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The purpose of the present study was to determine if lingual vibrotactile threshold shifts occurred during magnitude-estimation scaling of suprathreshold stimuli presented to the dorsal surface of the tongue. Possible relationships of the lingual vibrotactile threshold shifts to suprathreshold stimulus intensity, magnitude-estimation responses, and overall scaling behavior were explored. A single group of 24 subjects with an age range of 18 to 22 years participated in this study. Each subject performed two magnitude-estimation tasks. In one of the tasks, threshold of sensitivity was determined after every suprathreshold numerical response of the subject. If a threshold shift was recorded, threshold was allowed to return to the pretest baseline level before continuing to the next suprathreshold stimulus presentation. The results showed that threshold shift did occur during lingual vibrotactile magnitude-estimation scaling, and that it was related to suprathreshold stimulus intensity. The results also showed that the numerical magnitude-estimation responses of the subjects were different for the two scaling tasks. Overall scaling behavior of the subjects in the form of power-function exponents was not different for the two tasks.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine whether threshold shifts occurred during magnitude-estimation scaling of suprathreshold stimuli presented to the thenar eminence of the right hand. Possible relationships of the vibrotactile threshold shifts to suprathreshold stimulus intensity, magnitude-estimation responses, and over-all scaling behavior were explored. A single group of 14 subjects whose ages ranged from 18 to 22 yr. participated. Each subject performed two magnitude-estimation tasks. In one of the tasks threshold of sensitivity was determined after every suprathreshold numerical response of the subject. If a threshold shift was recorded, threshold was allowed to return to pretest baseline level before continuation to the next suprathreshold stimulus presentation. Analysis showed that threshold shift did occur during vibrotactile magnitude-estimation scaling on the hand and that it was related to suprathreshold stimulus intensity. Results also showed that the subjects' numerical magnitude-estimation responses and over-all scaling behavior in the form of power function exponents were not statistically different for the two scaling tasks.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of age on tactile threshold shifts occurring during magnitude-estimation scaling of vibratory stimuli presented to the dorsal surface of the tongue. Relationships of the lingual vibrotactile threshold shifts to suprathreshold stimulus intensity, magnitude-estimation responses, and over-all scaling behavior were explored. Three groups differing in mean age participated in this study (Group 1 8.05 yr., Group 2 19.46 yr., and Group 3 56.2 yr.). Each subject performed two magnitude-estimation tasks. In one task, threshold of sensitivity was measured after every suprathreshold numerical response to the subject. If a threshold shift was recorded, threshold was allowed to return to the pretest baseline level continuing to the next suprathreshold stimulus presentation. The results showed that threshold shift during magnitude-estimation scaling took place for all three age groups and that the shift was related to the intensity of the suprathreshold vibratory stimulus being applied to the tongue. They also showed that Group 2 (young adults) performed magnitude-estimation scaling differently when threshold shift was controlled than when it was not. The other two groups of subjects were not similarly affected.  相似文献   

The reliability of magnitude-estimation scaling as a measure of overall clarity of speech was investigated. 40 subjects (M age = 19 yr.) provided magnitude-estimation responses for nine audiotaped versions of a nonsense sentence varying systematically in number of correct consonant phonemes. There was no significant difference in the magnitude-estimation responses of the subjects during two test sessions separated by one week. Analysis suggested that magnitude-estimation scaling is a reliable measure of speech clarity/intelligibility. This finding is discussed in relation to speech samples varying in aspects other than number of consonant phonemes correct and possible further clinical research applications.  相似文献   

Prior findings of emotional numbness (rather than distress) among socially excluded persons led the authors to investigate whether exclusion causes a far-reaching insensitivity to both physical and emotional pain. Experiments 1-4 showed that receiving an ostensibly diagnostic forecast of a lonesome future life reduced sensitivity to physical pain, as indicated by both (higher) thresholds and tolerance. Exclusion also caused emotional insensitivity, as indicated by reductions in affective forecasting of joy or woe over a future football outcome (Experiment 3), as well as lesser empathizing with another person's suffering from either romantic breakup (Experiment 4) or a broken leg (Experiment 5). The insensitivities to pain and emotion were highly intercorrelated.  相似文献   

The following measures were obtained from 42 student volunteers: the General and the Disinhibition subscales of the Sensation Seeking Scale (Form IV), the Reducer-Augmenter Scale, and the Absolute Auditory Threshold. General sensation seeking correlated significantly with the Reducer-Augmenter Scale, r(40) = .59, p less than .001, and the Absolute Auditory Threshold, r(40) = .45, p less than .005. Both results proved general across sex. These findings, that high-sensation seekers tend to be reducers and to lack sensitivity to weak stimulation, were interpreted as supporting strength-of-the-nervous-system theory more than the formulation of Zuckerman and his associates.  相似文献   

The present study compared two self-recording scales: VAS (Visual Analogue Scale) and DIBS (Duration, Intensity, Behavior Scale) with respect to compliance, authenticity, sensitivity, and reliability using a population of 32 patients with chronic epigastric pain. Compliance, authenticity, and sensitivity data revealed no significant differences between the two scales. With respect to reliability, high temporal stability coefficients were found for pain intensity over a 2-day period, for pain duration, and for a pain index calculated from DIBS. DIBS pain intensity data showed a greater temporal stability than VAS. Since DIBS yields more clinically useful information without suffering deficits in compliance, authenticity, or reliability, it appears to be a preferable instrument for monitoring chronic pain.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in tactile sensory system function between stutterers and normal speakers. This task was accomplished by studying possible tactile threshold shifts occurring during magnitude-estimation scaling of vibratory stimuli presented to the dorsal surface of the tongue. Ten normal speaking men (M age = 19.7 yr.) and 10 stutterers (M age = 25.9 yr.) participated. Analysis suggested that stutterers and normal speakers differ in terms of the responsiveness of the sensory mechanism for the lingual tactile threshold to vibratory stimulus intensities applied at suprathreshold levels. The stutterers and normal speakers performed similarly on all aspects of the magnitude-estimation scaling tasks, but the amount of threshold shift occurring during the scaling procedures was significantly greater for the stutterers at each suprathreshold intensity level employed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in tactile sensory system function between men and women. This task was accomplished by studying the effects of possible tactile threshold shifts occurring during magnitude-estimation scaling of vibratory stimuli presented to the dorsal surface of the tongue. 12 men (M age = 19.7 yr.) and 12 women (M age = 19.3 yr.) participated. Analysis suggested that men and women have tactile sensory systems that operate similarly at both threshold and suprathreshold levels of stimulation. Men and women do, however, choose to use consistently different numerical responses to suprathreshold stimuli, suggesting that environmental and/or cultural-educational influences may be involved in numerical decision-making aspects of the scaling process.  相似文献   

Olfactory sensitivity: reliability, generality, and association with aging.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Thirty-two Ss between 22 and 59 years of age yielded detection thresholds for 4 odorants over 4 sessions. The thresholds decreased and reliability increased over the course of testing. High intercorrelations between odorants and the stability of an S's relative position within the threshold distributions showed that a general factor of sensitivity dominated the outcome. Age contributed strongly to intersubject variation. Even among these nonelderly individuals, it accounted for up to 2 orders of magnitude in threshold performance. Other important factors included superiority of the right nostril and a negative correlation between the mean and variance of threshold distributions. Scant attention to the correlation may have contributed to overestimation of the frequency and specificity of specific anosmia. A clinically relevant outcome was that measurement of threshold for diagnostic purposes can generally rely on just 1 odorant.  相似文献   

The relationship between the logarithm of pain threshold latency (sec) and the logarithm of the stimulus intensity (mcal/cm2/sec) has been shown to be linear, and the extrapolated x-intercept value of the linear equation could be a useful measure in pain research. In order to assess the reliability of the x-intercept, pain latency thresholds, were obtained from 23 Ss by utilizing the D’Amour-Smith modification of the dolorimetric technique and by testing under a variety of conditions at each of four stimulus intensities. The empirically determined log t (sec) values were shown to be slightly, but significantly, higher when stimulation was applied to either the dominant limb or to the legs rather than to the nondominant limb or to the arms. The computed slope and x-intercept values did not differ between limbs or between dominant and nondominant sides. None of the three measures changed significantly between the two sessions. The x-intercept value was interpreted as an index of a threshold of aversion and its meaning and applicability were discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in function of the tactile sensory system between groups of normal-speaking children and children with articulation problems. This task was accomplished by studying possible tactile threshold shifts occurring during magnitude-estimation scaling of vibratory stimuli presented to the dorsal surface of the tongue. 10 normal-speaking children (M age = 7.8 yr.) and 9 children with articulation problems (M age = 7.5 yr.) participated. The normal-speaking children and articulatory defective children performed differently on the magnitude-estimation scaling task in which threshold was allowed to return to baseline after each stimulus presentation. These two groups of children also showed dissimilar threshold shifts for the suprathreshold intensities employed in the magnitude-estimation scaling.  相似文献   

Wegner's Theory of Ironic Processes has been applied to study the effects of cognitive strategies to control pain. Research suggests that suppression contributes to a more distressing pain experience. Recently, the acceptance-based approach has been proposed as an alternative to cognitive control. This study assessed the tolerance time, the distress and the perceived pain intensity in three groups (suppression, acceptance and spontaneous coping groups) when the participants were exposed to a cold pressor procedure. Two hundred and nineteen undergraduates volunteered to participate. The suppression group showed the shortest tolerance time and the acceptance group showed the longest tolerance time. The acceptance group showed pain and distress immersion ratings that were significantly lower than in the other two groups, between which the differences were not significant. In the first recovery period, the suppression group showed pain and distress ratings that were higher than in the other two groups. In the second recovery period, although the acceptance group showed pain and distress ratings that were significantly lower than in the other two groups, the suppression and the spontaneous coping groups did not differ. The presence of a 'rebound' of physical discomfort and the effects of suppression on behavioural avoidance are discussed. These results support the acceptance approach in the management of pain.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of anxiety sensitivity (AS) as a factor relevant to pain and pain persistence. Two studies were conducted to examine the relationship between AS, body vigilance and the experience of pain in non-clinical samples. Study 1 investigated the relationship between AS and body vigilance that was operationalized by the detection latency for innocuous electrical stimuli; trait anxiety and neuroticism were also included as covariates. Results indicated that the high AS group (N=69) presented shorter detection latency than the low AS group (N=70); neuroticism and trait anxiety did not have significant effects on detection latency. Using another sample, Study 2 investigated the relationship between AS, body vigilance, pain tolerance, catastrophizing, and self-reported distress and pain during a cold pressor task. Neuroticism, trait anxiety and fear of pain were included as covariates. Results showed significant differences between high- (N=66) and low- (N=69) AS groups in body vigilance, catastrophizing and tolerance. The covariates neuroticism, trait anxiety and fear of pain did not have any significant effects. No significant differences were found in pain and distress ratings. Results from both studies support the importance of AS in body vigilance and the experience of pain. The theoretical, preventive and clinical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study utilized 27 college students (14 females, 13 males) to investigate the effects of anxiety upon the ability to attend to detail (two-point threshold sensitivity). It was hypothesized that subjects both low and high in anxiety would have a smaller threshold than mild or moderately anxious subjects. A curvilinear correlation of .83 (p less .01) was obtained between anxiety scores and two-point threshold sensitivity. There was no significant difference between mean thresholds for those scoring above or below the median on the anxiety scale. Suggestions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

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