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段玉香 《社会心理科学》2005,20(5):43-45,93
比较儿童教育与心理发展有着密切的关系,理解教育在发展过程中的作用并掌握儿童心理发展的特点,可以更好地处理教育与发展的关系并促进儿童的发展。在这方面,皮亚杰、维果茨基与布鲁纳都为后人留下了丰富的遗产,也给我们现代教育教学带来了深刻启示。  相似文献   

麻彦坤  叶浩生 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1426-1428
皮亚杰与维果茨基是10世纪两位最有影响的发展心理学家.他们开辟了研究儿童发展的两条线路。这两种取向存在着根本性的差异,同时在研究方法与具体观点中又存在着多方面的类似和交叉.两种取向互动互补.共同描绘了儿童发展的整体画卷。  相似文献   

This paper reviews and evaluates a set of studies that utilize dynamic systems (DS) principles, and in two cases dynamic systems methods, for predicting antisocial development and other behavioral outcomes. I suggest that the emphasis of DS approaches on process and nonlinear causation is very different from the emphasis in developmental psychopathology on prediction, yet the marriage of these approaches is necessary to capture the complex interactions that give rise to problematic trajectories. The studies reviewed do indeed uncover predictive relations that would have been difficult to conceptualize or impossible to find using more traditional strategies. In discussing these studies. I suggest DS interpretations of emerging individual differences, phase-specific change, sleeper effects, mediating variables, and behavioral rigidity versus malleability, in the context of developmental prediction. I also discuss the advantages of moving from DS concepts to DS methods in clinical-developmental research.  相似文献   

国智丹 《心理学探新》2005,25(3):3-5,45
目前对皮亚杰和维果茨基发展心理学理论的比较研究多采用比较差异性和寻找相似点的方法,而该文试图在皮亚杰和维果茨基的心理学理论的分歧点中探寻两者的互补性:从儿童自我中心言语的理论分歧中看人类发展方向的互补性;从对发展过程本质的不同理解看互补性;从理解成人和同伴对儿童发展的影响中看互补性;从理解发展阶段普遍性的分歧看互补性:从心理调节观的分歧看互补性。  相似文献   

采用母亲报告的方法, 对1618名儿童的攻击进行了4年(9岁~12岁)的追踪研究, 分析了童年中晚期攻击的一般发展轨迹、亚组发展轨迹以及性别差异。结果发现:(1)总体上, 童年中晚期儿童的攻击水平随年龄而下降。(2)基于亚组的准参数模型分析表明, 童年中晚期母亲报告的儿童攻击呈现三条不同的发展轨迹, 即无攻击轨迹、低攻击—下降轨迹以及持续高攻击轨迹, 各轨迹组人数比例分别约为68.7%、26.8%、4.5%。持续高攻击轨迹组以及低攻击—下降轨迹组的儿童在童年晚期均面临一定程度的人际适应困难。(3)多项Logit模型以及卡方检验表明, 男生更倾向于归属于攻击轨迹组(高或者低攻击轨迹组), 而女生更倾向于归属于无攻击轨迹组; 但这并不说明高攻击轨迹组中没有女生, 约2%的女生属于高攻击轨迹组。  相似文献   

Intrapersonal variability and multiplicity in the complexity of moral motivation were examined from Dynamic Systems and Self-Determination Theory perspectives. L. Kohlberg's (1969) stages of moral development are reconceptualized as soft-assembled and dynamically transformable process structures of motivation that may operate simultaneously within person in different degrees. Moral motivation is conceptualized as the real-time process of self-organization of cognitive and emotional dynamics out of which moral judgment and action emerge. A detailed inquiry into intrapersonal variation in moral motivation is carried out based on the differential operation of multiple motivational structures. A total of 74 high school students and 97 college students participated in the study by completing a new questionnaire, involving 3 different hypothetical moral judgments. As hypothesized, findings revealed significant multiplicity in the within-person operation of developmental stage structures, and intrapersonal variability in the degrees to which stages were used. Developmental patterns were found in terms of different distributions of multiple stages between high school and college samples, as well as the association between age and overall motivation scores. Differential relations of specific emotions to moral motivation revealed and confirmed the value of differentiating multiple emotions. Implications of the present theoretical perspective and the findings for understanding the complexity of moral judgment and motivation are discussed.  相似文献   

维果茨基堪称心理学的巨人,在现代心理科学中享有崇高的地位。迄今为止我国对维果茨基的研究已经有半个世纪的历史,期间走过了由不重视到重视,由分散研究到有计划有组织研究的道路。全国维果茨基研究会自1998年成立以来,我国学者对维果茨基心理学思想的研究无论是在理论方面,还是在应用和实证方面均取得了显著的成果。  相似文献   

The developmental psychologies of Dewey and Vygotsky are often brought together, or even assimilated, by contemporary constructivist and social constructivist theories, including sociocultural approaches. These theories broadly subscribe to the naturalistic philosophical paradigm dominating educational research. Nevertheless, they are incompatible, as expressed from the outset in their antagonistic conceptions of the relationship between human development and biological evolution. This article proposes a comparative analysis of the meaning of key concepts such as sign, meaning, mind, consciousness, will, personality or freedom in Dewey's and Vygotsky's texts, and contrasts their respective interpretations of human choice and the mind-body problem. On this basis, the fundamental issue of mental causation appears at the core of the divergences between Dewey and Vygotsky's theories of human thought.  相似文献   

The association between the development of antisocial behavior, affiliation with deviant friends, and peer rejection was tested with a preventive intervention; 664 boys and girls were randomly assigned to a universal classroom-based intervention targeting disruptive behavior or a control condition. Peer nominations of antisocial behavior, friends' antisocial behavior, and peer rejection were assessed annually for 4 years. A high, a moderate, and a stable low antisocial behavior trajectory were identified. Large reductions in antisocial behavior were found among intervention children who followed the high trajectory. These reductions coincided with affiliations with nondeviant peers and with decreases in peer rejection. The affiliation between deviant and nondeviant peers was initiated by nondeviant children. The results support a causal role of deviant friends and peer rejection in the development of antisocial behavior. The implications for our understanding of the mechanisms leading to reductions in antisocial behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

以496名初中生为研究对象, 对其网络欺负行为进行为期2年的4次追踪测试, 同时测试其道德推脱、观点采择与共情关注。采用潜变量增长模型探讨初中生网络欺负行为的发展轨迹, 并分析道德推脱、观点采择与共情关注的影响。结果发现, (1)在2年时间内, 初中生网络欺负行为呈显著下降趋势, 起始水平与下降速度有显著负相关; (2)道德推脱能显著正向预测初中生网络欺负行为的起始水平, 负向预测其下降趋势; (3)观点采择能够显著负向预测初中生网络欺负行为的起始水平, 正向预测其下降趋势。上述结果肯定了道德推脱与观点采择对初中生网络欺负发展轨迹的预测作用, 以网络情境支持了道德推脱理论, 部分支持了社会信息处理模型。  相似文献   

以496名初中生为研究对象, 对其网络欺负行为进行为期2年的4次追踪测试, 同时测试其道德推脱、观点采择与共情关注。采用潜变量增长模型探讨初中生网络欺负行为的发展轨迹, 并分析道德推脱、观点采择与共情关注的影响。结果发现, (1)在2年时间内, 初中生网络欺负行为呈显著下降趋势, 起始水平与下降速度有显著负相关; (2)道德推脱能显著正向预测初中生网络欺负行为的起始水平, 负向预测其下降趋势; (3)观点采择能够显著负向预测初中生网络欺负行为的起始水平, 正向预测其下降趋势。上述结果肯定了道德推脱与观点采择对初中生网络欺负发展轨迹的预测作用, 以网络情境支持了道德推脱理论, 部分支持了社会信息处理模型。  相似文献   

采用同伴提名和教师评价对535名小学3~4年级儿童社交淡漠与学业成绩的发展进行了三次追踪研究,通过平行潜变量增长模型考察社交淡漠与学业成绩的发展轨迹及其相互作用模式。结果发现:(1)儿童社交淡漠和学业成绩在三年中较为稳定,三年中社交淡漠与学业成绩均呈负相关;(2)儿童学业成绩的初始水平可以负向预测社交淡漠的发展速度。该结果揭示学业成绩可能是儿童社交淡漠发展过程的重要保护因素,为儿童社会行为的健康发展提供了新的实证依据。  相似文献   

采用问卷法对977名初中生在校三年间负面评价恐惧的发展状况进行三次追踪测试,通过建构潜变量增长模型,检验初中生负面评价恐惧的变化趋势,并考察学业自尊和社交自尊对负面评价恐惧变化的影响。结果发现:(1)初中青少年负面评价恐惧呈上升趋势;(2)从初一到初三,学生较高的学业自尊和社交自尊显著抑制负面评价恐惧的增长;(3)性别对负面评价恐惧发展轨迹的影响是由于自尊的性别差异引起的。  相似文献   

Beginning with Piaget’s concept of egocentrism, we explicate a view of differentiating and coordination perspectives on which language and cognition are based by also drawing on insights from Mead and Wittgenstein. The concept of egocentrism is linked to Piaget’s view of knowledge and development. In overcoming egocentrism, infants differentiate the world from their action. We extend a Piagetian approach to overcoming egocentrism with regard to children’s social knowledge by drawing on Mead’s view that minds and selves emerge from the social process. Children must take the role of others for selves to emerge, a process that is rooted in interaction, requiring sufficient experience with others to be able to anticipate others’ response or attitude to their act. Then the self can respond to one’s own act as the other would. From Piaget’s perspective, these are schemes or patterns of action that develop with repeated experience. From Wittgenstein’s perspective, these patterns are embedded in forms of life; natural ways of reacting to and interacting with others that are characteristic of our species. Overcoming egocentrism or developing perspective taking is required for understanding and for human forms of cognition.  相似文献   

《New Ideas in Psychology》1997,15(3):195-210
This essay proposes (1) that more than one kind of large-scale developmental change exists; and (2) that more than one kind of developmental change mechanism is needed to explain them. These proposals are supported by work in nonuniversal theory which states that intellectual development should be characterized neither as domain-general nor as domainspecific, but as a spectrum of developmental domains that range from the universal to the unique. The current article extends nonuniversal theory by positing and then describing (1) a sixth region of development—a pancultural region: and (2) five basic change mechanisms (maturation, domain-specific structures, technologies, instruction, and equilibration) that differentially influence developmental change at particular points along the universal-to-unique continuum. The contributions of each of the five change mechanisms is illustrated by an analysis of children's ability to draw maps. The value of the universal to unique framework is demonstrated by showing how it helps resolve Piaget's and Vygotsky's seemingly contradictory views on the relationship between learning and development.  相似文献   

刘俊升  周颖  李丹 《心理学报》2013,45(2):179-192
使用问卷法和同伴提名法对884名小学二年级学生进行历时三年的四次追踪测试, 采用潜变量增长模型建模, 检验小学2~5年级学生孤独感的变化趋势, 并考察不同性别儿童孤独感变化的差异性以及同伴接纳对孤独感变化的影响。结果发现:(1) 2~5年级小学生孤独感呈曲线递减趋势, 递减速度逐渐减缓, 起始水平及发展速度均存在显著的个体差异; (2)女孩起始的孤独感水平显著低于男孩, 而发展速度、加速度则不存在显著的性别差异; (3)较高的同伴接纳对当时儿童孤独感的降低具有显著的促进作用。研究采用孤独感发展的情境观, 并结合儿童认知、自我发展的特点对结果进行了分析。  相似文献   

对149名小学一年级儿童的阅读流畅性进行历时三年五次的追踪测试,采用潜变量增长模型探索了儿童阅读流畅性的发展轨迹,并在控制相关变量后,考察了阅读流畅性的起始水平和发展速度对阅读理解的预测作用。结果发现:(1)小学低年级儿童字词阅读流畅性呈非线性发展,其中一年级快速发展,二、三年级时进一步发展,但发展速度变缓,起始水平低的儿童其后发展速度快,表现出补偿模式;句子阅读流畅性呈线性发展,儿童个体之间的差异随时间逐渐增大,表现出马太效应;(2)控制一般认知能力、家庭社会经济地位及相关语言认知技能后,字词阅读流畅性的起始水平和发展速度均可预测儿童三年级时阅读理解水平,而句子阅读流畅性的起始水平不能预测,但发展速度有显著预测作用。结果说明字词阅读流畅性和句子阅读流畅性有不同的发展轨迹和发展模式,在小学低年级阶段,相比句子阅读流畅性,儿童字词阅读流畅性的起始水平对阅读理解有预测作用,且两者的发展速度均对阅读理解有预测作用。  相似文献   

Although numerous investigations of overt aggressive and antisocial trajectories have been undertaken, there is a dearth of literature examining gender differences and similarities in trajectory patterns and their correlates. To address these gaps, we investigated gender differences in the prevalence rates, predictive validity during transition to adulthood, childhood risk factors, and adolescent correlates of different trajectories of teacher-reported overt aggression (i.e., fights, argues, gets in trouble) among 220 participants (116 girls and 104 boys) evaluated annually from grade 4 to grade 12. Four patterns of trajectories were identified: low, increasing (i.e., adolescent-onset), decreasing (i.e., childhood-limited), and high (i.e., childhood-onset). A large proportion of youth, particularly girls, displayed low levels of aggression over time. A small proportion followed the childhood-onset trajectory. Across gender, the childhood-onset trajectory was associated with the highest rates of maladjustment during the transition to adulthood, the highest number of childhood risk factors, and multiple problems during adolescence. The adolescent-onset trajectory was associated with few childhood risk factors, but with high levels of independent status during adolescence. In contrast, the childhood-limited trajectory was associated with several childhood risk factors, but high levels of parental monitoring and school engagement during adolescence. Romantic involvement differentiated the adolescent-onset and childhood-limited trajectories among girls.  相似文献   

对儿童数量表征和数概念的研究是当前数认知领域的两个重点研究方向。我们在这一领域通过理论及实证研究进行了广泛且深入的探索,系统分析了大小数量、符号与非符号数量表征的机制,深入考察了数量表征线索的发展、线性数量表征的发展特点及形成机制等问题;并对数概念的发展及其影响机制、数量表征与数概念的关系进行了理论梳理和实证研究。这些探索为进一步探明数量表征与数概念的发展特点及机制提供了基础。  相似文献   

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