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根据儿童绘画发展理论,通过对160名3.2~14岁自闭症谱系障碍儿童的“自由画”、“绘人”和“家庭成员画”的赋值编码以及与普通儿童绘画的对比,从量与质的角度,分析和探索了绘画在区分自闭症谱系障碍儿童功能的可行性。  相似文献   

绘本设计以学龄儿童5至12岁为阅读群体,设计绘本《寻宝记》内容题材主要体现友情、梦想及所面对问题考验时的抉择,设计题材以虚拟人物,搭配不同的主题场景,以冒险活动连结情境式的互动阅读,开启儿童对绘本阅读产生兴趣,从而获得课堂知识以外的生活省思。结合《寻宝记》绘本设计实践,探讨绘本的类型及表现,并基于马斯洛(Maslow, A.H.)的需求论,目的是让儿童透过阅读绘本中的图画从而学习事理。  相似文献   

本研究选取一名15岁的重度自闭症谱系障碍儿童为研究对象,采用眼动追踪技术考察其情绪主题绘本阅读的眼动特征,并制定情绪主题绘本阅读方案,对该儿童的情绪理解障碍进行干预。结果显示:(1)在干预前,这名儿童阅读情绪主题绘本时更加关注背景区域,而较少注意主角形象区域,在整体画面中最后关注甚至忽视主角表情这一重要信息。(2)通过情绪主题绘本阅读干预,这名儿童对主角表情的首次注视前时间减少,注意分配时间和注视次数显著增加;情绪理解能力也显著提高。  相似文献   

当下,中国图书市场中销售的针对儿童的绘本图书,不再只是一种绘画风格统领的局面,这其中有国外引进的欧美经典儿童绘本,也有近年来亚洲各国家的经典儿童绘本,而这当中大多数绘本都具备鲜明的风格和民族特色。当然,中国本土的绘本创作者,也陆续出版了一系列颇具中国风格的绘本图书,尤其是在近3年的时间中,本土原  相似文献   

杨志成(ED YOUNG),华裔画家,他以现代绘画技巧,结合西方建筑美学对空间的架构观点,将中国绘画写意而非写实的意境成功带出,是中西合璧的典范。在40多年的创作生涯中,他著作颇丰,曾三度获得美国绘本最高荣誉凯迪克奖。文章通过对杨志成的代表作《七只瞎老鼠》《饥饿山的猫》《我只想要一只小狗/我只想要一个小男孩》等儿童绘本中的多元艺术创作手法进行客观系统的分析,指出其对传播中华故事的积极意义以及对儿童绘本创作产生的积极影响。  相似文献   

1998年,几米首度出版了个人绘本作品《森林里的秘密》《微笑的鱼》,正式踏上成人绘本的创作道路。几米多用图文并茂的绘本表达内心孩童般的成人世界,以其独有的语言形式及绘画方式,抒发和描绘都市人的情感体验,引发了大批读者的共鸣。将以几米的最新绘本作品《忘记亲一下》为例,研究绘本的情感表达方式,具体通过主题意旨、人物形象设定、色彩搭配等方面进行深入分析。  相似文献   

夏茹 《美与时代》2023,(3):27-29
绘画创作是一种有目的、有设计思维的艺术活动,是在确立结构之后,通过运用造型元素,组合绘画中的冷暖色彩,对被绘对象的内外构成客观的反映。油画作品的构图在创作中扮演着至关重要的角色,直接关系到画面内容是否丰富、意境是否浓郁。鉴于构图的重要性,以构图为切入点,对油画创作中的构图艺术表现和运用等方面进行简单分析。  相似文献   

儿童主题类创作在艺术表现语言和丰富的题材上都具有独特的审美艺术形式和风格,现当代绘画的儿童题材创作在表现形式、表现内容和艺术理念上都有空前的发展。涌现一批画家对儿童形象情有独钟,第一部分主要介绍现当代儿童形象的代表性画家,如唐志刚、陈可、刘野、曾健勇等,通过对作品的分析解读艺术家以及当代艺术家所处的社会现象,问题的关心和思考;第二部分主要介绍童年类主题创作在水彩中的应用。  相似文献   

从新石器时代彩陶纹饰,到大地湾地面黑白绘画;从春秋末年中国工笔设色绘画的基本框架大体形成,到长沙马王堆出土的汉代帛画,都称得上是中国迄今发现的最早的工笔重彩画。在经过漫长的发展后,直到20世纪中期,工笔重彩画仍然保持着一成不变的绘画样式。当旧的美术创作满足不了当下的审美需求时,创新便成了最好的出路。绘画的革新与发展一般是从材料开始进行改变的,新材料的运用必然会引起技法程式上的突破和绘画表现语言的丰富和转变,而材料与非笔绘性语言正是当下探索、推动传统工笔重彩画向前发展的重要的有效手段之一。材料的无限性与非笔绘肌理的丰富性、偶然性以及不确定性,为创作主体的情感宣泄与绘画表现提供了更加丰富的非笔绘性语言,也为工笔重彩画的当代发展提供了广泛的可行性探索前景。  相似文献   

相关文献可证的唐五代非石窟寺壁画画家计206人,各朝代人数分布并不平衡,表现为五代较多。东晋南北朝时,画家的寺绘以润州、扬州为中心并向西和南两个方向延伸;隋朝以各地画家汇入两京创作为特色;唐代前期两京仍是寺绘中心,安史之乱后随着画家的迁徙,寺绘中心转移至成都;五代成都寺绘最为丰富,但画家壁绘的佛寺数量减少、分布地域缩小。寺绘画家中名家占据了较高比例,这间接体现了寺绘的高品质;名家参与寺绘比例保持在高位,这显示着寺绘在唐五代的重要性。  相似文献   

小学3~5年级学习不良儿童社会比较的特点   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
以小学三、四、五年级95名儿童为被试,采用访谈法探讨了小学学习不良儿童的社会比较特点。结果表明:70%学习不良儿童自发地进行上行比较,即群体外比较,其动机为自我提升;学习不良儿童的社会比较和时间比较的频率均低于一般儿童;学习不良儿童的社会比较目标水平显著低于一般儿童,随着年级的升高其目标水平呈不断下降的发展趋势。  相似文献   

学习不良儿童的元认知偏差:内部线索的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过改变实验材料内部线索,旨在考察内部线索在学习不良儿童元认知偏差形成过程中的影响。实验1发现,学习不良儿童低关联字对的元认知偏差显著高于一般儿童,关联强度对学习判断的影响显著小于对测试成绩的影响;实验2发现,学习不良儿童反向方向字对的元认知偏差显著高于一般儿童,关联方向对学习判断的影响显著小于对测试成绩的影响。综合以上研究发现,相对一般儿童,学习不良儿童存在更大的元认知偏差,内部线索对学习判断和测试成绩的影响不一致模式适用于两组儿童。  相似文献   

The axes of the first two dimensions of a principal components analysis of the normative data of the WISC-R were rotated through 45°. This resulted in two orthogonal continua which were interpreted as describing verbal and nonverbal intelligence respectively. Factor score coefficients were used to calculate Verbal Factorial IQs (VFIQs) and Performance Factorial IQs (PFIQs). In normal children, girls (N=1100) prove to be reliably superior to boys (N=1099) in VFIQ, whereas the reverse is the case for PFIQ. In a large group (N=1050) of learning disabled (LD) children, VFIQ is reliably lower than in normal children, and there is also a reliable decline with age over the years 6–16. The LD boys (N=744) are no different from the LD girls (N=306) in VFIQ. In these LD groups the PFIQ is reliably lower than in the normal group at age 6, but rises to a normal level by age 8. The LD boys, overall, return higher PFIQ scores than the LD girls. These results can be used to evaluate the rival hypotheses of ‘deficit’ vs ‘developmental lag’ as a cause of learning disability.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of the present study is to examine the effects of attention deficits, learning disability, and the combined effects of both on the learning and memory processes, as measured by the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT). Thirty children (age range 12–17) diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 18 children (age range 11–17) diagnosed with learning disabilities (LD), and 64 children (age range 12–17) diagnosed with ADHD as well as with LD, and 28, 18, and 62 matched controls, respectively, participated in this study. It was found that the children diagnosed with ADHD did not differ in any of the verbal learning and memory measures derived from the Rey AVLT. The group with LD was impaired in the overall number of words recalled across the learning phase. Performance of the children diagnosed with ADHD +LD showed a similar impairment as the group with LD (i.e., overall amount of words learned) and, in addition, their retrieval efficiency was also impaired. In conclusion, this study indicates that verbal memory is preserved in children with ADHD if they have no LD and their intelligence is in the normal range or above. LD by itself leads to difficulties in acquisition, but the combination of ADHD+LD leads to additional impairment in retrieval processes.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of the present study is to examine the effects of attention deficits, learning disability, and the combined effects of both on the learning and memory processes, as measured by the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT). Thirty children (age range 12-17) diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 18 children (age range 11-17) diagnosed with learning disabilities (LD), and 64 children (age range 12-17) diagnosed with ADHD as well as with LD, and 28, 18, and 62 matched controls, respectively, participated in this study. It was found that the children diagnosed with ADHD did not differ in any of the verbal learning and memory measures derived from the Rey AVLT. The group with LD was impaired in the overall number of words recalled across the learning phase. Performance of the children diagnosed with ADHD +LD showed a similar impairment as the group with LD (i.e., overall amount of words learned) and, in addition, their retrieval efficiency was also impaired. In conclusion, this study indicates that verbal memory is preserved in children with ADHD if they have no LD and their intelligence is in the normal range or above. LD by itself leads to difficulties in acquisition, but the combination of ADHD+LD leads to additional impairment in retrieval processes.  相似文献   

This study examined the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) by testing 129 children and adolescents with learning disabilities (LD) who were between 7 and 13 years of age. Developmental trends were examined across age groups using scores from the WCST. Several scales yielded developmental patterns, supported by statistically significant main effects for age. Additionally, multiple regression analyses were run examining the relationship of the WCST with other measures. The models yielded were in predicted directions. The results of this study support the clinical utility of the WCST in children and adolescents with LD.  相似文献   

加工流畅性和提取流畅性与学习不良儿童学习判断的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
侯瑞鹤  俞国良 《心理学报》2008,40(9):994-1001
流畅性是个体做学习判断(Judgements of Learning, JOLs)时的重要线索,主要包括加工流畅性和提取流畅性。实验采用联想字对作为实验材料,把做JOLs的时间分为即刻JOLs (Immediate:I)(学习完一个项目立即判断),短时延迟JOLs(Delay condition: D1)和长时延迟JOLs(D2),考察不同JOLs时间条件下,流畅性线索对学习不良儿童和一般儿童的JOLs的不同预测模式。被试为普通小学五年级学习不良和一般儿童各20名,结果发现,一般儿童在I条件下主要利用加工流畅性,在D条件下主要利用提取流畅性做JOLs,而学习不良儿童无论在I还是D条件下均主要利用提取流畅性线索做JOLs。加工流畅性在I条件下效度较高,提取流畅性在D条件下效度较高  相似文献   

Research is reviewed that assesses the extent to which difficulties in psychosocial adjustment are characteristic of broadly defined learning disabilities (LD) and of specific patterns of academic and neuropsychological assets and deficits (Rourke & Fuerst, 1991; Spreen, 1989). Overall, a majority of children and adolescents with LD are in the normal range of peer acceptance and socially competent behaviour. Some measure of difficulty in these social assessments is observed in approximately one third of children and adolescents with LD, compared with 10 to 15% of non-LD controls. Similarly, internalized emotional symptoms of depression and anxiety are assessed as somewhat higher for individuals with LD than for non-LD controls but are within the normal range of scores. Externalized emotional behaviours, specifically aggression, delinquency, and hyperactivity, are problematic but these too are at subclinical levels. In the few studies that examine psychosocial adjustment for subtypes of LD, there is some evidence that individuals with nonverbal learning disabilities (NLD) are at much greater risk for personality disturbance and behaviour problems. That the psychosocial adjustment of individuals with reading disabilities is within the range of non-LD controls remains to be convincingly demonstrated.  相似文献   

闫嵘  俞国良 《心理学报》2009,41(7):602-612
采用言语交际策略认知结构访谈故事情境,考察了小学3~6年级学习不良儿童言语交际策略理解水平的发展以及言语行为对其策略理解的影响。被试为两所普通小学儿童,其中学习不良117名,一般儿童124名。结果表明:学习不良儿童言语交际策略理解水平在总体发展上显著落后于一般儿童,但滞后仅存在于意图表达间接程度较高的暗示策略上。其次,在不同言语行为类别上发展趋势不同。对于礼貌请求策略,学习不良儿童不存在显著年级差异,而一般儿童则表现出随年级的增长而逐步提高的趋势;对于委婉应答策略,学习不良儿童存在显著的年级差异。  相似文献   

Learning-disordered children's evoked potentials during sustained attention   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Evoked potentials and performance of 19 learning-disordered (LD) and 19 normally achieving children were studied in two versions of the Continuous Performance Test (CPT). In both CPT procedures, LD children made more errors of omission and commission than did normal children. Evoked potential differences between groups were especially prominent in the more difficult BX version of the CPT. LD children displayed significantly smaller late positive components (LPC) of the evoked potential to critical stimuli in the task. There were no LPC differences between diagnostic groups for noncritical stimulus categories. The results suggest a deficit in behavioral and cortical indices of sustained attention among LD children.This research is based on a doctoral dissertation in psychology submitted by the first author (Dainer, 1980) and supervised by the second author. The research was partly supported by NIMH Grant MH 32103 and New York State Health Research Council Contract 1396 to the second author. We are grateful to the Strong Memorial Hospital Learning Disorders Clinic; B.O.C.E.S. School #1, Fairport, New York; Rochester Learning Disabilities Association; and Winifred Stebbins for referring learning-disordered children, and to the Rochester Central YMCA for referring normally achieving children. The University of Rochester College of Arts and Science provided partial support for computer funds. For their assistance, we are grateful to Lance Bauer, John Chapman, Michael Davidson, Dale McAdam, James Metz, and Lawrence Ota.  相似文献   

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