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The history of the Careers Service is divided into a number of phases: pre-1919, the inter-war years, the early post-war phase, and 1973 onwards. The latter period is analysed in particular detail. External influences upon the service-including developments in the education sphere, theories of vocational guidance, and legislative changes are reviewed. Changes in economic orthodoxy which have influenced developments in economic policy and thereby the operation of the labour market are emphasised. The potential future role of the Careers Service is considered.  相似文献   

In this article, I reflect on what I believe are Albert Ellis’ important contributions to the field of psychotherapy. Having worked closely with Albert Ellis for 32 years, I offer my opinions on some misconceptions of Albert Ellis.  相似文献   

After a walk down memory lane, I take a tour through Ellis’s shifts in philosophy, plus shifts in self theory, and concepts of value. I contrast them all as an appeal to authority compared to pragmatism. The changes in Ellis’s thinking seemed to me more a tribute to Ellis’s diversity and his monumental contribution to psychotherapy than his refusal to be pinned down to core concepts.  相似文献   


While an historical glance through the sport psychology literature reveals an interest in performance excellence since its beginning, a focus of personal excellence has been a more recent trend. This review will address the relationships between performance and personal excellence. More specifically, we question whether performance excellence in high-level sport, by virtue of the exceptional demands on the elite athlete, occurs at the expense of development in personal excellence or whether performance excellence is possible only through personal excellence. Furthermore, we propose that the field may reconcile these ideals in the future through an athlete-centered sport model. This model is defined by the philosophy that developmentally appropriate sport can be used as a vehicle for enhancing overall well-being and the acquisition of lifelong skills. Performance excellence, therefore, co-exists in the same environment as personal excellence. The implications of implementing an athlete-centered sport system for athletes and coaches and for the research and practice of those in sport psychology will be addressed.  相似文献   

中国心理学的过去、现在与未来   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
燕国材 《心理学探新》2006,26(3):7-9,34
该文对中国心理学的过去作了回顾,就其现在的状况进行了分析,还展望了它的未来发展。在这三个方面,都各自做出了某些有益的概括。  相似文献   

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: The Past,Present, and Future   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The intent of this article is to describe the significant contributions Albert Ellis made to rational emotive education and to a preventative approach to psychotherapy, which represents a major shift from many other counseling theories. The author notes that REBT as a preventative mental health approach was very important to Albert Ellis because he believed that it would extend the influence of REBT, but unfortunately he and other REBT practitioners have not put enough systematic emphasis on training teachers to implement rational concepts into the curriculum. Given the number of children and adolescents needing mental health services, this is an area that should be emphasized and would extend Al’s legacy. The article also addresses Dr. Ellis’ contributions in the area of parenting, where once again he was a pioneer in teaching parents how to deal with their irrational beliefs that interfere with effective parenting. The author concludes with a discussion about “where we go from here,” focusing on training at the university level, developing a standardized REE program that includes a train the trainer component, becoming more of a presence in the field of health care, and putting more emphasis on the therapeutic relationship which may attract more people to the theory.  相似文献   

Research on the effects of rewards on creativity has resulted in hundreds of empirical studies and several reviews of the reward–creativity relationship (RCR). Most reviews are retrospective in nature. They have quantitatively summarised and integrated previous research findings, but have largely overlooked the need for a theoretical framework to guide future research. The current systematic review of this literature intends to bridge this gap, based on the findings of 329 papers and book chapters. Our review summarises the theoretical developments in reward–creativity (RC) research, and classifies the literature in three distinct phases, i.e. the emergence of the cognitive perspective; behavioural rebuttal, and convergence. The paper identifies three important gaps in the existing RC literature: (1) the moderating effects of individual, group, organisational, and national‐level factors; (2) the mediating role of cognitive and affective states; and (3) the lack of consideration of creativity as a multidimensional construct. Based on these gaps, the paper presents a four‐factor framework to guide future RC research. It identifies potential moderators and mediators of the RCR, and draws attention to creativity as a multidimensional construct.  相似文献   

This article describes counseling in Brazil, which is rooted in career and vocational guidance. Although considered a distinct discipline, counseling falls under the umbrella of psychology. The multicultural movement is gaining momentum in Brazil, and counselors are pioneers working with socioracial minority college students. This is an emerging dimension to the professional identity. Some Brazilian universities are interested in international partnerships that could lead to the establishment of counseling as an independent profession.  相似文献   

The authors review counseling in Switzerland and compare it with counseling in the United States. They evaluate the role of professional associations and programs and argue that the evolution of counseling is situated within the history and economic, social, and political systems of Switzerland. Findings suggest that Swiss counselors are ready to reach out, evolve, and learn from mental health professionals around the world and to adopt best practices so as to work with those in need.  相似文献   

This article examines the significant events in the history of mental. health care that have contributed to the development of a specialty within the counseling profession referred to as mental health counseling. The development of credentials for the specialty and the issues currently facing mental health counseling are discussed, and a perspective on directions for the future is offered.  相似文献   

The author describes the evolution of the counseling profession in Australia within the broader historic and sociocultural context. The process of professionalization is outlined, particularly over the past 15 years, and data on the demographic, professional, and practice characteristics of counselors are reviewed. Future professional directions and challenges are explored.  相似文献   

Current psychometric models of choice behavior are strongly influenced by Thurstone’s (1927, 1931) experimental and statistical work on measuring and scaling preferences. Aided by advances in computational techniques, choice models can now accommodate a wide range of different data types and sources of preference variability among respondents induced by such diverse factors as person-specific choice sets or different functional forms for the underlying utility representations. At the same time, these models are increasingly challenged by behavioral work demonstrating the prevalence of choice behavior that is not consistent with the underlying assumptions of these models. I discuss new modeling avenues that can account for such seemingly inconsistent choice behavior and conclude by emphasizing the interdisciplinary frontiers in the study of choice behavior and the resulting challenges for psychometricians. The author would like to thank R. Darrell Bock whose work inspired many of the ideas presented here. The paper benefitted from helpful comments by Albert Maydeu-Olivares and Rung-Ching Tsai. The reported research was supported in parts by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   


There has recently been a growing movement within psychology toward placing a greater emphasis on the positive aspects of human nature. This movement, known as positive psychology, focuses on the scientific study of human strengths and virtues as well as the variables that promote positive traits, emotions, and institutions. The purpose of this article is to discuss selected topics of research in positive psychology and the potential psychotherapeutic application of this research for children and youth, particularly in school settings. Interventions are presented for altering and enhancing children's and adolescents' perspectives regarding their past, their experience of the present, and their hopes for the future.  相似文献   

Albert Ellis is one of counseling's most prolific authors, having written more than 40 books and 500 articles, most on the topic of Rational Emotive Therapy (RET). As RET's progenitor, he has been a moving force in the current renaissance of interest in the cognitive behavior movement. In this interview Ellis discusses his theory and its application and aspects of his personal and family life.  相似文献   

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