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Operant-conditioning techniques were used to investigate the ability of zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) and Bengalese finches (Lonchura striata domestica) to detect a zebra finch or a Bengalese finch target song intermixed with other birdsongs. Sixteen birds were trained to respond to the presence of a particular target song, either of their own species (n = 8) or of another species (n = 8). The birds were able to learn a discrimination between song mixtures that contained a target song and song mixtures that did not, and they were able to maintain their response to the target song when it was mixed with novel songs. Zebra finches, but not Bengalese finches, learned the discrimination with a conspecific target more quickly and were worse at detecting a Bengalese finch in the presence of a conspecific song. The results indicate that selective attention to birdsongs within an auditory scene is related to their biological relevance.  相似文献   

There is great value in exploring the prevalence of school bullying from a cross-national perspective. Smith, Morita, Junger-Tas, Olweus, Catalano, and Slee in 1999 presented a cross-national perspective on the nature, prevalence, and correlates of school bullying that encompassed a wide range of countries. However, Northern Ireland was not included, despite potentially being an important country to include, given its volatile social, ethnic, and religious history--leading to the concern that the population has become somewhat habituated to low level aggression. Thus, the present paper provides a review of the current literature on school bullying in the Northern Ireland school system. Evidence presented suggests that the incidence of school bullying in Northern Ireland may be higher than that in the rest of Ireland and the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

In contemporary Western populations, some physical characteristics are sexually dimorphic, and it is known that these traits also affect human mate preferences. Height is one such characteristic, and evidence suggests that females prefer taller over shorter males, indeed, taller males have been found to have greater reproductive success. However, relative height is also important with ‘Sexual Dimorphism in Stature’ (SDS) calculated as male height/female height. Pawlowski (2003) showed that people adjust their preferences for SDS in relation to their own height in order to increase their potential pool of partners. The aim of the present study was to replicate Pawlowski’s study on a larger sample of participants, and to investigate the universality of the reported preference adjustment within European societies. We present data of 1102 men and women from three countries (Germany, Austria, and the UK) that confirm Pawlowski’s original data on a Polish sample. Moreover, the mechanism of an adjustment of SDS preferences in relation to own height was found in all three countries, suggesting that height dependent partner preference is a genuine feature in Western societies.  相似文献   

In a commentary to our article, Oppenheimer and Alter stressed the importance of searching for moderators in disfluency research. We agree, but we would like to clarify two issues. First, unlike Oppenheimer and Alter, we assume that learner characteristics might indeed moderate the effects of disfluency. Second, conclusions concerning the impact of disfluency in educational settings might be biased because of the file‐drawer problem. To counteract this possibility, we want to encourage other researchers to publish their studies––regardless of whether they found (positive) effects of disfluency or not. Until then, any recommendation concerning the use of disfluency as an educational intervention seems premature.  相似文献   

These experiments examined the effects of a novel experience prior to training or retention testing on 24-h retention of an inhibitory avoidance response in mice. The experiments were based on previous evidence that novel training experiences release hypothalamic beta-endorphin. When given 1 h prior to training, the novel experience (clinging to the wire-mesh ceiling and exploring a small box) attenuated the memory-enhancing effects of post-training administration of naloxone as well as the enhancing effects of beta-endorphin administered prior to the retention test. The novel experience given prior to training did not block the enhancing effects of post-training administration of epinephrine. beta-Endorphin and the novel experience both enhanced retention performance when administered 1 h (as well as 3 but not 6 h) prior to the retention test. The enhancement found with both treatments was blocked by simultaneous administration of naloxone or by administration of propranolol a few minutes prior to the retention test. The findings of these experiments are consistent with the view that the effects of the novel experience are due to a release of endogenous beta-endorphin and provide additional evidence that the effects, on retention, of naloxone given post-training and beta-endorphin given prior to a retention test, are based on training-induced release of beta-endorphin.  相似文献   

Journal of Philosophical Logic - The original version of the article unfortunately contained a mistake. The author missed to mention the support by a EU-funded research network that he is involved...  相似文献   

Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences - It has been pointed out that Sensorimotor Enactivism, a theory that claims that perception is enacted and brought about by movement, says very little...  相似文献   

Event-related brain potentials were recorded while subjects listened to sentences containing a controlled infinitival complement. Subject and object control items were used, both with 2 potential antecedents in the upper clause. Half of the sentences had a gender agreement violation between the null subject of the infinitival complement and an adjective predicated of it. The rapid detection of this anomaly would indicate that the parser had established the coreference relation between the null subject and an antecedent, and that the processor had rapidly consulted verb control information to select the proper antecedent of the null subject. The results showed that for both subject and object control items ungrammatical adjectives elicited a P600 effect. These data imply that the processor has coindexed the null subject with an antecedent, and that the antecedent has been selected on the basis of control information. These results are compatible with parsing models that emphasize the rapid influence of verb-specific information on sentence processing.  相似文献   

One of three short companion essays to Terry Shoemaker's “World Religion and Fake News: A Pedagogical Response in an Age of Post‐Truth,” published in this issue of the journal.  相似文献   

《Ecological Psychology》2013,25(4):297-341
In his last book, Gibson (1979/1986) clearly described crucial elements for an ontology for ecological psychology, but left his overarching ontology implicit and incomplete. As a partial remedy, Turvey (1992) presented a compact, well- packaged outline of an ontology for ecological psychology derived in part from the work of Bunge. In appreciation of Turvey's pioneering and thought-provoking attack on this difficult issue, we offer our own reflections on Turvey's propertied realism. In reviewing Turvey's work we use both the insights of Heidegger and recent experimental findings in ecological psychology to argue for the need for a different ontological foundation. We argue that a Heideggerian ontology can provide us with a broader and more complete ontological foundation with which to deal with complex issues, such as prospective control, than can Turvey's proposed ontology. Also, we suggest that a Heideggerian ontology can be used to supply what is missing or understated in Gibson. We argue against propertied realism as a basis for ecological psychology's ontology and contend that a proper conception of intentionality provides a way to transcend traditional object-subject ontologies. We propose that fields should be considered real ontological entities that differ from matter. Finally, we reflect on how the highly nonscientific language of Heidegger might possibly be formalized to make it more suitable for scientific use.  相似文献   

We assessed a hypothesis that working memory capacity should include a constant number of separate mental units, or chunks (cf. Miller, 1956). Because of the practical difficulty of measuring chunks, this hypothesis has not been tested previously, despite wide attention to Miller's article. We used a training procedure to manipulate the strength of associations between pairs of words to be included in an immediate serial-recall task. Although the amount of training on associations clearly increased the availability of two-item chunks and therefore the number of items correct in list recall, the number of total chunks recalled (singletons plus two-word chunks) appeared to remain approximately constant across association strengths, supporting a hypothesis of constant capacity.  相似文献   

Journal of Philosophical Logic - This article introduces, studies, and applies a new system of logic which is called ‘HYPE’. In HYPE, formulas are evaluated at states that may exhibit...  相似文献   

One aspect of schizophrenia contributing to its complexity is the lack of insight individuals often have into their illness. While poor insight is prevalent throughout the course of the illness, more severe levels are associated with first-episode psychosis (FEP). Interventions addressing insight are necessary but current treatments have been shown to have limited effectiveness. Thus, a novel intervention, Metacognitive Reflection and Insight Therapy (MERIT), is being studied for its efficacy of improving insight in individuals with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. MERIT is an integrative metacognitive therapy consisting of eight elements to assist clients in improving their ability to form complex ideas about themselves and others and to use this knowledge to respond to psychological problems. The present study is a case illustration of the implementation of MERIT to improve insight in FEP. Clinical outcomes were assessed and results showed that the client improved in both metacognition and insight. With replication, these results suggest that integrative metacognitive psychotherapy may serve as an intervention that improves insight in FEP, which marks an important step toward improved interventions for individuals with psychosis.  相似文献   

Empathy covers a range of phenomena from cognitive empathy involving metarepresentation to emotional contagion stemming from automatically triggered reflexes. An experimental protocol first used with human infants was adapted to investigate empathy in domestic dogs. Dogs oriented toward their owner or a stranger more often when the person was pretending to cry than when they were talking or humming. Observers, unaware of experimental hypotheses and the condition under which dogs were responding, more often categorized dogs' approaches as submissive as opposed to alert, playful or calm during the crying condition. When the stranger pretended to cry, rather than approaching their usual source of comfort, their owner, dogs sniffed, nuzzled and licked the stranger instead. The dogs' pattern of response was behaviorally consistent with an expression of empathic concern, but is most parsimoniously interpreted as emotional contagion coupled with a previous learning history in which they have been rewarded for approaching distressed human companions.  相似文献   

Childhood hyperactivity (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD) is a behavior disorder affecting 2-6% of grade-school children. The main symptoms are attention problems and hyperkinesis. The disorder is commonly treated with psychomotor stimulants, usually methylphenidate hydrochloride (ritalin) or d-amphetamine. Neither the cause of the disorder nor the basis of the effectiveness of the drug treatment is well understood. Differences in reinforcement processes have been implicated as part of the underlying problem. The main purpose of the present research was to investigate reinforcement processes and motor characteristics with and without stimulant medication in SHR, as an animal model of ADHD, and WKY controls, its normoactive progenitor strain. SHR behavior turned out to be more sensitive to immediate reinforcement and proportionately less sensitive to delayed reinforcement when compared to the behavior of WKY, as demonstrated by systematic changes in rates of responding throughout fixed-interval schedules of reinforcement of bar-presses by water. The psychomotor stimulants weakened the control by immediate reinforcers and strengthened the control by delayed reinforcers, with the effect of the drugs being more pronounced in WKY than in SHR. The results are consistent with clinical observations that ADHD children are less willing than others to accept "delayed gratification" and that methylphenidate increases the control of delayed reward over their behavior.  相似文献   

A single invisible displacement object permanence task was administered to 19 cats (Felis catus). In this task, cats watched a target object from behind a transparent panel. However, cats had to walk around an opaque panel to reach the object. While cats were behind the opaque panel, the object was hidden behind one of two screens. As cats did not perceive the disappearance of the object behind the target screen, the object was invisibly hidden. Results showed that cats solved this task with great flexibility, which markedly contrasts with what has been observed in previous research. The discussion emphasizes the difference between the typical Piagetian task in which the information necessary to succeed must be dealt with in retrospective way, whereas in our task cats had to anticipate a new position of the object. The ecological relevance of this new task is also discussed.  相似文献   

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