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The terrestrial slug Limax has a highly developed ability to associate the odor of some foods (e.g., carrot juice) with aversive stimuli such as the bitter taste of quinidine solution. The procerebrum (PC) is a part of the slug's brain thought to be involved in odor-aversion learning, but direct evidence is still lacking. Here we present evidence showing that the PC is essential for odor-aversion learning. Unlike sham-operated slugs, PC ablation 7 d prior to conditioning showed that most slugs did not avoid carrot juice in the memory retention test conducted 24 h after the conditioning. Slugs with the PC ablated 3 h, 1 d, 3 d, or 7 d after conditioning and examined by the memory retention test at 3 d after the PC ablation were also less likely to avoid carrot juice than sham-operated slugs. The PC ablation did not damage the ability of the slugs to sense attractive odor (everyday food) or innately aversive odor (onion or garlic). These results demonstrate that the PC is a necessary component in the retention and/or retrieval of odor-aversion memory.  相似文献   

Six experiments employed an odor-aversion paradigm to investigate the role of the duration of exposure to an odor in determining that odor's subsequent associability with illness. Rats were exposed to an odor at times T1 and T2, and the second of these exposures was followed by toxicosis. When the initial odor exposure was brief, the odor aversion was attenuated with a moderate T1-T2 interval of 3 hr (Experiment 1) but not with long intervals of 28 hr and 76 hr (Experiment 2). In contrast, when the initial odor exposure was long, the odor aversion was attenuated at a long T1-T2 interval (Experiment 3). With a T1-T2 interval of 24 hr, a brief initial exposure did not attenuate odor aversions when the context either remained the same or was changed from T1 to T2, whereas a long initial exposure attenuated such aversions when the context remained the same but not when the context was changed (Experiment 4). With a T1-T2 interval of 3 hr, a brief initial exposure attenuated odor aversions when the context remained the same or was changed from T1 to T2, whereas a long initial exposure attenuated such aversions when the context remained the same but not when the context was changed (Experiment 5). A brief exposure at T1, either with or without a subsequent context "extinction," attenuated odor aversions when the T1-T2 interval was 3 hr but not when this interval was 24 hr; a long initial exposure at T1, without a subsequent context "extinction," attenuated odor aversions when the T1-T2 interval was 4 hr and 24 hr but with a subsequent context "extinction" did not attenuate such aversions at either 4-hr or 24-hr T1-T2 intervals (Experiment 6). The results demonstrate that the duration of exposure to an odor determined whether that odor presentation caused short- or long-term decrements in odor conditionability and are discussed in terms of the relation between self- and retrieval-generated processes.  相似文献   

Infants in the early stages of word learning have difficulty learning lexical neighbors (i.e. word pairs that differ by a single phoneme), despite their ability to discriminate the same contrast in a purely auditory task. While prior work has focused on top‐down explanations for this failure (e.g. task demands, lexical competition), none has examined if bottom‐up acoustic‐phonetic factors play a role. We hypothesized that lexical neighbor learning could be improved by incorporating greater acoustic variability in the words being learned, as this may buttress still‐developing phonetic categories, and help infants identify the relevant contrastive dimension. Infants were exposed to pictures accompanied by labels spoken by either a single or multiple speakers. At test, infants in the single‐speaker condition failed to recognize the difference between the two words, while infants who heard multiple speakers discriminated between them.  相似文献   

In Experimental 1, rat pups 1, 3, 5, or 7 days old received a Phase 1 S1-US (Stimulus 1-unconditioned stimulus) pairing calculated to establish a first-order conditioned aversion to S1 (lemon scent). On the next day each pup received a Phase 2 S2-S1 pairing designed to establish a second-order aversion to S2 (orange scent). Pups at all ages displayed a first-order aversion to S1, but only pups given Phase 2 training when 6 or 8 days old displayed a second-order aversion to S2. Experiment 2 revealed that pups that received the S1-US pairing when 3 days old acquired an aversion to S2 if they were 6 days old when they received the S2-S1 pairing but not if they received the pairing when 4 days old. In Experiment 3, two Phase 2 treatments were compared. One was identical to that employed in Experiments 1 and 2: Pups 4 days old received a sequential exposure to S2 and S1. Another set of pups received a modified treatment: They were exposed first to S2 and then jointly to both S2 and S1. Only pups in the latter set displayed an aversion to S2. It is suggested that these results reflect developmental differences in the memory processes mediating the rat's experience with olfactory stimulation.  相似文献   

Four experiments were performed to investigate the effect of noradrenaline (NA) depletion, following systemic DSP4 treatment, upon a tastehactile discrimination in taste-aversion learning. In Experiments 1 and 2 , noisy bottle (A) + lithium chloride pairings were alternated with saccharin (B) + saline pairings, and vice versa, during Phase I conditioning. The particular order of reinforcement presentation in each case was then reversed, so that a noisy bottle (A) + saline pairing was now altered with a saccharin (B) + lithium chloride pairing, etc., during Phase II (reversal) conditioning. In Experiments 3 and 4 , saccharin in noisy bottle (AB) + lithium chloride pairings alternated with either noisy bottle (A) + saline or saccharin (B) + saline pairings, and vice versa, during Phase I conditioning; the order of reinforcement presentation was then reversed, as above. None of the four experiments performed offered any evidence of impairments of the discrimination task as a result of NA depletion. These results are discussed in the context of associative preparedness and of discrimination learning in operant tasks and recent findings on compound conditioning, following the loss of NA.  相似文献   

Estrogen modulates learning and memory in ovariectomized and naturally cycling female rats, especially in tasks using spatial learning and navigation. Estrogen also modulates cholinergic function in various forebrain structures. Past studies have shown positive correlations between hippocampal ACh output and performance on hippocampus-dependent tasks. The present study examined whether estradiol replacement would potentiate hippocampal ACh release during place learning. In vivo microdialysis and HPLC were used to measure extracellular ACh levels in the hippocampus of ovariectomized female rats that had received s.c. injections of 17beta-estradiol (10 microg) or sesame oil (vehicle treatment) 48 and 24h prior to training on a place task. Estrogen did not alter baseline levels of extracellular ACh in the hippocampus. During training, hippocampal ACh increased in ovariectomized rats regardless of estrogen status. However, while estradiol did not enhance learning in this experiment, estradiol significantly potentiated the increase in hippocampal ACh release seen during place training. This represents the first demonstration of on-line assessment of ACh output in hippocampus during learning in female rats and suggests that estrogen-dependent modulation of ACh release during training might control activation of different neural systems used during learning.  相似文献   

Rats were taught an aversion to a sucrose taste cue of varying strengths. The concentration of the sucrose solution was either, 10, 7.5, 5, 2.5, 1, 0.5, or 0.25% which the animals drank for 5 min. Thirty minutes later they were poisoned with lithium chloride. On the test day all animals had access to a 10% sucrose solution regardless of the concentration they had drunk on the conditioning day. Animals conditioned with a 10, 7.5, or 5% sucrose cue subsequently displayed an identically strong aversion to the 10% cue. Only those animals conditioned with a sucrose cue which was 1% or less displayed a significantly weaker aversion to the 10% cue. The results are discussed in terms of the theory that interference with taste aversion learning by such agents as pentylenetetrazol and electroconvulsive shock may have their effect by disrupting the gustatory engram. If this assumption is correct then it suggests that the memory of the gustatory cue may be stored, at least prior to poisoning, in a quite labile state and an apparently limited disruption of taste aversion learning may in fact represent a substantial amnesic effect.  相似文献   

《Learning and motivation》1986,17(2):115-138
Four experiments with rat subjects examined interactions between odors and tastes in compound aversion conditioning. In Experiments 1 and 2, a saccharin taste potentiated the conditioning of an almond odorant presented on a cup near the location of the drinking spout, but overshadowed the same odorant when it was mixed in drinking water. This difference depended on the type of odor administered during conditioning rather than testing (Experiment 2). Experiments 3 and 4 examined implications of two other differences between the cup and drink odors: (1) while the cup odor was a distal cue that suppressed approach to the spout, the drink odor was primarily a proximal cue that suppressed consumption, and (2) the cup odor was less conditionable than the drink odor when the stimuli were conditioned alone. In Experiment 3, unlike the proximal saccharin taste, the proximal drink odor failed to potentiate the conditioning of a different distal odor. In Experiment 4, substantial dilution of the proximal drink's concentration resulted in both weaker conditioning of the stimulus alone, and potentiation of its conditioning by saccharin. The results suggest that the difference in the conditionability of the cup and drink odors, and not their status as distal and proximal cues, may be critical in the production of potentiation. Weakly conditionable target stimuli are uniquely potentiated by saccharin.  相似文献   

The authors used a touch screen-based visual-search task to investigate spatial integration in pigeons. First, pigeons were presented with a consistent spatial relationship between compound visual landmarks (LMs) A-X and B-Y, separately. Next, pigeons learned to find a hidden goal on the monitor in the presence of LMs A and B. The goal bore a consistent spatial relationship to LM A, but not to LM B. On nonreinforced probe tests, the peak and distribution of responses to LM X suggest that pigeons computed a novel X-goal spatial relationship on the basis of X-A and A-goal spatial vectors. Responses to LM Y, however, revealed no evidence of spatial integration. These results replicate and extend those of A. P. Blaisdell and R. G. Cook (2005) using an open-field task.  相似文献   

The analogy between gustatory taste and critical or aesthetic taste plays a recurring role in the history of aesthetics. Our interest in this article is in a particular way in which gustatory judgments are frequently thought to be analogous to critical judgments. It appears obvious to many that to know how a particular object tastes we must have tasted it for ourselves; the proof of the pudding, we are all told, is in the eating. And it has seemed just as obvious to many philosophers that aesthetic judgment requires first‐person experience. In this article we argue that, despite its initial appeal, the claim that gustatory and critical judgments are analogous in this way is mistaken. The two sorts of judgments are, as a matter of fact, similar in their epistemology, but earlier theorists have got things entirely backward—neither gustatory judgment nor aesthetic judgment requires first‐hand acquaintance with their objects. Our particular focus in this article is on arguing that first‐person experience is not required to know how an item of food or drink tastes. In fact, there are a wide variety of ways in which we can acquire this knowledge.  相似文献   

Taste and pitch   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The author integrates Zen Buddhist and psychoanalytic principles to introduce the notion of “spontaneously arising intuitive models.” On the basis of the Zen teaching stories and patient dreams, this paper explores the meanings and psychic functions such intuitive models serve for patients. The notion of “the gap” constitutes a central organizing theme, which is elaborated in relation to Wilfred Bion’s notion of “O.” The discussion addresses issues relating to the uses and misuses of diagnosis and explores clinical implications. An extended case study exemplifies and supports the abstract concepts under discussion.  相似文献   

地处青海和甘肃两省交界处的河湟地区,是我国西部多民族杂居、多元文化共存、多种宗教信仰共生的民族大走廊。在漫长的历史进程中,生活在这一地区的各族人民,相互依存、共同发展,创造了许多融合多民族智慧、内涵丰富、形式多样的文化遗产。  相似文献   

The rapid taste aversion acquisition, which typically occurs in many species when ingestion of a novel flavor precedes gastrointestinal distress, is retarded by preconditioning familiarity with the CS flavor. This CS familiarity effect (CSFE) might contraindicate taste aversion approaches to alcoholism treatment since alcoholics are quite accustomed to the tastes of alcoholic beverages. However, many alcoholics do develop strong nausea—induced alcohol aversions under appropriate conditioning parameters. Additionally, the CSFE is attenuated in rats by repeated conditioning trials including discrimination training. The present animal experiment was conducted to determine if the CSFE could additionally be weakened by process of forgetting, i.e. by preconditioning withdrawal of a familiar flavor analogous to an alcoholic's ‘drying out’ before psychotherapeutic intervention. Using saccharin as the CS flavor and cyclophosphamide as the conditioning agent, Sprague-Dawley derived rats acquired no aversions when conditioning was attempted immediately after flavor familiarization. However, significant and equivalent saccharin aversions were observed when conditioning was delayed for either 20 or 100 days after familiarization. These findings imply that the efficiency and cost effectiveness of taste aversion approaches to alcoholism treatment might be enhanced by a pretreatment period of abstinence from alcohol ingestion.  相似文献   

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