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The essay investigates the possibilities and limitations ofcross-denominational, intercultural and inter-religious hospitalchaplaincy. With a view to the actual situation of hospitalchaplaincy in Germany and the economic, social and theologicalconstraints under which it offers its services, the author concludes,that the different Christian denominations must organizationallycooperate and share their work if such services are to survivethe growing pressures. Constructivist cognition theory is invokedfor analyzing the hermeneutical and theological implicationsof inter-denominational, intercultural and inter-religious pastoralcare and counselling. A Lutheran interpretation of the Trinitariandogma provides a foundational frame of reference.  相似文献   

Hospital chaplaincy, in its exposure to clients, colleagues,and care-takers from different faith backgrounds, can be understoodin either generic or catholic terms. The first understanding,often merely implicit in denominationalist approaches, assumesthat some "Absolute" can be prayerfully invoked through themedium of diverse rituals, confessions, and symbols. This positioncombines the advantage of unprejudiced acceptance of other creedsand traditions with the disadvantage of lacking resources fordiscriminating among the spiritualities that may be operativewithin those other creeds and traditions. Catholicism, in linkingtrue spirituality with the one true church as the mystical bodyof the Tri-une God, secures such a criterion but fails to satisfythe tolerance-of-acknowledgement in the secular sense, whichis canonical in contemporary ecumenism. The Orthodox understandingof Catholicism is portrayed as imposing a non-judgemental humilityand repentance which provides a solution to that spiritual-humandilemma of inter-faith cooperation in the hospital.  相似文献   

浅谈医院服务中的人性化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会的发展,医院迫切需要实行人性化服务。诠释了人性化服务的内涵,探讨了服务意识淡漠的根源,提出了医院人性化服务的必要性和紧迫性,重点阐明了转变观念,树立“病人至上”的服务理念,以病人需求为导向,提高医院服务质量的人性化服务做法,并且提出了建立人性化服务的考核标准。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,医院迫切需要实行人性化服务.诠释了人性化服务的内涵,探讨了服务意识淡漠的根源,提出了医院人性化服务的必要性和紧迫性,重点阐明了转变观念,树立"病人至上"的服务理念,以病人需求为导向,提高医院服务质量的人性化服务做法,并且提出了建立人性化服务的考核标准.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes an exploratory study undertaken to consider the work of Australian chaplaincy personnel ministering to prisoners within correctional facilities. This qualitative research was not concerned with specific correctional institutions per se, but predominantly about the perspectives of chaplains concerning their professional contribution and issues they experienced while trying to provide pastoral care to prisoners. Data from a single-focus group indicated that prison chaplains were striving to fulfill religious and spiritual duties according to national and international standards for the treatment of prisoners. Given various frustrations identified by participants, that either impeded or thwarted their professional role as chaplains, a number of improvements were subsequently identified in order to develop the efficiency and effectiveness of chaplaincy and thus maximize the benefits of pastoral care to prisoners. Implications of this exploratory study relate not only to prison chaplaincy but also to ecclesiastical organizations, correctional facilities, governments and the need of support for further research to be conducted.  相似文献   

The intimate connection, within Christianity, of theology andethics is invoked, and the ethical differences between Christiandenominations are exposed, as they present themselves inMellon'scase studies, in order to call attention to the unsolvable dilemmain which hospital chaplains find themselves, if they understandtheir role in a merely conciliatory fashion as that of a "comforter,mediator, educator, ethicist, and counselor". As witnessed bythe Calvinist and Anabaptist traditions Mellon introduces, conceptssuch as "the patient's good" can mean radically different thingsin these theological contexts. Attempting to merely mediatebetween such positions in a spirit of merely generic prayerand on the basis of a merely psychological notion of well-beingposes a risk to chaplains' spiritual integrity and faithfulnessto their mission.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of military chaplains who accompany soldiers on international military and peace-keeping operations, such as those in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, and Bosnia Herzegovina. It compares and contrasts the two principal traditions of military chaplaincy in the international field—chaplains within the military structure (as in the UK) and parish-based chaplains who remain outside the military (as in Germany). The authors examine the potential conflict between the religious vocation of military chaplains and their role in military operations, which can be particularly contentious from an ethical viewpoint. Interviews with chaplains from both countries provide a unique insight into their experiences.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes an initial exploratory study undertaken to consider the ministry of New Zealand chaplaincy personnel working within the mental health care context. This qualitative research (a first among New Zealand mental health care chaplains) was not concerned with specific health care institutions per se, but solely about the perspectives of chaplains concerning their professional contribution and issues they experienced when trying to provide pastoral care to patients, families, and clinical staff involved in mental health care. Data from a single focus group indicated that chaplains were fulfilling various WHO-ICD-10AM pastoral interventions as a part of a multidisciplinary and holistic approach to mental health care; however, given a number of frustrations identified by participants, which either impeded or thwarted their professional role as chaplains, a number of improvements were subsequently identified in order to develop the efficiency and effectiveness of chaplaincy and thus maximize the benefits of pastoral care to patients, families, and clinical staff. Some implications of this exploratory study relating to mental health care chaplaincy, ecclesiastical organizations, health care institutions, and government responsibilities and the need for further research are noted.  相似文献   

李明  叶浩生 《心理科学》2012,35(4):932-936
公共服务动机理论是西方管理心理学领域的一个新兴流派,其概念的正式提出仅有20年历史。文章简要回顾了公共服务动机测量研究的发展历程,总结了测量工具信度和效度及其跨文化验证研究中出现的问题,对理论构念和模型建构中进行了反思,并总结了测量工具的几种不同修订。最后指出,公共服务动机测量在中国的发展,至少有三个方面的发展空间:1)多动机同时测量;2)内隐测量;3)测量的本土化。  相似文献   

Generic chaplaincy is the result of a devaluing of religiousworship and belief to the merely instrumental and experiential.It is an expectable consequence of non-belief in the uniqueobject that would render religious worship intrinsically meaningfuland valuable. Generic chaplaincy has no place because all desireGod, yet not all have found Him in the fullness with which Hehas revealed Himself to us, or even in the fullness with whichwe may be aware of Him through natural reason. In consequence,not all are equally aware of God. A chaplaincy that challengespatients respectfully, and encourages spiritual growth and awareness,including the overcoming of sin and error, is appropriate.  相似文献   

A study was made of a 41 year old woman who was given psychological tests at the beginning of a five-year period of psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy. From extensive material gathered from her therapist it was clear that: (a) Her pathology did not extend beyond the neurotic range; (b) she was a highly creative individual. Thus, it was of interest to note that her Rorschach contained many responses involving blatant primary process thinking. While such responses would be taken ordinarily as indicating a thinking disorder and consequently severe pathology, in this case they were seen as reflecting “regression in the service of the ego.” This led to a discussion of how this adaptive regression can be differentiated from pathological regression in psycho-diagnostic testing and to a consideration of some theoretical issues relating to primary process thinking.  相似文献   

Of the religious formations to have crystallised during the transatlantic slave trade, Espiritismo continues to be among the most popular. While most previous studies of its Cuban and Puerto Rican-style ceremonies have approached them as either a type of health care or field of cultural resistance, this article analyses Spiritist services as theatres of conversion for those not already interpellated by Kardecist discourse and persuaded of mediums' authority. Drawing on research among African-American practitioners of Lucumí, often called Santería, it argues that Spiritist ceremonies have instructed participants in the reality of superhuman entities; the normative conditions of access to them; and the benefits of proper intercourse with the divine in both Yorùbá- and Kongo-inspired initiatory traditions. In contrast to scholarship that treats ritual as drama, this article distinguishes Spiritist liturgies from plays in crucial respects and asserts that they more closely resemble modern operating theatres and theatres of war. It aims thereby to furnish scholars from a range of disciplines with an ethnographically informed perspective on the potential of ritual to configure sensori-motor dispositions and affective states and thus to transform religious subjectivity.  相似文献   

Limited research has suggested that experiencing guilt may contribute to the risk of suicidal behavior in some veteran populations. Using data collected by chaplains, this study compared the frequency with which 94 veterans with a history of suicide ideation experienced guilt relative to 670 veterans without a history of ideation. We then compared main sources of guilt reported by ideators and nonideators. Ideators reported experiencing guilt significantly more often than nonideators. No differences were noted for the source of guilt among those who reported frequently experiencing this emotion. Ideators with an infrequent experience of guilt significantly more often named life and the military as the main source of this emotion. Clinicians should be mindful of the need to appropriately assess for and address guilt among veterans at increased risk of suicide. A variety of sources, not limited only to military experiences, may contribute to a veteran’s sense of guilt.  相似文献   

This study investigated the validity of Blatt's model of depression as indicated by his operational measure of its constructs via the Depressive Experiences Questionnaire (DEQ; Blatt, D'Afflitti, & Quinlan, 1976). Hypothesized relations between the two relevant scales of the DEQ and Tellegen's (1982) Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire, (MPQ) were examined, Participants consisted of 195 women, including 67 hospitalized unipolar depressives, 77 never-hospitalized unipolar depressives, and 51 nonpsychiatric controls. Overall, the results partially supported the validity of the DEQ even though all participants were women and prior studies have indicated the DEQ's greater discriminative validity for men than for women. However, several of the most strongly predicted relations, such as between DEQ Self-Criticism and MPQ Achievement were not confirmed. Coherent, significant relations between scales of the two measures remained after partialling out the effects of severity of depression.  相似文献   

The study investigated the application of marital therapy using three contrasting clinical approaches: conjoint treatment, couples groups, and treating the partner alone. Thirty-six couples comprised the research sample, with eighteen couples being treated in each of two NHS treatment settings. The duration of the treatment was ten weekly sessions each lasting one hour, and couples were followed up six months after termination. Outcome evaluations included marital satisfaction, sexual adjustment, and an assessment of target problems. The analysis of the results showed no significant difference between groups at the post-treatment and follow-up assessments. There was, however, a significant difference in the rates of change between experimental groups. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Journal of Religion and Health - The aim of this research was to describe the evidence examining the approaches taken by mental health providers (MHPs) and chaplains to address symptoms related to...  相似文献   


The paper describes the author's experience of practising psychotherapy based on psycho-analytic principles in three National Health Service Hospitals. Each is associated with a Post-Graduate institute. The Royal Marsden Hospital associated with the Institute of Oncology specialises in the treatment and study of cancer in all its forms in all ages. The Hammersmith Hospital is the site of the Royal Post-Graduate Medical School and it has an Obstetric and Gynaecology Unit which is part of the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital is a more compact specialist hospital associated with and containing the Institute of Laryngology and Otology.

In this paper instances are described where psychotherapy of Kleinian orientation has been helpful and has often been the only means of assisting patients by increasing their understanding and diminishing mental pain. The effects of introducing a psychotherapeutic rather than a psychiatric approach into the work of these departments is also described. The application of basic and fundamental analytic principles had a considerable advantage over the non-analytic psychological approach and was, in these circumstances, complementary to the one based on the medical/scientific model. This was particularly true of painful ‘terminal’ conditions. Liaison difficulties arise initially from the fact that medical and non-medical colleagues are commonly without experience of psychodynamic thinking and practice, and instead have many misconceptions about its nature and value. When the usefulness of the approach becomes evident to such colleagues prejudice gives way to understanding and co-operation. This has proved to be the most effective way of introducing analytically orientated psychotherapists and psycho-analytic thinking into the National Health Service, at the same time restoring to patients their dignity and supplying their needs as individuals for sensitive consideration and care.  相似文献   

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