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道德敏感性:概念理解与辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道德敏感性是新科尔伯格取向的重要概念,是道德行为发生之前逻辑上的心理初始成分,是对情境的道德领悟与解释,典型地反映了道德认知和道德情感的相互作用。对这个概念的性质和内涵理解存在能力观和经验观等不同观点;该概念也常操作化地为道德觉察、道德意识、后果意识、确认道德问题等;它与伦理敏感性、道德直觉等相近概念有着不同程度的区别和联系。  相似文献   

以228名大学生为被试, 采用内隐联想测验(IAT)、倾向性道德敏感问卷(MDSQ)以及其它有关量表考察其内隐与外显倾向性道德敏感的关系及其预测变量。结果表明:男生比女生表现出在倾向性道德敏感上更高的内隐效应, 而女生则在外显倾向性道德敏感的移情内疚、移情烦扰等因子上得分高于男生, 在惩罚倾向因子上低于男生;大学生被试的外显、内隐倾向性道德敏感没有显著相关;自我监控、道德态度强度均能在不同程度上预测内隐与外显倾向性道德敏感的关系, 自我监控的预测作用相对较高。  相似文献   

为验证Carson等人的创造力成就问卷(Creative Achievement Questionnaire,CAQ)在中国成人群体的适用性,对其进行翻译、回译和文化调适后转换为中文版(C-CAQ)。以59名成人为被试,间隔3周的重测信度为斯皮尔曼相关系数ρ=0.77(p<0.01);以107名成人为被试,施测C-CAQ、托伦斯创造性思维测验(TTCT)的非常规用途任务(UUT)和补全图画任务(PCT)、中国大五人格简式版考察C-CAQ的聚合效度,结果发现与TTCT两个任务的多个指标及大五人格的开放性相关显著(与UUT任务各指标相关为:流畅性0.22、灵活性0.19、独创性0.26,与PCT任务的精致性相关为0.24,与大五人格的开放性维度相关0.29);用瑞文标准推理测验考察C-CAQ和智力的区分效度,结果显示二者为弱相关且不显著;以324名成人为被试对C-CAQ的10个领域进行探索性因子分析,结果支持问卷的领域特殊性构想;以122名成人为被试施测考夫曼创造力领域量表(K-DOCS)和C-CAQ以考察C-CAQ的效标效度,结果显示二者的科学、艺术领域及总分相关均显著(ρ=0.62, 0.47和0.41)。研究表明,CAQ问卷中文版在我国的成人群体具有较好的信度和效度。  相似文献   




本研究依据社会信息加工理论探讨了感知社会支持对道德敏感性的影响,并基于社会认知模型探讨了道德认同内在化和表征化在其中的中介作用。对387名中国大学生进行问卷调查分析,结果表明感知社会支持显著正向影响道德敏感性,仅道德认同内在化在感知社会支持和道德敏感性间起中介作用。这一研究结果拓展了有关道德敏感性影响因素的研究,为增强个体道德敏感性提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

道德敏感性是对情境的道德含意的领悟和解释能力,是道德行为产生过程中逻辑上的初始心理成分。道德敏感性与个体对情境的自动化加工及其伴随着的直觉情绪有着密切的关系。情境的背景与特征,个体的角色卷入、道德图式以及人格特点等因素都可能影响个体的道德敏感性。道德敏感性研究已在儿童早期发展、职业伦理以及测验方法等领域取得一定成果,但其理论构建仍需进一步完善、深化,与教育干预密切相关的发展研究有待加强,研究方法也需拓展和改进  相似文献   

This paper describes development of a retrospective measure of childhood exposure to parental dyscontrol related to specific conditions such as a parent's drinking, anger, or other negative emotional states (e.g., stress, anxiety, depression). A 45-item questionnaire, the Dyscontrol Experiences Questionnaire (DEQ), was designed to assess individuals' childhood experiences with parental loss of control. Two student samples (n = 465 and n = 536) completed a battery of self-report measures. Responses were used to examine the psychometric properties of the DEQ. Factor analysis revealed three lower-order factors accounting for 54.4% of the variance in DEQ item scores. Cronbach's coefficient alphas indicated acceptable internal consistency. Moderate intercorrelations with two other retrospective measures of childhood experiences suggested construct validity. Moderate intercorrelations with two measures of psychological distress suggested predictive validity. In summary, initial psychometric testing of the DEQ suggests it is a reliable and valid tool for investigating an important developmental antecedent of adult psychological distress.  相似文献   


采用文献分析法,结合专家咨询,对患者就医伦理责任进行概念与范畴界定,拟定问卷条目。采用随机抽样调查法对南通市某三级甲等医院的患者进行问卷调查。问卷可划分为责任范畴认知、责任态度信念两个维度,共计18道条目,累计方差贡献率为82.434%。项目分析中各分析项均呈现出显著性差异(P<0.05)。问卷总体的Cronbach's α系数为0.979,内容效度为0.910,在结构效度分析中,问卷因子分析KMO值为0.971,聚敛效度和区分效度皆达到标准。本问卷具有良好的信效度,可为日后进一步的研究分析提供科学可靠的依据。


The study focused on university students' understanding and conceptions of ethical issues in research. Domain-specific and domain-transcending measures were developed to gauge the students' awareness of ethical issues. Responses were obtained from 269 undergraduate and graduate students at a U.S. regional university. Participant withdrawal, the debriefing of research participants, the dissemination of findings, and giving credit to co-contributors were the most challenging ethical issues for the students. Ethical awareness was predicted by professional and organizational socialization, and perspective taking. Contextualization greatly improved the students' ability to recognize ethical issues. Simulations and role-taking are suggested as the means with which to teach students about the ethical issues perceived as challenging.  相似文献   

Scholars have advocated for the inclusion of metacognition (i.e., the extent to which one thinks about one’s thinking) in our understanding of the ethical decision making process and in support of moral learning. An instrument to measure metacognition as a domain-specific capacity related to ethical decision making (i.e. moral metacognition) is not found in the current literature. This research describes the development and validation of the 20-item Moral Metacognition Scale (MMS). Psychometric properties of the scale were assessed by exploration (Study 1) and confirmation (Study 2) of the factor structure, and the demonstration of convergent (Studies 3 and 4), discriminant (Studies 3 and 4), and predictive (Study 4) validity. Moral metacognition, as measured by the MMS, was significantly correlated with ethical awareness and ethical judgment. Limitations of our research, suggestions for future exploration, and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The sex typing or lack of it among 133 adolescent activities was investigated. Twenty-seven percent (32) of the activities on an Adolescent Activity Questionnaire showed very clear participation differences for male and female adolescents (11 to 18 years old). The initial two factors extracted in a principal components factor analysis were easily interpreted as feminine and masculine activities. Discriminant function analysis of 15 items from the first three factors yielded an 8-item function on the basis of which every sample member was correctly classified as male or female. Masculine activities included more sports-related activities and activities dealing with mechanics and building, whereas feminine activities were domestic in nature and included more sedentary activities (e.g., reading, writing in diaries).  相似文献   

Moral luck poses a problem for out conception of responsibility because it highlights a tension between morality and lack of control. Michael Slote’s common-sense virtue ethics claims to avoid this problem. However there are a number of objections to this claim. Firstly, it is not clear that Slote fully appreciates the problem posed by moral luck. Secondly, Slote’s move from the moral to the ethical is problematic. Thirdly it is not clear why we should want to abandon judgements of moral blame in favour of judgements of ethical deplorability. Finally this paper defends an alternative solution to the problem of moral luck, which focuses on judgements of probability, but which has been rejected by Slote.  相似文献   

The current study aims to explore the validity and reliability characteristics of the self-reflection and insight scale originally developed by Grant et al. (Soc Behav Pers 30(8):821–836, 2002). The study includes two convenience samples, comprising a total of 659 university students. The test–retest reliability study was carried out in a private university in Istanbul. The validity study was carried out in a state university that is located in Samsun, a city in the black sea region of Turkey. Both schools recruit students coming from various regions in Turkey. The results revealed a 10-item scale as a better fit compared to the original 20-item scale. The presence of both subfactors self-reflection and insight were confirmed. The Cronbach’s alpha for the whole scale was .70, .80 for the self-reflection and .65 for the insight subscales. The convergent and discriminant validity analyses revealed a negative relationship between private self-consciousness and insight scores, positive relationship between self-reflection and social anxiety plus external locus of control. There was no significant relationship between private self-consciousness and self-reflection scores. A negative relationship was found between insight and public self-consciousness, a positive relationship between mindfulness and insight scores, and finally a nonsignificant relationship between narcissism and insight scores.  相似文献   

以474名大学生、青年教师和企业员工为被试,通过筛选情境故事,建立无结构性问题道德主题评定参照系统,创立道德敏感性定量记分方法,从而开发道德敏感性测评工具并对其进行初步的心理测量学特征检验。结果表明:以无结构性问题为形式进行道德敏感性测评研究符合道德敏感性的本质;所开发的道德敏感性测评工具兼具定性评定和定量分析的特征;鉴于道德敏感性的情境特异性,测评工具的同质性信度有待进一步提高。  相似文献   

Rui Dong 《Ethics & behavior》2018,28(2):154-175
This study focuses on the reliability and validation of the Chinese version of the Moral Attentiveness Scale. Factor analysis confirmed that the scale includes two factors: perceptual moral attentiveness and reflective moral attentiveness. Moral attentiveness is negatively correlated with normlessness and positively associated with internalization and symbolization, moral identity, and other academic dishonesty behaviors. Reflective moral attentiveness moderated the relationship between formalism and unethical decision making. All results showed that the Chinese version of the Moral Attentiveness Scale has satisfactory psychometric properties and is a valid and reliable measurement of moral attentiveness in the Chinese population.  相似文献   

The authors developed a parent-report measure to enhance findings for diagnoses and evaluations, and therefore, improve on the assessments currently being widely used for this purpose. Data were gathered on 322 clients (4–18 years old) seeking treatment at a private practice setting. Factor analysis revealed 18 subscales. Scores were internally consistent and distinct from other subscales. In addition, the questionnaire showed good diagnostic utility for depression, Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), and Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD). This study provides sufficient evidence of the reliability and validity of the Self-Management Questionnaire (SMQ) to recommend its use for skills and needs assessment with children and adolescents.  相似文献   

The present study examined the ethical judgements of Turkish counselors (N = 767) using a translation of the Gibson and Pope (1993) ethical judgements survey. Items predominantly judged as ethical and unethical, and group differences regarding gender, taking ethics as a course, professional affiliation, and level of academic degree, were investigated. Chi-square analysis, Fishers’s exact test, and Fisher–Freeman–Halton tests were used in statistical analysis. Results revealed that participants predominantly judged breach of confidentiality in cases of child abuse and potential harm toward oneself or others as ethical. Items concerning sexual dual relationships were predominantly perceived as unethical, and male participants were more likely to judge items regarding sexual and nonsexual dual relationships as ethical. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   




采用RFQ、B IS/BAS和LOT-R对331名企业新员工和920名在校大学生施测,以探讨H iggins等提出的调节定向测量维度在中国文化中的适应性及其问卷(RFQ)的信度和效度。结果表明:(1)在删除1个偏重从策略角度测量调节定向的项目后,得到由10个项目组成的调节定向问卷,可有效测量促进定向和预防定向两个基本维度;(2)调节定向问卷具有较好的内部一致性信度和区分效度,可作为开展相关研究的评定工具。  相似文献   

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