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ABSTRACT: College students (n = 172) completed Cattell's personality factor questionnaire, Rotter's locus of control scale, Speilberger's trait anxiety measure, and Sabatini and Kastenbaum's self-completed death certificate. Comparison of profiles for subjects anticipating sudden violent death (SVD, n = 59) with those anticipating natural death (ND, n = 113) disclosed that the SVD group was characteristically more anxious and socially isolated. A sex-by-type of death interaction occurred for locus of control, with SVD females being the most external, suggesting that this group was more likely to “give up” in response to stress. The data support Shneidman's concept of subintentioned death in disclosing that several personality factors may be associated with violent death.  相似文献   

We explore a relation we call anticipation between formulas, where A anticipates B (according to some logic) just in case B is a consequence (according to that logic, presumed to support some distinguished implicational connective ) of the formula AB. We are especially interested in the case in which the logic is intuitionistic (propositional) logic and are much concerned with an extension of that logic with a new connective, written as a, governed by rules which guarantee that for any formula B, aB is the (logically) strongest formula anticipating B. The investigation of this new logic, which we call ILa, will confront us on several occasions with some of the finer points in the theory of rules and with issues in the philosophy of logic arising from the proposed explication of the existence of a connective (with prescribed logical behaviour) in terms of the conservative extension of a favoured logic by the addition of such a connective. Other points of interest include the provision of a Kripke semantics with respect to which ILa is demonstrably sound, deployed to establish certain unprovability results as well as to forge connections with C. Rauszer's logic of dual intuitionistic negation and dual intuitionistic implication, and the isolation of two relations (between formulas), head-implication and head-linkage, which, though trivial in the setting of classical logic, are of considerable significance in the intuitionistic context.  相似文献   


In the United States, the Worker Adjustment and Retaining Notification Act requires that companies give employees a 60-day notice in the event of layoffs or a plant closing. A manufacturing plant in the southeastern United States gave over 400 hourly employees a 6-month advance notice before the closing of the plant in which they worked; they also received considerable severance benefits. The present study examined the feelings and reactions of these employees shortly after the announcement of the plant closing. Survey results showed that the majority of these employees had been involved in job search activities during this 6-month advance notice period; some had already been offered jobs. Nevertheless, many had feelings of resignation and sadness. The results are discussed in light of the psychological costs of a plant closing and a corporation's sense of social responsibility.  相似文献   

本文对新世纪道教研究的重点、难点、亟待加强的研究领域以及如何开拓新的研究领域提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

进行了三项实验以探讨篮球运动员知觉预期优势的原因,实验一通过对假动作任务和无假动作任务的预期正确率和自信心程度分析发现所有被试在假动作任务中的正确率和自信心程度均小于无假动作任务,假动作任务中运动员在这两个指标上均优于新手且趋势更满足二次曲线。实验二通过多重任务方法比较了点刺激和运动情景刺激条件下有无假动作任务的预期判断,发现假动作任务中运动员在反应时和正确率方面都有显著优势。实验三通过ERP分析发现运动员诱发了较大的N200和P200。据此认为,运动员的知觉预期优势可能主要存在假动作任务中,运动员在预期中采取启发式策略、并且更早编码、注意范围集中且稳定。  相似文献   


Recent research and theory has stressed the importance of future extension as a parameter in psychological development and in psychopathology. One of the primary methods for assessing future extension has been through fantasy productions to TAT cards or to story stems. Both of these methods have been useful but they are limited because they are dependent in part on verbal fluency. It has been suggested that the Picture Arrangement (PA) subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale assesses anticipation and planning and, as such, it provides a non-verbal measure of future extension. PA scores were found in a pilot study to have a positive and significant relationship to future extension as measured in stories told to story roots, and in the present study to future extension as measured in TAT stories.  相似文献   

Visual anticipation of pitch type in single-A minor league baseball batters (N = 34) was measured using video-based temporal occlusion and correlated with real-world batting statistics. Anticipation of overall pitch type at front-foot impact was significantly correlated with base-on-balls percentage (r =.35), whereas anticipation of fastball/change-up combination at ball release was significantly correlated with base-on-balls percentage (r =.37) and on-base percentage (r =.37). Findings indicate that anticipation is likely one component of baseball batting performance. This helps consolidate a recent expert anticipation model of striking sports. Application of occlusion methodology to player develop programs is discussed.  相似文献   

To determine the effect of perceptual anticipation upon reaction time, two different types of experiment were carried out. In the first a skilled response had occasionally to be altered at a given point after a variable warning period. In the second the subject had to react to two auditory signals separated by a short time interval which was systematically varied, the second signal being expected or unexpected.

It was found that lack of readiness to respond to a signal, as revealed by a lengthened reaction time, may be due either to the subject not having prepared himself, as he was not expecting the signal; or to the subject not being able to prepare himself in time. Preparation for reacting to the second of the two signals, when both are expected and have to be reacted to, never appears to take more than between 0·2 and 0·4 seconds, as judged by reaction time. On the majority of occasions it appears to be complete in 0·2 seconds. These times are shorter than those usually given, because the extra delay due to incorrect anticipation has been excluded. With intervals of 0·1 seconds or less, delay in the second reaction may be due to the mechanical difficulty of responding quickly enough, especially when the two reactions have to be made in opposite directions.

The finding that lack of readiness might be due to the subject not expecting the signal, and the further finding that preparation took longer when a skilled response had to be extended than when it had to be stopped, both suggest that so-called Psychological refractoriness is due to lack of fore period in which to prepare for the response, rather than to a “Psychological refractory phase” comparable to the refractory phase of nerves. If, by dividing his attention, the subject was able to prepare for his next response while making his previous one, so-called Psychological refractoriness could be completely absent.  相似文献   

An abundance of evidence indicates that action selection is guided, at least in certain contexts, by anticipation of action outcomes. In one particularly clear demonstration of this principle, Bechara and colleagues, studying a gambling task, observed phasic skin conductance responses just prior to actions associated with a relatively high risk of monetary loss (Bechara et al. in J Neurosci 19:5473–5481, 1999; Bechara et al. in Science 275:1293–1295, 1997; Bechara et al. in Cereb Cortex 6:215–225, 1996). In the present work, we tested for the same effect in a paradigm where choices resulted not in differential monetary outcomes, but in differential requirements for subsequent mental effort. In two experiments, we observed an anticipatory skin conductance response prior to actions resulting in a high level of cognitive demand. This finding indicates that requirements for effortful cognitive control are anticipated during action selection. We argue, based on convergent evidence, that such anticipation may not only trigger preparation; it may also play a direct role in effort-based decision-making.  相似文献   

There have been no investigations as to how people respond to sequences of events which occur at brief, unpredictable intervals as in everyday life. Eleven young adults were practised at a two-choice, continuous, serial choice-response task in which intervals between each response and the onset of the next signal (RSIs) varied randomly from trial to trial. On half the trials in each of four conditions the RSI was 20 ms, and on the other trials 200, 400, 800 and 1600 ms respectively. Reaction times fell as RSIs increased from 20-200 ms but thereafter appeared to be unaffected by RSI duration. In the 20/200 and 20/400 ms RSI conditions RT was not affected by transitions between different RSIs but in the 20/800 and 20/1600 ms conditions RTs were faster when the longer RSI recurred on immediately successive trials than if the long RSI followed the short (20 ms) RSI. These results are discussed in terms of a control system model for the way in which subjects actively trade off between their internal performance limitations to optimally meet task demands.  相似文献   

That part of the input hypothesis of motor timing behavior which postulates that movement-produced feedback can serve as a mechanism for the temporal anticipation of motor responses was tested. 32 male college Ss temporally anticipated (no preview) the coincidence of a moving pointer with a stationary one and executed the timing response with his right hand while either a high (HFB) or low (LFB) level of movement-produced feedback was indirectly manipulated in the left arm. The HFB group temporally anticipated with greater accuracy than the LFB group which supported that part of the input hypothesis being tested. Apparently, Ss were relying on proprioceptive feedback about the position of their left arm movement to cue the timing response of their right hand.  相似文献   

近年来, 研究发现对负性事件发生之前预先的心理准备, 即心理预期, 能有效降低负性事件发生后的情绪影响, 但预期过程本身却导致情绪相关神经环路的激活与主观焦虑体验。因此, 采用适应性认知调节方式克服预期过程本身的负面情绪效应, 以充分发挥事先预期的情绪调控优势, 成为情绪调节领域亟待解决的问题。另一方面, 过度负性预期--对潜在负性事件不仅作负面心理预期同时以情绪化的认知方式应对该事件, 是焦虑障碍的核心特征。因此, 对焦虑症患者进行适应性认知方式的训练以消除其情绪化应对方式, 最终减弱该人群对未知事件的过度负面预期, 可能是焦虑障碍干预的重要途径。因此, 有必要综合行为学, 多导外周生理记录与神经成像手段以揭示认知方式与心理预期对负面情绪的交互调节效应; 旨在探求发挥心理预期情绪调节优势, 减弱其情绪代价的方法; 并为焦虑症的临床治疗提供新的思路。  相似文献   

This article is composed of three parts. In the first part of the article I take up a question raised by Susanna Siegel (Philosophical Review 115: 355–388, 2006a). Siegel has argued that subjects have the following anticipation: (PC) If S substantially changes her perspective on o, her visual phenomenology will change as a result of this change. She has left it an open question as to whether subjects anticipate a specific kind of change. I take up this question and answer it in the affirmative. By appealing to a widely held view of perceptual content, the view that we represent ‘factual’ properties in perception, I argue that (PC) can be refined as follows: (PC’) If S substantially changes her perspective on o, her visual phenomenology will present different views of o’s factual properties. In the second part of the article I argue that (PC’) implies that there are cases in which normal perceivers have different perceptual content under identical viewing conditions. The differences in perceptual content are due to differences in the determinacy of visual anticipation. I draw the conclusion that perceptual content is rich in the sense that it includes a unique contribution from individual perceivers. In the final part of the article, I discuss some open issues regarding the way in which (PC’) relates to the personal/sub-personal distinction, empirical models, and the distinction between perception and cognition.  相似文献   

Unemployment continues to be one of the major challenges in industrialized societies. Aside from its economic and societal repercussions, questions concerning the subjective experience of unemployment have recently attracted increasing attention. Although existing studies have documented the detrimental effects of unemployment for cognitive (life satisfaction) and affective well-being, studies directly comparing these two dimensions of subjective well-being and their temporal dynamics in anticipation of and response to unemployment are absent from the literature. Using longitudinal data of the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) and applying fixed effects regressions, we investigate changes in cognitive and affective well-being prior to and after job loss. Extending previous studies, we use discrete emotion measures instead of affect balance indicators to assess affective well-being. Our results support existing findings that unemployment leads to decreases in life satisfaction and that the unemployed do not adapt towards previous levels of life satisfaction. We also find that individuals more often experience sadness and anxiety, and less often happiness when transitioning into unemployment. Importantly, changes in affective well-being are less enduring compared to the changes in life satisfaction.  相似文献   

Rats were runway trained on each of two 3-trial series of reward outcomes. The series are labeled XNY and ZNN, for which X represents a trial that was rewarded with Noyes pellets and N represents a trial that ended with no reward. Units of distinctively flavored breakfast cereals served as reward on trials labeled Y and Z. One group (Floor) had each series occur with a correlated runway floor, either smooth and black or rough and white. For a second group (Memory), the floor cue was uncorrelated with series. Animals in both groups learned to approach the goal rapidly on the 1st trials of the 2 series and slowly on the 2nd trials, but only Group Floor learned to differentiate the 3rd trials of the series. These results recommend a view of serial learning that emphasizes the role played by information about the ordinal position of series items.  相似文献   

The role of anticipatory mechanisms in human memory control is poorly understood. Addressing the issue we investigated whether the presence of an anticipatory phase can enhance effects of cognitive control, as they occur during voluntary suppression of episodic memories. Using the Think/No-Think task, participants first learned several face–word associations, and thereafter were asked to either recall (think) or suppress (no-think) the word when provided with the word's face cue. In the one condition participants performed the Think/No-Think task in the presence of an anticipatory phase, giving participants the chance to prepare for memory suppression. In the other condition participants performed the task without such an anticipatory phase. On the final cued recall test participants were asked to recall all of the previously studied words. The results showed stronger forgetting of to-be-suppressed items in the presence than absence of the anticipatory phase. The finding is first evidence for the effectiveness of anticipatory mechanisms in human memory suppression.  相似文献   

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