a continuous monotone decreasing function.  相似文献   

We describe a class of MV-algebras which is a natural generalization of the class of “algebras of continuous functions”. More specifically, we're interested in the algebra of frame maps Hom (Ω(A), K) in the category T of frames, where A is a topological MV-algebra, Ω(A) the lattice of open sets of A, and K an arbitrary frame. Given a topological space X and a topological MV-algebra A, we have the algebra C (X, A) of continuous functions from X to A. We can look at this from a frame point of view. Among others we have the result: if K is spatial, then C(pt(K), A), pt(K) the points of K, embeds into Hom (Ω(A), K) analogous to the case of C (X, A) embedding into Hom (Ω(A), Ω (X)). 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: 06F20, 06F25, 06D30 Presented by Ewa Orlowska  相似文献   

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