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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect the visual fidelity of a virtual environment (VE) (undetailed vs. detailed) has on the transfer of spatial knowledge based on the navigation mode (passive vs. active) for three different spatial recall tasks (wayfinding, sketch mapping, and picture sorting). Sixty-four subjects (32 men and 32 women) participated in the experiment. Spatial learning was evaluated by these three tasks in the context of the Bordeaux district. In the wayfinding task, the results indicated that the detailed VE helped subjects to transfer their spatial knowledge from the VE to the real world, irrespective of the navigation mode. In the sketch-mapping task, the detailed VE increased performances compared to the undetailed VE condition, and allowed subjects to benefit from the active navigation. In the sorting task, performances were better in the detailed VE; however, in the undetailed version of the VE, active learning either did not help the subjects or it even deteriorated their performances. These results are discussed in terms of appropriate perceptive-motor and/or spatial representations for each spatial recall task.  相似文献   

Co‐production has been traditionally studied in the context of industrial and service markets. This study investigates the consumer's search for meaning and fulfillment via one type of co‐production, collective co‐production. The case study method was utilized to examine knife making from kits. The findings unpack a three‐part co‐production process (design, production, and consumption) that results in significant identity ramifications for consumers. During the design stage of knife making, the informants shaped their self‐concept through social inspiration, creative self‐expression, and identification with the primal sense of self. The production stage provided internal validation of the self‐concept through a pseudochallenge that was achieved through learning activities. The consumption stage provided external validation of the self‐concept as the informants shared their co‐production experience with others. Theoretical implications are discussed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


An A-B, B-C, A-C mediation paradigm was used to investigate observational learning of attitudes in a laboratory situation. The A-B stage involved the learning of dissyllables as responses to instances of three concepts. In the B-C stage, Ss observed a model apparently receiving different levels of shock in association with the dissyllables. In the A-C stage, Ss pulled a lever after the presentation of each of the previously learned concept instances and an equal number of new instances of the same concepts. During a second presentation, Ss gave evaluative ratings of the concept instances. The latency, speed, and amplitude of the lever pull response were not affected by the experimental manipulations. With respect to ratings, instances of concepts associated with shock to the model were significantly more disliked than instances of concepts not paired with shock to the model.  相似文献   

Previous studies revealed a pre-functional stage of concept learning, in that the relevant stimulus attribute aquired perceptual distinctiveness at a stage of learning when subjects as yet were unable to sort instances into appropriate categories. This early stage of perceptual learning prior to behavioral manifestation could not be identified under the novel conditions introduced in the present experiment: sensory predifferentiation training and an extra request to verbalize the concept.  相似文献   

This fMRI study examines the changes in participants’ information processing as they repeatedly solve the same mathematical problem. We show that the majority of practice-related speedup is produced by discrete changes in cognitive processing. Because the points at which these changes take place vary from problem to problem, and the underlying information processing steps vary in duration, the existence of such discrete changes can be hard to detect. Using two converging approaches, we establish the existence of three learning phases. When solving a problem in one of these learning phases, participants can go through three cognitive stages: Encoding, Solving, and Responding. Each cognitive stage is associated with a unique brain signature. Using a bottom-up approach combining multi-voxel pattern analysis and hidden semi-Markov modeling, we identify the duration of that stage on any particular trial from participants brain activation patterns. For our top-down approach we developed an ACT-R model of these cognitive stages and simulated how they change over the course of learning. The Solving stage of the first learning phase is long and involves a sequence of arithmetic computations. Participants transition to the second learning phase when they can retrieve the answer, thereby drastically reducing the duration of the Solving stage. With continued practice, participants then transition to the third learning phase when they recognize the problem as a single unit and produce the answer as an automatic response. The duration of this third learning phase is dominated by the Responding stage.  相似文献   

In his early work, Bion (1961) established the goal of learning about and getting beyond the basic assumptions to become a work group. Later, in his structural theory of affect, passion became a key concept. Passion describes the necessary and sufficient condition for a psychotherapy group to be a work group. Passion is an intersubjective process of bearing and utilizing one's most basic affects to reach self-conscious emotional awareness. Bion postulated three primary affects: loving, hating, and knowing (LHK). A clinical example illustrates how the therapist may represent, mentally organize, and mobilize the group's potential for passion by attending to the evolution of his or her own affects. Passion transcends transference-countertransference in that an optimal level of personal meaning from LHK is achieved and utilized in emotional participation.  相似文献   

语境学习是成人获得词汇意义的主要方式, 大量研究者使用语境学习范式考察成人母语词汇意义学习的问题。已有研究将词汇意义学习分为两大阶段:习得词汇的对应概念阶段和将新词的意义整合到已有的语义网络中的阶段。基于词汇意义学习两大加工阶段中语境学习的相关研究, 梳理了词汇、语境、被试因素对成人词汇意义学习的影响, 指出未来研究需要进一步关注新概念学习、隐喻意义学习等问题。  相似文献   

Hugo Kauder, born in 1888 near Prague, composer, instrumentalist, theoretician and music-philosopher, came to Vienna in 1905, left Austria after the Novemberpogrom 1938 and reached New York via the Netherlands and England in 1940. In 1938 Tel Aviv was also one of his intended havens (parts of Kauder's estate are kept at the National Library of Israel, Jerusalem). Engaged in the crisis discourse in Vienna's postwar period of the early 1920s, Kauder drafted his philosophical ideas under the influence of Friedrich Schelling and Friedrich Nietzsche, also speculating on music-teleology, mysticism and cosmology. Corresponding with the German philosopher Rudolf Pannwitz, with the authors Karl Wolfskehl and Erich von Kahler, Kauder expressed his Jewishness – much more as a mindset than an active Jewish identity. Coming from a system of transcendental and natural philosophy combined with Christian ideas, Kauder moved to a more complex syncretism also reflecting on Jewish topics. Kauder did not organize his ideas into a concept, they are, rather, the theoretical framework of his educational books and are widespread in his essays and letters.  相似文献   

The present paper tries to analyse the way in which Judge William, in Sören Kierkegaard's work Either/Or, distinguishes between the aesthetic and the ethical way of life. Basically his distinctions seem to be that the ethicist is a seriously committed person (has inwardness) whereas the aestheticist is indifferent, and that the former accepts universal rules whereas the latter makes an exception for himself. — In order to come from the aesthetic to the ethical stage one must, according to Judge William, make a choice of oneself. We try to show that such a choice is only one among several factors implicit in his reasoning and that he does not at all consider it as a ‘leap’, but as based upon reasons, though his reasons are mostly of an aesthetic nature. Far from seeing the Judge as a champion of choice, we maintain that the book primarily contains a plea for a certain personality ideal. This probably has to do with the fact that he does not seem to be in doubt as to what one ought to do, only as to how to become a person who does what he ought to do. We shall also argue that a choice of oneself, as a matter of fact, is neither necessary nor sufficient in order to bring a person within the ethical stage, as described by the Judge. — A person who lives ethically does not, according to Judge William, necessarily act rightly, but his actions are either right or wrong, as opposed to the actions of the aestheticist which fall outside the domain of the ethical. In order to obtain a tenable distinction within his philosophy between ‘being within the ethical stage’ and ‘acting ethically rightly’ the first concept should be defined in terms of inwardness (serious commitment), the latter as inward conformity with certain universal rules. — This idea of inwardness, probably the most original and fruitful contribution of ‘Equilibrium’, seems to be based, however, like most of his ethical reasoning, on certain controversial assumptions about human nature.  相似文献   

Two experiments examine how inferences might promote unsupervised and incremental category learning. Many categories have members related through overall similarity (e.g., a family resemblance structure) rather than by a defining feature. However, when people are asked to sort category members in a category construction task, they often do so by partitioning on a single feature. Starting from an earlier result showing that pairwise inferences increase family resemblance sorting (Lassaline & Murphy, 1996), we examine how these inferences lead to learning the family resemblance structure. Results show that the category structure is learned incrementally. The pairwise inferences influence participants’ weightings of feature pairs that were specifically asked about, which in turn affects their sorting. The sorting then allows further learning of the categorical structure. Thus, the inferences do not directly lead learners to the family resemblance structure, but they do provide a foundation to build on as the participants make additional judgments.  相似文献   

张小星 《世界哲学》2012,(1):33-47,161
在《存在与书写》①一文中,德里达针对海德格尔《存在与时间》②第82节注释中对哲学史流俗时间观的梳理,对亚里士多德、康德、黑格尔的文本进行了重新的阅读。本文将把德里达的批评重构为三组,并依次指明其中的弊病。  相似文献   

Our ordinary concept of causality is—as David Hume wisely underscored—the concept in which an event or change produces another event or change. This production is the central core of causation, and the objective component of it Hume analyzed as constant conjunction. As is well known, Hume emphasized that our notion of production or causation has a subjective component, namely, the illusion of a certain necessity in the connection between cause and effect. Typically, the critique of Hume has centered on his attack upon, and on his theses about, necessity. But the core idea of production has been generally kept out of the dialectical stage. Here I will put necessity aside and bring this very idea of production to the center of the stage. I propose to explore the most general logical and ontological features of production. The most intriguing feature is the deep connection between production and energy. But as it will become apparent from the ensuing discussion, that deep connection is mediated by a more general concept of world-orderliness that I shall dub causity. Thus, the general principles here formulated belong to the philosophical foundations of thermodynamics.  相似文献   

知识点认知规律的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
隋光远 《心理科学》2003,26(2):308-311
知识点是人的认知单位,人学习知识,必须以知识点为单位、逐个知识点地学习。本实验以概念学习为例,研究了人一次学习一个知识点与同时学习两个知识点时的成绩差异。研究结果表明,1. 在概念中的信息组块数不超过短时记忆容量的前提下,一次学习一个概念,构成概念的信息组块数对概念掌握影响不显著。2.在同样条件下,一次学习一个知识点的成绩好于同时学习两个知识点的成绩,从而验证了知识点认知规律。  相似文献   

黄绾一生为学三变,早年宗承程朱,后归王学,晚年自揭"艮止"之学.在易学上,黄绾以"圣人之学、忧患之枢"释<易>,认为<易>之微青,莫要于‘艮止'",目"艮止"为"体用俱全"之"存心之法",以"艮止"为"圣门开示切要之诀"的"圣圣相承"之道统本旨,终则以"收拾精神、归缩在腔子内"为"艮止"之修养工夫.其为学注重"经理世务",反对陷入"空疏支离"的宋明诸儒及王学末流,成为王学中具有自觉和批判精神的"异端".  相似文献   

Our study focuses on the professionalization process in nursing students. More specifically, it aims to understand how each step of simulation in nursing education contributes to skills development in nursing students. In total, forty-seven students participated in this study. All the learners were first year students and answered anonymously, at the four stages of the research process, to a questionnaire consisting of six questions to measure their opinion on the acquisition of skills during a learning session based on simulation. Each question was built on one of the six forms of knowledge defined by Le Boterf, 1997, Le Boterf, 2007, Le Boterf, 2011 in his theoretical model of competence. The results show that each stage of the simulation training significantly modifies the students’ opinion on the different forms of knowledge they have acquired. Moreover, the debriefing, that is an essential part of simulation learning, proves to be the most complex stage given the multiple psycho-cognitive and emotional processes involved.  相似文献   

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