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We investigated the internal structure of words in the mental lexicon by using a crossword puzzle paradigm. In two experiments, subjects were presented with word fragments along with a semantic cue, and were asked to retrieve the whole word that contained the presented fragment and was compatible with the semantic information. In Experiment 1, we found that any cluster of three adjacent letters facilitated retrieval better than dispersed letters. Moreover, syllabic clusters had a greater facilitative effect than nonsyllabic pronounceable clusters or nonpronounceable clusters. In Experiment 2, we found that syllable units facilitated retrieval better than morphemic units. The results are interpreted as evidence for the existence of lexical subunits that are larger than the letter but smaller than the word, and that are organized according to phonologic principles. We propose an interactive model for how crossword puzzles are solved.  相似文献   

Despite the popularity of free response measures in the motivation literature, research geared toward the development of a standard battery of cues for measuring the Big Three motives (achievement, affiliation, power) has been lacking. The current research examined the effectiveness of sentence cues in eliciting motive imagery in two studies (students, entrepreneurs) comprising 242 men and women. Results indicated that sentence cues were effective in eliciting achievement and affiliation imagery, but not power imagery. In addition, an examination of the subcategories underlying each motive scoring system indicated that there were several infrequently scored subcategories in the achievement and power motive scoring systems that could be considered for removal.  相似文献   

It is proposed that expert knowledge can operate as a cognitive cueing structure for the acquisition and retention of new information in memory. Two experiments are reported which demonstrate that expert knowledge about football and clothing can act as mnemonic cues for the recall of information newly associated with that knowledge. In Experiment 1 expert terms from the domains of football and clothing and those neutral nouns paired with them were both better recalled by experts than by non-experts. In Experiment 2 passages containing information contrary to factual knowledge about football and clothing were recalled better by experts than by non-experts, in spite of the fact that information in the passages contradicted what the experts already knew. The results of the two experiments were interpreted as showing that expert knowledge provides mental cues that have desirable mnemonic properties such as constructibility, associability, discriminability and invertibility. Also, the interpretation of expert knowledge as a cognitive cueing structure is compared to Ausubel's ideas regarding advance organizers.  相似文献   

《Acta psychologica》1986,63(1):63-85
This contribution tries to generalize a theory about the effect of the gravity and idiotropic vectors on the subjective vertical (SV) by encompassing the influence of ‘verticalizing’ visual patterns. Such patterns are first experimentally shown to form a resultant with, rather than to suppress, the gravito-idiotropic vector. By varying the position of the visual panorama, its effect on this resultant turns out to be determined by sine functions of the angle between the SV and the upright axis of the panorama, and of the angle's multiples (named ‘SV-function’). The peculiar features of the visual influence, and its seemingly incompatible effects in earlier experiments on tilt illusions are shown to result from qualitative and quantitative properties of the SV-function. The underlying information processing structure — after experimental falsification of two feedforward variants — is envisaged to contain a central nervous component generator, which is controlled by internal feedback of its own output, after the latter is cross-multiplied with circular Fourier components selected from a central nervous representation of the retinal pattern. Lastly, a weighting procedure is suggested which may extract the required even number circular Fourier components from arrays of cortical neurons of known properties.  相似文献   

The subjective vertical as a function of visual and extraretinal cues   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

The aim of this study was to evaluate photographs as an alternative type of retrieval aid suitable for pre-school children. Fifty-seven children (age 3;7–6;8 years) participated in a fishing game. Ten days later the children were questioned about the situation under three conditions: group 1 was interviewed only with a context-reinstatement instruction. Group 2 additionally received photos relevant to the game as well as distractor items. Group 3 received both of these aids and was trained in the use of photos. In the photo groups more correct details were remembered compared to the control group. Accuracy in both photo groups was also enhanced by props. These results show that multiple-choice photos combined with a reinstate context instruction are an effective retrieval aid for young children. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

魏秋江 《心理科学》2012,35(6):1478-1483
权力线索指人们判断权力所依赖各种信息,其能预测人们的思维和行为。除以视觉刺激和听觉刺激的形式直接影响人们的权力感知外,权力线索也可利用人们对其在空间和数字上的心理表征,间接影响人们的权力判断。各种权力线索的具体效应仍存争议。为此,学者已开始关注现有线索去伪存真、分类和标准化等问题,还从生理视角对其加以验证,并探求新的权力线索  相似文献   

Previous research shows that larger interference is observed in contexts associated with a high proportion of congruent trials than in those associated with a low proportion of congruent trials. Given that one of the most relevant contexts for human beings is social context, researchers have recently explored the possibility that social stimuli could also work as contextual cues for the allocation of attentional control. In fact, it has been shown that individuals use social categories (i.e., men and women) as cues to allocate attentional control. In this work, we go further by showing that individual faces (instead of the social categories they belong to) associated with a high proportion of congruent trials can also lead to larger interference effects compared to individual faces predicting a relatively low proportion of congruent trials. Furthermore, we show that faces associated with a high proportion of congruent trials are more positively evaluated than faces associated with a high proportion of incongruent trials. These results demonstrate that unique human faces are potential contextual cues than can be employed to apply cognitive control when performing an automatic task.  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess the potential benefits of using spatial auditory warning signals in a simulated driving task. In particular, the authors assessed the possible facilitation of responses (braking or accelerating) to potential emergency driving situations (the rapid approach of a car from the front or from behind) seen through the windshield or the rearview mirror. Across 5 experiments, the authors assessed the efficacy of nonspatial-nonpredictive (neutral), spatially nonpredictive (50% valid), and spatially predictive (80% valid) car horn sounds, as well as symbolic predictive and spatially presented symbolic predictive verbal cues (the words "front" or "back") in directing the participant's visual attention to the relevant direction. The results suggest that spatially predictive semantically meaningful auditory warning signals may provide a particularly effective means of capturing attention.  相似文献   

The gaze of a fearful face should be a particularly effective cue to attention; it allows one to rapidly allocate attention to potential threats. Prior data from investigations of this issue have been mixed. We report a novel method in which the gazes of two faces simultaneously cued different directions. Across trials, the emotion expressed by each face varied between happy, neutral, and fearful. Results showed that attention followed a fearful gaze when it competed with a neutral gaze but did not consistently follow a happy gaze when it competed with a neutral gaze. These results suggest that fear moderates the effectiveness of gaze cuing, and we present a parsimonious account that reconciles previously inconsistent data. We also found that presenting a fearful and a happy face simultaneously eliminates this effect, suggesting that emotional expressions interact in ways that may be important for understanding how emotional stimuli influence attention in more complex environments.  相似文献   

The extralist cued recall task simulates everyday reminding because a memory is encoded on the fly and retrieved later by an unexpected cue. Target words are studied individually, and recall is cued by associatively related words having preexisting forward links to them. In Experiments 1 and 2, forward cue-to-target and backward target-to-cue strengths were varied over an extended range in order to determine how these two sources of strength are related and which source has a greater effect. Forward and backward strengths had additive effects on recall, with forward strength having a consistently larger effect. The PIER2 model accurately predicted these findings, but a plausible generation-recognition version of the model, called PIER.GR, could not. In Experiment 3, forward and backward strengths, level of processing, and study time were varied in order to determine how preexisting lexical knowledge is related to knowledge acquired during the study episode. The main finding indicates that preexisting knowledge and episodic knowledge have additive effects on extralist cued recall. PIER2 can explain these findings because it assumes that these sources of strength contribute independently to recall, whereas the eSAM model cannot explain the findings because it assumes that the sources of strength are multiplicatively related.  相似文献   

Our most general proposition is that access to a memory unit is limited to those cues which specify the identifying property of the unit. In our first experiment we had subjects categorize a colored shape by either its shape or color property. Recall for the other member of a unit was faster and better when the cue was the categorized rather than the uncategorized property. In a subsequent experiment evidence was presented which suggested that the asymmetry of the two types of cues was an access rather than an associative asymmetry. Finally, we found that retrieval latency to the uncategorized cue decreased sharply as list length was decreased, while very little effect was evident for the categorized cue, suggesting different retrieval processes for the two types of cues. We are led to infer that when a unit is stored it is also classified and that direct access to that unit is only possible via cues which are specified in the classification system.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of hand gestures as cues for recall of 40 previously described abstract and concrete words. Participants were either self-cued (SC) with their own self-generated gestures, other-cued (OC) with someone else's gestures, or shown no cues (NC). The SC group had significantly better recall for both word types than either the OC or NC immediately and at a 2-week retrieval interval. Results also showed that when the SC group produced a meaningful gesture, concrete words were cued significantly more often than abstract words, but when total recall (cued and residual) was considered, abstract words were recalled equally well. These results are discussed in the context that hand gestures are a component of subjective organization and are thus distinctive cues for the producer that may facilitate or prime recall.  相似文献   

Research on contextual cueing has demonstrated that with simple arrays of letters and shapes, search for a target increases in efficiency as associations between a search target and its surrounding visual context are learned. We investigated whether the visual context afforded by repeated exposure to real-world scenes can also guide attention when the relationship between the scene and a target position is arbitrary. Observers searched for and identified a target letter embedded in photographs of real-world scenes. Although search time within novel scenes was consistent across trials, search time within repeated scenes decreased across repetitions. Unlike previous demonstrations of contextual cueing, however, memory for scene-target covariation was explicit. In subsequent memory tests, observers recognized repeated contexts more often than those that were presented once and displayed superior recall of target position within the repeated scenes. In addition, repetition of inverted scenes, which made the scene more difficult to identify, produced a markedly reduced rate of learning, suggesting semantic information concerning object and scene identity are used to guide attention.  相似文献   

This experiment examined the relationship between self-instructions and subsequent instruction-following performance, as a function of the history of the consequences for correspondence or noncorrespondence. Subjects were two groups of elementary school children (ages 7 and 8 years). In training, the two groups were exposed to different histories of congruence or noncongruence between self-instructions and consequences for performance. In the Congruent group, subjects were exposed to a series of stimuli to which they were trained to give self-instructions to make, or not to make, a key-pressing response. Reinforcement was given for self-instructing, and responding in accord with the self-instruction. Subjects in the Noncongruent group were trained to give the same self-instructions for the same stimuli, but reinforcement was given for counter-compliance. Subsequently, in a temptation situation, the experimenter gave an instruction not to press for a test stimulus; and subjects were trained to give the inhibitory self-instruction for this stimulus. Subjects in the Noncongruent group showed a high rate of rule-breaking. The effects on behavior of self-delivered instructions depend on the past relations between these events and the consequences for instruction-following. Implications are discussed for moral behavior and cognitively oriented therapy.  相似文献   

Olfactory stimuli as context cues in human memory   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Olfactory stimuli were used as context cues in a recognition memory paradigm. Male college students were exposed to 50 slides of the faces of college females while in the presence of a pleasant or an unpleasant odor. During the acquisition phase, ratings of physical attractiveness of the slides were collected. After a 48-hr delay, a recognition test was given using the original 50 slides and 50 new slides. The recognition test was conducted with either the original odor or the alternative odor present. A no-odor control group did not receive olfactory cues. The attractiveness ratings indicated that the odor variations had no effect on these social judgments. Analyses of d' scores, hits, and false alarms for the recognition performance indicated support for the predicted interaction in which presence of the same odor at both sessions led to better overall performance.  相似文献   

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