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尹立 《中国道教》2002,(5):23-26
《黄庭经》是魏晋间出世的道教上清派修炼经典 ,现传《黄庭经》有《黄庭内景玉经》、《黄庭外景玉经》和《黄庭中景玉经》三种 ,其中《中景经》出世较晚 ,《内景经》和《外景经》出世早晚亦有争论。本文遵循陈撄宁先生的原则 ,“两篇文字 ,不必出于一手 ,而精理贯通 ,体用相备 ,真知个中消息者 ,当不复存歧视 ,”① 以研究经文思想为要 ,重点放在现存内容较为完备的三十六章《黄庭内景玉经》。②《内景经》一名《太上琴心文》 ,通篇以七言韵文形式讲解上清派“存思”为主的修炼要诀。它继承《太平经》五脏有神 ,存思即可除病的思想 ,认为人…  相似文献   

一、姚生诵《黄庭经》验 据道书记载:晋哀帝兴宁三年(公元364年),南岳夫人魏华存授其弟子《黄庭经》。魏华存元君,字贤安,任城人,幼而好道,志慕神仙,修成道果。 《黄庭经》有《黄庭内景玉经》、《黄庭外景玉经》、《黄庭中景玉经》,简称《黄庭经》。《黄庭内经玉经》又名《上清黄庭内景经》,收人《正统道藏》。另《道藏》与《道藏辑要》、《云茬七签》收有数种《黄庭经》注本。《黄庭经》重在存思黄庭,炼养丹田,又以积精累气为要诀,全经反映了上清派修道成仙的思想,此经是道教一部重要的经书。《黄庭内景经》经文分三十六…  相似文献   

《黄庭经》是道教的一部养生修炼要书。正如陈撄宁先生所说:“(《黄庭经》)尤属丹家之要旨,为玄门之总持矣。”(《黄庭经讲义》)然经文多用术语,辞意隐约,不易把握,笔者水平所限,现只能对《黄庭经》作一浅析,不妥之处,望时贤正之。一、《黄庭经》的作者及其成书的年代《黄庭经》不著作者姓氏,也不著年代。世传由晋魏夫人(魏华存)流传下来,一般认为,它最早成书于魏晋时期。  相似文献   

道教上清派经典《黄庭经》在宋代颇为盛行。苏轼道学修养深厚,《黄庭经》对其影响较为深刻。具体体现为:苏轼在其诗文创作中,大量引用《黄庭经》中的词汇和故事,诗歌内容、体式模仿《黄庭经》。苏轼的养生思想、生活态度、艺术观等受到了《黄庭经》的影响。苏轼对《黄庭经》的接受对其子苏过也有一定影响。  相似文献   

黄庭经讲义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《黄庭经》不著撰人姓氏,也不著年代,世传由晋魏夫人流传下来,当是魏晋间道流所作。隋唐时出现《黄庭内景经》,由此原《黄庭经》称为《外景经》,而《黄庭经》之名成为内、外两篇的总称。其后又有《中景经》,宋郑樵《通志》中曾有著录,《道藏》  相似文献   

道教经典。《太上黄庭外景玉经》及《太上黄庭内景玉经》之概称。据道教释义,黄者中央之色,喻中央”;庭者四方之中,阶前空地,喻“中空”。黄庭之景,意谓道教修炼功夫之中空景象。《黄庭经》作者,传说殊多。或谓魏夫人(名华存、晋司徒魏舒之女)研审民间草本后所撰,或谓道士口授,魏氏记录而成。成书年代,《外景》始见于葛洪  相似文献   

朝鲜王朝时编撰的《东医宝鉴》是一部总结"东医学"精华的集大成之作,其中辑录了许多道教经典中有关身心修养与药石治病的名篇佳句,因包括宣扬通过修炼人体内的精气神就可促进身心健康乃至于长生成仙的道教养生论,故《东医宝鉴》也被认为是一部重要的道教医学著作。《东医宝鉴》开篇就以道教《黄庭经》为指导来阐述其医学思想,首先记载了关于人体"内景"与"外形"的大致内容,其中的《身形脏腑图》还使用了尾闾关、夹脊关和玉枕关等道教内丹术语来标注身体中的穴位、展示五脏六腑的位置以及道教运气经过的周天循环路线,可见它对身体的看法基本上来自道教养生论。然后在"杂病篇"中记载了关于天地六气、风寒暑湿燥火等自然环境对人身"内伤外感诸病"的影响。最后再论述医疗救治的方法与药物。《东医宝鉴》倡导"以道治心"、"以道疗病",追求"身道合一",反映了道教在朝鲜半岛的传播以及对东医学的影响。  相似文献   

中国道教协会道教经书简介一、《黄庭经讲义》作者:陈撄宁小32K本,约五万字《黄庭经》为道教讲述炼养的重要经典,分《内景经》、《外景经》二篇。我会已故会长、著名道教学者陈撄宁先生就《黄庭经》二篇义蕴,沉潜探索,择其精要,以深入浅出的文字,分类诠释,使其词能解,理可通,便于读者理解和学习。《讲义》后附《道藏》本《黄庭内景经》、《黄庭外景经》原文。定价:批发0.80元,另售1.00 二、《神经衰弱静功疗养法问答》作者:陈撄宁小32K本,约一万七千字本书为我国近代著名道教学者、养生学家、中国道教协会已故会长陈撄宁先生于1957年8月,应杭州市屏风山疗养院邀请讲学而编写的。  相似文献   

《老子河上公注》 ,又名《老子河上公章句》 ,是东汉养生家所作的一部注老之作 ,托名“河上公”。是汉代崇黄老和修仙道思潮融会与演变的历史产物 ,也是《老子》由道家学说向道教教义演变的过渡性著作。《河上公注》尽管依经为注 ,不是专门独立的养生教育专著 ,其养生学说也不能形成首尾完具的理论体系 ,但从其散见于各章的注文中 ,可以看出其中饱含着丰富的养生教育思想 ,而且通观互照 ,首尾照应。围绕治身养性 ,从人的主体性角度出发 ,以益寿延年、长生久寿为目的 ,阐释爱气、养神、抱一、守性、无欲、和气等养生教育观 ,为进一步完善道家…  相似文献   

《抱朴子内篇》(下文简称为《内篇》)①是晋代葛洪(公元283—363年)的代表作,它不仅是金丹派的养生著作之一,而且还是道教养生大全。由于早期道教的养生著作大多亡佚,而《内篇》中却包含有丰富的养生思想,因此,对《内篇》中的养生智慧进行认真地发掘和梳理是十分必要的。一、养生理论基础(一)养生本体论《内篇》从宇宙本体论的高度来论证长生久视的思想。它认为“玄”或“气”是宇宙的本源,世界上的一切都是由“玄”或“气”产生的。它说:“玄者,自然之始祖,而万殊之大宗也。”(P1)“人在气中,气在人中,自天地至于万物,无不须气以生者也。…  相似文献   

中文语境下的“心理”和“心理学”   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
钟年 《心理学报》2008,40(6):748-756
“心”或“心理”等词语在汉语中有相当长的历史,对这些词语的理解反映了中国人关于“心理”的认识。中文的“心”往往不是指一种身体器官而是指人的思想、意念、情感、性情等,故“心理学”这三个汉字有极大的包容性。任何学科都摆脱不了社会文化的作用,中国心理学亦曾受到意识形态、科学主义和大众常识等方面的影响。近年中国学者对心理学自身的问题进行了反思。从某种意义上说,中国人对“心理”和“心理学”的理解或许有助于心理学的整合,并与其他国家的心理学一道发展出真正的人类心理学  相似文献   

生态伦理中的"是"与"应该"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

每年阴历的七月,人们俗称“鬼月”,民间至今还流传“七月半,鬼乱窜”的迷信谚语。而七月十五的“中元节”,传言更为离奇,据说这天鬼魂全出,人们不可乱走,更忌出远门。倘若碰到鬼魂一年都将不吉利。鬼从何来?其实心理学家早就指出:一般来源于客观事物的突然出现,但却没有直接作用于人的感觉器官,而是头脑中所  相似文献   

This article examines the effects of irrelevant information on the multidimensional "same"--"different" task. Subjects were instructed to compare two geometric figures with respect to certain attributes but to ignore other attributes in making the "same"--"different" decision. The irrelevant attributes were chosen in such a way that they could not easily be ignored to see how the existence of irrelevant differences would affect the comparison process. As expected, the overall latencies were longer than is usually found in tasks with no irrelevant differences. However, the nature of the comparison process appeared unchanged. The usual finding of a "fast-same" phenomenon persisted even when irrelevant information was present. The similarity of the results in this task to results in the "same"--"different" task with no irrelevant features supports the idea that the same comparison mechanism is used whether or not irrelevant differences are present in the stimulus pairs. The results suggest a more general-purpose comparison mechanism than is usually included in models of this task. Two-process models of visual comparisons are thus ruled out entirely. A modified version of Krueger's noisy-operator theory does appear consistent with the results.  相似文献   

D Kemmerer 《Cognition》1999,73(1):35-63
A major interest in cognitive science is the relationship between linguistic and perceptual representations of space. One approach to exploring this relationship has been to investigate aspects of the linguistic encoding of space that correspond closely to aspects of the visual system. Another approach, which does not contradict the first but rather complements it, is to investigate ways in which linguistic and visual representations of space are different. This paper pursues the second approach by arguing that the distinction between proximal and distal demonstratives (e.g. this vs. that, here vs. there) does not correspond to an independently established distinction between near and far space in the visual system but is instead based on language-internal factors. Recent neuropsychological and neurophysiological studies suggest that the brain contains separate mechanisms for representing, on the one hand, near or peripersonal space which extends roughly to the perimeter of arm's reach and, on the other hand, far or extrapersonal space which expands outward from that boundary. In addition, crosslinguistic research suggests that it is very common for languages to have two basic types of demonstrative terms - proximal and distal. This parallelism raises the possibility that the linguistic distinction may derive from the perceptual distinction. However, several arguments support the contrary view that the two distinctions are independent of one another. A substantial proportion of languages in the world have demonstrative systems that divide space into three or more egocentrically-grounded regions, thereby violating the two-way perceptual contrast. Even more importantly, empirical studies of how demonstratives are used in ongoing discourse in different languages suggest that they do not encode quantitative spatial information such as within vs. beyond arm's reach; instead, they specify abstract semantic notions that, when combined with the unique pragmatic features of communicative contexts, allow speakers to make a virtually unlimited range of spatial distance contrasts. Thus, demonstratives constitute an interesting case of divergence between linguistic and perceptual representations of space.  相似文献   

This study examines the recent rash of official reports done by governmental agencies in Western Europe to guide policy development in those societies. Particular attention is given to reports in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, and Italy, and to the changes in such reports that have occurred, perhaps because of the influence of scholarly critiques offered for some of the earlier reports. The reports are divided into "Type I" and "Type II" reports, with the former being thorough-going in their anti-cult orientation, and the latter reports being more moderate in tone, with some attention paid to scholarship on new religions. However, the major thesis of the study is supported, as an examination of both types of reports reveals that they incorporate "brainwashing" and "mind control" imagery imported from the United States, even though such theories have been largely discounted within the United States. Use of such theories leads directly to some questionable policy recommendations, as demonstrated in the reports. Reasons for the spread of "brainwashing" ideas to Europe are discussed.  相似文献   

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