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Following an opportunity to demonstrate a preference for water with or without the addition of the amino acid isoleucine, methionine, phenylalanine, or tryptophan at a concentration proportional to that in whole egg protein, 9 monkeys were subjected on 4 occasions to a 7-day experimental week when they received an isocaloric diet containing only one-fourth the amount of protein of their normal diet. An identical low-protein diet supplemented with one of the above amino acids, again at a concentration proportional to that in egg, was presented for an equivalent period during the experimental week and the amounts consumed of each diet were compared. Ss failed to exhibit a preference or an aversion for water supplemented with any of the amino acids; however, all low-protein diets supplemented with an amino acid were consumed in greater quantities than a low-protein diet lacking a supplement. On Days 6 and 7 of the experimental weeks when protein depletion was most severe, Ss significantly (p less than .05) preferred the diet supplemented with isoleucine to a diet lacking the supplement.  相似文献   

Fluctuations of ovarian hormones across the menstrual cycle influence a variety of social and cognitive behaviors in primates. For example, female rhesus monkeys exhibit heightened interest for males and increased agonistic interactions with other females during periods of high estrogen levels. In the present study, we hypothesized that females’ preference for males during periods of high estrogen levels is also expressed at the level of face perception. We tested four intact females on two face-tasks involving neutral portraits of male and female rhesus monkeys, chimpanzees and humans. In the visual preference task (VP), monkeys had to touch a button to view a face image. The image remained on the screen as long as the button was touched, and the duration of pressing was taken as an index of the monkey's looking time for the face stimulus. In the Face-Delayed Recognition Span Test (Face-DRST), monkeys were rewarded for touching the new face in an increasing number of serially presented faces. Monkeys were tested 5 days a week across one menstrual cycle. Blood was collected every other day for analysis of estradiol and progesterone. Two of the four females were cycling at the time of testing. We did not find an influence of the cycle on Face-DRST, likely due to a floor effect. In the VP however, the two cycling individuals looked longer at conspecific male faces than female faces during the peri-ovulatory period of the cycle. Such effects were absent for human and chimpanzee faces and for the two noncycling subjects. These data suggest that ovarian hormones may influence females’ preferences for specific faces, with heightened preference for male faces during the peri-ovulatory period of the cycle. Heightened interest for stimuli of significant reproductive relevance during periods of high conception risk may help guide social and sexual behavior in the rhesus monkey.  相似文献   

At 6 yr of age six female rhesus monkeys that had sustained bilateral amygdalectomy in infancy, and five intact controls, were transferred to an observation cage where behaviors were recorded while the monkeys were (a) alone, (b) paired with unfamiliar stimulus animals, and (c) paired with familiar monkeys from the opposite experimental group. The five adult controls then underwent amygdalectomy, and all tests were repeated with the infant- and adult-operated animals. Infant-operated monkeys changed behaviors more rapidly than did intact controls in social and nonsocial situations, and their activity levels were less modified after a 24-hr period in the observation cage. They were subordinate to intact controls but expressed less fear than did controls when briefly placed with an unfamiliar aggressive animal. Adult amygdalectomy produced many changes in behavior, but these aberrations were identical to those observed in like-age monkeys that had been amygdalectomized in infancy. Infant-operated monkeys demonstrated more behavioral deficits at 6 yr than they had earlier in life.  相似文献   

Choice procedures have indicated that the relative reinforcing effectiveness of opioid drugs increases during opioid withdrawal. The demand curve, an absolute measure of reinforcer value, has not been applied to this question. The present study assessed whether mild morphine withdrawal would increase demand for or choice of remifentanil or cocaine. Four rhesus monkeys chose between remifentanil and cocaine during daily sessions. Demand curves for both drugs were subsequently obtained. The effects of daily injections of 3.2 mg/kg morphine on both choice and demand for these drugs was assayed 3 and 20.5 hr after each morphine injection, and then during a postmorphine period. Three hours following morphine injections, choice of remifentanil over cocaine decreased and demand for remifentanil--but not cocaine--became more elastic. During morphine withdrawal (20.5 hr postinjection), choice of remifentanil increased and remifentanil demand became more inelastic in 3 of 4 monkeys. Cocaine demand also became more inelastic during this period. Four to five weeks following the morphine regimen, demand for both drugs was more inelastic relative to the initial determination. The results suggest that both the relative and absolute reinforcing effectiveness of remifentanil decreased following morphine administration and increased during morphine withdrawal. The absolute reinforcing effectiveness of cocaine also increased during morphine withdrawal. In addition, extended exposure to drug self-administration and/or exposure to the morphine regimen produced long-term increases in demand for both drugs.  相似文献   

Changes in respiration associated with schedule-controlled behavior were determined in seated rhesus monkeys prepared with a pressure-displacement head plethysmograph for monitoring ventilation continuously during behavioral experiments. Subjects were trained to press a lever under fixed-ratio 40 and fixed-interval 300-s schedules of stimulus termination. Episodic increases in ventilation were closely associated with periods of responding under both schedules. Recurring episodes of increased ventilation occurred during fixed-ratio responding, and were separated by brief 10-s timeouts during which ventilation decreased. Under the fixed-interval schedule, both ventilation and response rate typically increased as the 300-s interval elapsed. The effects of cocaine, caffeine, and two adenosine agonists, 5'-N-ethylcarboxamidadenosine (NECA) and 2-(carboxyethylphenylamino)adenosine-5'-carboxamide (CGS 21680), on behavior and respiration were determined using a cumulative-dosing procedure. Drug-induced suppression of behavior eliminated the episodic increases in ventilation during the performance components of both schedules. Schedule-related increases in ventilation were compared to those produced by elevated levels of CO2 in inspired air. Exposure to 4% CO2 mixed in air increased ventilation in all subjects, and the combined effects of CO2 exposure and schedule-controlled responding on respiration appeared to be additive. The results suggest that behavioral activities may increase ventilation through increased metabolic demand and increased CO2 production.  相似文献   

Nine female rhesus monkeys were paired with males throughout 63 menstrual cycles. The females' motivation to approach males was studied with an operant conditioning paradigm that required the female to press a lever 250 times to gain access to the male. Sexual behavior was scored during standard 60-min tests that followed the attainment of access (17 pairs, 1,440 tests). In the overall data, mean times to access were shortest at mid-cycle and longest just before and after the onset of menstruation, and a model-fitting method showed that 45% of cycles from individual pairs were significantly correlated with a V-shaped model of the overall pattern. Male sexual activity was highest at mid-cycle and lowest in the last quarter of the cycle, but the changes in access times could not be attributed entirely to the rewarding effects of the ejaculations. In the combined data from five females (9 pairs, 33 cycles), high estradiol levels and low progesterone levels were statistically associated with short access times and short ejaculation times. The overall effect was for operant performance and sexual activity to be synchronized and maximized in the periovulatory period of the menstrual cycle.  相似文献   

Performances of three rhesus monkeys were reinforced by the oral delivery of pentobarbital and studied as functions of fixed-ratio size and drug concentration. Pentobarbital solutions and water were concurrently available on identical reinforcement schedules from separate liquid-delivery systems during 3-hour sessions. Under a fixed-ratio 16 schedule of drug availability, a descending series of drug concentrations was tested (4, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, and 0.0625 mg/ml, followed by a retest at 4 mg/ml). Partial concentration series beginning with the highest concentration were repeated with fixed-ratios of 32 and 64, with a fixed-ratio 128 for two monkeys, and with fixed-ratio 256 for one. At each fixed-ratio value, response rate and number of drug deliveries were inverted U-shaped functions of pentobarbital concentration. Drug intake (mg/kg/session) increased directly with drug concentration. As the fixed-ratio size was increased, the number of liquid deliveries decreased. For each drug concentration, when the numbers of drug deliveries at fixed-ratios of 32, 64, and 128 responses were plotted as percentages of those obtained at fixed-ratio 16, the following orderly relationship emerged: the higher the drug concentration, the less that drug deliveries were decreased by increases in fixed-ratio size. This relationship indicates an increase in reinforcing efficacy with increases in pentobarbital concentration.  相似文献   

Three factor analyses were performed on social interaction data from 168 juvenile macaques. Animals were tested in stable quadrad peer groups; in newly-formed dyads with infant, juvenile, and adult stimulus monkeys; and in similar triads with the stimulus animal plus a familiar cage-mate. Factors emerged, most strongly in the most stable condition, which were interpreted as affiliative, hostile and fearful. These factors were almost entirely independent and resembled the extraversion, psychoticism, and emotionality factors frequently found in humans.  相似文献   

Nasrini  Jad  Hampton  Robert R. 《Animal cognition》2023,26(2):379-392
Animal Cognition - There is substantial evidence of group-specific behaviors in wild animals that are thought to be socially transmitted. Yet experimental studies with monkeys have reported...  相似文献   

During daily 3-hr sessions, 5 rhesus monkeys drank drug solutions and water that were concurrently available. The drug solutions were: 1 milligram per milliliter (mg/mL) pentobarbital (2 monkeys), 1 mg/mL pentobarbital plus 0.5% ethanol (1 monkey), 1 mg/mL pentobarbital plus 1% ethanol (1 monkey), and 8% ethanol (1 monkey). The drug solution and water were available under identical two-component tandem fixed-ratio continuous-reinforcement N schedules. Two variables were manipulated: the size of the fixed-ratio component and the number of liquid deliveries (N) in the second component. Deliveries of the drug solution maintained higher rates of responding than did deliveries of the drug vehicle, water. The number of drug deliveries per session increased with increases in the number of deliveries per fixed ratio and decreased with increases in fixed-ratio size. Analysis of the results in terms of the proportion of deliveries to responses showed that the number of drug deliveries per session was directly related to the size of this quotient. Finally, when fixed-ratio size was repeatedly doubled, the following orderly relationship emerged: The greater the number of available drug deliveries per fixed ratio, the less was the percent decrease in the number of fixed ratios completed per session. It was concluded that increases in the number of liquid deliveries per fixed ratio resulted in increases in reinforcing efficacy.  相似文献   

Two rhesus monkeys were trained to learn eight 4-item lists, each composed of 4 different photographs. Lists were trained in successive phases: A, A----B, A----B----C, and A----B----C----D. After List 4, retention, as measured by the method of savings, was, on average, 66% (range: 44-84%). Indeed, all 4 lists could be recalled reliably during a single session with neither a decrement in accuracy nor an increase in the latency of responding to each item. Response latencies on a subset test employing all possible 2- and 3-item subsets of each 4-item list support the hypothesis that monkeys form linear representations of a list. Latencies to Item 1 of a subset varied directly with the position of that item in the original list. On List 1, latencies to Item 2 varied directly with the number of intervening items between Item 1 and Item 2 in the original list. During the acquisition of Lists 5-8, both Ss mastered the A----B and A----B----C phases of training in the minimum number of trials possible.  相似文献   

Rates and patterns of key-press responding maintained under schedules in which responding resulted in intravenous injections of cocaine were studied in squirrel monkeys and rhesus monkeys. Each injection was followed by a 60- or 100-sec timeout period. Schedule-controlled behavior was obtained at appropriate cocaine doses in each species. Under FR 10 or FR 30 schedules, performance was characterized by high rates of responding (usually more than one response per second) in each ratio. Under FI 5-min schedules, performance was characterized by an initial pause, followed by acceleration of responding to a final rate that was maintained until the end of the interval. Under multiple fixed-ratio fixed-interval schedules, rates and patterns of responding appropriate to each schedule component were maintained. Responding seldom occurred during timeout periods under any schedule studied. At doses of cocaine above or below those that maintained characteristic schedule-controlled behavior, rates of responding were relatively low and patterns of responding were irregular. Characteristic fixed-interval responding was maintained over a wider range of cocaine doses than characteristic fixed-ratio responding. Complex patterns of responding controlled by discriminative stimuli under fixed-ratio or fixed-interval schedules can be maintained by cocaine injections in squirrel monkeys and rhesus monkeys.  相似文献   

Nursing behavior of 56 singleton infant pigtail monkeys (Macaca nemestrina) was monitored. Infants over 1 mo. of age showed strong preferences for one of their mothers' nipples, while few infants less than 1 mo. old did so. The infants which had the lowest birthweights for each sex showed no clear preference even though they were older than 1 mo. A trend toward lateral preference (for the right nipple) was identical for male and female infants. Analysis of the development of preference for nipple may provide useful information of assessing development progress.  相似文献   

Different doses of intravenous cocaine reinforced the lever pressing of rhesus monkeys under two-lever concurrent or concurrent-chain schedules. Under the concurrent procedure, responding produced drug reinforcers arranged according to independent variable-interval 1-min schedules. Under the concurrent-chain procedure, responding in the variable-interval link led to one of two mutually exclusive, equal-valued, fixed-ratio links; completion of the ratio produced a drug reinforcer. Under both procedures, responding on one lever produced a constant dose of 0.05 or 0.1 mg/kg/injection, while on the other lever, dose was systematically varied within a range of 0.013 to 0.8 mg/kg/injection. Preference, indicated by relative response frequency on the variable-dose lever during the variable-interval link, was always for the larger of the doses. Relative response frequencies on the variable-dose lever roughly matched relative drug intake (mg/kg of drug obtained on variable lever divided by mg/kg of drug obtained on both levers). For many dose comparisons, responding occurred and reinforcers were obtained almost exclusively on the preferred lever. Overall variable-interval rates generally were lower than with other reinforcers, and these low rates, under the experimental conditions, may have occasioned the exclusive preferences.  相似文献   

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