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精神病学领域有关权力因素的讨论日渐增多,法国哲学家福柯对权力和知识的含义及其关系进行了讨论,同时也对当代精神病学领域的相关的主题,如精神疾病、精神病院、诊断、治疗等,提出了批判性的思考,指出了其中隐含的权力因素及其历史性、文化性构成,有助于我们重新理解精神病的主题,更加关注人文因素的强大作用  相似文献   

空间、权力与知识:福柯的地理学转向   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
何雪松 《学海》2005,(6):44-48
福柯是将空间议题置于社会理论架构之中的关键人物之一,本文评述福柯关于知识、权力与空间之间的互动关系的论述,从而展现福柯地理学转向的基本理论脉络。  相似文献   

1作者简介及作品的成书背景米歇尔·福柯(Michel Foucault,1926-1984)是20世纪极富挑战性和反叛性的法国哲学家和“思想系统的历史学家”。其思想对文学评论及其理论、哲学(尤其在法语国家中)、批评理论、历史学、科学史(尤其医学史)、批评教育学和知识社会学都有很大影响。主要著作包括《古典时代疯狂史》(《疯癫与文明》)、《临床医学的诞生》、《词与物》、《知识考古学》、《规训与惩罚》、《性史》等。1984年6月25日,58岁的福柯因艾滋病死于法国硝石库医院。这家医院的前身正是他的成名作《古典时代疯狂史》所剖析过的一家精神病院。…  相似文献   

福柯对医学有着较高的关注度,著作中有大量对医学伦理的深入思考和分析。他的“微观权力”理论非常适合解释现今医患关系的本质,对理解医患关系的起源和实质,以及如何解决医患关系中的种种问题,给出了极为有价值的解答。这种解答是融合了现代科学技术、医学社会学、政治经济、历史以及哲学之发展的综合观点,并从中引申出人类的现代性困境。它的解决策略不同于商谈伦理、契约论、允许原则、生命伦理学规范、德性论,甚至叙事医学。  相似文献   




杨生平 《哲学研究》2012,(11):78-83
<正>权力是现代政治学讨论的核心问题。如何正确解释权力的产生与运作,对现代政治学理论的建构尤为重要。作为后现代主义思潮的奠基人之一,法国著名哲学家福柯在《性史》与《规训与惩罚》等著作中,从一个新的角度诠释了权力的产生与特点;它对我们深入开展权力问题的研究有一定的借鉴意义。一、对传统权力观的批判英国哲学家霍布斯在《利维坦》中说:"如果要建立这样一种抵御外来侵略和制止相互侵害的共同权力,以便保障大家能通过自己的辛劳与土地的丰产为生并生活得很满意,那就只有一条道  相似文献   

胡大平 《学海》2012,(5):163-170
福柯的空间思想不仅构成今天社会理论的核心财产之一,而且对20世纪80年代社会理论的激进化起了关键性贡献.这是因为,他的整个理论风格以及对权力空间化策略的微观分析,为在60年代末和70年代初陷入困境的经典西方马克思主义提供了重要的突围范例和方向参照.  相似文献   

话语、知识和权力是福柯在<临床医学的诞生>等著作中的基本思想脉络,福柯将知识归结为话语体系,即知识体系由话语方式决定,所以他认为临床医学出现的可能性条件是话语方式的转变,同时由于话语与权力的关联,知识也并不是价值无涉的,它不可避免地与权力相连,在医学实践中人的生活状态被知识结论所决定,人们不断地接受医学知识所提出的各种训诫,人的精神和生理均被"知识-权力"这一框架所规范和控制,从而远离人自身的价值逻辑,并导致现代人的不自由境遇.  相似文献   

肿瘤精神病学的概念和意义[日本]东北大学教授浓绍信夫一、肿瘤精神病学的概念目前同癌症作斗争已经是总体作战,不仅有肿瘤学,还要采用心理学、行为科学、神经免疫学、社会科学、系统工程学等有效武器。肿瘤精神病学就是包含了广义的肿瘤病学、精神医学、社会科学三个...  相似文献   

通过将疯癫置于当代学术语境中,对精神病学的学理框架与治疗实践及其相关问题进行了反思.同时以对传统精神病学的学理考察为基础,从后精神病学的视角具体探讨了疯癫的日常生活表述、人性反思、文化逻辑与治疗实践的演变,以探寻一条理解疯癫与人的健康存在的路向.  相似文献   

This article examines the interrelationship between old age, professional power, and social policy. In particular, dominant theoretical models in social gerontology are reviewed and an alternative framework for understanding social gerontological issues—Foucauldian gerontology—is advanced. Foucauldian narratives are employed to delineate the historical relationship between professional social work and recent social policy for older people in the United Kingdom. In addition, a Foucauldian framework employed to examine identity formation, professional practices, and policy narratives enriches and widens the disciplinary subject matter of theorizing aging studies. The structure of this article is in three parts: review of theories of aging with an introduction of Foucault's potential contribution to gerontological analysis, the historical overview of the instigation of professional intervention in modernity and the changing roles and responsibilities in relation to older people utilizing Foucault's (1977) genealogical method, and the exploration and application of Foucault's key notion of governmentality (1977; Rose & Miller, 1992) in the analysis of social policy for older people.  相似文献   

知识资本是知识经济的灵魂,在知识资本化的条件下,伦理价值也会随着知识的功能扩张而扩张,伦理“知识”也会物化为资本。人力资本理论的诞生为伦理价值的资本化提供了条件和途径,使伦理价值资本化成为现实。伦理资本除了具有人力资本的一般特征外,还有自己的特殊性。  相似文献   

The author argues for bringing the work of Michel Foucault and Hannah Arendt into dialogue with respect to the links between power, subjectivity, and agency.Although one might assume that Foucault and Arendt come from such radically different philosophical starting points that such a dialogue would be impossible, the author argues that there is actually a good deal of common ground to be found between these two thinkers. Moreover, the author suggests that Foucault's and Arendt's divergent views about the role that power plays in the constitution of subjectivity and agency should be seen as complementary rather than opposed.  相似文献   

There is a need to Africanise family therapy so as to serve the interest of local communities. Western approaches to family therapy have been accused of being irrelevant to African contexts. They are seen as forming part of a dominant scientific knowledge which invalidates local folk and cultural psychologies and thereby continuing a historical tradition of oppressive colonial power relations. This paper aims at archaeologising and evaluating such criticism by situating family therapy within different fields of knowledge that have emerged historically and are currently co-existing in Africa. The advantages and disadvantages of dominant family therapy approaches in African contexts are explored by focussing on power relations between different knowledges in Africa. It is argued that many global narratives of family therapy offer congenial companionship to many local African narratives, but that family therapists should pay more attention to local spiritual and political narratives so as to attain more legitimacy and validation by local communities.  相似文献   

In this article we explore how the concept of relations of power in different spaces plays out in the lives of school children living in an HIV/AIDS context, and how processes of inclusion and exclusion are associated with particular spaces. The article uses Foucault's (2000) identification of four distinct relations of power to argue that within different school spaces we find economic, political, judicial and epistemological relations of power that are embedded in the way children experience reality. The study was conducted in five primary schools, three secondary schools, one early Childhood Education (ECD) centre, a special school and their communities in the province of KwaZulu Natal. Participants were teachers, learners, out of school youth, and members of community organisations working in the district. Data collection methods included individual and focus group interviews. Within the focus group interviews various participatory research techniques were used, including ranking exercises, projective activities, transect walk, body mapping, photo voice. The findings in the study revealed three complex and contradictory schooling spaces: policy space, curriculum space, and safe spaces in which learners' schooling lives are played out. The study showed that space is fundamental in the exercise of power as revealed in the exclusionary and inclusionary ways in which children experienced their schooling lives.  相似文献   

Data from the Children in the Community Study, a community-based longitudinal study, were used to investigate associations between maternal psychiatric disorders and child-rearing behaviors. Maternal psychiatric symptoms and behavior in the home were assessed in 782 families during the childhood and adolescence of the offspring. Maternal anxiety, depressive, disruptive, personality, and substance use disorders were independently associated with current and subsequent parenting difficulties and other problems in the home during the child rearing years, after co-occurring disorders and offspring behavior problems were controlled statistically. Maternal personality disorders were most consistently associated with problems in the home during the child rearing years. Less than 1 of 3 mothers with disorders reported having received treatment. Those who received treatment were significantly less likely to experience multiple difficulties in the home during the child rearing years. These findings suggest that maternal psychiatric disorder may be an important determinant of problematic maternal behavior in the home during the child rearing years. Improved recognition and treatment of maternal psychiatric disorders may help to reduce the amount of maladaptive parenting behavior that many youths might otherwise be likely to experience.  相似文献   

文章主题的组织方式对文章标记效应的影响   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
以120名高中生为被试,探讨在有无文章标记条件下,文章主题的不同组织对文章主题信息和文章总命题信息保持的影响。结果表明,在文章主题信息的保持上,文章主题的组织方式和文章标记都有显著的主效应,但无显著的交互作用。在文章总命题信息保持上,文章主题的组织方式与文章标记之间存在显著的交互作用,文章标记对主题有组织文章的信息保持的促进效应大于对主题无组织文章的信息保持的促进效应。  相似文献   

When, how, and why students use conceptual knowledge during math problem solving is not well understood. We propose that when solving routine problems, students are more likely to recruit conceptual knowledge if their procedural knowledge is weak than if it is strong, and that in this context, metacognitive processes, specifically feelings of doubt, mediate interactions between procedural and conceptual knowledge. To test these hypotheses, in two studies (Ns = 64 and 138), university students solved fraction and decimal arithmetic problems while thinking aloud; verbal protocols and written work were coded for overt uses of conceptual knowledge and displays of doubt. Consistent with the hypotheses, use of conceptual knowledge during calculation was not significantly positively associated with accuracy, but was positively associated with displays of doubt, which were negatively associated with accuracy. In Study 1, participants also explained solutions to rational arithmetic problems; using conceptual knowledge in this context was positively correlated with calculation accuracy, but only among participants who did not use conceptual knowledge during calculation, suggesting that the correlation did not reflect “online” effects of using conceptual knowledge. In Study 2, participants also completed a nonroutine problem-solving task; displays of doubt on this task were positively associated with accuracy, suggesting that metacognitive processes play different roles when solving routine and nonroutine problems. We discuss implications of the results regarding interactions between procedural knowledge, conceptual knowledge, and metacognitive processes in math problem solving.  相似文献   

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