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This study investigated the relative effects of structured group reminiscence on 34 seniors who were more or less religious. While similar in age, education, and self reported health, the more religious group (n = 21) reported a significantly higher level of intrinsically motivated religion (t(32) = 4.18, p < .001)  相似文献   

Despite its widespread use, disagreement remains regarding the structure of the Consideration of Future Consequences Scale (CFCS). In particular there is disagreement regarding whether the scale assesses future orientation as a unidimensional or multidimensional (immediate and future) construct. Using 2 samples of high school students in the United Kingdom, 4 models were tested. The totality of results including item loadings, goodness-of-fit indexes, and reliability estimates all supported the bifactor model, suggesting that the 2 hypothesized factors are better understood as grouping or method factors rather than as representative of latent constructs. Accordingly this study supports the unidimensionality of the CFCS and the scoring of all 12 items to produce a global future orientation score. Researchers intending to use the CFCS, and those with existing data, are encouraged to examine a bifactor solution for the scale.  相似文献   

This article presents reflections on the seven articles included in this special series. The classification of school attendance problems (SAPs) based on structured checklists of SAP types (school refusal, truancy, school withdrawal, and school exclusion) together with functional analysis opens the way for establishing norms and social referents. We discuss how authorized nonattendance can also be problematic if it is persistent, and that it is important to take this type of SAP into account if the field is to effectively understand and respond to the complex range of bio-psycho-socio-cultural determinants of absenteeism. We highlight other gaps in the current literature, one of which is the lack of attention to evidence-based prevention and early intervention strategies. Avenues for future research are suggested, with emphasis on the need for pragmatic approaches to address the complexities of SAPs. Promising work is beginning to address the SAPs that are prevalent in special populations such as those with autism spectrum disorder. Overall, our reflections highlight the incremental changes that have characterized the field, exemplified by this series of articles, and the promise of transformational change in tackling the major challenge of SAPs as research in the field continues.  相似文献   

This article addresses the question how educational theory can overcome the assumptions of the tradition of the philosophy of consciousness, a tradition which can be seen as the foundation of the modern project of education. While twentieth century philosophy has seen several attempts to make a shift from consciousness to intersubjectivity (Dewey, Wittgenstein, Habermas) it is argued that this shift still remains within the humanistic tradition of modern thought in that it still tries to define, still tries to develop a theory about the human subject. Foucault's thesis of the end of man is interpreted as an attempt to move beyond humanism, an attempt motivated by a sincere concern for the humanity of the subject. Starting from the question as to who comes after the subject, several answers to this question, which all share an interest in the question as to where the subject comes into presence, are discussed (referring to the writings of Tschumi, Arendt and Levinas). In the concluding section it is argued that one way to move beyond the humanistic tradition of modern thought is to conceive of the subject in terms of responsibility and ethics (Levinas) and to conceive of the very task of theory in terms of justice, and not in terms of truth. This, so it is argued, should be the final concern for educational theory and curriculum theory.  相似文献   

This paper provides some information on the International Association for the Psychology of Religion (IAPR, Internationale Gesellschaft für Religionspsychologie, founded 1914), especially on its recent organization and on its revitalized yearbook Archiv für Religionspsychologie (Archives for the Psychology of Religion). The present self-understanding of the IAPR is presented, its interdisciplinary character is discussed and some suggestions for practical aims are provided.  相似文献   

This paper addresses two of the most famous “others” in human history: Hellenism in relation to Hebraism and man in relation to woman. The development of modern psychiatry and psychology has been fundamentally informed by classical Greek thought, leaving the Bible epistemologically maligned as a valid alternative source-text for development of metatheory. This historical dominance of classical Greek thought has likewise directly contributed to the “otherness” status of women, establishing an implicit misogynistic undercurrent in Western history. The biblical worldview offers a destigmatized conception of the woman that affirms her independent status as a psychologically complete individual. This difference dramatically plays out in contrasting biblical and Greek views of women through comparing the story of Prometheus and Pandora with that of Adam and Eve. Pandora is described as a curse to man in retaliation for Prometheus stealing fire for man. In stark contrast, Eve is described as a blessing to man and as a helpmeet-opposite (ezer kenegdo). The biblical narrative of Adam and Eve represents a truly egalitarian approach to women. Despite Freud’s materialistic treatment of religion, the privileged position that classical Greek thought has enjoyed in the West has in fact acted as an illusion, serving as an existential tranquilizer and distracting the scientific conversation away from the life-affirming, hopeful message promoted through the biblical tradition. We can no longer afford to keep the Bible in the “other” category—we must mobilize the biblical tradition in the service of inductively developing a robust new conception of mental health.  相似文献   

The focus of this essay is on human relationships, specifically, the empowering potential of those relationships, and, most particularly, on the empowering potential those relationships have for enabling us to discover our respective possibilities. It is argued that we often discover who we are and what we can become as our possibilities are discovered by another and reflected back to us. This empowering potential of human relationships can be helpfully understood as a manifestation of the redemptive role of God in human life.  相似文献   

I. Bruna Seu and M. Colleen Heenan (eds) (1988) Feminism and Psychotherapy: Reflections on Contemporary Theories and Practices, London: Sage, $14.99 (pb)  相似文献   

Over the past couple of decades, research on religion and health has grown into a thriving field. Misperceptions about the history and scope of this field, however, continue to exist, especially among new investigators and commentators on this research. Contrary to the tacit narrative, published research and writing date to the nineteenth century, programmatic research to the 1950s, and NIH funding to 1990; elite medical journals have embraced this topic for over 100 years; study populations are religiously and sociodemographically diverse; and published findings are mostly positive, consistent with psychosocial theories of health and confirmed by comprehensive reviews and expert panels.  相似文献   

AIDS and the responses and attitudes it evokes surpass the analytic abilities of standard bioethics. These responses and attitudes are explored in terms of literary and anthropological categories, such as dirt, disorder, pollution and ritual cleanliness. Implications for medical education are suggested.  相似文献   

The present study examined the degree to which interest in religion, spirituality, and health has changed in psychology and the behavioral sciences over the past few decades. To accomplish this, searches were conducted on the PsycINFO database between the years 1965 and 2000. Three basic searches were conducted combining the word “health” with the following search terms: 1. (religion OR religious OR religiosity) NOT (spiritual OR spirituality); 2. (spiritual OR spirituality) NOT (religion OR religious OR religiosity); and 3. (religion OR religious OR religiosity) AND (spiritual OR spirituality). The rate per 100,000 articles was then calculated for each of the three search-terms: religion, spirituality, religion and spirituality. A significant upward trend across years was found for the rate of articles dealing with spirituality, r(34) = .95, p<.001, and religion and spirituality, r(34) = .86, p<.001. A significant downward trend was found for articles that only addressed religion, r(34) = −.64, p<.001. The consequences of these trends are discussed.Dr. Andrew J. Weaver is a United Methodist minister and clinical psychologist. He is the Associate Publisher of Zion’s Herald, an independent religious journal founded in 1823 and is co-author of numerous professional and popular articles and eleven books. His recent book titles include Counseling Survivors of Traumatic Events and Reflections on Grief and Spiritual Growth.Dr. Kenneth I. Pargament is professor of clinical psychology at Bowling Green State University. Dr. Pargament has published over 100 articles on the meanings of religion and spirituality, the vital role of religion in coping with stress and trauma, perceptions of sacredness in life, and psychospiritual treatment. He is author of The Psychology of Religion and Coping: Theory, Research, Practice.Dr. Kevin J. Flannelly has been the Associate Director of Research at The Health Care Chaplaincy since 2001. Dr. Flannelly has published more than 100 studies in various areas of psychology and he has worked in the field of religion, spirituality and health since 1996. He recently published a review and analysis of the methodological quality of research on religion and health in the Southern Medical Journal.Julia Oppenheimer is a Ph.D. student at the University of Oregon, studying child development and clinical practice in the Clinical Psychology program. She has conducted research on the etiology and treatment of anxiety disorders, as well as publishing a number of studies on religion and mental health. Her current research on the development of children’s self-perceptions of personality is funded by a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Award. Correspondence to Dr. Kevin J. Flannelly, kflannelly@healthcarechaplaincy.org.  相似文献   

The eternal life promised by many religions is mirrored by the drastically longer lifespans proposed by radical life extension (RLE) and transhumanism (H+). RLE and H+ represent extreme contingents of longevity research among the broader scientific initiatives to extend the length and quality of human life. In striving toward literal immortality, these movements offer an “alternative” to the spiritual eternity that functions as a religious solution to fear of death and loss. In this article, we probe the question of whether a radically extended—even eternal—life through advancements in biotechnology could replace religion as a means of managing this terror of death.  相似文献   


Objectives. Sense of personal control is a key marker of successful aging, yet little is known about its relation to religiousness and personal adversity among older adults. This study investigated the relation between two different religious orientations, a church-centered religiousness and a non-church-based spiritual seeking, sense of control, physical health, and gender in late adulthood.

Methods. The participants consisted of a community sample of men and women (N = 156) in their late sixties and mid-seventies who were born in the San Francisco Bay Area. Three-way ANOVAs were used to test in separate analyses, the effects of religiousness and spiritual seeking on sense of control among men and women who were either in good or poor physical health.

Results. Both religiousness and spiritual seeking buffered women, but not men, against loss of sense of control due to poor physical health. The buffering effect of religiousness and spiritual seeking was associated with different psychological characteristics: high life satisfaction for religiousness and engagement in life review for spiritual seeking. For men, the absence of a buffering effect of either religiousness or spiritual seeking was associated with disengagement from involvement in daily activities.

Discussion. Our findings highlight (1) the importance of employing multidimensional models of religion in studying its effect on psychosocial functioning in late adulthood and (2) the possibility that men and women who are high in religiousness and spiritual seeking regulate their sense of control using different adaptive strategies.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates how REBT has changed over time in terms of what is considered to be an irrational belief, in particular how the concept of an irrational belief has been narrowed down. REBT is more of a goal oriented therapy as opposed to a cognitive therapy, and is referred to as an intentional therapy. The ways in which one can dispute irrational beliefs intellectually and in a more dynamic way are demonstrated. Attention is given to the provocative and confrontational way Albert Ellis did therapy, which was not generally appreciated by the public but also not appreciated by some REBT therapists. Reasons why people may dislike such a way of doing therapy are addressed. Some of the weaknesses of REBT are discussed and recommendations are made to address these weaknesses.  相似文献   

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