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李晓东  张炳松 《心理科学》2001,24(1):54-58,95
本研究以152名初中二年级学生为被试,采用问卷法研究了成就目标、社会目标、自我效能及学习成绩与学业求助的关系。结果表明:(1)自我取向的成就目标的确可以区分出自我一趋向型目标和自我一逃避目标,它们对学业求助的影响模式是不同的,自我一逃避型目标对学业求助有更大的负面作用。(2)社会目标与学业求助有显著关系,支持本研究的假设。(3)自我效能低及学习成绩差的学生更不愿求助,支持脆弱假说。  相似文献   

大脑两半球功能不对称性与儿童学业成绩   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究调查了 3 1 8名小学一至三年级学生大脑两半球优势情况 ,然后对不同优势半球学生的语文和数学成绩进行了比较。结果发现优势半球为右半球的学生人数较少 ,只有 3 .8% ,明显少于优势半球为左半球的学生 (χ2 =2 3 9.83 0 ,p<0 .0 0 1 )。对不同优势半球学生的语文和数学成绩的比较 ,未发现两者有显著差异 (语文 :F=1 .1 3 0 ,p>0 .0 5 ;数学 :F=0 .5 75 ,p>0 .0 5 )。  相似文献   

Increasing attention is being paid to children's rights issues in policy and law. However, there is little recent research examining adults’ attitudes toward children's rights. This is an important question given that children's rights are unlikely to be fulfilled if they are not supported by the adults involved in their lives. Attitudes toward nurturance and self‐determination rights were examined in 461 undergraduate students from the United States and Canada. Students were asked to think of a “target child” (8, 10, 12, 14, or 16 years) when answering the questions. Students strongly endorsed nurturance rights, but were generally unsupportive of children's rights to self‐determination. Canadians showed greater support for self‐determination than did Americans. In both groups, endorsement increased significantly with the age of the target child. Commenting on factors they considered when responding to the items, participants perceived children's rights as dependent on personal, interpersonal, and societal factors.  相似文献   

成就目标(Achievement Goal)是个体对从事成就活动的目的或意义的知觉,学业情绪(Academic Emotion)是指与学业学习、班级指导和学业成就直接相关的各种情绪。成就目标与学业情绪相互作用,即成就目标会影响学生的学业情绪,学业情绪反过来也会影响成就目标。同时,成就目标和学业情绪对学生的学业成绩具有综合预测作用,学业情绪在成就目标和学业成绩间起中介作用。未来研究的方向主要在于深入探讨成就目标与更细分的学业情绪的关系,以及成就目标、学业情绪和成绩之间的相互作用。  相似文献   

Research has shown that a critical variable in determining academic achievement in different cultures and educational systems is approaches to learning. In this study, the author sought to determine whether this variable influences academic achievement among Filipino college students. The Learning Process Questionnaire (LPQ; J. B. Biggs, 1987) was used to assess approaches to learning. The results indicated that (a) the LPQ was a valid instrument to assess the learning approaches of non-low-achieving Filipino college students; (b) the Deep and Achieving subscale scores of the LPQ were positively related to academic achievement even when the effects of school ability and prior academic achievement were controlled; and (c) with some slight exceptions, the relationship between the LPQ scale scores and academic achievement were génerally similar between male and female Filipino students. Implications for the study of student approaches to learning in different cultures and educational systems are discussed.  相似文献   

Stress-buffering effects of high self-complexity can be explained by two different theoretical models. According to the affective spillover model (Linville, ), a large number of independent self-aspects prevents a generalization of affect after negative but also after positive events. According to the self-regulatory processes model, a large number of self-aspects promotes efficient self-regulation, which is restricted to negative events. Effects of negative and positive events on subsequent changes in depression were investigated in a prospective design. Having a large number of self-aspects was found to attenuate adverse effects of negative events on depression, irrespective of the distinctness of the self-aspects. No buffering effects were observed regarding the relation between positive events and depression. The self-regulatory processes model also predicts that for people with a large number of self-aspects, an increasing number of positive experiences should be generated in response to high levels of stress. This prediction was tested and confirmed in a second part of the study.  相似文献   

Little work has studied achievement goals in social interaction situations. The present experiment aimed at contributing to this matter by showing the potential of social interaction (in particular disagreement) to moderate the effects of achievement goals on learning. Participants were led to think they interacted with a partner, sharing opinions about a text that they were studying. Mastery and performance goals were manipulated. During the “interaction,” they received either disagreement or agreement from this bogus partner. Results showed that a condition in which mastery goals were induced led to better learning than a performance goal condition only when the partner disagreed. No differences between goal conditions were observed when the partner agreed. Implications for achievement goal research are discussed. Part of this work was conducted during Céline Darnon’s doctoral dissertation under the supervision of Fabrizio Butera, and was written during Céline Darnon’s post-doctorate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, thanks to a Fulbright fellowship.  相似文献   

中学生成就目标的相关因素研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
赵崇莲  李宏翰  黄希庭 《心理科学》2002,25(1):93-93,99
从20世纪70年代末、80年代初开始至今,成就目标(achievement goal)。特别是成就目标与学业成绩的关系问题,始终是国内外心理学研究的一个热门主题。当前普遍接受的两种成就目标类型是掌握目标(mastery goal)和表现目标(performance goal),认知参与(cognitive engagement)和能力知觉(perceived ability)也被认为是影响学生学习活动的重要因素。然而已有研究结果往往存有较大分歧。例如。Dweck的研究显示。能力知觉与掌握目标没有关系。但Pintrieh和Careia的研究表明二者显著正相关。还有研究报告指出能力知觉与掌握目标、表现目标均呈显著的正相关。此情形容易让人产生质疑:已有理论是最佳框架吗?有没有其他重要因素尚未揭示出来?既然认知参与有重要作用。那么情绪参与(emotional engagement)是否也有重要作用?  相似文献   

大学生自主学习、成就目标定向与学业成就关系的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用大学生自主学习量表、学业成就自评量表和自编的大学生成就目标定向问卷,以安徽省、江苏省、山东省667名大学生为被试,调查分析了大学生自主学习、成就目标定向与学业成就的关系。结果显示:(1)大学生自主学习对学业成就具有预测作用;(2)掌握目标、成绩接近目标对大学生自主学习具有预测作用;(3)掌握目标对大学生学业成就具有预测作用;(4)成就目标定向对学业成就既有直接作用,又有间接作用;自主学习在成就目标对学业成就的影响中发挥着重要的中介作用。  相似文献   

The Children's Attitudes toward the Environment Scale, developed by Musser and Malkus (1994), gave Cronbach alpha .73 and .83 at pretest and 3-wk. later for 274 children and a test-retest r of only .47. While Cronbach alpha was similar to the value reported by the test developers, it is close to the low end of acceptability.  相似文献   

王燕  张雷 《应用心理学》2005,11(2):186-192
运用问卷法,对612名北京市中小学生及其父母分别进行了自我概念和教养风格的测试。结果表明,父母民主型教养风格通过儿童学业自我概念这一中介变量,对儿童学业成就产生明显的正向促进作用,而父母专制型教养风格,则以直接的途径对儿童的学业成就产生负面效应。  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study was to predict academic grade point averages (GPAs) of Turki primary school children, using family background and individual measures (sociometric standing, self-reported loneliness, and social efficacy) as predictors. We hypothesized that these two measures would explain the wide variation in GPA for samples differing with respect to sex and paternal education. Regression analyses with male and female subsamples revealed that the background measures explained twice as much variance in GPA, popularity, and loneliness for girls as for boys. Another finding was that the background measures explained a greater proportion of the variance in GPA for children with less-versus more-educated fathers, whereas individual measures explained a greater proportion of the variance for children with more as opposed to less educated fathers.  相似文献   

In this study 65 junior high school boys and girls (54 normal and 11 exceptional children) evaluated themselves most favorably, normal children as a group less favorably, and exceptional children as a group least favorably of all on the Personal Attribute Inventory for Children. This was so regardless of whether the respondents were normal or exceptional children. Since data were collected from mainstreamed classrooms, it appears that mainstreaming may not be directly deleterious to exceptional children's self-concepts, but has associated with it a negative stigma for exceptional children as a group for both exceptional and normal children. These findings, plus others reported previously, fail to demonstrate that mainstreaming in its present form may be an elixir for exceptional children's social-emotional difficulties.  相似文献   

Two studies examined the relationships of right‐wing authoritarianism (RWA), dogmatism, social dominance orientation (SDO), and political‐economic conservatism (PEC) to attitudes toward homosexuality. Study I, a meta‐analysis, found that all 4 variables were related to attitudes toward homosexuality, with RWA having the largest relationship. Study 2 examined the relationships of the 4 variables to attitudes toward lesbians and gay men in a college‐student sample. Although all 4 variables had zero‐order correlations with these attitudes, RWA and SDO were the primary predictors, with RWA having the larger relationship. In addition, the zero‐order correlations of PEC and dogmatism could be explained by their overlap with SDO and RWA, and SDO partially mediated the gender difference found in attitudes toward gay men.  相似文献   

In this study, I examined relationships between family educational capital and measures of children's individual attributes and their academic achievement. Data were collected from 905 eleven-year-old Australian children (457 boys, 448 girls) and their parents. Families were classified into four opportunity structures defined conjointly by human capital and social capital. Within each opportunity structure, relationships among the variables were examined by investigating hierarchical regression models that included terms to test for possible linear, interaction, and curvilinear associations. The findings suggest that (a) within family opportunity structures defined by human and social capital, children's ability and cognitive attitudes and their family educational capital had modest to moderate associations with academic achievement and (b) there were family opportunity structure differences in the nature of the relationships among family educational capital, children's individual attributes, and their academic performance.  相似文献   

Twenty-six mother–child dyads volunteered to be observed interacting at home, and the children agreed to participate in interviews designed to elicit their personal narratives. Observers coded the children's compliance with mother instructions and the mothers' responsiveness to their children's prosocial behaviors. Other raters coded the children's narratives for coherence of story structure. Correlational analyses of the data sets confirmed hypotheses that mother responsiveness and child coherence scores would account for separate variance in the children's willingness to comply with their mothers' instructions. These results were interpreted within the literature on child–mother synchrony and functional aspects of children's personal narratives.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore attitudes toward the division of fathers' and mothers' participation in childcare/household tasks through a multilevel modeling approach. Data from the Euro-barometer surveys, including over 10,000 respondents from 13 European countries, were used. Respondents' attitudes were related to several individual-and macro-level factors. At the individual level (based on a separate regression equation for each country), it was found that respondents were most likely to hold egalitarian attitudes toward household work and childcare when they were younger, female, and politically liberal. At the macro level, countries' United Nations ratings on women's empowerment, Gross National Product, and cultural individualism were related to egalitarian attitudes. Study implications, strengths and weaknesses, and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Parents generally want their children to be happy, but little is known about particular types of positive affect (PA) that parents want their children to experience. Tsai's (2007) affect valuation theory offers a useful framework to understand how parents' emotional goals may shape the socialization of particular types of PA (e.g., excitement vs. relaxation). Participants were 96 mothers and their 7- to 12-year-old children. Results indicated that mothers endorsed similar levels of ideal PA (IPA) for low-, moderate-, and high-arousal PA for both themselves and for their child, suggesting that mothers desire the same type of PA for their children as they want for themselves. In support of the study's main hypothesis, mothers' IPA for their children predicted specific socialization responses that would encourage that type of PA (e.g., mothers' high-arousal IPA predicted greater encouragement of their child to celebrate, whereas mothers' low-arousal IPA predicted encouragement of affection). The findings extend affect valuation theory and emotion socialization research by indicating that parents' emotional goals (i.e., IPA) for their children may contribute to their socialization of children's PA.  相似文献   

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