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从伦理的角度,解读“和平共处五项原则”,可概括出国际关系伦理的三项基本原则:相互尊重、平等互利与和平共处。相互尊重是和平共处的前提,平等互利是和平共处的保障,而和平共处则是实现人类终极原则——“类生存”和“类发展”的必要条件。“和平共处五项原则”深刻地反映了处理国际关系的基本要求和人类最基本的伦理关怀。  相似文献   

建构适应社会主义市场经济的道德体系论要   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
体现社会主义本质、符合市场经济运作规则、贴近现实社会生活、推进“以德治国”方略实施 ,是建构适应社会主义市场经济道德体系的依据和现实基点。在此基础上的道德体系建设应将社会最高道德原则和主要道德生活领域的基本道德原则加以区分 ,并建构完善、具体、具有可操作性的道德规范体系 ,丰富道德范畴 ,注重道德实践、品质形成环节、机制的研究。同时要处理好市场原则与道德原则、道德规范体系的理想性与现实性、多元道德与主导道德、完善法治体系与完善德治体系、相对稳定性与与时俱进性等五个方面的关系 ,使道德体系的建设落在实处  相似文献   

一般而言,和平作为政治目的,主要基于正义权利的考虑。但如果要将和平视为一个永久目的,那就不仅要考察其政治哲学的思想内涵,同时也应理解其历史哲学的维度。康德正是在普遍历史理念的基础上,将永久和平视为最高政治目的来筹划,提出无论是个体或社会,还是国家或国际联盟,人类历史发展都是合目的的。而在康德的目的论体系中,道德是主旨,普遍历史的主体是作为道德存在者的人类,无论从自然目的过渡到自由目的,还是从基于自由意志的道德目的过渡到关涉自由权利的政治目的,自由是普遍历史发展的内在动力。因此,作为政治目的与道德义务的永久和平,需要历史目的论来保障。  相似文献   

胡锦涛同志运用马克思主义的根本观点和分析方法,对执政道德进行了深入研究,在执政的道德指向、执政的道德理念、执政的道德特点、执政的道德基本要求、执政的道德目标等方面提出了许多精辟见解,形成了一系列加强党的执政道德建设的基本原则和系统的理论观点,使马克思主义执政道德理论有了新的发展.  相似文献   

在一些<医学伦理学>教材中,对医学道德的基本原则表述不规范,对两套医学道德的基本原则要么在概念上认知模糊,要么在内容上表达不准确.而且对两套医学道德基本原则之间的内在关系难以辩证统一.导致医学生在学习的过程中对其概念认知混乱,找不到自己医疗行为的准确定位.通过对医学道德基本原则的论证,对医学道德基本原则概念认知达成共识.  相似文献   

市场经济条件下道德建设部分问题讨论综述刘小敏一、市场经济条件下道德建设的基本原则什么是市场经济条件下道德建设的基本原则?目前学术界有较大分歧。主要有以下五种代表性的意见。第一,“集体主义原则”说。论者认为,集体主义原则是道德建设的主旋棒,是道德进步的...  相似文献   

论网络道德   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网络社会的崛起和发展深刻地改变着现实社会,也产生了所谓“网络道德问题”。网络本身的工具性、虚拟性特征是产生网络道德问题的客观原因。网络道德的核心是网民利益,基本原则是资源共享。而智慧、克制和爱心,则是网络道德的主要内容。  相似文献   

诚实信用既是道德原则 ,又是法律原则。作为道德原则 ,诚实信用在当事人之间以及当事人和社会利益之间确立了一个“度”,使得民法的正当性随着社会的不断发展得到不断的确证 ,从而成为民法中的“帝王条款”。作为民法的基本原则 ,它以具体的法律制度为载体 ,在淡化道德特性的同时 ,具有显著的法律特性 ,具体表现为从德性诚信向契约诚信、从主观诚信向客观诚信、从人格诚信向制度诚信的三个转化。通过上述考察 ,为我们思考道德的运行机制提供了一个新的视角 ,即要解决当代社会道德需要制度化又不能制度化的悖论 ,就要跳出就道德论道德的圈子 ,必须在一个更高的、更宽泛的含义上来理解道德的制度化问题 ,用制度的正当化来取代道德的制度化 ,使道德在法律等其他社会制度中运行。  相似文献   

“为政以德”是儒家政治伦理思想的核心理念和鲜明标志,也是其政治道德的基本原则.从这一核心理念和基本的道德原则出发,儒家十分重视政治道德规范对为政者行为的制约和引导作用,并提出了一系列具体的道德规范,要求为政者用以加强自身的道德修养,规范和约束自己的行为.儒家所提出和倡导的政治道德原则和主要道德规范在中国历史上产生了深远的影响.今天,批判地继承儒家的政治道德原则和道德规范学说对于加强领导干部的政治道德修养,反腐倡廉,力求党风和社会风气的根本好转,是不无裨益的.  相似文献   

曹刚 《学海》2004,(3):172-176
诚实信用原则从一个道德原则成为一个法律原则的过程 ,是一个道德法律化的过程。一方面 ,诚实信用在当事人之间以及当事人和社会利益之间确立了一个“度” ,使得民法的正当性随着社会的不断发展得到不断的确证 ,从而成为民法中的“帝王条款”。另一方面 ,诚实信用作为民法的基本原则 ,是以具体的法律制度为载体的 ,在道德特性转淡的同时 ,有着显著的法律特性 ,这个过程具体表现为从德性诚信向契约诚信、从主观诚信向客观诚信、从人格诚信向制度诚信的三个转化。通过上述考察 ,为我们思考道德的运行机制提供了一个新的视角。  相似文献   

Ever since Kant, moral philosophers have been more or less animated by the mission of discovering inescapable law‐like rules that would provide a binding justification for morality. Recently, however, many have started to question (a) whether this is possible and (b) what, after all, this project could achieve. An alternative vision of the task of moral philosophy starts from the pragmatist idea that philosophizing begins and ends in human experiencing. It leads to a view where morality is seen as a “social technology” that aims to make living together possible, and strengthens people's capability to live a good life within a society. The role of moral philosophy is, accordingly, to develop our moral tools further. Moral philosophers become ethical engineers who use their expertise in ethical topics to criticize existing “moral technology” and construct new concepts, tools, and theories that better answer the current challenges for living a good life.  相似文献   

The relationship between acceptability of risks and moral valuation of risky activities was investigated in children, 10–16 years old. It was found that all age groups exhibited a strong correlation between the two dimensions of risky activities. Older children were more tolerant of risk taking than younger children. Individual actions were judged in a more lenient manner than collective actions. Girls tended to be more morally condemning towards risk taking, but the youngest girls were not less prone to accept risks than boys. General measures of moral development according to Piaget and Kohlberg were not associated with perceived acceptability of risk or the judged morality of risky activities but relations were found between risk taking and assertiveness and perceived freedom, which were the most important factors in accounting for risk and morality attitudes.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Julia Annas has affirmed that the kind of modern moral skepticism which denies the existence of objective moral values rests upon a contrast between morality and some other system of beliefs about the world which is not called into doubt. Richard Bett, on the other hand, has argued that the existence of such a contrast is not a necessary condition for espousing that kind of moral skepticism. My purpose in this paper is to show that Bett fails to make a good case against Annas' thesis. To accomplish this, it will be helpful to consider the Pyrrhonean attitude towards morality as expounded in Sextus Empiricus' work.  相似文献   

道德是符合社会之理而维持社会存在的人的行为价值和规范。道德有一般与特殊之分,一般道德的抽象性和特殊道德的具体性决定了二者继承方法的选择,即前者抽象继承,后者批判继承。历史上积累的道德价值和道德规范是道德继承的对象,此对象无论采取何种表述方式,终究可以用语言或者文字的形式表述为一个道德命题。因此,道德继承实质上是对道德命题的继承。道德命题是以善恶价值为内容、对某一道德状况或某一道德要求用逻辑语言所作的判断和陈述。它通常包括形式的或者逻辑的层面和实际的或者经验的层面,前者表征其一般意义,后者表征其特殊意义。理论上,前者采用抽象继承法,后者采用批判继承法,但实际上二者密不可分。因此,现实生活中的道德继承需兼顾两面,即采用一体两面相结合的道德继承模式。  相似文献   

We explored the relationship between mother, father, and peer attachment security, empathy, and moral authority in order to clarify certain problems of previous empirical research on such relationships. A sample of 202 Persian-speaking undergraduate students completed questionnaires pertaining to these constructs. The results revealed that mother and father attachment were significantly correlated with family, society welfare, and equality sources of moral authority, whereas peer attachment security was related only to society welfare and equality sources of moral authority. Out of the empathy subscales, only empathic concern was associated with moral authority sources. Empathic concern was also related to mother, father, and peer attachment, whereas perspective taking was correlated with mother and peer attachment. The combination of empathic concern and mother, father, and peer attachment predicted significant amount of variance of “principle source of moral authority” (including society welfare and equality sources). Findings support existence of a strong relationship between attachment security and the content of moral thought of adolescents, and findings redress an empirical imbalance in research literature on the relation of attachment and morality.  相似文献   

论孝在中国传统社会中的异化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孝是伴随着家庭出现而出现的 ,其自然意义是指对父母的能养与敬事 ,属于私德范畴。自春秋战国以来 ,在以儒家为主的诸多学派对其进行的理论膨胀与实践延伸中 ,发生了愈益深刻的异化。这种异化 ,一方面表现为随着孝的社会化、政治化 ,使其由家庭私德而放大为社会公德与政治道德 ;另一方面 ,则是通过孝的法律化 ,将社会与政治的种种规范注入了作为家庭私德的孝中 ,使其由道德规范发展为法律规范 ,更加远离其本来。孝的这种异化趋势对中国传统社会道德的构建产生了深远影响  相似文献   

Phenomena of moral conflict and disagreement have led writers in ethics to two antithetical conclusions: Either valid moral distinctions hold universally or they hold relative to a particular and contingent moral framework, and so cannot be applied with universal validly. Responding to three articles in this issue of the Journal that criticize his previously published views on the common morality, the author maintains that one can consistently deny universality to some justified moral norms and claim universality for others. Universality is located on the common morality and nonuniversality in other parts of the moral life, called "particular moralities." The existence of universal moral standards is defended in terms of: (1) a theory of the objectives of morality, (2) an account of the norms that achieve those objectives, and (3) an account of normative justification (both pragmatic and coherentist).  相似文献   

中西方“诚信”文化的差异及其现代整合   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
中国传统伦理文化中的诚信是建立在封建社会自给自足的小农经济基础之上 ,属于一种由人格信任、亲缘 (熟人 )信任所构成的道德范畴 ,强调的是伦理性 ;而西方法律文化中的诚信是建立在市场经济的契约关系之上 ,它强调的是规范和监督 ,体现了平等、自由与正当权利的法治精神。当代中国社会相对传统社会而言在社会结构、伦理关系、价值观念等方面都发生了重大变化 ,市场经济发展中的诚信危机现象 ,既有传统伦理道德文化的失灵问题 ,又有法律诚信的缺失问题。这就要求我们在党的十六届三中全会精神的指导下 ,实现传统伦理诚信文化的现代转型。  相似文献   

乡村自律性组织是农村社会转型过程中推进农民道德建设的一种与时俱进的组织依托,具有自主性、功能的单一性、务实性等特征,其类型和形式多种多样。它反映了农民道德建设的一种自觉,充分发挥了道德的自律作用,强化了农村道德的评价机制和赏罚机制,提高了道德教育效果。  相似文献   

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