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The extensions of response-dependent concepts are a priori connected with the subjective responses that competent users of that concept have in normal conditions. There are two strategies for specifying normal conditions for response-dependent concepts: topic-specific and topic-neutral. On a topic-specific specification, a characterization of normal conditions would be given separately for each response-dependent concept (or a non-trivial subset of response-dependent concepts, such as our colour concepts), whereas a topic-neutral specification would be given in a uniform way for all response-dependent concepts. In this paper I argue, using a thought experiment, that only topic-neutral specifications will deliver the a priori knowledge constitutive of response-dependence.  相似文献   

A novel theoretical approach to human category learning is proposed in which categories are represented as coordinated statistical models of the properties of the members. Key elements of the account are learning to recode inputs as task-constrained principle components and evaluating category membership in terms of model fit-that is, the fidelity of the reconstruction after recoding and decoding the stimulus. The approach is implemented as a computational model called DIVA (for DIVergent Autoencoder), an artificial neural network that uses reconstructive learning to solve N-way classification tasks. DIVA shows good qualitative fits to benchmark human learning data and provides a compelling theoretical alternative to established models.  相似文献   

Long-term memory for categories and concepts in horses (Equus caballus)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Three horses (Equus caballus) with a history of performing cognitive tasks including discrimination learning, categorization, and concept use were tested to evaluate their long-term memory (LTM) in three experiments. In addition, use of LCD multi-displays for stimulus presentation was incorporated into cognition testing protocol for the first time with horses. Experiment 1 tested LTM for discrimination learning that originally occurred 6 years earlier. Five sets of stimuli were used and the two horses tested showed no decrement in performance on four of the sets; however, both horses did score below chance on one set. Experiment 2 examined long-term categorization recall 10 years after horses had demonstrated the ability to make stimulus selections based on shared characteristics within a given category. The horse tested for LTM after the decade-long interval immediately and consistently applied the previously learned categorization rule to not only familiar but also novel sets of stimuli. Experiment 3 tested another horse for LTM for a relative size concept. This horse had originally demonstrated concept rule use in order to select stimuli based on their relative size to one another. More than 7 years later and without further training, this horse reliably applied the previously established size concept to both familiar and novel sets of stimuli. These findings are the first reports of long-term categorical and conceptual memory in horses and are consistent with observations of domestic and wild horses, which indicate that behavioral and ecological events may be remembered for long periods of time. These studies also demonstrate the adaptive nature of horses with regard to their ability to generalize over several different testing conditions.  相似文献   

李佳  毛秀珍  张雪琴 《心理科学进展》2021,29(12):2272-2280
Q矩阵代表着项目考察的属性, 反映了项目的重要特征, 其正确性是影响认知诊断分类准确性的关键因素。研究Q矩阵估计(修正)方法具有重要价值。首先, 研究从是否采用认知诊断模型将Q矩阵估计(修正)分为基于认知诊断模型视角下的参数化方法和基于统计视角下的非参数方法。然后, 分别从最优项目质量、最优模型数据拟合和参数估计视角对它们进行分类介绍, 评析不同方法的特征和表现、区别与联系、优势与不足。最后, 提出几个未来研究问题:在复杂测验条件下系统比较各种方法; 校准知识状态和参数估计误差、结合多种思路和方法等多角度提出Q矩阵估计(修正)方法; 研究多级评分项目、混合测验模型、属性多级、属性个数未知甚至Q矩阵元素为连续变量等条件下的Q矩阵估计(修正)方法。  相似文献   

In humans, individuals recognize other individuals by numerous types of independent information, such as the quality of the voice, appearance of the face, smell, gait, and posture. Humans also have integrated memories of others--that is, in response to a face or a voice the individual is recognized by name and other information about that individual is remembered. In many nonhuman species, individual recognition also occurs. Although observational studies suggest that individuals of some nonhuman species may be able to use several different cues for individual recognition, little experimental proof for this is available. Golden hamsters have at least 5 individually distinctive odors and they develop integrated, multi-odor memories (concepts) of familiar individuals, as shown by across-odor habituation experiments. Little is known, however, about the conditions that are necessary to develop such integrated memories. In these experiments we investigated what kinds of experiences were necessary for male hamsters to develop multiodor memories of females. The results show that exposure to all of the odors of another individual was not sufficient to develop such multiodor memories but that physical contact between the subjects and stimulus animals was necessary. Multiodor representations were developed after interactions with anesthetized individuals, confirming the finding that physical contact was important but also showing that interaction with an awake, behaving individual was not necessary to form multiodor representations of other individuals. We are not aware of experimental proof for integrated, multicomponant memories in any other nonhuman species.  相似文献   

Adherents of the Galton paradigm favour the concept that the simple parameter ‘speed of information processing’ has a physiological basis and determines complex achievements assessed in intelligence tests as well as social success. These assumptions are supported by inter-individual correlations. Further supporting evidence comes from total measurement where not only the information content of the stimuli is measured, but also the time to process them. This reveals an individually constant period during which 1 bit of information is processed. It is called the ‘basic period of information processing’ (BIP), which lasts 1/15 s (= 67 ms) in average adults (IQ 100) and is constant over the ranges from which target stimuli can be drawn and over varying modes of the signs (letters, numbers, musical notes, etc.). In representative samples of adults duration of BIP correlates with global IQ (r ? ?0.60): We conclude that the BIP of an adult with an IQ of 122 is 50 ms and with an IQ of 78 twice as long (100 ms). We consider BIP to be a physiological and general determinant of intelligence, being measurable at a ratio or even an absolute scale level. Thus, it appears to be suitable as a building unit for reconstructing the rather fuzzy traditional concept of general intelligence.  相似文献   

Two new methods for generating predictions from the Rescorla-Wagner model are presented. One is to solve the simultaneous equations of the model as differential equations, and the other is to solve them as difference equations, by using recent computer software. The model has been described in terms of simultaneous difference equations, and its predictions have traditionally been derived by performing an iterative computer simulation. But the limit can be taken, and the model can be considered in terms of simultaneous differential equations. Computer software, such as Mathematica and Maple, can solve simultaneous differential or difference equations. The author shows how to use Mathematica for some experimental paradigms, from simple acquisition to more complex cue competition paradigms, and also explains the rule for constructing input. The relative merits of these methods and of simulation are discussed.  相似文献   

《Modern Theology》2006,22(2):329-331
Book reviewed:
The Nicene Faith: Formation of Christian Theology, Vol. 2 Parts 1 and 2 by John Behr (Crestwood, NY: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2004) xviii + 507 pp. Reviewed by Andrew Louth University of Durham Department of Theology and Religion Abbey House Palace Green Durham DH1 3RS UK  相似文献   


Increasingly remote concepts and behaviors have been primed, which have come under increasing criticism. In this present experiment, we take a step back and try to strengthen the roots of priming research. In this experiment, we systematically varied the activation or priming of a concept in six experiments (N?=?1285). We then measured accessibility for semantic concepts using a word stem completion task. Across the six experiments, our investigations showed that the activation of semantic concepts is possible through greater accessibility of semantically congruent words (with only one experiment failing to reach a conventional level of significance). These results provide a prerequisite for further investigation into behavioral priming. The present experiment showed that the basal priming mechanisms are robust effects. The meta-analytic integration showed that women reliably had access to more baby-related words. A possible explanation is that social role stereotypes associate women more with the reproductive sphere than men and that women, to a certain extent, internalize these societal views. Other explanations and potential future applications are discussed.  相似文献   

Parts outweigh the whole (word) in unconscious analysis of meaning   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In unconscious semantic priming, an unidentifiable visually masked word (the prime) facilitates semantic classification of a following visible related word (the target). Three experiments reported here provide evidence that masked primes are analyzed mainly at the level of word parts, not whole-word meaning. In Experiment 1, masked nonword primes composed of subword fragments of earlier-viewed targets functioned as effective evaluative primes. (For example, after repeated classification of the targets angel and warm , the nonword anrm acted as an evaluatively positive masked prime.) Experiment 2 showed that this part-word processing was potent enough to oppose analysis at the whole-word level. Thus, smile functioned as an evaluatively negative (!) masked prime after repeated classification of smut and bile . Experiment 3 found no priming when masked word primes contained no parts of earlier targets. These results suggest that robust unconscious priming (a) is driven by analysis of part-word information and (b) requires previous classification of visible targets that contain the fragments later serving as primes. Contrary to a widely held view, analysis of subliminal primes appears not to function at the level of analysis of complete words.  相似文献   

If people believe that one activity is a kind of another, they also tend to believe that the second activity is a part of the first. For example, they assert that deciding is a kind of thinking and that thinking is a part of deciding. Fellbaum and Miller's (1990) explanation for this phenomenon is based on the idea that people interpret part of in the domain of verbs as a type of logical entailment. Their explanation, however, suffers from at least 2 deficiencies. First, it fails to account for parallel effects with nouns (e.g., a contest is a kind of an activity, and an activity is a part of a contest). Second, it contains a flaw that incorrectly predicts many activities to be parts of each other (e.g., coming is part of going and going part of coming). However, a hypothesis Rips and Conrad (1989) originally proposed for the kind-part reciprocal effect avoids both of these difficulties.  相似文献   

Emotional abuse is the core of all other kinds of child abuses and maltreatments. The significant and serious outcomes of other kinds of abuses are often due to the emotional aspects. Moreover, emotional abuse has several forms, and each form may lead to different adverse outcomes for children and adolescents. Unfortunately, there is not a comprehensive instrument to assess all categories of emotional abuse. A 30-item self-report questionnaire was developed for ages 12 years and older. The sample included 328 students aged 12 to 19 years selected randomly from students referred to different student counseling centers. Exploratory factor analysis categorized the scale into six subscales. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that all items were fitted with the subscales significantly. Content and concurrent validity demonstrated good validity and reliability for each subscale. Overall reliability was also significantly acceptable.  相似文献   

Two forces motivate this special section, "New Methods for New Questions in Developmental Psychology." First are recent developments in social science methodology and the increasing availability of those methods in common software packages. Second, at the same time psychologists' understanding of developmental phenomena has continued to grow. At their best, these developments in theory and methods work in tandem, fueling each other. Newer methods make it possible for scientists to better test their ideas; better ideas lead methodologists to techniques that better reflect, capture, and quantify the underlying processes. The articles in this special section represent a sampling of these new methods and new questions. The authors describe common themes in these articles and identify barriers to future progress, such as the lack of data sharing by and analytical training for developmentalists.  相似文献   

WestFailures (1)     
R L Gregory 《Perception》1987,16(6):689-691

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