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Effects of nitrous oxide in different subanaesthetic concentrations were studied in twelve subjects. Subjective scales of intoxication and of eight other mood variables were obtained by the method of magnitude estimation. Objective performance was examined by tests on memory and arithmetic. For most variables the dose-response curves obtained showed progressively larger effects with increasing dose-levels. At concentrations below 20 per cent the changes were, on the whole, very slight. The results are compared with similar data from an alcohol experiment.  相似文献   

Successive measurements of pulse rate, blood pressure, objective and subjective reaction speed, and six mood variables were made on 12 healthy subjects during 135 min. periods following the intake of either 15 mg d-amphetamine, 200 mg Pentobarbitone, or a placebo. It was shown that (1) the two drugs had essentially opposite effects on all objective and most subjective variables; (2) after d-amphetamine subjective effects appeared earlier and reached their maximum more rapidly than objective effects; (3) both types of reaction were less pronounced after Pentobarbitone than after d-amphetamine under the present dose conditions; and that (4) after Pentobarbitone maximum objective effects were attained at an earlier point in time.  相似文献   

Using the contest- and sponsored-mobility perspectives as theoretical guides, this meta-analysis reviewed 4 categories of predictors of objective and subjective career success: human capital, organizational sponsorship, sociodemographic status, and stable individual differences. Salary level and promotion served as dependent measures of objective career success, and subjective career success was represented by career satisfaction. Results demonstrated that both objective and subjective career success were related to a wide range of predictors. As a group, human capital and sociodemographic predictors generally displayed stronger relationships with objective career success, and organizational sponsorship and stable individual differences were generally more strongly related to subjective career success. Gender and time (date of the study) moderated several of the relationships examined.  相似文献   

Performance was measured by seven sensorimotor and perceptual tests given to 30 students in six successive trials, spread over five hours, before and after the intake of either 15 mg dexamphetamine, zoo mg Pentobarbitone, or a placebo. Subjective performance, level of aspiration, wakefulness, and mood were measured by a scaling method. A close agreement was found between the amount of objective and subjective improvement following dexamphetamine, whereas the objective impairment induced by Pentobarbitone was not reflected in the subjective measures. These results were examined in relation to the other indices of activation.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis of studies containing both objective and subjective ratings of employee performance resulted in a corrected mean correlation of .389. This value, although significantly greater than zero, indicates that objective and subjective performance measures should not be used interchangeably. Moreover, in no moderator subgroup examined did the correlation suggest convergent validity. After discussing issues related to resolving the previous anomalies of primary and meta-analytic results, a secondary analysis suggested that objective and subjective measures of the same construct at the same level may be used inter-changeably. The secondary analysis, however, was based on a very limited sample. Future research should address the appropriate dimensionality of employee performance.  相似文献   

This study compared four criteria–two objective (production quantity and production quality) and two subjective (supervisor and self-ratings)–for their predictability in a criterion-related validity study. Results from this sample of 212 maintenance, mechanic, and field service workers replicated previous meta-analytic results with clerical workers (Nathan & Alexander, 1988); supervisor ratings and objective productivity indices provided similar and significant validity coefficients with a unit-weighted composite of five cognitive ability tests. The objective quality index and employee self-ratings resulted in near zero correlations with the same predictor battery. Additional productivity and quality objective criterion data were available for 2 years since the original validation study; no change in validity was found.  相似文献   

Psycho-endocrine relations were explored in 52 students exposed to moderately stressful psychological tests demanding selective attention. Subjects with high excretion rates of adrenaline performed better during the entire stress session than did subjects with low adrenaline excretion. The level of subjective stress increased consistently throughout the session in subjects with low excretion rates of adrenaline, while it remained relatively constant in subjects with high adrenaline excretion. No consistent relationship could be demonstrated between noradrenaline excretion and the psychological variables. Possible effects on the catecholamine-excretion patterns of factors such as severity and duration of the stress are discussed.  相似文献   

Eric Wiland 《Ratio》2005,18(3):352-360
There have been several recent attempts to refute objective consequentialism on the grounds that it implies the absurd conclusion that even the best of us act wrongly. Some have argued that we act wrongly from time to time; others have argued that we act wrongly regularly. Here I seek to strengthen reductio arguments against objective consequentialism by showing that objective consequentialism implies that we almost never act rightly. I show that no matter what you do, there is almost certainly something else you could do that would have even better consequences. If objective consequentialism is true, the ratio of the number of your right actions to the number of your wrong actions is very close to zero.  相似文献   

A côté des attitudes, rôles, normes et valeurs, le self-concept ou image que l'on se forme de soi-même, est l'un des éléments caractéristiques d'un groupe culturel. Cette image de soi a été étudiée de façon détaillée chez des étudiants américains et français par une méthode visant à déterminer l'identité sociale d'un groupe par sa réaction aux stimuli “Nous les X… “et” Eux les X…”. Différents niveaux d'analyse ont permis de dégager certaines particularités de l'image de soi des Français et Américains et ont fait apparaître, notamment, que l'idéologie politique de ces étudiants est une variable importante dans la détermination de l'identité sociale.  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 轮廓是物体的外形线,它在视觉图形知觉中起着重要的作用。一般说来,引起轮廓的刺激,是视野中明度(或颜色)的突然变化。但是,有时在一片完全同质的视域中,人们也能看到轮廓。这种轮廓不是由于客观上的刺激梯度造成的,而是由于一系列其它因素造成的。这种轮廓叫主观轮廓,认知轮廓或错觉轮廓。  相似文献   

Abstract: Branden Fitelson and Elliott Sober raise several objections to my evolutionary argument against naturalism; I reply to four of them.  相似文献   

BRATFISCH, O., EKMAN, G., LUNDBERG, U., and KRÜGER, K. Subjective temporal distance and emotional involvement. Scand. J. Psychol. , 1971, 12, 147–160. –Three experiments were conducted in which subjects were required to estimate the subjective temporal distances of various historical periods, each of which was named after some person, event, or social process. In all, 65 subjects participated. In related experiments the same subjects estimated their degree of emotional involvement in what might have happened to people living during the various periods named. Using the actual dates when the events took place, the relation between objective and subjective temporal distance was found to be described by a simple power function. Emotional involvement was shown to be inversely related in a simple monotonic manner to both subjective and objective temporal distance, when other variables were so far as possible held constant. A number of different alternative power functions as well as an exponential and a logarithmic function were fitted to the empirical data. A specific type of power function with three empirical constants and a simple exponential function were found to describe experimetal data to a good approximation.  相似文献   

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