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采用眼动实验方法,对20名大学生阅读不同颜色中、英文材料时的眼动特征进行考察。结果发现:(1)颜色对中、英文阅读成绩影响趋势一致,红色成绩最好,黄色最差;(2)颜色对被试阅读眼动指标影响差异显著:注视次数上,红色和黑色最多;注视时间上,红色最短;眼跳距离上,黄色最长;注视频率上,黄色最低。  相似文献   

中国新生儿到三岁幼儿肤色色度的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用一台302D型测色色差计对我国508名从新生儿到三岁幼儿(男性250人,女性258人)的肤色色度进行了测定。结果表明:新生儿期(出生1—14天)的肤色色度与婴儿期(2月—12月)及先学龄前期(1—3岁)有着明显不同,新生儿的肤色更偏于黄红,平均主波长为587.6nm;反射率为25.4%,明显较之其它年龄阶段为低。随着年龄的增长,肤色逐渐增加黄的成分,反射率也逐渐增高,到2—3岁阶段达到最高峰,平均反射率为32.1%。刺激纯度(饱和度)在新生儿期(1—14天)为30.4%,较之其它年龄阶段为高,但从婴儿期(2—12月)开始则明显下降,而从先学龄前期(1—3岁)又逐渐回升增高。这种情况可能代表我国黄色人种儿童肤色发展变化的一种规律。  相似文献   

前言 在室外的景物中,最常见的颜色是人类肤色、树叶、绿草、蓝天和土这几种颜色,人们对这些常见色的评价往往是依据他们的记忆或印象去衡量的。当被还原的颜色与人们记忆中的相匹配时,人们才感到满意,因此,所谓记忆色也往往就是优选色或喜爱色。伊斯  相似文献   

中国儿童和青少年肤色色度的测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用色差测色计对548名3—17岁的中国儿童和青少年进行了脸颊部肤色色度测定,分别测出X、Y、Z三刺激值及x、y色度坐标。结果表明:中国儿童和青少年的平均肤色色度值为x=0,3828,y=0.3454;反射率为26.02%;主波长为590.2nm;刺激纯度(Pe)为27.4%。女性的反射率略高于男性,反射率有随着年龄增长而逐步下降的趋势。男性的肤色刺激纯度则略高于女性,饱和度随着年龄增长而有逐步增大的趋势。中国儿童和青少年的结果和成年人的比较,反射率较之成年人高3%左右,饱和度则低4%左右,主波长则较长约0.9nm。  相似文献   

The presence of a functional relationship between the ingestion of artificial food colors and an increase in the frequency and/or duration of selected behaviors that are representative of the hyperactive behavior syndrome was experimentally investigated. Two eight-year-old females, who had been on the Feingold K-P diet for a minimum of 11 months, were the subjects studied. The experimental design was a variation of the BAB design, with double-blind conditions. This design allowed an experimental analysis of the placebo phases as well as challenge phases. Data were obtained by trained observers on Out of Seat, On Task, and Physically Aggressive behaviors, as they occurred in the subjects' regular class setting. Results indicated (a) the existence of a functional relationship between the ingestion of artificial food colors and an increase in both the duration and frequency of hyperactive children.  相似文献   

心理咨询在现代社会中,起着越来越大的作用,改善和提高了人们的心理健康水平,本文旨在加深对心理咨询含义的理解。首先对心理咨询的涵义做了探讨,进一步分析了心理咨询助人的含义,分别从心理咨询助人的基础,助人的方式,助人的目标做了阐释。最后探讨了咨询师的价值观与方法论对心理咨询可能产生的影响。心理咨询是心灵层面的沟通,通过体验关怀,达到来访者的心灵成长。咨询师对心理咨询的本质理解以及不同的咨询价值观和方法论都对心理咨询起着深远的影响。  相似文献   

唐建荣  孙坚原 《心理科学》1997,20(4):336-339
本文在11只上海家免上进行了色觉行为学的实验研究。通过限制方位、光强等可能成为条件刺激的因素,并排除了声音、气味、背景光刺激等的干扰,确保颜色成为唯一的条件刺激,建立食物性红绿色觉分辨条件反射。经过适应、筛选、驯练和测试,在家兔上建立了对绿光稳固的条件反射。该结果显示兔具有颜色分辨能力。  相似文献   

Morris L. Shames 《Zygon》1991,26(3):343-357
Abstract. Despite the by now historical tendency to demarcate scientific epistemology sharply from virtually all others, especially theological "epistemology ," it has recently been recognized that both enterprises share a great deal in common, at least as far as the epistemology of discovery is implicated. Such a claim is founded upon a psychological analysis of figuration, where, it is argued, metaphor plays a crucial role in the mediation of discovery, in the domains of science and religion alike. Thus, although the conventionally conceived scientific method is crucial to the enterprise, primacy must nonetheless be accorded to discovery , which drives virtually all disciplines.  相似文献   

This article considers the important role of archival photographs in the work of historians, artists and writers of the generation after the Holocaust. Powerful “points of memory” linking past and present, memory and postmemory, individual remembrance and cultural recall, photographs can offer evidence of past crimes and function as haunting specters that enable an affective visceral connection to the past. And yet, photographs may also be limited and flawed historical documents, promising more than they can actually reveal. The article argues that such ambiguous evidence may be a resource for historians seeking to grasp and transmit the past's emotional truth.  相似文献   

互联网对大学生社会性发展的影响   总被引:46,自引:2,他引:44  
崔丽娟  刘琳 《心理科学》2003,26(1):64-66
本研究对110名本科大学生的上网情况和他们在对他人的信任感、主观幸福感及社会疏离感三方面的社会性发展进行了测评,结果表明,对互联网的依赖显著影响了大学生的主观幸福感与社会疏离感,上网时间与对网络的依赖程度呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

Rorschach protocols of 20 persons (normals, depressives, and schizophrenics) were analysed, using the inverted, or Q , method of factoring. Three factors emerged from the analysis and corresponded to the three psychiatric categories. Groups of items, allegedly measuring the isolated factors, were applied to a second population of 42 persons resulting in validity values of an encouraging magnitude. Finally, published protocols are cited, together with a list of discriminating items and a score matrix based on such items, so that further verification can be made by the reader.  相似文献   

对于有关常识和诸如“理性”、“真理”和“实在”这样的哲学思想的主要范畴来说,错觉是一种异乎寻常的检验案例。我的目标是,通过与弗洛伊德的遗产和20世纪最引人注目的精神病学研究成果进行某种交锋,分析这种错觉所具有的各种富有悖论色彩的形式,从而阐明构成了它那些特定的时间化、概念化和论证样态之基础,并且为这些样态确定方向的逻辑。就英语而言,人们也许是在“幻觉”的意义上使用delusion(错觉)这个术语的,不过,它也可以被用来表示我们在罗曼诸语言之中称之为“delirio”或者“d啨lire”(这两个外来语在这里均指“迷狂”之意,前者是…  相似文献   

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