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Currently, a popular model for the central representation of motor skills is embodied in Schmidt's schema theory of discrete motor skill learning (Schmidt, 1975). Two experiments are reported here that contrast predictions from a schema abstraction model that is the basis for schema theory with those from an exemplar-based model of motor skill memory representation. In both experiments, subjects performed 300 trials per day of three variations of a three-segment timing task over 4 days of acquisition. The subjects then either immediately transferred to four novel variations of the same task (Experiment 1) that varied in degree of similarity to the exemplars experienced during acquisition; or performed two novel and two previously produced exemplars, following 24-h and 1-week retention intervals (Experiment 2). The results indicated that novel task transfer was not affected by the degree of similarity between the acquisition and transfer exemplars, and that there was no advantage for a previously produced exemplar over a novel exemplar after either a 24-hr or 1 week retention interval. Also, in both experiments, a consistent pattern of bias in responding was noted for novel task transfer and retention. These results are indicative of a schema abstraction model of memory representation for motor skills.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors compare 3 generic models of the cognitive processes in a categorization task. The cue abstraction model implies abstraction in training of explicit cue-criterion relations that are mentally integrated to form a judgment, the lexicographic heuristic uses only the most valid cue, and the exemplar-based model relies on retrieval of exemplars. The results from 2 experiments showed that, in lieu of the lexicographic heuristic, most participants spontaneously integrate cues. In contrast to single-system views, exemplar memory appeared to dominate when the feedback was poor, but when the feedback was rich enough to allow the participants to discern the task structure, it was exploited for abstraction of explicit cue-criterion relations.  相似文献   

Neuroimaging studies have shown that the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) is recruited during motor skill learning, which suggests the involvement of the DLPFC in working memory (WM) processes, such as selection and integration of motor representations temporarily stored in WM. However, direct evidence linking activation of the DLPFC to WM storage and manipulation during motor skill learning in real-time is rare. In this study, we conducted two experiments to investigate the causal role of DLPFC activity in WM storage and manipulation during motor skill learning under low and high WM-demand conditions. Participants received continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) and sham stimulation (crossover design) over the left DLPFC (experiment 1) or right DLPFC (experiment 2). Before and after stimulation, participants in both experiments performed a sequential finger-tapping (SFT) task containing repeated sequence (low-WM demand) and non-repeated sequence (high-WM demand) conditions which are used to study WM processes. The number of correct sequences (NoCS) and reproduction error rate were analyzed. Learning gains in NoCS improved significantly with the practice for both sequence types in the presence of either stimulation type. Compared to sham stimulation, cTBS over the left DLPFC resulted in significantly reduced learning gains in NoCS for non-repeated sequences. These results suggest that the left DLPFC contributes to WM manipulation during motor skill learning.  相似文献   

In the course of an extensive inquiry into verbal memory processes (Gomulicki, 1952), some data were collected which appear to throw fresh light on the nature of immediate memory. In particular, it was found that many of the varieties of constructive change defined by Bartlett (1932) in connexion with long-term recall could be traced in the immediate reproduction of passages so brief as barely to exceed the memory-span. As changes of this nature do not appear to have been previously described in connexion with short-term recall some illustrative extracts from our material will be given. A full analysis along somewhat different lines has been presented elsewhere (Gomulicki, 1952).

In Gomulicki's experiments, narratives varying in length between 15 and 200 words were read aloud to 50 subjects, who were required to reproduce each passage orally as accurately as possible immediately after it had been read. The subjects (of whom half were women) were University graduates and undergraduates aged between 20 and 30. All subjects were tested individually and their reproductions recorded verbatim. In the present note, we shall be concerned only with the results given in the case of two passages, respectively 22 and 44 words in length. Despite their brevity, striking and consistent changes were observed in the reproductions which merit brief analysis.  相似文献   

A relationship between motor processes and mental rotation has been suggested by current research; however, the influence of working memory on this relationship has not yet been determined. Therefore, a correlation between motor tests, paper–pencil and chronometric mental rotation tests, and working memory tests were conducted in 3- to 6-year-old children. A stepwise multiple-regression showed that 55.5% of the variance was explained by the working memory tests: digit span forward and Corsi forward. This indicates that working memory and executive functions may play an important role in mental rotation and motor processes.  相似文献   

Previous studies of motor short-term memory have shown that when a criterion movement on a semicircular positioning task is accompanied by an appropriate verbal label (a clock-face position), recall of the movement is more accurate than when only the movement is presented. This increased accuracy could be due to either the additional spatial information provided by the label or enhanced retention of the movement information. These two alternatives cannot be distinguished on the basis of previous studies because the studies have not evaluated movement accuracy following presentation of the label alone. The present study employed such a condition in addition to the movement-only and movement-plus-label conditions to distinguish between the two hypotheses. In all conditions, subjects were asked to move to the criterion position after a retention interval of either 5 sec or 60 sec. Evidence indicated that subjects who received both the label and the movement tended to use the spatial information provided by the label at the 60-sec interval. The evidence did not indicate that the verbal label actually enhanced retention of the movement information.  相似文献   

The authors review converging lines of evidence from behavioral, kinematic, and neuroimaging data that point to limitations in speech motor skills in people who stutter (PWS). From their review, they conclude that PWS differ from those who do not in terms of their ability to improve with practice and retain practiced changes in the long term, and that they are less efficient and less flexible in their adaptation to lower (motor) and higher (cognitive-linguistic) order requirements that impact on speech motor functions. These findings in general provide empirical support for the position that PWS may occupy the low end of the speech motor skill continuum as argued in the Speech Motor Skills approach (Van Lieshout, Hulstijn, & Peters, 2004).  相似文献   

This review will focus on four areas of motor control which have recently been enriched both by neural network and control system models: motor planning, motor prediction, state estimation and motor learning. We will review the computational foundations of each of these concepts and present specific models which have been tested by psychophysical experiments. We will cover the topics of optimal control for motor planning, forward models for motor prediction, observer models of state estimation arid modular decomposition in motor learning. The aim of this review is to demonstrate how computational approaches, as well as proposing specific models, provide a theoretical framework to formalize the issues in motor control.  相似文献   

In the present experiment, recognition of consistent and inconsistent information was measured as a function of time of schema activation. A schema was either activated before or after encoding, or not at all. Schema activation after encoding reduced recognition of inconsistent information while schema activation before encoding enhanced it (in comparison to the no schema control condition). Recognition of consistent information appeared to be unaffected by time of schema activation. It is argued that an a posteriori activated schema inhibits access to inconsistent information. In the Discussion a tentative theoretical explanation is provided.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the role of temperature as a contextual condition for motor skill learning. Precision grip task training occurred while forearm cutaneous temperature was either heated (40-45 °C) or cooled (10-15 °C). At test, temperature was either reinstated or changed. Performance was comparable between training conditions while at test, temperature changes decreased accuracy, especially after hot training conditions. After cold training, temperature change deficits were only evident when concurrent force feedback was presented. These findings are the first evidence of localized temperature dependency in motor skill learning in humans. Results are not entirely accounted for by a context-dependent memory explanation and appear to represent an interaction of neuromuscular and sensory processes with the temperature present during training and test.  相似文献   

Selective attention plays a central role in theories of category learning and representation. In exemplar theory, selective attention has typically been formalized as operating uniformly across entire stimulus dimensions. Selective featural attention operating within dimensions has been recognized as a conceptual possibility, but relatively little research has focused on evaluating it. In the present research, we explored the usefulness of selective featural attention in the context of exemplar representation. We report the results of embedding the feature-to-category relations typically associated with the inverse base-rate effect—a classic and paradoxical category-learning result— perceptual category-learning task using a category structure with three multivalued feature dimensions. An exemplar model incorporating featural selective attention accurately accounted for the inverse base-rate effect that occurred but failed to do so with only dimensional attention.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined recall for a story for which comprehension of some of its idea units required active construction on the part of the subject (letters were deleted from the words contained in one-third of the idea units). In Experiment 1, recall was significantly better for those ideas with letters deleted than for those with letters intact. In Experiments 2 and 3, subjects were instructed to adopt a particular perspective while reading the story. Recall of idea units was found to be an additive function of (1) an idea's importance to the perspective adopted, and (2) the letter-deletion manipulation. These results suggest a model of story memory that incorporates both elaborative-processing and schema-based mechanisms.  相似文献   

The sociocultural developmental model of autobiographical memory development has been a highly generative theoretical framework over the past 30 years, garnering both a great deal of empirical attention and support. In this article, the author details the theoretical framework and reviews the empirical evidence that indicates that individual differences in maternal reminiscing style has profound and enduring implications for the development of autobiographical memory. Concurrent, longitudinal, and experimental intervention research has demonstrated that mothers who reminisce in more highly elaborated ways with their preschool children facilitate the development of more elaborate and coherent autobiographical memories.  相似文献   

In line with theories of embodied cognition (e.g., Versace et al. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 21, 522–560, 2009), several studies have suggested that the motor system used to interact with objects in our environment is involved in object recognition (e.g., Helbig, Graf, & Kiefer Experimental Brain Research, 174, 221-228, 2006). However, the role of the motor system in immediate memory for objects is more controversial. The objective of the present study was to investigate the role of the motor system in object memory by manipulating the similarity between the actions associated to series of objects to be retained in memory. In Experiment 1, we showed that lists of objects associated to dissimilar actions were better recalled than lists associated to similar actions. We then showed that this effect was abolished when participants were required to perform a concurrent motor suppression task (Experiment 2) and when the objects to be memorized were unmanipulable (Experiment 3). The motor similarity effect provides evidence for the role of motor affordances in object memory.  相似文献   

基于简单直线运动任务和复杂曲线追踪任务,在运动技能获得阶段考察不同反馈类型和反馈时间对操作绩效的影响。结果发现,在复杂曲线轨迹追踪任务中,接受运动轨迹反馈的被试组比接受偏差数值反馈组的成绩更好;即时反馈和延迟反馈组的操作绩效间没有显著差异。在简单直线运动任务中,提供落点偏差的图形反馈组成绩始终优于提供“近/远”信息的文本反馈组;在练习初期,即时反馈组成绩更好。说明,反馈信息的具体-抽象程度影响被试运动技能获得,提供具体直观的轨迹/图形反馈利于运动技能获得;反馈时间对运动技能的影响因任务难度而异。  相似文献   

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