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Two experiments were conducted to determine the personal space needs of Turkish males and females, and their reactions to intruders of this space in same- and opposite-sex pairings. In experiment 1, the seating distances were measured for 32 male and 32 female undergraduate students on a bench already occupied by another person of either the same or opposite sex in a bogus experiment on line judgements. In experiment 2, 60 male and 60 female library users were observed under three conditions; (a) intrusion, (b) no-intrusion, and (c) control. The results of both studies indicated that female subjects used larger distances when paired with a person of the opposite sex, and got up to leave their seats more often and earlier in the condition of intrusion by a male than a female. In same-sex pairings, males were found to use somewhat larger distances and react faster to intrusions than females, but the differences between the two sexes did not reach statistical significance.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine attribution-affect linkages in situations where help is denied. In experiment 1, two helping scenarios, in social and in academic context, were presented. The causal explanations given for not helping were manipulated to see their effect on affective reactions of the person who was denied help. These explanations covered all eight combinations of locus (internal-external), controllability (controllable-uncontrollable), and stability (stable-unstable) dimensions. For each explanation, undergraduate students of Allahabad University (N = 75) predicted affective reactions, assuming themselves to be the person denied help. Findings confirmed that attribution-affect linkages were stable and systematic. Furthermore, controllability dimension accounted for most of the linkages. Experiment 2 (N = 45) tested the reversibility of the attribution-affect linkages. In that, affective reactions were manipulated and subjects inferred the communicated explanations for not helping. The linkages reversible and consistent across two contexts were: sympathy-uncontrollable, anger-controllable, dislike-controllable/ stable. Other emotions had either context-specific linkages, or were attribution-independent.  相似文献   

This paper develops and defends a coherentist account of reasons. I develop three core ideas for this defense: a distinction between basic reasons and noninferential justification, the plausibility of the neglected argument against first philosophy, and an emergent account of reasons. These three ideas form the backbone for a credible coherentist view of reasons. I work toward this account by formulating and explaining the basic reasons dilemma. This dilemma reveals a wavering attitude that coherentists have had toward basic reasons. More importantly, the basic reasons dilemma focuses our attention on the central problems that afflict coherentist views of basic beliefs. By reflecting on the basic reasons dilemma, I formulate three desiderata that any viable coherentist account of basic beliefs must satisfy. I argue that the account on offer satisfies these desiderata.  相似文献   

运动中的效能期望、归因和情感反应的相关研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
运用Russell的归因维度量表等问卷对被试的效能期望、归因和情感反应进行相关研究,结果表明:效能期望影响着被试运动中的归因和情感反应;所测被试倾向于把运动结果归于个人可控的、不稳定的和内部的原因;归因能预测运动后的情感反应,但并非所有的归因维度都与运动后的情感反应有显著性相关;成败结果是影响被试归因和情感反应的重要因素;运动中的效能期望、归因方式和情感反应均存在着显著的性别差异。  相似文献   

Our purpose was to investigate acculturation and eating disorders by examining the role of ethnic identity and by utilizing a bidimensional perspective toward two cultures. We predicted that orientation toward European American culture and lower ethnic identity would be positively associated with eating disorders. Participants were 188 Mexican American women recruited from the community (79 with eating disorders and 109 control women). The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR and Eating Disorder Examination were used to establish diagnoses. The Acculturation Rating Scale for Mexican Americans–II and the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure assessed Anglo orientation, Mexican orientation, and ethnic identity. Orientation toward Anglo American culture was significantly associated with eating disorders, whereas orientation toward Mexican culture and strength of ethnic identity were not associated with eating disorder status. Findings point to the role of Anglo cultural orientation in the development of eating disorders and underscore the need for future research to utilize bidimensional models.  相似文献   

Conflicts in organizations are often initiated by unions. The outcome of a conflict depends on the opportunities of the parties to use the power they have. Parties seldom use all of their resources, either because they are not willing to risk them or because they are not able to muster them. Resources have to be mobilized before they can be used. In this study the conditions under which union members were willing to support their union in a conflict were examined. It was hypothesized that readiness to support union action is a function of the individual's estimates of costs and benefits. One hundred and eight union members in a company where conflict was imminent were asked at two different points in time whether they would support union action. Various types of action were mentioned. The union attempted to mobilize support between the two measurements. Anticipated costs and benefits of a collective, social, and material nature accounted for the variance in willingness to give support, changes in this willingness, and preferences for certain types of action. These findings confirm the contention that a value-expectancy approach to the willingness to participate in union action can be useful. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Although there has been substantial research on perceptions of preference in hiring, there is considerably less focus on perceptions of preference in organizational activities more generally. Researchers seldom assess perceptions of preference for both historically high- and low-status groups and for both one's own group and others. Using a three-wave longitudinal survey of 1,094 employees, the causal direction between perceived preference and satisfaction with management, moderators of that relationship, and whether responses to perceived preference differed by group were examined. On average, groups perceived more outgroup than ingroup preference. The satisfaction to perceived preference causal direction was significantly stronger than the reverse for outgroup preference, suggesting that increased satisfaction with management leads to decreased future perceptions of outgroup preference more so than vice versa. The relationship between satisfaction with management and perceived outgroup preference was moderated by perceived organizational tolerance of discrimination, suggesting that positive diversity climate can alleviate the negative effects of dissatisfaction with management on perceived outgroup preference.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine disordered eating, acculturation, and treatment-seeking in a community sample of Hispanic, Asian, Black, and White women. Participants were 118 women with disordered eating (49 Hispanic, 21 Asian, 23 Black, and 25 White) and 118 healthy controls. Interviews were conducted to assess eating and weight-related behaviors, psychiatric symptoms, acculturation, and health care usage. Results indicated that the four ethnic groups were equally likely to present behavioral symptoms of bulimia, anorexia, or a binge-eating disorder. Hispanics were the most likely to use diuretics, and Black women were the most likely to use laxatives. Despite psychological distress among the eating disorder group, only a small percentage had received treatment during the past year; the eating disorder group was more likely than the controls to report that they had been denied treatment. More acculturated individuals were more likely to suffer from eating problems, and among the eating disorder group, less acculturated individuals were less likely to have received treatment.  相似文献   

Alcohol use prior to sexual assault by both offenders and their victims may be associated with the severity of sexual aggression men commit against women. Little research has explored the pathways (e.g., social context, behavior) through which alcohol may affect outcomes of sexual attacks. The present study analyzed the role of alcohol in sexual assaults (N = 694) committed by men identified from a national sample (N = 2,972) of male college students completing a survey. Interactions of alcohol use with assault variables did not suggest any synergistic role of alcohol use in predicting sexual aggression severity. Path analysis showed, however, that offender propensity to abuse alcohol and victim preassault alcohol use were each both directly and indirectly related to sexual aggression severity, whereas offender preassault alcohol use was not directly related to sexual aggression severity. This study suggests that alcohol use plays both direct and indirect roles in the outcomes of sexual assaults. Rape and alcohol abuse prevention efforts can benefit from incorporating information about alcohol's role in different assault contexts.  相似文献   

A cross-cultural examination of the attributions for the life satisfactions of the elderly was conducted by using a sample of 80 Asian-Indian and 80 United States retired citizens. It was hypothesized that factors of hard work, luck, family ties, religious faith, travel and recreation, personal abilities, money, social status, service to others and friendships would account for differences in the attributions for life-satisfactions of the two cultural groups. Results showed that more Asian than United States subjects reported satisfaction with life. Consistent with predictions, the attributions of the Asian group showed religious faith, service to others, family ties and luck as being very important factors contributing to life satisfaction. By contrast, more United States subjects reported that hard work, personal abilities, travel and recreation, and social status had significantly influenced their life satisfactions. Findings were interpreted in terms of cultural and socio-psychological variables which influence the attributions for life satisfactions.  相似文献   

Abstract:  It appears that one of the aims of John Rawls' ideal of public reason is to provide people with good reason for exercising restraint on their nonpublic reasons when they are acting in the public political arena. I will argue, however, that in certain cases Rawls' ideal of public reason is unable to provide a person with good reason for exercising such restraint, even if the person is already committed to Rawls' ideal of public reason. Because it is plausible to believe that such cases are widespread, the issue I am raising represents a serious problem for Rawls' account of public reason. After posing this problem, I consider potential responses on behalf of Rawls' view, and I reply to those responses. The moral of this story, as I see it, is that the kind of duty an ideal of public reason aims to place on citizens must be more modest than Rawls supposes.  相似文献   

Research suggests that a significant number of women first experience domestic violence during pregnancy. The current study examines correlates of violence during pregnancy, first by comparing women who did and did not report violence, and second examining three subgroups of women who reported violence (violence initiated, violence persisted, violence ceased). Results indicated that controlling for demographics, more frequent violence was associated with less support and satisfaction with support from the baby's father, more negative interactions with the baby's father, and more verbal aggression in their relationships than those who did not report violence. Differences among subgroups of women reporting violence emerged only for the relationship variables. Implications for detecting violence in clinical settings are discussed.  相似文献   

An experiment was undertaken to determine how far the consistent personality structure previously found separately in noma1 and psychotic populations, in terms of factors measured in objective behaviaral perfomance within the age of a joint normal-psychotic population. One hundred variables embodied in 66 types of subjects were chosen to mark 18 known factors measured on 114 adult (men and women) normals and 228 psychotics. The number of-factors measured by the test was 24. They rotated to a very conspicuous simple structure resolution reaching 82% in the hyperplane. By Burt's congruence test 20 of these matched the factors (the 18 intended, plus 2 others) as known in the homogeneous population.  相似文献   

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