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Celibacy is described as a witness to the inner sanctum, the holy, empty space in human life. By making this space visible, the celibate man or woman affirms and proclaims that all human intimacy finds its deepest meaning and fulfillment when experienced and lived as a participation in intimacy with God himself. The author explores this meaning of the celibate life by discussing the world in which the celibate lives, the nature of the witness the celibate offers the world, and the way of life through which this witness is affirmed and enhanced.Henri Nouwen is Professor of Pastoral Theology at Yale Divinity School, 409 Prospect Street, New Haven, Connecticut 06510. His article was first presented as a lecture at the North American College in Rome, Italy on February 10, 1978.  相似文献   

On Celibacy     

This prospective, observational pilot study was conducted on an academic inpatient rehabilitation unit. Ninety-three persons with spinal cord dysfunction or severe neurological illness participated. All completed admission surveys; 46 completed surveys six months after discharge. The aims were to describe admission and post-discharge spirituality and associations between spirituality and rehabilitation outcomes. At admission, participants reported spirituality similar to that of other samples of medical patients. After discharge, frequency of private spiritual practices increased and spiritual and existential well-being decreased. No significant associations were detected between spirituality and rehabilitation outcomes. Findings suggest the importance of spirituality to the participants and future research with a larger sample and modifications to the methodology.  相似文献   

In this article I analyze a regular pattern in the developmental and evolutionary processes, formed by a gradual shortening of developmental stages. This shortening is the expected result of a selection process, in the biological as well as in the cultural evolutionary process. Biology and culture are in this way unified by a common mechanism. A mathematical analysis further indicates a vital condition for a continued progress of human culture, especially for a continued progressive scientific evolution, implying continued shortening of mental developmental stages by means of enhanced education.  相似文献   

《Theology & Sexuality》2013,19(2):121-141

Mainstream Christianity places the defence of marriage and the household at the centre of Christian identity. It is therefore noteworthy that in the first two centuries of Christianity marriage was attacked from a variety of standpoints as incompatible with full Christian commitment. The best documented attack came from the Encratite movement, which held that all Christians are called to a life of sexual abstinence. It first surfaces in the First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians, where Paul defends the right to marriage but treats his opponents with notable respect. It can be argued that Encratism follows from the Pauline Gospel, and that Paul, in refusing to follow the logic of position to this conclusion, was guilty of inconsistency and timidity. Marriage was also attacked by those who wished to replace marriage with sexual communism. Epiphanes, On Righteousness, attacks marriage as part of a system of exclusive property rights that contradicts the original will of the Creator. Epiphanes was much indebted to the Cynic movement, as Encratism was also. Both Encratism and so-called ‘libertinism’ shared the same rejection of the narrow interests and the traditional family, and dreamt of a recovery of Paradise. Whether this recovery was attained by renouncing sex or by liberating it can be seen as a secondary question, where opposite views could be held in the context of the same radical interpretation of the Gospel, an interpretation that deserves serious attention even today.  相似文献   

Many feminist writers have seen autonomy as a male developmental issue rather than as one appropriate for women. When a woman strives to become an equal member of society, however, her internal programming often gets in the way. Whether dealing with inequity in the workplace, with friends, or with family, many women find themselves giving up their autonomy to accommodate others. This article discusses different views of autonomy and some cognitive behavioral approaches that can help women raise their self-esteem and overcome dependency. Other methods are suggested for helping women become more autonomous without giving up such attributes as being caring and showing compassion.  相似文献   

周加仙  董奇 《心理科学》2008,31(1):152-155
脑可塑性是指脑在外界环境和经验的作用下不断塑造其结构和功能的能力.本文阐述了神经科学与认知神经科学关于学习影响动物脑与人脑结构与功能的研究进展.研究表明,学习与经验可以改变脑皮层的厚度与树突的结构,增加树突棘的数量,修饰其形状,对脑的功能代表区产生影响.学习与脑可塑性的多层面研究为理解学习的本质规律以及教育研究与实践提供重要的启示.  相似文献   

Hector Qirko 《Zygon》2004,39(3):681-706
Abstract. Building on a model first proposed by Gary Johnson, it is hypothesized that religious institutions demanding celibacy and other forms of altruism from members take advantage of human predispositions to favor genetic relatives in order to maintain and reinforce these desired behaviors in non‐kin settings. This is accomplished through the institutionalization of practices to manipulate cues through which such relatives are regularly identified. These cues are association, phenotypic similarity, and the use of kin terms. In addition, the age of recruits and their contact with actual kin are factors that relate to kinship recognition and that are similarly manipulated by institutions in order to reinforce altruistic behavior directed toward non‐kin. Support for this set of predictions is presented from historical and ethnographic sources on monastic life in Buddhism, Christianity, and Hinduism, as well as Islamic dervish groups, the Essenes, Shakers, and others. Potential implications of the model for understanding the development of religious institutions are preliminarily explored by reviewing Joachim Wach's model of religious developmental stages as well as some of the literature on the relationship between individualism and communalism in incipient religious organizations, in light of the kin‐cue manipulation model.  相似文献   

随着基因技术的迅速进展 ,获知每个人的基因信息将会越来越容易。如果医生想知道某人的基因信息 ,他们可以在检查血液时查出他的全部基因资料。基因信息的泄露可能会给个人、家庭甚至后代带来伤害 ,个人的基因缺陷可能会使家庭遭到歧视 ,少数民族可能由于某种基因缺陷而得到不公正的对待。后代可能因为上代人的基因缺陷而受到社会的歧视。正因为如此 ,联合国教科文组织认为 :“从生物学、遗传学及医学的有关人类基因组的研究进展中所获益处 ,应在个人尊严与人权得到保障的条件下让人人受益”[1] 。所以 ,人类基因组计划以及基因组知识的应用…  相似文献   

自我理论研究及其对教育的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐本钰  张承芬 《心理学探新》2005,25(2):22-25,29
自我理论是指人们关于自我的信念体系或内隐理论。德韦克等人自20世纪60年代末开始系统研究自我理论对人的认知、情感与行为的影响及其发生发展的机制,并构建了基于自我理论的动机模型。本文试图对其研究成果做一简要介绍,并浅析自我理论研究成果对教育工作的启示。  相似文献   

A process called "actuarial prejudice" is discussed. Actuarial prejudice is a cognitive bias, based on available information about a group from the past and the present, that causes individuals to expect inferior performance from persons who belong to the group. The process, in part, explains why both women and men expect relatively low achievement from women and why women are less likely to achieve than are men. Hypotheses are proposed for future research to test the implications of this process.  相似文献   

This article explores social misperception, a unique way of viewing the behavior problems of children. While the emotional-disturbance label is usually given to behaviorally disordered youngsters, it inaccurately reflects the social learning problems of children. Explored are the characteristics of social misperception (both verbal and nonverbal), its historical foundations (taken from the psychological and educational literature), and its relation to learning disabilities and to emotional disturbance; a differential diagnostic system is offered. Counselors are given techniques by which they can assist teachers with remediation, a task that helps the counselor to assist classroom teachers to become socially sensitive to the emotional needs of children.  相似文献   

后现代视野中的心理治疗及其思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
汪新建  吴晟 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1268-1271
现代心理治疗与后现代心理治疗在关于认识论、知识的性质、标准、构造以及语言的作用等方面存在诸多差异。前者是对客观与理性的探寻.后者是对主观建构的追求。尽管人们对后现代心理治疗尚有诸多争论,但却能引发人们在扩展对心理治疗性质之认识、推进心理治疗本土化、克服心理治疗中的非人格化倾向等方面的有益思考。  相似文献   

Nisbett提出东西方文化差异可能导致了注意的差异,但是并没有对这种现象的原因和机制提出直接的证据.最近几年来,文化对注意过程的影响有了新的研究和发现,证实了Nisbett最初的观点是正确的.文化与注意的行为研究包括在整体与局部加工、场依存与场独立、变化盲等方面的研究.对于注意文化差异的潜在原因和机制,研究者们主要从发展性研究、ERP和FMRI研究等方面进行探讨.未来研究需要进一步探索文化对其它注意指标的影响、文化与注意的脑机制以及文化与注意的应用研究等等.  相似文献   

The Internet and electronic communication technologies have taken the psychological field by storm. From the innovations of new web interventions for easier access to care to the increased ease of client scheduling and communication, these developments have greatly advanced mental health care. However, these advantages are also laced with ethical implications that warrant attention. Without judicious consideration, social media use by psychotherapists can lead to inadvertent self-disclosures to clients that risk damaging the therapeutic alliance, interfering with therapeutic processes, and placing both the client and clinician at risk. A better understanding of the ethical implications of social media use is warranted so that guidelines for appropriate use can be developed and implemented. This article highlights the potential risks associated with social media use by psychotherapists and, in absence of formalized guidelines, offers recommendations for best practices.  相似文献   

In this article, I subject the claim that autonomous choice is an intrinsic welfare benefit to critical scrutiny. My argument begins by discussing perhaps the most influential argument in favor of the intrinsic value of autonomy: the argument from deference. In response, I hold that this argument displays what I call the ‘Autonomy Fallacy’: the argument from deference has no power to support the intrinsic value of autonomy in comparison to the important evaluative significance of bare self‐direction (autonomous or not) or what I call ‘self‐direction tout court’. I defend the claim that the Autonomy Fallacy really is a fallacy, and show that my examination of the argument from deference has wider reverberations. Once we clearly distinguish between autonomy and self‐direction tout court, it becomes much less plausible to say that autonomy of itself is an intrinsic welfare benefit.  相似文献   

耿强  付文林  刘荃 《学海》2011,(2):115-120
金融危机爆发以来,对通胀机理的深入思考,对现有货币政策理论框架的深刻反思,愈发热烈。本文全面回顾了国际经济学界在这一领域的相关文献,并以中国作为研究对象,讨论全球化对中国菲利普斯曲线的影响。实证结果认为,开放程度的加深,使得中国菲利普斯曲线变得更加平坦,物价对国内产出缺口的敏感度在下降,而一旦高通胀确立,又需要加大政策收缩力度和由此带来更多的产出牺牲。政策制定者应该充分考虑到这一情况的变化,在宏观调控过程中进行合理的政策调整。  相似文献   

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