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The authors manipulated the circumstances in which individuals are typically embedded when standing upright by manipulating the intensity of light and the stationary structure of the environment. They expected that the manipulations would affect 12 older participants (aged 65-82 years) more than it would 12 younger participants (aged 22-24 years). Linear (e.g., total path length) and nonlinear (e.g., maximum line length of recurrent points in phase space) measures of the center of pressure time series confirmed that expectation. Moreover, for some measures, there was a suggestion that participants' visual contrast sensitivity (an index of neurophysiological age) was a more important contributing factor overall than was their chronological age. In the Discussion, the authors highlight the significance of interactive effects of environmental, organismic, and task constraints on quiet standing.  相似文献   

The paper presents a control model of body sway in quiet standing, which aims at achieving bounded stability by means of an intermittent control mechanism. Control bursts are generated when the current state vector exits an area of uncertainty around the reference point in the phase plane. This area is determined by the limited resolution of proprioceptive signals and the burst generation mechanism is predictive in the sense that it incorporates a rough, but working knowledge (internal model) of the biomechanics of the human inverted pendulum. We show that such a model, in spite of its simplicity and of the fact that it relies on very noisy measurements, is robust and can explain in a detailed way the measured sway patterns.  相似文献   

Postural control is an integral part of all physical behavior. Recent research has indicated that postural control functions in a manner that facilitates other higher order (suprapostural) tasks. These studies, while showing that postural sway is modulated in a task specific manner, have not examined the form of postural coordination that allows for the achievement of these higher behavioral goals. The current study examined the relation between visual task constraints (viewing distance), environmental constraints (changes in the surface of support), and the postural coordination employed to complete the task. Thirty-one participants were asked to perform a reading task while standing on various surfaces. Postural motion was recorded from the head, cervico-thoracic spine, sacrum (hip), and ankle. It was found that body segment coordination changed as a function of surface characteristics and task constraints. Additionally, the overall pattern of postural sway (head motion) replicated that which was found by Stoffregen et al. [J. Exp. Psychol. Human Percep. Perform. 25 (6) (1999) 1641]. These findings suggest that postural adaptation involves more than basic reduction or increase of motion; it involves the functional coordination of body segments to achieve a particular goal. The data further suggest that there is a need to examine postural control in the absence of external perturbations.  相似文献   

In an earlier study Chapanis and Mankin examined the vertical-horizontal illusion in a visually-rich environment. In that study they feit that perceptual anchors and visual noise may have influenced the Ss’ estimates of the real-world objects that were used as stimuli. The present experiment attempted to test in a controlled laboratory environment the questions raised in the previous experiment. In the present experiment Ss were asked to estimate the height of a vertical stimulus line by indicating its corresponding horizontal distance. The vertical stimulus line was presented in a background of visual noise and potential anchors. The results indicate that the anchors did influence estimates and that this influence was, in turn, affected by the visual noise.  相似文献   

Humans will naturally synchronize their posture to the motion of a visual surround, but it is unclear if this visuomotor entrainment can be attenuated with an increased sensitivity to somatosensory information. Sub-threshold vibratory noise applied to the Achilles tendons has proven to enhance ankle proprioception through the phenomenon of stochastic resonance. Our purpose was to compare visuomotor entrainment during walking and standing, and to understand how this entrainment might be attenuated by applying sub-threshold vibratory noise over the Achilles tendons. We induced visuomotor entrainment during standing and treadmill walking for ten subjects (24.5 ± 2.9 years) using a speed-matched virtual hallway with continuous mediolateral perturbations at three different frequencies. Vibrotactile motors over the Achilles tendons provided noise (0–400 Hz) with an amplitude set to 90% of each participant’s sensory threshold. Mediolateral sacrum, C7, and head motion was greatly amplified (4–8× on average) at the perturbation frequencies during walking, but was much less pronounced during standing. During walking, individuals with greater mediolateral head motion at the fastest perturbation frequency saw the greatest attenuation of that motion with applied noise. Similarly, during standing, individuals who exhibited greater postural sway (as measured by the center of pressure) also saw the greatest reductions in sway with sub-threshold noise applied in three of our summary metrics. Our results suggest that, at least for healthy young adults, sub-threshold vibratory noise over the Achilles tendons can slightly improve postural control during disruptive mediolateral visual perturbations, but the applied noise does not substantially attenuate visuomotor entrainment during walking or standing.  相似文献   

To what extent are models of memory general, in that they may be applied to children or to other cultural groups? In an attempt to answer this question, two experiments were undertaken in Morocco to investigate various cultural and experiential antecedents to memory development. A total of 384 children and young adults, ranging in age from 6 to 22 years, were tested in a design that contrasted schooled and nonschooled children in urban and rural environments. Three additional groups of subjects—Koranic students, Moroccan rug sellers, and University of Michigan students—were also studied because it was hypothesized that each might have particular “culture-specific” memory skills as a function of previous experience.A serial short-term recall task was used in Experiment I. Results showed that the recency effect or short-term store was generally invariant with age or experience. Control processes appeared to be a function of age, but only when coupled with schooling, and, to a lesser extent, urban environment. In Experiment II, a continuous recognition memory task was given with black and white photographs of Oriental rugs as stimuli. Forgetting rates were generally invariant with age and experience, while the acquisition parameter seemed to vary as a function of specific cultural experiences. Data from the three additional groups were useful in supporting the hypothesis of culture-specific memory skills.From Experiments I and II, and previous research, it was hypothesized that structural features of memory (e.g., short-term store and invariant forgetting rates) may be universal, while control processes or mnemonics in memory are probably culture-specific, or a function of a variety of experiential and cultural factors that surround the growing child.  相似文献   

Two experiments are presented that investigate the effects of dynamic visual noise (DVN) on memory for concrete and abstract words. Memory for concrete words is typically superior to that of abstract words and is referred to as the concreteness effect. DVN is a procedure that has been demonstrated to interfere selectively with visual working memory and the generation of images from long-term memory. It was reasoned that if concreteness effects arise because of the ability of the latter to activate visual representations, then DVN should selectively impair memory for concrete words. Experiment 1 found DVN to selectively reduce free recall of concrete words. Experiment 2 investigated recognition memory and found DVN to reduce memory accuracy and remember responses, while increasing know responses to concrete words.  相似文献   


In order to efficiently control our actions, stimuli and responses made to them are stored and integrated into event files. This integration is not restricted to relevant stimuli. Even irrelevant stimuli or features that co-occur at responding can be integrated with the response. In the presence of only one irrelevant feature, binding effects for that feature are generally observed. In the presence of more than one irrelevant features, empirical evidence is inconsistent. The present experiments tested feature-response binding effects for irrelevant features when more than one irrelevant feature was present. In two experiments feature-response binding effects for three irrelevant features (colour, shape, and location) were tested in a block-wise manner. In each block one feature was orthogonally varied to the response while the others were held constant (Experiment 1) or always changed (Experiment 2). Significant binding effects were observed for each of three features when the other two were held constant (Exp. 1). However, when the other two features were varied, significant binding effects were only observed for colour and location, but not for shape (Exp. 2). The results suggest that strength of feature-response binding effects is influenced by the variation of simultaneously presented features.  相似文献   

Keller PE  Repp BH 《Acta psychologica》2008,128(2):378-386
The influence of integrated goal representations on multilevel coordination stability was investigated in a task that required finger tapping in antiphase with metronomic tone sequences (inter-agent coordination) while alternating between the two hands (intra-personal coordination). The maximum rate at which musicians could perform this task was measured when taps did or did not trigger feedback tones. Tones produced by the two hands (very low, low, medium, high, and very high) could be the same as, or different from, one another and the (medium-pitched) metronome tones. The benefits of feedback tones were greatest when they were close in pitch to the metronome and the left hand triggered low tones, while the right hand triggered high tones. Thus, multilevel coordination was facilitated by tones that were easy to integrate with, but perceptually distinct from, the metronome, and by compatibility of movement patterns and feedback pitches.  相似文献   

The purpose of this experimental study was to evaluate the effects of vision and stretching of the calf muscles on postural sway during quiet standing. Under pre-stretch conditions, participants stood on a force plate for 30s and the sway of the ground reaction force center of pressure was recorded. The following postural sway variables were calculated off-line: sweep speed, sway speed, standard deviation, maximal mediolateral range, maximal anteroposterior range, mean mediolateral position and mean anteroposterior position. For post-stretch conditions, participants stood quietly on a device that was utilized to impose a static 3 min ankle joint dorsiflexion stretch. Immediately thereafter, participants moved onto the force platform where postural sway parameters were again recorded. Randomized eyes-open and eyes-closed conditions were tested in both cases. Results showed that postural sway significantly increased due to stretch (sweep speed, sway speed, standard deviation, maximal anteroposterior range, mean anteroposterior position), as well as eye closure (sweep speed, sway speed, standard deviation, maximal mediolateral range, maximal anteroposterior range). The interaction between stretch and eye closure was also significant (sweep speed, sway speed, standard deviation, maximal mediolateral range), suggesting that there were only minor increases in postural sway after stretch under the eyes-open condition. It was suggested that stretching of the calf muscles has the effect of increasing postural sway, although this effect can be greatly compensated for when vision is included.  相似文献   

Psychological processes may influence balance and contribute to the risk of falls in older people. While a self-reported fear of falling is associated with increased postural sway, inducing fear using an elevated platform can lead to reduced sway, suggesting different underlying mechanisms whereby fear may influence balance control. This study examined changes in postural sway, muscle activity and physiological measures of arousal while standing on a 65 cm elevated platform, compared to floor level, in young and older adults. The older adults were classified as fall concerned or not fall concerned based on the Falls Efficacy Scale-International and anxious or not anxious based on the Goldberg Anxiety Scale. Fall concern did not affect the physiological and sway response to the elevated platform. In response to the postural threat, the anxious participants increased their sway frequency (p = 0.001) but did not reduce sway range (p = 0.674). Conversely, non-anxious participants showed an adaptive tightening of balance control, effectively reducing sway range in the elevated condition (p < 0.001). Generalised anxiety in older adults appears to differentially affect postural control strategies under threatening conditions.  相似文献   

A group of ten subjects showed impaired performance, when watch-keeping on a display made up of steam-pressure gauges, in 100 db. noise as compared with 70 db. On the easier task of watch-keeping on a display made up of small lights, another group of twenty subjects showed no overall effect of noise. Individual subjects who showed a practice effect on the latter task comparable to that shown by all subjects on the former one, however, also showed a similar effect of noise.

In addition, performance on the light-watching became relatively less efficient in noise with continued exposure: and although parts of the task were still adequately carried out, others were not. The fact that noise effects are thus functions of individual differences, of visibility of signal, and of length of performance in noise, allows us to explain the negative findings of many previous workers.  相似文献   

Vine SJ  Wilson MR 《Acta psychologica》2011,136(3):340-346
The aim of this study was to examine the efficacy of an intervention designed to train effective visual attentional control (quiet eye-training) for a far aiming skill, and determine whether such training protected against attentional disruptions associated with performing under pressure. Sixteen novice participants wore a mobile eye-tracker to assess their visual attentional control (quiet eye) during the completion of 520 basketball free throws carried out over 8 days. They first performed 40 pre-test free throws and were randomly allocated into a quiet eye (QE) training or Control group (technical instruction only). Participants then performed 360 free throws during a training period and a further 120 test free throws under conditions designed to manipulate the level of anxiety experienced. The QE trained group maintained more effective visual attentional control and performed significantly better in the pressure test compared to the Control group, providing support for the efficacy of attentional training for visuo-motor skills.  相似文献   

The influence of visual experience on visual and spatial imagery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Differences are reported between blind and sighted participants on a visual-imagery and a spatial-imagery task, but not on an auditory-imagery task. For the visual-imagery task, participants had to compare object forms on the basis of a (verbally presented) object name. In the spatial-imagery task, they had to compare angular differences on the basis of the position of clock hands on two clock faces, again only on the basis of verbally presented clock times. Interestingly, there was a difference between early-blind and late-blind participants on the visual-imagery and the spatial-imagery tasks: late-blind participants made more errors than sighted people on the visual-imagery task, while early-blind participants made more errors than sighted people on the spatial-imagery task. This difference suggests that, for visual (form) imagery, people use the channel currently available (haptic for the blind; visual for the sighted). For the spatial-imagery task in this study reliance on haptic processing did not seem to suffice, and people benefited from visual experience and ability. However, the difference on the spatial-imagery task between early-blind and sighted people in this study might also be caused by differences in experience with the analogue clock faces that formed the basis for the spatial judgments.  相似文献   

Traditionally it has been taught that “touch teaches vision” in ontogeny. Recent experiments have shown that in judgment situations vision dominates touch, a finding that has been taken to weaken the traditional argument. The force of the finding is vitiated to some extent by the functional dominance of touch. Developmental experiments show that initially in ontogeny vision is functionally dominant, strengthening the case against the traditional argument.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that people's movements can become unintentionally coordinated during interpersonal interaction. The current study sought to uncover the degree to which visual and verbal (conversation) interaction constrains and organizes the rhythmic limb movements of coactors. Two experiments were conducted in which pairs of participants completed an interpersonal puzzle task while swinging handheld pendulums with instructions that minimized intentional coordination but facilitated either visual or verbal interaction. Cross-spectral analysis revealed a higher degree of coordination for conditions in which the pairs were visually coupled. In contrast, verbal interaction alone was not found to provide a sufficient medium for unintentional coordination to occur, nor did it enhance the unintentional coordination that emerged during visual interaction. The results raise questions concerning differences between visual and verbal informational linkages during interaction and how these differences may affect interpersonal movement production and its coordination.  相似文献   

The auditory discrimination of first and third grade children of low socio-economic status was investigated. 17 black and 17 white children were randomly selected from the two grades. The condition for listening was varied, i.e., discrimination in condition of quiet and discrimination in condition of noise, through the use of the Goldman-Fristoe-Woodcock Test of Auditory Discrimination. White third graders were superior performers. The expectation, from the literature, that the auditory discrimination of children from low socio-economic levels would be depressed in conditions of noise was not supported. In fact, black children performed in an inferior manner in conditions of quiet.  相似文献   

Perceptual guidance of movement with simple visual or temporal information can facilitate performance of difficult coordination patterns. Guidance may override coordination constraints that usually limit stability of bimanual coordination to only in-phase and anti-phase. Movement dynamics, however, might not have the same characteristics with and without perceptual guidance. Do visual and auditory guidance produce qualitatively different dynamical organization of movement? An anti-phase wrist flexion and extension coordination task was performed under no specific perceptual guidance, under temporal guidance with a metronome, and under visual guidance with a Lissajous plot. For the time series of amplitudes, periods and relative phases, temporal correlations were measured with Detrended Fluctuation Analysis and complexity levels were measured with multiscale entropy. Temporal correlations of amplitudes and relative phases deviated from the typical 1/f variation towards more random variation under visual guidance. The same was observed for the series of periods under temporal guidance. Complexity levels for all time series were lower in visual guidance, but higher for periods under temporal guidance. Perceptual simplification of the task’s goal may produce enhancement of performance, but it is accompanied by changes in the details of movement organization that may be relevant to explain dependence and poor retention after practice under guidance.  相似文献   

Sun HM  Gordon RD 《Memory & cognition》2010,38(8):1049-1057
In five experiments, we examined the influence of contextual objects’ location and visual features on visual memory. Participants’ visual memory was tested with a change detection task in which they had to judge whether the orientation (Experiments 1A, 1B, and 2) or color (Experiments 3A and 3B) of a target object was the same. Furthermore, contextual objects’ locations and visual features were manipulated in the test image. The results showed that change detection performance was better when contextual objects’ locations remained the same from study to test, demonstrating that the original spatial configuration is important for subsequent visual memory retrieval. The results further showed that changes to contextual objects’ orientation, but not color, reduced orientation change detection performance; and changes to contextual objects’ color, but not orientation, impaired color change detection performance. Therefore, contextual objects’ visual features are capable of affecting visual memory. However, selective attention plays an influential role in modulating such effects.  相似文献   

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