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Brewin CR  Huntley Z  Whalley MG 《Cognition》2012,124(2):234-238
Flashbacks are involuntary, emotion-laden images experienced by individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The qualities of flashbacks could under certain circumstances lead to source memory errors. Participants with PTSD wrote a trauma narrative and reported the experience of flashbacks. They were later presented with stimuli from flashback and non-flashback parts of their narrative, mixed with foils from the narrative of another participant, and judged whether they belonged to their own narrative. They also reported whether stimuli elicited a flashback during this recognition test. Overall reporting a flashback at test was associated with significantly better recognition performance. Flashbacks were occasionally reported to foil stimuli, which were then likely to be wrongly attributed to the person's own narrative. This provides proof of concept of a cognitive mechanism that could potentially account for some cases of false trauma memories.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study investigates the relation between recall memory and communication in infancy and later cognitive development. Twenty-six typically developing Swedish children were tested during infancy for deferred imitation (memory), joint attention (JA), and requesting (nonverbal communication); they also were tested during childhood for language and cognitive competence. Results showed that infants with low performance on both deferred imitation at 9 months and joint attention at 14 months obtained a significantly lower score on a test of cognitive abilities at 4 years of age. This long-term prediction from preverbal infancy to childhood cognition is of interest both to developmental theory and to practice.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined developmental changes in serial recall of lists of 6 letters, with errors classified as movements, omissions, intrusions, or repetitions. In Experiments 1 and 2, developmental differences between groups of children aged from 7 to 11 years and adults were found in the pattern of serial recall errors. The errors of older participants were more likely to be movements than were those of younger participants, who made more intrusions and omissions. The number of repetition errors did not change with age, and this finding is interpreted in terms of a developmentally invariant postoutput response inhibition process. This interpretation was supported by the findings of Experiment 3, which measured levels of response inhibition in 7-, 9-, and 11-year-olds by comparing recall of lists with and without repeated items. Response inhibition remained developmentally invariant, although older children showed greater response facilitation (improved correct recall of adjacent repeated items). Group differences in the patterns of other errors are accounted for in terms of developmental changes in levels of output forgetting and changes in the efficiency of temporal encoding processes.  相似文献   

In a Piagetian Stage IV search task in which the object was in plain view under transparent covers, Butterworth (1977) obtained errors from nearly half the infants but noted few errors when the object was uncovered. This study investigates the possibility that errors arise in the former case because novel transparent covers present a particular distraction. Butterworth's results with transparent covers were replicated under his conditions of administration, but virtually no errors were obtained when infants were familiarized with the covers prior to testing. From this and other results it is suggested that errors in search for a visible object only occur when the infant's attention is drawn by other features of the array.  相似文献   

In search of remembrance: evidence for memory in visual search   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Observers searched for a target among distractors while the display items traded places every 110 ms. Search was slower when the target was always relocated to a position previously occupied by a distractor than when the items remained in place, showing the importance of memory for locations in a visual search task. Experiment 2 repeated a previous study in which items could move to any location within the display, but used a larger range of set sizes than tested in the earlier study. A cost in search times to relocating items was found at the larger set sizes, most likely reflecting that the probability that the target would replace a distractor increased witht he set size. The findings provide strong evidence for the role of memory for locations within trials in a visual search task.  相似文献   

This study examined the error patterns of 9-month-old infants searching for hidden objects and objects that were visible within a container. Although errors occurred in both conditions, there were important differences between them. When the object was hidden, infants showed significant perseveration in that they searched more often at the object's previous hiding place than at a control location. When the object was visible, however, they made fewer errors and the errors they did make were as likely to be to the control location as to the previous hiding place. These results suggest that infants' errors in searching for a visible object reflect lapses of attention rather than systematic misunderstandings of objects or space and so are not incompatible with an information-processing account of early search.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that infants make the Piagetian stage IV error when the object is covered by a transparent occluder. However, it is not clear whether this happens because nine-month-old infants' failure to understand the identity of hidden objects extends to visible objects, or whether they are puzzled by object relationships involving transparency. Nine-month-old infants were presented with one of three different stage IV tasks in which the object was visible and uncovered at the second location. Stage IV errors were obtained with the object visible, but only when a covered place was provided at the first location. It is concluded that this result is stronger evidence that the stage IV error is not simply a hidden-object phenomenon, and that it may be best explained by taking account of infants' functional place knowledge, as well as their knowledge of object identity.  相似文献   

I have attempted to clarify the clinical usage of the concept of character. I have examined such terms as character trait, character, and character disorder. I have described various schemes of classification, and have proposed key definitions for the above terms. I have described the unique aspect of character, that is, its capacity to establish a relation between a superficial attribute and a deep structure. Finally, I have suggested that character represents the core of the individual from a particular point of view--a precipitate of a person's relations to the outside world.  相似文献   

Two common strategies for successful foraging are learning to associate specific sensory cues with patches of prey ("associative learning") and using set decision-making rules to systematically scan for prey ("algorithmic search"). We investigated whether an animal's life history affects which of these two foraging strategies it is likely to use. Natterer's bats (Myotis nattereri) have slow life-history traits and we predicted they would be more likely to use associative learning. Common shrews (Sorex araneus) have fast life-history traits and we predicted that they would rely more heavily on routine-based search. Apart from their marked differences in life-history traits, these two mammals are similar in body size, brain weight, habitat, and diet. We assessed foraging strategy, associative learning ability, and retention time with a four-arm maze; one arm contained a food reward and was marked with four sensory stimuli. Bats and shrews differed significantly in their foraging strategies. Most bats learned to associate the sensory stimuli with the reward and remembered this association over time. Most shrews searched the maze using consistent decision-making rules, but did not learn or remember the association. We discuss these results in terms of life-history traits and other key differences between these species. Our results suggest a link between an animal's life-history strategy and its use of associative learning.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between memory and perception in order to identify the influence of a memory dimension in perceptual processing. Our aim was to determine whether the variation of typical size between items (i.e., the size in real life) affects visual search. In two experiments, the congruency between typical size difference and perceptual size difference was manipulated in a visual search task. We observed that congruency between the typical and perceptual size differences decreased reaction times in the visual search (Exp. 1), and noncongruency between these two differences increased reaction times in the visual search (Exp. 2). We argue that these results highlight that memory and perception share some resources and reveal the intervention of typical size difference on the computation of the perceptual size difference.  相似文献   

An experiment is reported using a list-learning paradigm in which all the words have a common associate, which is known to be frequently but erroneously recalled. Four experimental conditions were used. One group was instructed to think about the meanings of the words, another to relate them to personal experience, another to create images of the words, and another to chain the words into a sentence. Both thinking about the meaning and chaining increased recall of the words actually presented, but in none of the conditions was there any effect on false recall. The implications and relevance of these findings to the controversy over false memories are discussed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The recall of previously studied items is widely believed to incorporate a search of a markedly constrained set of possibilities, and the present study examines whether this set of items typically includes unstudied semantic associates of the study items. In an episodic task, participants recalled a previously studied list of eight exemplars drawn from a small or large category, and, in a semantic task, participants generated exemplars from these categories. Category size affected the time course of recall in the semantic task but not in the episodic task. This empirical dissociation between episodic and semantic memory is consistent with the view that episodic memory search efficiently excludes unstudied semantic associates of the study items and is instead constrained to those items sharing the temporal and spatial attributes of the episode.  相似文献   

In visual search a variable delay (up to 150 msec) between the beginning of each fixation and the onset of a search stimulus reduces the time (oculomotor latency) between stimulus onset and the subject's next saccadic eye movement. Two hypotheses for this effect of stimulus onset delay (SOD) were compared: first, process monitoring, that SOD simply serves as a warning interval to facilitate saccadic responses; and second, preprogramming, that saccades are preprogrammed at short SODs. In the first experiment SOD produced a decline in oculomotor latency in search similar to that seen in previous studies. In the second and third experiments, the size of the memory set in a Sternberg memory search paradigm was varied, or a mask flanking some of the search stimuli was used, to vary the processing time of each stimulus. Partial preprogramming of saccades at short delays would predict that increasing the processing time of individual stimuli would increase oculomotor latency at only short SODs. However, oculomotor latency increased equally at all SODs. In this search task, then, the SODs appeared to facilitate saccade initiation.  相似文献   

In an attempt to determine whether it is necessary to postulate abstraction processes in infant categorization, three experiments assessed retention of category-level information and information specific to category members. Using a visual recognition memory procedure, 10- and 13-month-old infants were familiarized with category instances containing both shared dimensional information and idiosyncratic features. The addition of idiosyncratic features to members of the familiarization category enhanced specific item memory for 13-month-old infants. However, this was not the case for the younger infants. The results of within-category test comparisons indicated that 10-month-old infants regarded information common to all members of the category as more familiar than information specific to individual exemplars. This occurred despite evidence that specific item information was retained in memory and available for retrieval during recognition tests. The findings are discussed in relation to exemplar and abstraction models of categorization.  相似文献   

Multiple-target visual searches are especially error prone; once one target is found, additional targets are likely to be missed. This phenomenon, often called satisfaction of search (which we refer to here as subsequent search misses; SSMs), is well known in radiology, despite no existing consensus about the underlying cause(s). Taking a cognitive laboratory approach, we propose that there are multiple causes of SSMs and present a taxonomy of SSMs based on searchers' eye movements during a multiple-target search task, including both previously identified and novel sources of SSMs. The types and distributions of SSMs revealed effects of working memory load, search strategy, and additional causal factors, suggesting that there is no single cause of SSMs. A multifaceted approach is likely needed to understand the psychological causes of SSMs and then to mitigate them in applied settings such as radiology and baggage screening.  相似文献   

The experimental method allowed false-positive as well as false-negative errors to be measured during visual search. Data were collected from eight Ss on four target-set size conditions on each of 25 days in order to determine whether the finding that search rate is independent of target-set size after practice might be attributable to a systematic variation in total error rate with set size. Even after practice, these Ss continued to search significantly faster for a single target than for target sets which were composed of five or more characters. Further, the incidence of total errors was much lower than in those studies in which search rate had been found to be independent of set size (i.e., parallel processing), even though these latter studies considered only the occurrence of false-negative errors. Additional analysis strongly suggests that: (1) attainment of parallel processing and a highly accurate performance are incompatible, and (2) verbal instructions alone are not sufficient to control the accuracy levels.  相似文献   

Relations between infant visual recognition memory and later cognition have fueled interest in identifying the underlying cognitive components of this important infant ability. The present large-scale study examined three promising factors in this regard--processing speed, short-term memory capacity, and attention. Two of these factors, attention and processing speed (but, surprisingly, not short-term memory capacity), were related to visual recognition memory: Infants who showed better attention (shorter looks and more shifts) and faster processing had better recognition memory. The contributions of attention and processing speed were independent of one another and were similar at all ages studied--5, 7, and 12 months. Taken together, attention and speed accounted for 6%-9% of the variance in visual recognition memory, leaving a considerable, but not unexpected, portion of the variance unexplained.  相似文献   

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