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Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Mental Deficiency: The Changing Outlook by A. M. Clarke and A. D. B. Clarke. Mental Retardation: A Handbook for the Primary Physician by C. Covert. The Mentally Retarded Child: Development, Education and Treatment by M. Hutt and R. Gibby. The Mentally Retarded Child: A Psychological Approach by H. Robinson and N. Robinson. Psychological Problems in Mental Deficiency by S. Sarason and J. Doris. Social and Cultural Foundations of Guidance edited by Esther M. Lloyd-Jones and Norah Rosenau Educating Emotionally Disturbed Children: Readings edited by Henry Dupont. Theories and Methods of Group Counseling in the Schools edited by George M. Gazda. Personalizing Information Processes by Joseph W. Hollis and Lucille V. Hollis. Helping and Human Relations: A Primer for Lay and Professional Helpers, Volume 1, Selection and Training by Robert R. Carkhuff. Agony and Promise: Current Issues in Higher Education 1969 edited by G. Kerry Smith.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Vocational Psychology by John O. Crites. “Counseling Technology,” a special issue of Educational Technology . Saddle Brook Guidance: A Systematic Introduction by Robert B. Nordberg. Don't Push the River by Barry Stevens. Lafayette Behavior Change in Counseling: Readings and Cases by S. H. Osipow and W. B. Walsh. Antiachievement: Perspective on School Dropouts edited by Emanuel F. Hammer. Evolving Religious Careers edited by Willis E. Bartlett. Fundamentals of Guidance by Bruce Shertzer and S. C. Stone. Preparation for Counseling by William C. Cottle and N. M. Downie. Teaching Achievement Motivation: Theory and Practice in Psychological Education by Alfred S. Alschuler, Diane Tabor, and James McIntyre. Readings in Rehabilitation Counseling by Harold A. Moses and C. H. Patterson. College Student Personnel edited by Laurine E. Fitzgerald, Walter F. Johnson, and Willa Norris. New Dimensions in Student Personnel Administration edited by Orley R. Herron, Jr. Scranton  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Counseling: Philosophy, Theory and Practice by Dugald Arbuckle. Human Relations—A Conceptual Approach by Ronald B. Levy. Principles of Educational and Psychological Testing by Frederick G. Brown. Today's Guidance: A Book of Readings edited by Carroll H. Miller and George D. Weigel. SIX SPECIALIZED BOOKS ON MENTAL RETARDATION: A REVIEW FOR GENERAL COUNSELORS: Mental Retardation edited by Alfred Baumeister. SIX SPECIALIZED BOOKS ON MENTAL RETARDATION: A REVIEW FOR GENERAL COUNSELORS: The Cloak of Competence by Robert B. Edgerton. SIX SPECIALIZED BOOKS ON MENTAL RETARDATION: A REVIEW FOR GENERAL COUNSELORS: Mental Retardation: Its Social Context and Social Consequences by Bernard Farber. SIX SPECIALIZED BOOKS ON MENTAL RETARDATION: A REVIEW FOR GENERAL COUNSELORS: A High School Work-Study Program for Mentally Subnormal Students by Oliver P. Kolstoe and Roger M. Frey. SIX SPECIALIZED BOOKS ON MENTAL RETARDATION: A REVIEW FOR GENERAL COUNSELORS: Counseling and Psychotherapy with the Mentally Retarded edited by Chalmers L. Stacey and Manfred F. DeMartino. SIX SPECIALIZED BOOKS ON MENTAL RETARDATION: A REVIEW FOR GENERAL COUNSELORS: Management of the Family of the Mentally Retarded edited by Wolf Wolfensberger and Richard A. Kurtz. Vocational Rehabilitation of the Disabled: An Overview by David Maliken and Herbert Rusalem. The Woman Doctorate in America by Helen S. Astin. Strategies for Success in Compensatory Education: An Appraisal of Evaluation Research by Edward L. McDill, Mary S. McDill, and J. Timothy Sprehe. Videotape Techniques in Psychiatric Training and Treatment edited by Milton M. Berger. Personality Tests and Reviews by Oscar K. Buros. Reaching the Disadvantaged Learner edited by A. Harry Passow. The Slow Learner edited by Joseph S. Roucek. Guidance and the Emerging Adolescent by Philip A. Perrone, T. Antoinette Ryan, and Franklin R. Zeran. The Elementary School Counselor by William H. Van Hoose, Mildred Peters, and George E. Leonard. Strategies in Counseling for Behavior Change by Samuel H. Osipow and W. Bruce Walsh. Notes to Myself by Hugh Prather. The Psychology of Counseling by Edwin C. Lewis. The Professions: Roles and Rules by Wilbert E. Moore in collaboration with Gerald W. Rosenblum. The Counselor's Work in the Elementary School by James J. Muro. Counseling and Values by James A. Peterson. Remembering the Answers: Essays on the American Student Revolt by Nathan Glazer. Occupational Psychology by Donald E. Super and Martin J. Bohn, Jr. Occupations and the Social Structure by Richard H. Hall. People and Information edited by Harold B. Pepinsky. America's Problem Youth: Education and Guidance of the Disadvantaged edited by Oscar G. Mink and Bernard A. Kaplan. The Troubled Campus edited by G. Kerry Smith. Vocational Education and Guidance: A System for the Seventies by James A. Rhodes. Free-Access Higher Education by Warren W. Willingham.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Guidance: An Orientation by Robert E. Glennen. The Testing of Negro Intelligence by Audrey M. Shuey. Studying the Child in the School by Ira J. Gordon. The High School Counselor Today edited by Thomas C. Hennessy, S.J. The Superior Student in American Higher Education edited by Joseph W. Cohen. Vocational Guidance and Career Development: Selected Readings edited by Herman J. Peters and James C. Hansen. Contrary Imaginations: A Psychological Study of the Young Student by Liam Hudson.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Modern Woman: Her Psychology and Sexuality edited by George D. Goldman and Donald S. Milman. Elementary School Guidance by James C. Hansen and Richard R. Stevic. The Personnel Assistant in College Residence Halls by John R. Powell, Samuel A. Plyler, Barbara A. Dickson, and Stephen D. McClellan. Creating More Meaningful Work by Fred K. Foulkes. Behavioral Problem Children in the Schools: Recognition, Diagnosis, and Behavioral Modification by Robert H. Woody. Principles of Guidance: A Basic Text by Harold W. Bernard and Daniel W. Fullmer. Employment Opportunities for the Handicapped (411 pp., $12.50) and Employment Opportunities for Men and Women After 60 (282 pp., $10) by Juvenal L. Angel. The Psychological Aspects of the Aging Process with Sociological Implications by Harold Geist. St. Louis: Warren H. Green. Foundations of Guidance and Counseling—Multidisciplinary Readings edited by C. E. Smith and O. G. Mink. Early Identification of Emotionally Handicapped Children in School by Eli M. Bower. Professional School Psychology by Gloria B. and Monroe G. Gottsegen.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Education and Identity by Arthur W. Chickering. Psychodrama and Audience Attitude Change by Ira A. Greenberg. Essentials of Psychological Testing by Lee J. Cronbach. Education and Employment: The Early Careers of College Graduates by Laure M. Sharp Technological Change and Human Development edited by Wayne L. Hodges and Matthew A. Kelly Success, Failure, and Wastage in Higher Education by Gordon W. Miller. The Counseling Center in Higher Education edited by Phillip J. Gallagher and George D. Demos Helping and Human Relations: A Primer for Lay and Professional Helpers, Volume II, Practice and Research by Robert R. Carkhuff. Collaboration in School Guidance: A Creative Approach to Pupil Personnel Work by Mary A. Sarvis and Marianne Pennekamp. Counseling and Guidance in the Twentieth Century: Reflections and Reformulations edited by William H. Van Hoose and John J. Pietrofesa How To Get Results from Interviewing—A Practical Guide for Operating Management by James M. Black. New Priorities in Training by Bernard J. Bienvenu. Educational Research by Practitioners: An Elementary Casebook edited by William C. Budd and Sam P. Kelly. Mental Health Counselors at Work by Thomas M. Magoon, Stuart E. Golann, and Robert W. Freeman.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: How to Beat Personality Tests by Charles Alex. Psychological Tests and Personnel Decisions by Lee J. Cronbach and Goldine C. Gleser. Fundamentals of Guidance by Bruce Shertzer and Shelley C. Stone. Management and Improvement of Guidance by George E. Hill. Underachievement edited by Milton Kornrich. Springfield, III.: Charles C Thomas Guide to American Educational Directories Bernard Klein Rewarding Creative Behavior : Experiments in Classroom Creativity by E. Paul Torrance. Readings in Child Development and Personality : edited by Paul H. Mussen, John J. Conger, and Jerome Kagan. Emotional Disturbance and School Learning : A Book of Readings by Donald H. Clark and Gerald S. Lesser.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Book reviewed in this article: Dimensions of Effective Counseling by Thomas W. Allen and John M. Whiteley. Emerging Careers by Warren D. Gribbons and Paul R. Lohnes. Testing and Fair Employment by James J. Kirk-patrick, Robert B. Ewen, Richard S. Barrett, and Raymond A. Katzell. How to Earn (a Lot of) Money in College—The Student Guide to Employment Guidance Principles and Services by Frank W. Miller. Second Edition. Readings in Measurement and Evaluation edited by Norman E. Gronlund. Community Colleges—A President's View by Thomas E. O'Connell. Rehabilitation Counselor Functions: Annotated References by George N. Wright and Alfred J. Butler. An Evaluation of the Results of the Psychotherapies edited by Stanley Lesse. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Psycho-Analytic Epitomes. Numbers 1–4. Under the General Editorship of Dr. John Rickman.
D er R hythmus in D er V erbrecher -H andschrift , [R hythm in the H andwriting of C riminals ], By Roda Wieser
E ine T iefenpsychologische G rund -L age Z ur K lages'schen G rapho -L ogie . [A P sycho -A nalytic F oundation of the G raphological M ethod of K lages .] By S. V. Margadant.
H andschrift U nd E igenart D er K rebsgefaehrdeten . [H andwriting and P eculiarity of P ersons T hreatened by C ancer .] By Etel Vértesi.
V incent V an G ogh im S piegel S einer H andschrift . [V incent V an G ogh's P ersonality R eflected in H is H andwriting .] By Marguerite Rose and Dr. M. J. Mannheim.
L a G raphologie P ar L e T rait . By Walter Hegar.
G raphologia . Volume IV, No. 1/2. Prague
C ollective B ehavior . By Richard T. LaPiere
R eligion and the G rowing M ind . By Basil A. Yeaxlee
W unsch U nd P flicht im A ufbau D es M enschlichen L ebens , By Dr, Else Frenkel and Dr. Edith Weisskopf.
Y oga —A S cientific E valuation . By Kovoor T. Behanan.
T he Q uest of the O verself . By Paul Brunton.
D iscover Y ourself . By Paul Brunton.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Publishers wishing to have their books considered for review in this column should send two copies of each book to Editor, Personnel and Guidance Journal, 1607 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009. Turning On by Rasa Gustatis. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1969. 326 pp. $6.25. Introduction to Guidance: Selected Readings edited by Bruce Shertzer and Shelley C. Stone. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1970. 459 pp. $5.95. A Strategy for Guidance by Edward C. Roeber, Garry R. Walz, and Glen E. Smith. New York: Macmillan Company, 1969. 293 pp. $6.95. The Future Academic Community: Continuity and Change edited by John Caffrey. Washington, D.C.: The American Council on Education, 1969. 342 pp. $7. Drugs I: Society and Drugs and Drugs II: Students and Drugs by Richard H. Blum and Associates. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc., 1969. 400 pp. and 399 pp., respectively. $25 for the set. Rehabilitation Counseling: Collected Papers by C. H. Patterson. Champaign, Illinois: Stipes Publishing Company, 1969. 256 pp. $5.50. Occupations and Careers by S. Norman Feingold and Sol Swerdloff. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1969. 372 pp. $6.96.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: A Complete Guide for the Working Mother by Margaret Albrecht. Guidelines for Guidance: Readings in the Philosophy of Guidance edited by Carleton E. Beck. The Psychology of Vocational Choice by John L. Holland. The Young Negro in America: 1960–1980 by Samuel D. Proctor. The Quality of Education in Developing Countries by C. E. Beeby. Employment for the Handicapped: A Guide for the Disabled, Their Families, and Their Counselors by Julietta K. Arthur. Measuring Pupil Achievement and Aptitude by C. M. Lindvall. Testing Problems in Perspective edited by Anne Anastasi. The Psychology of Childhood by Karl C. Garrison, Albert J. Kingston, and Harold W. Bernard.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1966,19(1):83-110
Book Reviewed in this article:
The Fifth Conference on Human Relations in Industry
The Sixth Conference on Human Relations in Industry.
Selecting and Training Negroes for Managerial Positions. (Proceedings of The Executive Study Conference).
C ooper , W illiam W., L eavitt , H arold J., and S helly , M aynard W., II. (Eds.) New Perspectives in Organization Research.
R ichardson , S tephen A., D ohrenwend , B arbara S nell , and K lein , D avid . Interviewing: Its Forms and Functions.
M ott , P aul E., M ann , F loyd C., M c L oughlin , Q uin , and W arwick , D onald P. Shift Work: The Social, Psychological, and Physical Consequences.
The Obstinate Audience . (Report of a Seminar)
M aier , N orman R. F. Psychology in Industry (Third Edition).
T aylor , C alvin W. (Editor) Widening Horizons in Creativity .
K irsh , B enjamin S. Automation and Collective Bargaining .
V room , V ictor H. Motivation in Management.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Counseling Strategies and Objectives by Harold Hackney and Sherilyn Nye. Counseling Children in Groups: A Forum edited by Merle M. Ohlsen. Principles and Techniques of Vocational Guidance by H. H. London. Counseling and Accountability: Methods and Critique by Harman D. Burck, Harold F. Cottingham, and Robert C. Reardon. Mental Health on Campus: A Field Study by Raymond M. Glasscote and Michael E. Fishman. Guidance for Human Growth by Norman A. Sprint-hall. La Causa Chicana: The Movement for Justice edited by Margaret M. Mangold. Women in the Work Force: Confrontation with Change edited by Mildred E. Making Vocational Choices: A Theory of Careers by John L. Holland. Creative Approach to Sex Education and Counseling by Patricia Schiller. New York: Association Press, 1973. 255 pp. $12.00. Career Education: New Approaches to Human Development by Larry J. Bailey and Ronald W. Stadt.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Adolescents and the Challenge of Maturity by Alexander A. Schneiders. Administration of Guidance Services by Raymond N. Hatch and Buford Steffi re. The Guidance Worker: Basis for a Profession by W. H. Auld and H. L. Stein. The Underachiever: Challenges and Guidelines by C. Burleigh Wellington and Jean Wellington. Psychology of Personality: Readings in Theory edited by William S. Sahakian. The Two Year College : A Social Synthesis by Clyde E. Blocker, Robert H. Plummer, and Richard C. Richardson, Jr. Interviewing: Its Forms and Functions by Stephen A. Richardson, Barbara Sneil Dohrenwend, and David Klein.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1960,13(4):457-473
Book reviewed in this article:
B ass , B ernard M. Leadership, Psychology, and Organizational Behavior .
M ann , F loyd C., and H offman , L. R ichard . Automation and the Worker: A Study of Social Change in Power Plants .
An Action Research Program for Organization Improvement (in Esso Standard Oil Company) .
D erber , M ilton , C halmers , W. E llison , S tagner , R oss , with E delman , M ilton . The Local Union-Management Relationship .
R oss , A rthur M., and H artman , P aul T. Changing Patterns of Industrial Conflict .
G ulliksen , H arold , and M essick , S amuel (Editors) Psychological Scaling: Theory and Applications .
C ronbach , L ee J. Essentials of Psychological Testing . (Second Edition)  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Theme-Centered Interaction: An Original Focus on Counseling and Education by Myron Gordon. Outreach in Counseling: Applying the Growth and Prevention Model in Schools and Colleges by David J. Drum and Howard E. Figler. Avenues to Understanding: The Dynamics of Therapeutic Interactions by William J. Mueller. Social Disability: Alcoholism, Drug Addiction, Crime, and Social Disadvantage edited by David Malikan. TUNE IN: Empathy Training Workshop by Donald A. Tubesing and Nancy L. Tubesing. The Counselor and Students' Legal Rights by Joseph M. Nygaard. Toward a Radical Therapy: Alternate Services for Personal and Social Change by Ted Clark and Dennis T. Jaffe. Testing the Teacher by Paul L. Trachtenberg. Ego Analysis in the Helping Professions by Frances Upham. An Introduction to Career Education by John B. Stevenson. A Study of Child Variance: Conceptual Project in Emotional Disturbance. Volume 2: Interventions edited by William C. Rhodes and Michael L. Tracy. Applied Volunteerism in Community Development edited by Richard E. Hardy and John G. Cull. Mandated Evaluation of Educators: A Conference on California's Stull Act edited by N. L. Gage. The Career Data Book: Results from Project TALENT'S Five-Year Follow-Up Study by John C. Flanagan, David V. Tiedeman, Mary B. Willis, and Donald H. McLaughlin. New Directions for College Counselors: A Handbook for Redesigning Professional Roles by Charles F. Warnath and associates. Aging and Mental Health: Positive Psychosocial Approaches by Robert N. Butler and Myrna I. Lewis.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1972,25(1):135-181
Book review in this article
W olfle , D ael . The Uses of Talent. Princeton, N. J.
F reeman , R ichard B. The Market for College-Trained Manpower: A Study in the Economics of Career Choice.
C ooper , C. L. and M angham , I. L. (Eds.). T-Groups: A Survey of Research.
K obayashi , S higeru . Creative Management.
G lueck , W illiam F. and T horp , C ary D., J r . The Management of Scientific Research: An Annotated Bibliography and Synopsis.
E kval , G ökan . Creativity at the Place of Work.
B urstein , H erman . Attribute Sampling: Tables and Explanations.
B arrett , J on H. Individual Goals and Organizational Objectives: A Study of Integration Mechanisms.
B assett , G lenn A. and W eatherbee , H arvard Y. Personnel Systems and Data Management.
D ickmann , R obert A. Personnel Implications for Business Data Processing.
W eissenberg , P eter . Introduction to Organizational Behavior.
P orter , D onald E., A pplewhite , P hilip B. and M isshauk , M ichael J. Studies in Organizational Behavior and Management.
S rivastva , S uresh . (Editor) Behavioural Sciences in Management.
K olb , D avid A., R ubin , I rwin M. and M c I ntyre , J ames M. Organizational Psychology: A Book of Readings.
Z impel , L loyd . (Editor) The Disadvantaged Worker: Readings in Developing Minority Manpower.
R eddin , W. J. Effective Management by Objectives: The §-D Method pf MBO.
J ennings , E ugene E. Routes to the Executive Suite.
S troh , T homas F. Managing the New Generation in Business.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1973,14(1):72-107
Book reviewed in this article:
The Meaning of Righteousness in Paul . By J. A. Z iesler .
Clement of Alexandria: A Study in Christian Platonism and Gnosticism . By S alvatore R. C. L illa .
Ancient Rhetoric and the Art of Tertullian . By R obert D ick S ider .
Tertullian, A Historical and Literary Study . By T imothy D avid B arnes .
Cluniac Monasticism in the Middle Ages . Edited by N oreen H unt .
Papal Judges Delegate in the Province of Canterbury 1198–1254 . By J ane E. S ayers .
Itinera Ministri Generalis Bernardini De Arezzo (1691–1698). By P hilippus D e F irenze .
The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman . Volume XXI, January 1864 to June 1865. Edited by C harles S tephen D essain and E dward E. K elly .
The Spirituality of Friedrich von Hügel . By J oseph P. W helan .
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Theologian of Reality . By A ndré D umas .
Contemplation in a World of Action . By T homas M erton .
Merton's Theology of Prayer . By J ohn J. H iggins .
Faith and Order Louvain 1971 .
The Absolute and the Atonement . By I lltyd T rethowan .
Religion and the Scientific Future . By L angdon G ilkey .
Problems of Religious Knowledge . By T erence P enelhum .
An Introduction to Modal Logic . By G. E. H ughes and M. J. C resswell .
Modal Logic and its Applications . By D. P aul S nyder .
Deontic Logic: Introductory and Systematic Readings . Edited by R isto H ilpinen .
Philosophy as Dramatic Theory . By J ulián M arías . Translated from the Spanish by J ames P arsons .
Metaphysical Anthropology: the Empirical Structure of Human Life . By J ulián M arías . Translated by F rances M. L ópez -M orillas .
Shadows of Heaven . By G unnar U rang .  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1969,22(1):89-107
Book reviews in this article: Marrow , Alfred J., Bowers , David G., and Seashore , Stanley E. Management by Participation. Managing Organizational Stress. Managerial Manpower Planning. Blum , Milton L., and Naylor , James C. Industrial Psychology: Its Theoretical and Social Foundations. (A revision of Industrial Psychology and Its Social Foundations, Revised Edition Baumgartel , Howard , Bennis , Warren G., and De , Nitish R. (Eds.) Readings in Group Development for Managers and Trainers. Dubin , Robert . Human Relations in Administration, with Readings. Barnes , Ralph M. Motion and Time Study: Design and Measurement of Work. Barnette , W. Leslie , Jr . (Editor) Readings in Psychological Tests and Measurements. Bennis , Warren G., Schein , Edgar H., Steele , Fred I., and Berlew , David E. Interpersonal Dynamics: Essays and Readings on Human Interaction. Berrien , F. Kenneth . General and Social Systems. Bittel , Lester R. What Every Supervisor Should Know. Brodey , Warren M. Changing the Family. Calvert , Robert , Jr . Employing the Minority Group College Graduate (Recruiting, Evaluating Qualifications, Retaining Employees). Coghill , Mary Ann . The Lie Detector in Employment: An Examination of Some of the Problems. Dalton , Gene W., Barnes , Louis B., and Zaleznik , Abraham The Distribution of Authority in Formal Organizations. De Voe , Merrill . How to Set Inspiring Personal Goals. Dumas , Neil S., Butler , Alfred J., and Wright , George N. Counselor Perceptions of Professional Development. Litwin , George H., and Stringer , Robert A., Jr . Motivation and Organizational Climate. Management Education and Development. Mc Murry , Robert N., and Arnold , James S. How to Build a Dynamic Sales Organization. Oetting , Eugene R., and Thornton , George C., III. Exercises in Psychological Testing. Proceedings: SITRA's Ninth Human Relations Conference, Aug. 28 & 29, 1967. Research and Technical Personnel in Management. Ronan , William W., and Prien , Erich P. Human Performance Behaviors and Organizations. Smith , Frank , and Miller , George A. The Genesis Zytowski , Donald G. (Editor) Vocational Behavior: Readings in Theory and Research.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1962,15(4):447-475
Book review in This Article:
M c C lelland , D avid C. The Achieving Society.
A rgyris , C hris . Interpersonal Competence and Organizational Effectiveness.
W hyte , W illiam F oote . Men at Work.
B urns , T om , and S talker , G. M. The Management of Innovation.
I ndustrial R elations C ounselors , I nc ., Group Wage Incentives: Experience with the Scanlon Plan.
L eonard , W illiam P. The Management Audit: An Appraisal of Management Methods and Performance.
A nstey , E. Staff Reporting and Staff Development.
M argulies , S tuart , and E igen , L ewis D. (Editors) Applied Programed Instruction.
D ill , W illiam R., H ilton , T homas L., and R eitman , W alter R. The New Managers: Patterns of Behavior and Development.
S idney , E lizabeth , and B rown , M argaret . The Skills of Interviewing.
C hruden , H erbert J., and S herman , A rthur W., J r . Readings in Personnel Management.  相似文献   

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