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超常儿童心理研究十年   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
查子秀 《心理学报》1990,23(2):3-16
本文总结了我国超常儿童心理发展十年研究主要结果。 内容分五个部分:(Ⅰ)简要地考察了从神童到超常儿童概念的历史发展。(Ⅱ)概述了我国研究者关于超常与常态儿童认知和个性以及两者关系比较研究的结果。(Ⅲ)总结了对超常儿童的鉴别原则、程序及实践。(Ⅳ)分析了我国关于超常儿童和少年的教育实验,指出了进展、主要特点和现实意义。最后,是对我国超常儿童研究协作组坚持十年协作研究作用的评价。  相似文献   

超常儿童心理与教育研究15年   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
查子秀 《心理学报》1994,27(4):337-346
中国超常儿童心理与教育的研究15年来收获如下:在理论方面:1.超常与常态儿童在不同的认知方面差异的显著性,认知构成的模式特点、及发展趋势均有不同。2.超常儿童的个性倾向和特征具有明显特点,但发展不平衡,表现为3种类型;个性特征与学习成绩相关密切。3.超常儿童的成长过程可概括为4种类型。4.超常儿童心理成分不限于高智力、创造力,还包括良好发展的个性倾向和特征。在应用方面:研究结果在鉴别和教育超常儿童等方面进行了应用和检验。  相似文献   

《智蕾初绽——智能超常儿童追踪研究》一书,是一本关于我国智能超常儿童的研究专辑。它由中国超常儿童研究协作组编辑,青海人民出版社将于今年第二季度在全国出版发行。该书内容有:一篇综合性研究报告。它概括了自1978年到1981年以来,全国超常儿童协作研究的成果.对于什么是超常儿童?怎样鉴别超常儿童?超常儿童具有哪些突出的心理特征以及他们成长发展的道路的特点等许多重要问题,作了初步的总结。十九篇超常儿童追踪研究的个案报告。其中:有的三、四岁能识两千多汉字;有的五岁能作文.有的四岁会加减乘除混合运算;有的六岁能心算六位数乘六位数的算题,同时,书法绘画的功艺非凡;有的九岁能解高考数学题。有的七岁掌握三千多个英语词汇,能用英语与外宾会话。他们之中,有的三岁十个月上小  相似文献   

查子秀  周林 《心理学报》1993,26(4):3-11
为期四年的超常儿童的教育实验,详细考察了超常儿童在特殊班级教育条件下的学习潜力、认知和个性发展及身体发育等情况。结果显示,这种教育形式既适应了超常儿童较大的学习潜力,促进了他们认知的进一步发展,激发了他们积极的个性特征,而且身体发育良好。从而证明,特殊班级的集体教育对中学阶段的超常儿童是一种有效的教育形式。  相似文献   

一自1978年全国超常儿童追踪研究协作组成立以来,关于超常儿童的研究如雨后春笋,迅速展开。很多报刊杂志相继发表了大量关于超常儿童的论文和追踪研究报告。青海人民出版社于1983年出版了该协作组编著的第一专辑《智蕾初绽》,1987年西安交大出版社又出版了第二个专辑《怎样教育超常儿童》。他们的研究,引起了社会各界尤其是教育界、心理学界人们的极大关注。在全国超常儿童追踪研究协作组成立10周年之际,河南大学教育系心理学教授凌培炎先生著述的《超常儿童与早期教育》,亦由河南大学出版社付梓出版。这也是作者向全国超常儿童追踪研究协作组成立10周年的一份献礼吧。  相似文献   

由全国超常儿童研究协作组主持,在西安交通大学的大力协助下,超常儿童鉴别与教育培训班于1986年7月25日开始在西安交通大学举办。来自全国各地的四十多名学员参加了为期九天的培训班。开幕式由上海师范大学洪德厚副教授主持,中国科学院心理研究所查子秀副研究员代表超常儿童协作组做了报告。培训班由超常儿童研究协作组的一些专家、学者授课,  相似文献   

问题的提出近年来,国内外许多学者专家在对智力超常儿童进行研究时,已经不是单纯地局限于对“智力超常”本身进行分析、研究,而开始对影响儿童使之成为“超常”的各种主客观条件进行综合分析、比较研究,从中导引出儿童之所以能成为“超常”的诸因素。它们包括环境、家庭、教育、遗传素质、主观能动性、实践等等,而非智力因素则是其中不容忽视的重要因素之一。本研究主要探索某类智力超常儿童在非智力因素方面的特点。我们认为,智力、非智力因素相结  相似文献   

郑钢   《心理科学进展》1987,5(1):74-79
法国的超常儿童研究有其一些独到之处,值得我们在儿童心理发展研究中参考。不久前,法国出版了Jean-charles Terfassier所著《是超常的天赋,还是麻烦的早熟?》一书,书中全面地叙述和评价了法国超常儿童研究的发展、现况、研究方法、一些成果和存在的问题,在认识上提出了关于超常儿童的“不同步综合症”的观点,并介绍了家长和教师可用以判断儿童智力发展早熟情况的有效方法。书作者是一位在世界上颇有影响的超常儿童研究专家,从事儿童心理学和儿童病理学研究以及职业指导咨询工作多年。1971年他在法国创建了超天才儿童研究协会并一直担任主席,1975年世界超常儿童理事会在伦敦成立后,他任该组织理事至今。由于上述一书尚无中译本,本文将概要译述该书中的部分主要内容。希望这些资料能对我国的心理和教育工作者有一些启发和帮助。  相似文献   

超常与常态儿童的兴趣、动机与创造性思维的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
施建农  徐凡 《心理学报》1997,30(3):271-277
在超常儿童研究领域存在着许多争议的问题,超常儿童的智力与创造力的关系问题就是其中的一个。为了更好地解释超常儿童的创造力与智力的本质关系,我们曾提出了“创造性系统模型”。本研究的主要目的是进一步证实模型提出的假设。本研究以超常和常态儿童为被试对儿童的兴趣、动机与创造性思维的关系作了进一步的考察。结果发现:(1)超常儿童的图形、数字和实用创造性思维的流畅性和独创性成绩都明显高于常态儿童;(2)超常和常态儿童的创造性思维与兴趣、动机之间存在显著的相关;(3)兴趣和动机得分较高的被拭的创造性思维得分显著高于兴趣和动机得分较低的被试;(4)超常儿童中有相当部分处于低兴趣和低动机水平,而常态儿童中却有相当部分处于高兴趣和高动机水平。因此,本研究从一个侧面进一步支持了系统模型中提出的有关儿童创造性的假设  相似文献   

超常儿童数学能力的因素分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张君达  倪斯杰 《心理科学》1998,21(6):511-514
培养与发展超常儿童的智力与能力是教育心理研究的一个重要课题。本文将在智力与能力发展理论的基础上,重点对组成超常儿童数学能力的因素进行结构分析。通过因素分析的方法抽出了五个主因素.即综合运算能力、逻辑思维能力、抽象概括能力、空间想象能力、灵活的形象思维能力,并对各能力特点作了进一步分析。本文的结果将为超常儿童智能发展的理论研究提供可资参照。  相似文献   

Academically selective schools are intended to affect academic self-concept positively, but theoretical and empirical research demonstrates that the effects are negative. The big-fish-little-pond effect (BFLPE), an application of social comparison theory to educational settings, posits that a student will have a lower academic self-concept in an academically selective school than in a nonselective school. This study, the largest cross-cultural study of the BFLPE ever undertaken, tested theoretical predictions for nationally representative samples of approximately 4,000 15-year-olds from each of 26 countries (N = 103,558) who completed the same self-concept instrument and achievement tests. Consistent with the BFLPE, the effects of school-average achievement were negative in all 26 countries (M beta = -.20, SD = .08), demonstrating the BFLPE's cross-cultural generalizability.  相似文献   

江汶  佐斌 《心理科学》2013,36(1):157-163
大鱼小池效应(Big Fish Little Pond Effect)是解释不同教育情境中学生自我概念水平的一个特定概念,Marsh将其定义为:能力同等的学生,在平均成绩较高的学校或班级里的学业自我概念较低,而在平均成绩较低的学校或班级则学业自我概念会较高。大鱼小池效应包括学生采用概括他人和特定他人的比较标准所分别产生的同化效应和对比效应,社会比较对学业自我概念形成具有特定影响。大鱼小池效应的未来研究可以从研究方法的改进、调节变量的控制和跨文化比较等方面拓展。  相似文献   

Creativity (the capacity to realize original productions that fit the problem at hand) is increasingly considered as an important part of giftedness and talent. In this article, we first examine different points of view concerning the role of creativity in the phenomenon of giftedness and talent. Measures of creative potential and talent, as well as studies on the development of creativity are presented. We then consider the place of creativity in the education of gifted children. Finally, we discuss the implications of studying creativity in gifted children and propose possible lines of research and educational applications with a special focus on creativity.  相似文献   

Personal and social adjustment of high-ability children and adolescents is a very important issue in the specialized literature. The differences found between data for and against appropriate adjustment in gifted children and adolescents could be explained by conceptual or methodological biases. In this work, the relation between adjustment and high abilities are contrasted in a sample of teenagers from the Canary Islands, using a screening procedure based on their scores in intelligence tests. Results show that, although gifted adolescents differ significantly from their peers in the control group in socio-economic variables and academic performance, there are no differences in personal, social and educational adjustment. We conclude that adjustment problems and high ability are independent variables, and there is no evidence to support that gifted individuals have adjustment problems.  相似文献   

Certain research studies report that a number of gifted children show social adaptation issues, as well as problems with social and interpersonal skills, while others consider that this does not occur. In this regard, Neihart, Reis, Robinson and Moon (2002) speaks of a resilience approach versus a risk approach. From the risk viewpoint, this paper presents the benefits of applying training programs in interpersonal skills as to prevent potential problems in gifted children. For this reason, we aim to evaluate the effectiveness of a training program for solving interpersonal problems in this population. Participants include 40 gifted children aged 7 to 13, divided into a treatment group and a control – waitlisted – group. Program application results show significant differences in direct assessment measurements in the treatment group. An increase in effect sizes between the treatment group and the control group is also detected, in favor of the former, and a relationship between the children's learning potential and the benefits obtained is also confirmed. In short, the training program proves effective in interpersonal problem-solving skill improvement in children with high intellectual capacity.  相似文献   


It is often assumed that gifted students enjoy relatively good social and emotional adjustment, vibrant mental health, and overall well being. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and a significant number of gifted students experience painful, troubling and often debilitating psychological problems. Gifted children and youth possess a set of personality characteristics that make them uniquely vulnerable. School personnel and parents need to be cognizant of these risk factors so that they can provide coordinated and comprehensive educational and social opportunities to foster resilience and, when needed, provide preventive and therapeutic mental health interventions for those gifted students with actual psychological problems.  相似文献   

Parents of gifted children identify a need for tailored parenting support, and gifted children have unique requirements and vulnerabilities. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of a tailored behavioural parenting intervention, for enhancing the parenting skills of parents of gifted children and to assess the effect of these changes on the behavioural and emotional adjustment of their gifted child. A randomised controlled trial of tailored Group Triple P – Positive Parenting Program was conducted with 75 parents of children identified as gifted. Results indicated significant intervention effects for the number and frequency of parent reported child behaviour problems, as well as hyperactivity in the intervention group, relative to a waitlist control. Parents also reported significant improvements in their own parenting style, including less permissiveness, harshness, and verbosity when disciplining their child. No intervention effects were evident for teacher reports, except for a trend in relation to hyperactivity. This study demonstrated that a tailored behavioural parenting intervention is effective and acceptable for parents of gifted children, and thus has clinical implications for the delivery of parenting interventions for this population.  相似文献   

大鱼小池效应(Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effect,BFLPE)是指对于同等能力的学生来说,进入高能力水平学校或班级的学生要比进入低能力水平学校或班级的学生习得更低的学业自我概念的现象.这类似于我国生活格言“宁做鸡头,不做凤尾”的描述.在系统梳理大鱼小池效应的理论与实证研究文献的基础上,对大鱼小池效应的研究现状进行了总结和分析,提出了大鱼小池效应对我国学校能力分组和学生择校现象的启示.未来应进一步加强大鱼小池效应在统计方法、跨文化一致性、具体发生情境、具体发生年龄及外部效度等方面的探讨与验证.  相似文献   

Some individuals have exceptional abilities in mathematics. They can either do fast calculations or understand problems, symbols and methods specifically used in mathematics, use them with other symbols and methods to solve other types of problems. Thus, great calculators and children gifted in mathematics are distinguished. This review of the literature presents studies about these abilities to expose the regular characteristics of these individuals, and the educational system that would be the more efficient for gifted children. Thus, this article would present the debates about the cognitive functioning and development of these individuals.  相似文献   

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