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In the present study, the effects of bilateral injections of cholinergic agents into the hippocampal CA1 regions (intra-CA1) on ethanol state-dependent memory were examined in mice. A single-trial step-down passive avoidance task was used for the assessment of memory retention in adult male NMRI mice. Pre-training intraperitoneal injection (i.p.) of ethanol (0.25, 0.5 and 1 g/kg) dose dependently induced impairment of memory retention. Pre-test administration of ethanol (0.5 and 1 g/kg, i.p.) induced state-dependent retrieval of the memory acquired under pre-training ethanol (1 g/kg, i.p.) influence. Pre-test intra-CA1 injection of physostigmine (2.5 and 5 μg/mouse, intra-CA1) or nicotine (0.3 and 0.5 μg/mouse, intra-CA1) improved pre-training ethanol (1 g/kg)-induced retrieval impairment. Moreover, pre-test administration of physostigmine (2.5 and 5 μg/mouse, intra-CA1) or nicotine (0.3 and 0.5 μg/mouse, intra-CA1) with an ineffective dose of ethanol (0.25 g/kg) significantly restored the retrieval and induced ethanol state-dependent memory. Pre-test intra-CA1 injection of the muscarinic receptor antagonist, atropine (4 and 8 μg/mouse, intra-CA1) or the nicotinic receptor antagonist, mecamylamine (2 and 4 μg/mouse, intra-CA1) 5 min before the administration of ethanol (1 g/kg, i.p.) dose dependently inhibited ethanol state-dependent memory. Pre-test intra-CA1 administration of physostigmine (0.5, 2.5 and 5 μg/mouse), atropine (2, 4 and 8 μg/mouse), nicotine (0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 μg/mouse) or mecamylamine (1, 2 and 4 μg/mouse) alone cannot affect memory retention. These findings implicate the involvement of a dorsal hippocampal cholinergic mechanism in ethanol state-dependent memory and also it can be concluded that there may be a cross-state dependency between ethanol and acetylcholine.  相似文献   

Olfactory working memory and pattern separation for odor information was assessed in male rats using a matching-to-sample for odors paradigm. The odor set consisted of a five aliphatic acids with unbranched carbon chains that varied from two- to six-carbons in length. Each trial consisted of a sample phase followed by a choice phase. During the sample phase, rats would receive one of five different odors. Fifteen seconds later during the choice phase one of the previous odors was presented simultaneously side by side with a different odor that was based on the number of aliphatic acids that varied in the carbon chains from two- to six-carbons in length and rats were allowed to choose between the two odors. The rule to be learned in order to receive a food reward was to always choose the odor that occurred during the study phase. Odor separations of 1, 2, 3 or 4 were selected for each choice phase and represented the carbon chain difference between the study phase odor and the test phase odor. Once an animal reached a criterion of 80–90% correct across all temporal separations based on 40 trials, rats received a control, dorsal hippocampal, or ventral hippocampal lesion and were retested on the task. On postoperative trials, only the ventral hippocampal lesion group was impaired relative to both control and dorsal hippocampal groups groups. There were no effects on odor pattern separation. All groups of rats could discriminate between the odors. The data suggest that the ventral hippocampus, but not dorsal hippocampus, supports working memory for odor information.  相似文献   

In the present research the effect of the noncompetitive N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor antagonist MK-801 and ethanol combinations on memory consolidation and the involvement of GABAergic mechanisms in this effect were investigated in CD1 mice injected intraperitoneally with the drugs immediately or 120 min after training in a one-trial inhibitory avoidance apparatus and tested for retention 24 h later. The results showed that (a) the retention performances of mice were impaired in a dose-dependent manner by immediate posttraining MK-801 (0.2 and 0.3, but not 0.1 mg/kg) and ethanol (1 and 2, but not 0.5 g/kg) administrations; (b) an otherwise ineffective dose of MK-801 (0.1 mg/kg) enhanced the deleterious effect exerted by ethanol (1 and 2 g/kg); (c) an otherwise ineffective dose of muscimol (0.5 mg/kg) enhanced, while otherwise ineffective doses of picrotoxin (0.25 mg/kg) or bicuculline (0.1 mg/kg) antagonized, this effect; and (d) no effect was observed when the treatments were carried out 120 min after training, suggesting that the effects observed following immediate posttraining administrations were due to the influence on the consolidation of memory. From these experiments it is evident that (a) MK-801 enhances ethanol's effects on memory consolidation and (b) GABAergic mechanisms are involved in this effect.  相似文献   

Although evidence suggests that the dorsal striatum contributes to multiple learning and memory functions, there nevertheless remains considerable disagreement on the specific associative roles of different neuroanatomical subregions. We review evidence indicating that the dorsolateral striatum (DLS) is a substrate for stimulus–response habit formation – incremental strengthening of simple SR bonds – via input from sensorimotor neocortex while the dorsomedial striatum (DMS) contributes to behavioral flexibility – the cognitive control of behavior – via prefrontal and limbic circuits engaged in relational and spatial information processing. The parallel circuits through dorsal striatum interact with incentive/affective motivational processing in the ventral striatum and portions of the prefrontal cortex leading to overt responding under specific testing conditions. Converging evidence obtained through a detailed task analysis and neurobehavioral assessment is beginning to illuminate striatal subregional interactions and relations to the rest of the mammalian brain.  相似文献   

Previous research from our laboratory has implicated the basolateral amygdala (BLA) complex in the acquisition and consolidation of cue-cocaine associations, as well as extinction learning, which may regulate the long-lasting control of conditioned stimuli (CS) over drug-seeking behavior. Given the well established role of NMDA glutamate receptor activation in other forms of amygdalar-based learning, we predicted that BLA-mediated drug-cue associative learning would be NMDA receptor dependent. To test this hypothesis, male Sprague-Dawley rats self-administered i.v. cocaine (0.6 mg/kg/infusion) in the absence of explicit CS pairings (2-h sessions, 5 days), followed by a single 1-h classical conditioning (CC) session, during which they received passive infusions of cocaine discretely paired with a light+tone stimulus complex. Following additional cocaine self-administration sessions in the absence of the CS (2-h sessions, 5 days) and extinction training sessions (no cocaine or CS presentation, 2-h sessions, 7 days), the ability of the CS to reinstate cocaine-seeking on three test days was assessed. Rats received bilateral intra-BLA infusions (0.5 microl/hemisphere) of vehicle or the selective NMDA receptor antagonist, 2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate (AP-5), immediately prior to the CC session (acquisition), immediately following the CC session (consolidation), or immediately following reinstatement testing (consolidation of conditioned-cued extinction learning). AP-5 administered before or after CC attenuated subsequent CS-induced reinstatement, whereas AP-5 administered immediately following the first two reinstatement tests impaired the extinction of cocaine-seeking behavior. These results suggest that NMDA receptor-mediated mechanisms within the BLA play a crucial role in the consolidation of drug-CS associations into long-term memories that, in turn, drive cocaine-seeking during relapse.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of tetraethylammonium (TEA) and high-frequency stimulation (HFS) in inducing long-term synaptic modification is compared in CA1 and dentate gyrus (DG) in vitro. High-frequency stimulation induces long-term potentiation (LTP) at synapses of both perforant path-DG granule cell and Schaffer collateral-CA1 pyramidal cell pathways. By contrast, TEA (25 mM) induces long-term depression in DG while inducing LTP in CA1. The mechanisms underlying the differential effect of TEA in CA1 and DG were investigated. It was observed that T-type voltage-dependent calcium channel (VDCC) blocker, Ni2+ (50 μM), partially blocked TEA-induced LTP in CA1. A complete blockade of the TEA-induced LTP occurred when Ni2+ was applied together with the NMDA receptor antagonist, D-APV. The L-type VDCC blocker, nifidipine (20 μM), had no effect on CA1 TEA-induced LTP. In DG of the same slice, TEA actually induced long-term depression (LTD) instead of LTP, an effect that was blocked by D-APV. Neither T-type nor L-type VDCC blockade could prevent this LTD. When the calcium concentration in the perfusion medium was increased, TEA induced a weak LTP in DG that was blocked by Ni2+. During exposure to TEA, the magnitude of field EPSPs was increased in both CA1 and DG, but the increase was substantially greater in CA1. Tetraethylammonium application also was associated with a large, late EPSP component in CA1 that persisted even after severing the connections between CA3 and CA1. All of the TEA effects in CA1, however, were dramatically reduced by Ni2+. The results of this study indicate that TEA indirectly acts via both T-type VDCCs and NMDA receptors in CA1 and, as a consequence, induces LTP. By contrast, TEA indirectly acts via only NMDA receptors in DG and results in LTD. The results raise the possibility of a major synaptic difference in the density and/or distribution of T-type VDCCs and NMDA receptors in CA1 and DG of the rat hippocampus.  相似文献   

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