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脑损害时的视知觉和视觉记忆障碍 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
用复杂图形对82例脑瘤或脑血管畸形患者进行了测查,发现脑损害患者临摹复杂图形时易于发生一些在正常人中没有或极少见的错误,如片断性感知、空间相对位置错误和空间位置估计错误等。片断性感知以左脑中后部病变时较多见,空间相对位置错误以右脑中后部病变时较多见。空间位置估计错误与定侧关系不大,但以大脑中后部病变时较多见。 在回忆复杂图形时脑损害患者在细节遗漏和移位等方面在程度上比正常人更严重,有部分患者还表现为只回忆出部分细节而无图形轮廓的现象。这种现象在正常人中未曾出现。 相似文献
突现对内源性选择注意的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本研究利用空间线索技术的实验模式,考察内源性选择注意与外源性选择注意的相互关系。实验结果表明,外周线索突现可以优先地被加工,但并不是完全高度自动化的;当注意受内源性中央线索引导集中到一个与突现刺激不一致的空间位置时,突现刺激不能引导出自动化的外源性选择注意。 相似文献
分配注意对短时记忆中知觉组织的影响 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
以大学生为被试,采用双作业技术研究自由回忆和顺序回忆中编码和提取阶段分配注意对短时记忆知觉组织的影响。研究发现:在集中注意条件下,自由回忆和顺序回忆中分组项目表的回忆成绩均最著优于不分组项目表,表现出知觉分组效应;在编码阶段分配注意,自由回忆和顺序回忆中的知觉分组效应均消失;在提取阶段分配注意,顺序回忆中的知觉分组效应消失,而自由回忆中的此效应仍然保留,显示出自由回忆和顺序回忆的不同特点。作者设想,短时记忆的知觉组织加工既发生在编码阶段,也发生在提取阶段,而以编码阶段为主,并需要较多注意资源。 相似文献
选择注意模型的视觉实验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本研究以改变了的stroop effect(即不但要求被试分别用两种语言报告字词的颜色,同时刺激词也是两种语言的)作为研究手段来考察选择注意模型,实验结果表明字词的涵义对颜色命名任务产生影响作用,并且在报告用语和书写用语属同一语种的情况下比在属不同语种的情况下,字词的涵义对颜色命名任务有更大的影响作用。对此,作者把语言看作是一种加工通道,根据实验结果,得出结论认为:通道内部的选择注意是反应性的,跨越通道的选择注意是知觉性的,选择注意模型因条件而异。 相似文献
Abstract— The ability to ignore irrelevant peripheral distractors was assessed as a junction of the efficiency in visual search for a target at the center of display. Efficient target search, among dissimilar nontargets, led to greater distraction than inefficient search, among similar nontargets. This seemingly paradoxical result is predicted by the recent proposal (Lavie, 1995a) that irrelevant processing can be prevented only by increasing the load for relevant processing. Varying the set size of similar items in the central search task demonstrated that interference from irrelevant distractors was eliminated only with more than four relevant items. These results demonstrate how capacity limits determine the efficiency of selective attention, and raise questions about some standard assumptions of most visual search models. 相似文献
卡车驾驶员视觉选择性注意研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用注意力测验量表,对280名男性卡车驾驶员的视觉选择性注意进行了测量。研究发现:事故组与安全组卡车驾驶员的完成时间、漏划数和平均每秒正确删数有很显著差异,错划数有显著差异;事故多发组与安全组卡车驾驶员的完成时间和平均每秒删数有很显著差异,错划数有显著差异;年龄对卡车驾驶员的视觉选择性注意有显著影响,随着年龄的增加,卡车驾驶员完成视觉选择性注意作业的时间增长,漏划数和错划数增多,平均每秒正确删数减少,而40-50岁则是卡车驾驶员视觉选择性注意速度和准确性下降的转折点。 相似文献
Abstract— Regions of objects that are partially obscured at the current retinal image are often perceptually filled in by the visual system (Kanizsa, 1979). In some cases (modal completion), this causes the filled-in region to appear tinged with the color and brightness of unobscured parts of that object, but m other cases (amodal completion), it does not (Michotte & Burke, 1951). It has recently been argued that modal and amodal completion both arise in preattentive vision, and may operate equivalently at that level (Davis & Driver, 1994, He & Nakayama, 1992, Shipley & Kellman, 1992). In this article, we show that they have different effects on attentive vision, with attention tending to spread to (and from) modally completed regions and their visible inducers, but not to (or from) comparable amodally completed regions and their inducers. This finding is consistent with visual attention operating on surfaces (e g, He & Nakayama, 1995) in a viewer-centered representation of the scene, after the operation of filling-in processes. 相似文献
SCHIOLDBORG, P. Attention and visual identification time. Scand. J. Psychol. , 1971, 12 , 289–294.–The identification time of a test object increased when viewed together with other objects, both for central and peripheral identification. When viewed alone, foreknowledge of position facilitated identification in central vision, but not in peripheral vision. A distinction between identification and localization as related to attention is outlined. The results are interpreted in line with a model where focusing and dispersion of attention are regarded as antagonistic processes, implying that the ensuing variation in the momentary attention level for some object affects the amount of information assessed per unit time. 相似文献
G arling T. Studies in visual perception of architectural spaces and rooms. V. Aesthetic preferences. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1972. 13 , 222–227.—Depicted urban spaces were rated by 24 subjects with respect to pleasantness. The results for colour photographs, 'detailed' and 'undetailed' perspective drawings were compared. As a common basis for aesthetic preferences, the factors 'variation', 'umbrageousness' and 'openness' were suggested. These factors accounted for 69 % of the variance in multiple linear regression. 相似文献
To test the hypothesis that perceived size of space depends on perceived depth, a relation between judged depth and size of space was derived. External spaces were judged from colour photographs by the magnitude estimation method. It was found that judged depth is a power function of physical depth and judged size of space a power function of physical size (rectangular area) or of judged depth times perceived width. The results indicate deviations from the derived relation and some explanations for these are discussed. Further research is needed to verify the proposed hypothesis. 相似文献
、考察了短时记忆中的知觉组织是否受双作业时指导语引导的注意策略控制。各有24名北京大学本科生参加了自由回忆和顺序回亿实验。实验任务有2种:记忆和声音监控。声音监控或者安排在记忆编码阶段,或者安排在记忆提取阶段。双作业时的指导语类型有3种,分别强调记忆、声音监控或两种作业同样重要。记忆项目表分2种:不分组和知觉分组。研究发现:自由回忆中的知觉组织仅受编码阶段的指导语影响;顺序回忆中的知觉组织仅受提取阶段的指导语影响。作者设想,短时记忆中的知觉组织在编码和提取阶段都受注意控制,但记忆类型不同,注意控制的作用地点和表现形式也有所不同。 相似文献
语言单位大小在短时和长时记忆中的效应 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3
本研究选用汉语的单字词、双字词、四字成语和七字句作为实验材料,考查这些大小不同的语言单位对于STM和LTM的影响。实验采用自由回忆的设计。结果发现:①单位大小效应主要存在于STM中,具体表现为STM容量随单位的扩大而降低。这意味着,语言的表层结构(主要是发出的音节数)对STM有重要影响。语言的深层结构语义对它们的STM容量也有一定的影响。否则STM容量应更好地符合巴德利(Baddeley,1983)的模式。②语文材料的LTM实验结果表明,单位大小效应不存在于LTM中。对LTM有重要作用的是各个单位的语义特征,如语义的紧密性和确定性等。这些语义特征深受各单位在语言结构中的地位、语用习惯以及语用频率等条件的制约。③相对无意义的数目字的比较实验,其结果证实了上述关于有意义的语文材料所作的分析和推断。 相似文献
内源性和外源性视觉空间选择注意 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
以内源性和外源性注意选择为主题,空间选择性注意的控制性加工和自动加工过程成为近年来研究的一个活跃领域,特别是自动化加工过程,取得了一些新的实验证据:对其形成的机制提出了一些理论;提出了选择注意自动化和控制之间关系的理论框架。本文介绍了有关的实验研究和理论模型。 相似文献
Abstract— Spatial attention was measured in visual searches tasks using a spatial probe. Both speed and accuracy measures showed that in a conjunction task, spatial attention was allocated to locations according to the presence of target features. Also, contrary to some predictions, spatial attention was used when a clearly distinguishable feature defined the target. The results raise questions about any account that assumes separate mechanisms for feature and conjunction search The probe method demonstrated here allows a very direct measurement of attentional allocation, and may uncover aspects of selection not revealed by visual search 相似文献