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作为一门近代边缘性学术,海外汉学研究的日趋深入揭示了中国学术研究的国际化趋势。书院研究在汉学研究领域属于后起之秀,对海外书院研究的研究,目前还没有出现相关系列的研究专著和论文。英语世界对书院与学术关系的研究,既具有理论意义,也有现实价值。本文从学人学派和理学基地这两个视角分析英语世界对书院与学术关系的研究,有助于我们了解西方对书院的研究现状与发展方向。通过发掘海外学者对书院研究的新视角与理论方法,能够开阔国内书院研究视野,突破书院研究的瓶颈,使中国书院研究具有国际化风尚。  相似文献   

中江藤树是日本阳明学派的创始人,他主张以"全孝"为主的孝道伦理,制定以"明明德"为道德教育目标,强调个人道德修养。他学识渊博,开办了以"藤树书院"命名的私塾,广招门生。藤树书院在日本培养人才、传承和发展学术文化、化育人生方面起到了极为重要的作用。  相似文献   

<正>岳麓书院创建于北宋开宝九年(公元976),是中国古代著名的四大书院之一。历经宋、元、明、清,一直绵延办学,历时千年,弦歌不绝,世称"千年学府"。岳麓书院是中国书院的典范和儒家文化的重镇,早在北宋,就得到宋真宗皇帝颁书赐额,名闻天下。南宋又成为最有影响的理学学术基地之一,张拭、朱熹会讲,书院盛极一时,其后,明代又成为明代心学与清代汉学的重镇,各个儒学学派的代表人物都曾在此传习和  相似文献   

我国传统书院园林景观深受"天人合一"的哲学思想的影响。文章挖掘岳麓书院景观中的"天人合一"文化,并试图将这一文化运用到现代大学建设中。通过运用实地调查与对比分析法等,对湖南岳麓书院"天人合一"的文化内涵、书院景观中的构成要素及基址微观选择等进行研究,针对目前很多大学校园建设缺乏独特文化的现状,提出了现代大学校园建造时需融入自身及当地文化,很好地达到"天人合一"效果的建议,希望为传承与发展书院文化及景观献出自己的一份力量,为创作现代景观特色之路上提供启迪。  相似文献   

书院是中国士人的文化教育组织,从唐迄清,有千余年的发展史。在对书院文化的研究中,我们发现道教思想对书院文化、书院教育家们的思想体系的形成等都有着不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

试述宋代书院文化与佛教的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从宋代书院教育家受佛教影响说起 ,对书院的教育、供祀、选址等情况进行分析 ,认为宋代的书院文化深受佛教思想的影响。  相似文献   

我国著名的四大书院之一的岳麓书院,于1985年10月15日正式恢复讲学。中国社会科学院历史研究所研究员邱汉生、副研究员黄宣民等应湖南大学岳麓书院文化研究所和湖南省中哲史研究会的邀请,在该书院开讲宋明理学史。来自上海、河南、武汉、广州、江西白鹿洞书院以及湖南省有关大专院校的教学、研究人员和研究生近四十人在修葺一  相似文献   

宗教人类学的现代转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了宗教人类学在第二次世界大战以后的转变。在研究对象上,从研究未开化民族的宗教转变为研究文明国家和发达社会的宗教。在研究学派上,从进化学派、社会学派、功能学派过渡到现代的结构学派、象征学派等。在研究方法上,从静态过渡到动态,从局部过渡到综合,从实证上升到哲理。笔者对以上的转变持肯定的评价。  相似文献   

白鹭洲书院是江西四大书院之一,是江西古代文化的精华,具有秀丽的自然风光和深厚的文化底蕴。文章基于白鹭洲书院独有的文化资源,从产品转化、品牌打造及市场营销等方面开发研学旅游项目,以探索研学旅游业态发展的新范式。  相似文献   

江宁是古代著名的文化中心,江宁的钟山书院于雍正十一年被设立为清代23所省会书院之一。乾隆年间一大批著名经学大师先后被学督延任为钟山书院山长,因此钟山书院成为清代两江地区影响最大的汉学中心,在乾隆年间具有重要的学术地位。他们是沈起元、杨绳武、周长发、夏之蓉、卢文、姚鼐等。  相似文献   

青少年创造性倾向的结构与发展特征研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采用问卷调查的方法,选取小学五、六年级、初中一、二年级及高中一、二年级的学生共476人为被试,对青少年创造性倾向的结构和发展特征进行了研究.结果表明:(1)青少年创造性倾向由自信心、好奇心、探索性、挑战性和意志力五个维度组成;(2)青少年创造性倾向的发展趋势总体上呈现倒V型,初中一年级是创造性倾向发展的关键期.  相似文献   

Abstract: Two important thought‐experiments are associated with the work of Hilary Putnam, one designed to establish multiple realizability for mental kinds, the other designed to establish essentialism for natural kinds. Comparing the thought‐experiments with each other reveals that the scenarios in both are structurally analogous to each other, though his intuitions in both are greatly at variance, intuitions that have been simultaneously well received. The intuition in the former implies a thesis that prioritizes pre‐scientific over scientific indicators for identifying mental kinds in certain circumstances, while his intuition in the latter implies a converse thesis, prioritizing scientific over pre‐scientific indicators for identifying natural kinds in analogous circumstances. In this paper I question whether we can consistently endorse both of these intuitions. A consideration is presented to attempt to justify the common intuition found in the multiple realization thought‐experiment. Then it is argued that this same consideration has application in the structurally analogous Twin‐Earth thought‐experiment. This recommends a kind of multiple realization thesis for natural kinds, in opposition to a scientific essentialist approach. The various respects in which mental kinds like pain and natural kinds like water are similar to each other, such that similar philosophical treatments are warranted for both, are enumerated.  相似文献   

Youth with anxiety often experience significant impairment in the school setting. Despite the relevance and promise of addressing anxiety in schools, traditional treatment approaches to school-based anxiety often do not adequately address generalization to the school setting, or they require removing the student from the classroom to deliver time- and staff-intensive programs. Such programs often leave teachers and caregivers feeling ill-equipped to support the student with anxiety throughout the natural course of the school day. Given the heavy demands placed on teachers and documented burnout among school professionals, providing effective school supports requires collaborative partnerships among outpatient therapists/specialists, school personnel, and caregivers. Drawing from literature on collaborative models for externalizing problems, we offer recommendations for outpatient therapists and specialists working to implement evidence-based supports and promote home-school partnerships to benefit youth with anxiety in the school setting. Our recommendations touch upon several components of such school consultation, including (a) identification of key parties involved, (b) conducting a needs assessment, (c) collaborative goal setting and development of a fear hierarchy, (d) plan development and implementation (e.g., facilitating a school-based exposure mindset, promoting home-school communication, enhancing school relationships), and (e) progress monitoring and ongoing support. We conclude with a case example to bring these recommendations to life.  相似文献   

This study proposes to investigate perceived and desired methods of conflict resolution by school psychologists, social workers, and learning disability specialists. Data were based on responses to a questionnaire which requested information on how decisions were reached or should have been reached when their child study teams were required to classify a child and there were conflicting opinions between professional groups. While majority vote and resolution by the psychologist accounted for the methods most often used in actual resolutions, there were great disagreements between professions as to how resolutions should have been made. Analysis indicates that the school psychologists are generally satisfied because they are the single group most often making final decisions, but they are generating feelings of discontent among other the other groups which suggst that team functioning and decision making, especially during voting, may be overly affected by interprofessional rivalry rather than objective data.  相似文献   

This study examined how Bible teachers, involvement in leadership in school-wide spiritual activities, and personal school-sponsored spiritual activities were related to students’ relationship with God and their denominational loyalty. Data were obtained from seniors in 19 Seventh-day Adventist academies. Students’ intention to remain in the Seventh-day Adventist church after they finish high school or leave their parents’ home (denominational loyalty) was explained by their involvement and leadership in school-sponsored spiritual activities and the influence of their Bible teacher. However, the effect of these variables on denominational loyalty was primarily due to the extent that they affected the students’ relationship with God.  相似文献   

林红 《管子学刊》2006,(2):87-90
严复以西方的进化论和民主、自由等观念对道家的某些思想作了阐发。他作的这种阐发,实际上是以老庄著作为载体,会通中西思想文化,形成了独特的“以西释中的解读方式,这种解读方式,为近代道家思想的研究开辟了一条新的途径。  相似文献   

In a day of reliance on specialists, how can generalist practitioners like clergy be confident of the value of their contributions? The theoretical validity and practical implications of such religious resources as meaning, mystery, providence, values, grace, and community are discussed. Although various psychological schools of thought have also confirmed the importance of these dynamics, the clergy can validate them from within the discipline of religion itself. Thus, ministers as general practitioners in the community can work with self-confidence in cooperation with other mental health workers.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of school mobility on reading and math achievement for 1,087 low-income Black children in the Chicago Longitudinal Study. Between kindergarten and seventh grade, 73% of the students changed schools at least once during elementary school and 21% changed schools three or more times. The prospective longitudinal design of the Chicago Longitudinal Study allowed for controlled analyses of both the predictors and the consequences of school mobility. The significant predictors of the number of moves included prior achievement, the number of years of preschool participation in an education intervention program, and parent education. Although the students who changed schools frequently between kindergarten and seventh grade performed approximately one year behind their nonmobile peers on reading and mathematics achievement tests taken at the end of seventh grade, only one half of this difference appears attributable to frequent mobility. The remaining portion is due to the fact that the mobile students were lower achieving even before they started to change schools. The negative consequences of past school mobility are lower for students who moved into better quality schools such as magnets or academic academies. Findings indicate that it is frequent, rather than occasional, mobility that significantly increases the risk of underachievement.  相似文献   

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