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新时期应有的社会主义道德文化 ,具有先进文化的鲜明特征 ,是促进社会全面进步的精神动力的关键因素 ,它集中体现了文化教育人、引导人、培养人、塑造人的基本功能 ,并渗透于各种文化领域。文化建设的一个首要着眼点 ,应注重把道德文化确立为其主题选择。  相似文献   

In a sample of 18 industrialized nations, measures of national character did not improve the power of socioeconomic variables in predicting unemployment rates.  相似文献   

A notion as pervasive and much-used as 'enterprise' will, inevitably, have done harm as well as good. The core concepts in the notion are explored, and examples are examined of how they have been put to teachers and counsellors in careers education and guidance work. While the libertarian text of education for enterprise may be unacceptable to many, the struggle to deal with it has forced a realisation of its more valuable subtext. This illustrates how 'education for enterprise', or any other change, cannot be implemented without paying attention to the organisation and management of change as well as to its intended outcomes, and how this process may have its own sometimes more beneficial effects.  相似文献   

Culture, in a semiotic cultural psychology, is defined from the viewpoint of cultivation—the meaning making processes that give meaning to the world (Valsiner 2000, 2007a). However, the individual is not simply a process-machine in an empty world—there are both the external outcomes of meaning making (individual and group based) as well as the collective influence on the cultivation process. I argue to examine the cultivation process more completely, one must look at these external influences that catalyze future cultivation processes. By examining the power of the external (environmental Umwelten) and group-internal (myths, morals), a much greater understanding of the behavior of individuals can be accomplished beyond examining the individual’s process of meaning making. Further work into examining the objects that affectively activate the individual as well as group action and meaning making is called for and examples of such studies are given.  相似文献   

该文采用文献资料研究方法,依据人文主义方法论的研究方式,从体育文化的视角对新石器时代居住在泰沂山系的东夷族人,所创造的东夷文化中所蕴涵的体育文化因子进行分析,发现东夷文化在中华文明的历史发展中占据重要地位;东夷地区优良的生态环境培育了特色鲜明的东夷文化;而发达的东夷文化中蕴生了诸多体育文化的萌芽:东夷文字、夷人体格、原始崇拜、礼仪习俗及音乐舞蹈娱乐中所蕴涵的体育文化因子,为后世体育活动的产生、发展及至繁荣奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

医学文化是巴比伦文明的重要组成部分,是世界非物质文化遗产.巴比伦时代的医学文化大致经历了以占星为主旨的魔术医学阶段,以宗教为主旨的巫术医学和以世俗为主旨的经验医学三个发展阶段.这三个发展阶段不是平行的,而是相互交织,形成了巴比伦独特的医学文化.同时巴比伦是最早医学立法的民族.  相似文献   

Recent scholarship traces the roots of southern violence to the Scots-Irish, who brought a relatively violent “cracker culture” with them to the United States in the eighteenth century. The tolerance for violence inherent in cracker culture was believed to be transmitted throughout the south to other whites and was maintained, in part, through evangelical Christian doctrine. Moreover, Thomas Sowell (2005) recently argued that some southern blacks were also influenced by “cracker culture,” leading to the emergence of a “black redneck” phenomenon influencing homicide among blacks. Using county-level data circa 2000, this study empirically evaluates the merit of the cracker culture/black redneck thesis. Negative binomial regression analyses for a full sample of counties suggest that a measure of southern cracker/black redneck culture is an important factor affecting contemporary rates of argument homicide among both whites and blacks. When counties are divided into south and non-south sub-samples, the results are also consistent: a cracker/black redneck culture effect is evident for both racial groups in the south, and is also apparent outside of the southern region. We interpret these latter findings as possible support for the thesis that southern cracker/black redneck culture has been transported through migration to non-southern localities.  相似文献   

人文文化与科学文化的协调统一   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,许多青年医师希望自己能够很快成为一个优秀的医师,希望能够在临床实践中有所建树,因而比较注意专业水平的提高,这是十分可喜的.但是,就是在提高自己专业水平的时候,千万不可忽视人文文化修养的提高.  相似文献   

"文化密码"是一个民族的文化得以代代相传而成为"传统"的内在奥秘.解开"密码"才能把握和自觉地弘扬"传统".中华民族传统"慈孝文化"的文化密码,就是血缘亲情、"亲子之爱"以及内在于其中的亲情"双向交往"伦理关系的心理机制."慈孝文化"是父母与子女血缘真情("本")与道德规范("末")的统一;不要"弃其本而适其末",而应"崇本以举其末".要建设"和谐家庭",生活在现代社会的为人父母和为人子女都应该自觉这种基于血缘关系的人类"亲情"之爱,和基于父母与子女之间真情的"双向交往"机制的亲情关系.  相似文献   

文化心理学视域下的心理治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,心理治疗的文化取向日益为心理学界所关注。在概要分析文化心理学理论取向和传统心理治疗特点的基础上,重点对文化心理学取向下的心理病因观、医患关系、心理治疗方法、心理治疗效果评价观做了相应分析,并对未来文化取向下的心理治疗理论进行了展望,希望对我国心理治疗理论和实践有所帮助。  相似文献   

休闲文化的道德意蕴   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
休闲作为一种独特的文化现象 ,是社会物质资料的创造达到一定阶段的产物 ,它反映着人类的道德文明程度。应该重视休闲文化的道德内蕴 ,扬升休闲文化的道德理性 ,强化休闲主体的道德追求 ,加强休闲文化的道德引导 ,发挥休闲文化塑造人的道德品格的作用。从伦理视角研究休闲文化现象 ,对于提升全民族的道德文化水平 ,加强当前道德文化建设具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

论儒家文化的泛道德性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儒家化作为传统化的核心和精华,影响中国社会几千年。解读和梳理儒家化,必须正视儒家化的泛道德性。儒家道德衍射到儒家化的各个环节、各个层面,突出表现为以德治代政治、以礼治代刑法、德本财末、以载道及关善统一等思想。从一定意义上说,儒家化是泛道德化。  相似文献   

近年来,心理治疗的文化取向日益为心理学界所关注.在概要分析文化心理学理论取向和传统心理治疗特点的基础上,重点对文化心理学取向下的心理病因观、医患关系、心理治疗方法、心理治疗效果评价观做了相应分析,并对未来文化取向下的心理治疗理论进行了展望,希望对我国心理治疗理论和实践有所帮助.  相似文献   

价值观是文化的灵魂,是凝结在文化中的文化其"神"。在认识和实践上守护住文化其"神",是文化自觉的根本要求。本文提出文化生命结构的"形神统一"概念,并转化为一种分析文化现象的方法论,从文化其"神"与其"形"相统一的角度分析了守护文化其"神"对于文化建设的重要意义,指出当前文化建设中出现了一种重"商"而轻"文"、重"形"而轻"神"的倾向。"形神相即,形质神用",而消解了文化其"神",文化其"形"也就成了没有灵魂的躯壳或纯粹的商品符号。塑造社会主义核心价值观,保护文化遗产,传承优秀文化传统,必须坚持"形神统一",守护住文化其"神"。  相似文献   

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