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The author presents a counter-transferential dream of the director of a flat sharing community for mentally disabled persons. On the one side she realizes hereby a tension between the performances which have to be presented for external quality assurance and the “work which is not to be seen”, i.e. the coping with emotions and phantasies of the caring staff. On the other side she discovers, motivated by Freud, Morgenthaler and most of all by Elisabeth Lenk, in this dream a mimetic (ecstatic, sexual) dimension which may become a threat for the coherence of the subject. An attempt at interpretation leads to the extremes of exhibitionism and voyeurism as they are activated in the care work. Institutions produce their own counter-transferences steeped in the phantasms prevailing in these institutions (here: mental disability). In the counter-transference dream analyzed here the author discovers elements of the primal scene and examines the relevance of the associated phantasies in the constitution of the subject of the caring staff, of the cared-for persons and of the author herself.  相似文献   

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Courage–a mental act that involves a decision to face and deal with emotional pain as honestly as possible without any guarantee of a positive outcome–resides at the heart of the therapeutic alliance and the work of psychodynamic group therapy. The author’s experience suggests that group therapists tend to take for granted or underestimate the courage required to join and participate in a psychodynamic therapy group. Written from the perspective of self-psychology, this article provides a theoretical rationale for courage recognition as a central and crucial leadership function. Examples of courage are presented and contrasted with behaviors that appear courageous but are not. A detailed case example discusses the courage it takes for dyads to work through reciprocal negative transferences. Suggestions are offered to assist the group therapist in recognizing and calling attention to courageous behaviors.

The author discusses some of the pitfalls of our profession’s preference for value–free language and then shows how and why the occasional and judicious use of non–neutral language, courage being an example, can facilitate and deepen group work.  相似文献   


The problem

Are there correlations between shame and touch in healthy persons?


Data from a questionnaire survey with the Skin Satisfaction Questionnaire (HautZuf) with 140 healthy persons were validated with TAS 26, HADS and the Adult Attachment Scale.


There are significant correlations in the scale shame with all other scales of the used questionnaires TAS-26, AAS and HADS. There was a negative correlation between the scale ?physical closeness“ and ?confidence“ of the AAS, but all other scales correlated positively with the shame scale.


More emotions of shame seem to be present with anxiety, depression and disturbances in the sense of an alexithymia concept. Also high feelings of shame correlated with decreased confidence in the personal environment and greater intolerance for personal nearness. The significant correlations between shame affects and self-touch or touch by partner point to important factors in self-perception also for the psychotherapeutic context.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung. Die F?higkeit zur Empathie setzt sich aus unterschiedlichen Kompetenzen zusammen: Der Gefühlsansteckung, der Perspektivenübernahme und der F?higkeit, den Kontext sozialer Situationen zu verstehen. Alle drei Kompetenzen müssen in sozialer Erfahrung gelernt werden. Eine Theorie des empathischen Prozesses hat darzustellen, wie es m?glich ist, im Selbst die Gefühle und Phantasien eines Anderen zu erfahren und ihm auch zuzuordnen. Hier zeigt sich, da? der theoretisch begründete Versuch, zwischen Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmung zu unterscheiden, in eine Sackgasse führen mu?. Angemessener erscheint eine konstruktivistisch orientierte Hypothese, die die Einfühlung als einen pers?nlichen Entwurf versteht. Dieser Entwurf orientiert sich sowohl an den eigenen inneren Objekten als auch an den konkreten Erfahrungen mit dem Gegenüber. Im psychoanalytischen Dialog bringen beide Beteiligte, Patienten und Psychoanalytiker, ihre empathischen Entwürfe zur Geltung und suchen darüber eine Verst?ndigung.
The ability to share another person's feelings: About empathy
Summary. The ability of empathy includes different competences: being infected by emotions, the adoption of another person's perspective and the capability to understand the social context. All three competences have to be learned through social experiences. A theory of the empathic process has to describe, how it is possible to experience emotions and phantasies of another person in the self as one's own and to recognize them as belonging to the other. The theoretically founded attempt to differentiate between self-perception and the perception of the other proves necessarily to reach an impass. A constructivistic hypothesis seems to be more appropriate here, that conceives empathy as a personal draft. This draft is directed by one's own inner objects and by concrete experiences with the other as well. In the psychoanalytic dialogue both participants, patient and analyst, develop their empathic drafts and try to reach through them an understanding.

It has been noted before in the history of logic that some of Frege's logical and semantic views were anticipated in Stoicism. In particular, there seems to be a parallel between Frege's Gedanke (thought) and Stoic lekton; and the distinction between complete and incomplete lekta has an equivalent in Frege's logic. However, nobody has so far claimed that Frege was actually influenced by Stoic logic; and there has until now been no indication of such a causal connection. In this essay, we attempt, for the first time, to provide detailed evidence for the existence of this connection. In the course of our argumentation, further analogies between the positions of Frege and the Stoics will be revealed. The classical philologist Rudolf Hirzel will be brought into play as the one who links Frege with Stoicism. The renowned expert on Stoic philosophy was Frege's tenant and lived in the same house as the logician for many years.

In der Geschichte der Logik ist häufig bemerkt worden, dass einige der logischen und semantischen Auffassungen Freges in der Stoa antizipiert worden sind. Genannt wurden insbesondere die Parallelen zwischen dem Fregeschen Gedanken und dem stoischen Lekton sowie die Unterscheidung zwischen vollständigen und unvollständigen Lekta, die bei Frege ihre Entsprechung hat. Ein Wirkungszusammenhang ist allerdings nicht behauptet worden. Dazu gab es bislang auch keinen Anlass. Der vorliegende Beitrag versucht erstmalig, einen detaillierten Indizienbeweis für das Bestehen eines solchen Zusammenhangs vorzulegen. Dabei werden weitere charakteristische Übereinstimmungen zwischen Frege und der Stoa aufgewiesen. Als Mittelsmann wird der Altphilologe Rudolf Hirzel vorgestellt. Er wohnte lange Jahre als Mieter zusammen mit Frege im selben Haus und war ein anerkannter Experte der stoischen Philosophie.  相似文献   

Andrea Pinotti 《Axiomathes》1998,9(1-2):253-264
6. Conclusions This synthetic survey of the models on which theEinflihlungstheorie is based has showed the deficiency of a pattern and the oscillation of a distinction. The hydraulic model, which following a radical subjectivism is specified as a projection or transfer of pathemic contents from the subject into the object, experiences a crisis if confronted with the rights of the object, which claims to be empathized in this way or in that way. Such a claim induces to recognize a character proper to the object, which does not accept to be reduced to a mere neutral container ready to receive the subjective pathemic contents. Consequently, the distinction between empathy towards the human and empathy towards the sub-human — which appeared to be a major difference —vanishes, since the relation with the object (natural or artistic) is specified in terms of intersubjectivity andalter-ego. The subjectivistic hydraulic pattern is not just substituted by an opposite, objectivistic pattern, which would create the same difficulties, only upset; but rather by ananalogic model, in which sense is established in the correlation between subject and object, and on the aesthetic ground of the qualitative affinities, which determine a horizon of style. It is an analogic model which characterizes, in Husserl, the constitution of the transcendental intersubjectivity: empathy becomes the condition of possibility of the comprehension of other subjects in their typic or stylistic structure. InAesthetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft Max Dessoir severely criticizes the theorists of empathy because they hyposthatize organic metaphors creating a “schablonenhafte Versprachlichung.”44 Empathy is certainly metaphor, yet not in the sense of a figurative expression, but as a realmetapherein ortransfert: as translation of sense — not from a full to an empty vessel, but rather in the circular form of the analogic circuit.   相似文献   

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