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《Psychologie Fran?aise》2021,66(4):333-343
IntroductionRelationship satisfaction is one of the most studied constructs in the field of relationship evaluation because of its impact on various aspects of daily life. It is therefore important to have an instrument in French.ObjectivesThis study aims to adapt the Relationship Assessment Scale (RAS) and validate its psychometric properties in French from its original version in English.MethodTwo studies were carried out. In the first study, 200 participants responded to the French version of the Relationship Assessment Scale (EER), the Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS), and the Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS) to assess the factor structure and psychometric properties of the French version (reliability, convergent validity, incremental validity). In the second study confirmatory factor analysis was used to validate the factor structure and to examine the gender invariance of the EER through a multi-factorial analysis in a population of 114 adults.ResultsThe results show that the psychometric properties of the EER are acceptable and comparable to the original version of the instrument. The EER presents a one dimensional factor structure. The positive correlations between the EER and the different scales tested support good external validity. The multi-group analysis showed that both women and men similarly understand the items and attribute the same meaning to the questions, confirming gender invariance of the EER.ConclusionThe French version of the EER is a valid and reliable assessment instrument of relationship satisfaction. The clinical and research implications of this scale are discussed.  相似文献   

Lewin (1951, p. 75) defined time perspective as the “totality of the individual's view of his psychological future and psychological past existing at a given time”. Indeed, time perspective is considered to guide behaviors and participate in the construction of personal identity. The Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) was constructed by Zimbardo and Boyd (1999) to measure the five dimensions of time perspective (Past-Negative, Past-Positive, Present-Hedonistic, Present-Fatalistic and Future scales) and contained fifty-six items. The ZTPI was validated in more than twenty countries, as well in France (Apostolidis and Fieulaine, 2004) and a short version (15-25 items) was also studied in numerous cultural settings like in USA, Australia and various European countries. Nevertheless, the short version of the ZTPI has never been validated in French. The aim of this study is to validate a brief French measure of the ZTPI (Zimbardo and Boyd, 1999) in order to apply it to adults of all ages. Based on the long ZTPI (fifty-four items) validated by Apostolidis and Fieulaine (2004), we tested a version containing fifteen items, the ZTPI-15, among 466 adults (18-98 years). The exploratory analysis revealed a factorial structure representing five factors comprising three items for each scale. The model was tested through a confirmatory factorial analysis, showing that the ZTPI-15 fit indices were satisfactory (χ2/dl = 2.58, RMSEA =.066, CFI = .90, AGFI =.90, RMSR = .067). Internal consistency and test-retest reliability was verified. Correlations between mean scores of the five factors showed relationships. Present-Fatalistic was related to Past-Negative (r =.23) and to Future (r = −.20), whereas a correlation between Past-Negative and Future (r = −.22) was demonstrated. Moreover, Future related to Past-Positive (r =.12). Age was associated to all scales of the ZTPI-15 and the strongest correlation was to Present-Hedonistic (r = −.31). The comparison between 253 young adults (M = 22.5 years) and 160 older adults (M = 73.3 years) showed that the older were less oriented to Past-Negative and Present-Hedonistic but more to Past-Positive, Present-Fatalistic and Future. Furthermore, educational level was correlated to Fatalistic-Present (r = −.28). The validity of the ZTPI-15 was also confirmed with the scores of anxiety and depression and with the Self-Esteem Scale: individuals with high score of anxiety were oriented to Past-Negative (r = .34) and those with high score of depression were oriented to past-Negative (r = .27) and Fatalistic-Present (r = .27). Finally, individuals with low self-esteem were strongly oriented to Past-Negative (r = −.45) and Present-Fatalistic (r = −.27), and individuals with high self-esteem to Future (r = .28).  相似文献   

IntroductionFew measuring instruments of couple satisfaction maximizing the individual perception of the relationship exists in French. Settings such as Liaison psychiatry of a general hospital could benefit from a questionnaire adapting to a variety of clinical profiles.ObjectiveThis article proposes a French revision and validation of the Marital Satisfaction Scale (MSS; Roach, Frazier, and Bowden, 1981), a 48-item self-reported questionnaire designed to evaluate personal satisfaction towards one's couple relationship.MethodA sample of 349 community-dwelling individuals aged 20–85 answered the MSS, the Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS; Spanier, 1976), and a series of inquiries related to sociodemographics. As an initial Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) did not validate the unidimensional structure postulated by the original authors, the item number was reduced to 14.ResultsThis brief version of the scale (MSS-14) was subsequently validated with an internal replication analysis, a strong criterion-related validity with the DAS (rs = 0.73, P < 0.001), an excellent internal consistency (α = 0.961, IC à 95% [0.955, 0.967]), a strong test-retest reliability (rs = 0.90, CI à 95% [0.85, 0.93], P < 0.001, Z =  0.033, P = 0.973), and strong item-to-total correlations (> 0.69). The MSS-14 could differentiate individuals with and without marital distress (AUC = 0.97), while no sociodemographic variable seemed to have a significant influence on couple satisfaction.ConclusionThe MSS-14 appears to be a reliable instrument to assess the personal satisfaction towards a couple relationship in community-dwelling adults.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe literature of body image suggests that many women and young women suffer from body dissatisfaction and this dissatisfaction is an important risk factor for the development of eating disorders.ObjectiveThe aim of the study was to validate the French female version of the Body Esteem Scale (BES; Mendelson et al., 2001).MethodThis self-administered questionnaire assesses body esteem and includes three subscales: “Weight”, “Appearance” and “Attribution”. The questionnaire was given to a sample of 835 adolescent girls and young adults (mean age = 16.62 ± 1.50).ResultsExploratory factorial analysis yielded three factors “Weight”, “Appearance” and “Desire to modify and negative affect associated with the general appearance”, somewhat similar to those of the original validation study. The goodness-of-fit of the three factors model was satisfactory. Correlations were found between the three subscales of the BES, BMI and general self-esteem.ConclusionThe French version of the BES shows satisfactory psychometric properties and provides a useful tool for better understanding the psychological aspects of attitudes towards one's body. In France, very few questionnaires are available to measure body attitudes, despite the fact that the body dissatisfaction affects many adolescent girls and represents a risk factor for the development of eating disorders.  相似文献   

This study proposes to apply the paradigm of Churchill in the case of the adaptation in french and validation of the Maignan and Ferrell scale (1999) based on the model developed by Carroll (1979). This model proposes to distinguish four principles of social responsibility: economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic responsibility. Four factors were highlighted in a first exploratory study conducted among 320 workers. This structure was confirmed during a second confirmatory investigation among 287others workers. If the four identified factors do not match exactly to the theoretical chosen model, they bring value to support the differences in social responsibility between the internal actors and external actors.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe self-concept clarity scale (SCC, Campbell et al., 1996) measures the extent to which self-beliefs are perceived as clearly defined, internally consistent and temporally stable.ObjectiveThe study aimed at testing the reliability and validity of a French version of the SCC scale and its relevance to predict the relationship between self-concept and vocational preference.MethodThree studies have been conducted on a total sample of 1114 participants (691 women) aged 15 and 62.ResultsResults revealed that the French version of the SCC had a unidimensional factor structure and high levels of internal consistency and temporal stability (study 1). As predicted, high SCC scores were independently associated with high self-esteem, high conscientiousness, high agreeability, low neuroticism and low social comparison orientation (study 2). Finally, a criterion validity argument was provided by demonstrating that high SCC scores predicted high matching degree between self-concept and occupational preference prototype (study 3).ConclusionThe psychometric properties of the French version of SCC are satisfactory and comparable to those of the English original scale. The use of the SCC scale in academic guidance and career counseling is therefore discussed.  相似文献   

Voice is an essential behaviour that can inhibit or generate processes of innovation and organisational change. To date, few measurement scales adapted to the French context and allowing to analyse this behaviour exists. This article proposes to translate the 4’factors Voice scale from Maynes and Podsakoff (2014). The translation of this scale was tested by 4 studies on different samples of 1275 French workers from various organisational backgrounds. The first studies test the reliability, internal consistency, divergent and convergent validity of the scale. Then, a gender invariance analysis tests the metric properties of the scale. The results obtained present acceptable psychometric qualities that validate the French version.  相似文献   

The Affective Neuroscience Personality Scales (ANPS, Davis, Panksepp, Normansell, 2003) was designed to provide researchers and clinicians with an efficient measure of individual differences on the six factors of normal personality related to six neuronal systems involved into process of affective information that are Play, Seek, Care, Fear, Anger and Sadness systems. Spirituality has been integrated as a seventh dimension representing the most evaluated human emotion. The present article has allowed (a) to introduce the French version of ANPS and (b) to use the French version of ANPS to study the relations between the scores on ANPS to those of French version of Big Five scale. A sample (N = 412 students) completed the 112 items of French version of ANPS. The data obtained from the French study were compared to those of Neuro-Psychoanalysis 5 (2003) 57–69. Factor structure was similar, thus, the French version of ANPS provides an efficient, psychometrically sound way to measure the six personality factors in French samples. The scores on ANPS scale were also positively correlated with those obtained on Big Five scale.  相似文献   

Avoidance of painful psychological experience has been chosen as the prime target by several new therapeutic approaches derived from cognitive and behavioral therapies. Attempts to suppress unpleasant emotional events lead to a loss of psychological flexibility strongly correlated with a significant number and variety of psychological disorders. These new therapeutic approaches attempt to increase acceptance in order to decrease this psychological rigidity. Among these approaches, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) measures psychological flexibility by mean of Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ-II), which presents good psychometric properties. A French version of the AAQ-II was evaluated in a group of 210 control subjects and 118 patients with anxiety disorders or depression. The French version of the AAQ-II presents good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha: 0.76–0.82). Its concurrent validity and construct validity appear strong. The questionnaire is reliable in test–retest evaluation. The one-factor structure of the French version of the AAQ-II reproduces the structure of the original version. These results ensure the use of the French version of the AAQ-II in research as well as in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Most researchers working on the thematic of workplace spirituality recognize the importance of its relationships with individual and organizational performance. However, no scale for assessing it has been translated and validated in a French-speaking context. Therefore, this study aims to validate the adaptation of the “Workplace spirituality” scale. Exploratory and confirmatory analyses were carried out on all data collected from 623 participants working in France. The results revealed a five-factor solution: “Transcendence”, “Alignment with the organization values”, “Mindfulness”, “Compassion” and “Meaningful work”, as well as satisfactory psychometric qualities. The discussion presents the reasons why the French version is valid and identifies some of the limitations of this study.  相似文献   

The involvement of religious beliefs and practices in the way of coping with stressful events is coined by the term of religious coping. It is commonly distinguished the positive from the negative patterns of religious coping (i.e., a secure and a less secure relationship with God respectively) as assessed by the Brief RCOPE. The interest for the religious coping patterns lies in their predictive value for the quality of the adjustment to stress. After controlling for the effects of sociodemographic variables, and nonreligious coping measures, the positive pattern is a significant predictor of well-being while the negative pattern promotes a poorer physical and mental health. This study was designed to validate the French version of the Brief RCOPE.


Participants. Our sample (N = 250) included students in psychology and community dwelling people. Assessments. Religious coping (Brief-RCOPE), coping strategies (Brief COPE), personality (TCI-56), social support (SSQ), perceived stress (PSS), depression (HADS), life-events (SRRS), religious outcomes and global religious scales. Statistical analyses. We performed an Exploratory Factorial Analysis (EFA) with Oblimin rotation (structural validity) and correlations (Pearson’r) between the two Brief RCOPE scales and the other measures included in this study (criterion validity). The Cronbach alpha (internal consistency) and the ICC correlations (test–retest) were calculated to estimate the reliability of the two dimensions of the Brief RCOPE.


Validity. The EFA provides a two-factor solution differentiating the negative items (negative pattern) and the positive items (positive pattern). Convergent and criterion validity: Positive religious coping was positively associated with the social support satisfaction dimension, global religious measure, religious outcomes, the Brief COPE's religious dimension and the self transcendence scale. It was not associated with the disponibility dimension of social support and with the life events score. Negative religious coping was positively associated with perceived stress, depression, life events, global religious measure and religious outcomes. It was not associated with the social support dimensions. This results support the criterion validity of the scale. Reliability. Internal consistency and temporal stability are satisfactory.


The French translation of the Brief RCOPE consists of a valid and easy-to-use method to assess the positive and negative patterns of religious coping. Our results confirm the positive pattern predicts a better adjustment to strains and the limits of this study are discussed.  相似文献   

Studies of psychology in the work place usually analyse job offers from an explicit and functional point of view, forgetting the more implicit and strategic dimensions associated with them. This activity of recruitment takes into account the understanding of the specific context of the job offer and of the structure of the organisation which is looking to recruit. The clinical case study described here takes into consideration these contextual elements of very small company and proposes recruitment methods which include a third party, emphasising the particular role of psychologists or consultancies as recruitment advisers.  相似文献   

IntroductionFatalistic beliefs have a deleterious effect on the adoption of healthy behaviours and well-being of individuals. In health domain, there are tools in the literature to measure those beliefs in several cultures, but none are suitable for an African context, precisely in Cameroon.ObjectiveThis study aimed to validate the French-cultural version of the 20-item health fatalism scale of Shen et al. in a Cameroonian population.MethodIn a sample of 652 participants (331 women and 321 men) aged from 15 to 61 years, this scale was translated, adapted and its psychometric qualities assessed.ResultsExploratory and confirmatory factor analyses showed that in the Cameroonian context, a four-dimensional model with 18 items was more adjusted. The extracted factors were: luck, ineluctability of disease, pessimism and pre-determination.ConclusionThe health fatalism scale French version can be used effectively to evaluate fatalistic beliefs in the African context precisely in Cameroon, in order to adapt community health interventions aimed at eradicating risky behaviours.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to validate a questionnaire in French to assess the two dimensions of workaholism, namely excessive and compulsive work (see Schaufeli, Taris, & van Rhenen, 2008), in samples of French-speaking workers. We first translated the short version of the DUWAS (Schaufeli, Shimazu, & Taris, 2009) and then examined the factorial structure of this French version using confirmatory factor analyses. We also tested the convergent validity of the French version of the DUWAS by examining the relationships between workaholism and perceived stress. Data were collected in two samples of French workers from different sectors (n = 411 and n = 254). Theoretical and practical implications of this work are discussed.  相似文献   

Organizational space is a meaningful environment that can contribute to the well-being of the individual or lead to dissatisfaction and stress. The objective of this research is to develop a scale of satisfaction of employees toward their work place and test its factorial structure and internal validity. Two principal satisfaction factors have been isolated in an exploratory study carried out among 214 participants. A second-order factorial structure has been established in a cross-validation of the scale during a confirmatory study applied to a second sample of 261 participants. The internal consistency of the satisfaction dimensions, the adequacy of the measurement model to the data, and the stability of the factorial structure are proof of the good psychometric qualities of this scale.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2020,26(3):231-240
ObjectivesPregnancy specific anxiety (PSA) may have many consequences on the health of the unborn child and the mother. Nowadays, in French, there is no validated tool to measure it. The aim of this study is to validate the French version of the Pregnancy Related Anxiety Questionnaire (PRAQ-R2). This 10 items scale measures three PSA dimensions: worries about child health, fear of giving birth and concern about own appearance.MethodsAfter a translation and a back-translation step, the structural validity and the internal consistency of the scale were assessed in 160 pregnant women recruited online. Convergent validity (STAI-Y) and correlates of the construct were also examined.ResultsThe model fit indices are satisfactory, confirming the three- factor structure of the PRAQ-R2 in its French version. The dimensions and the total scores have a good internal consistency (α > .80), and convergent validity was also demonstrated.ConclusionThe PRAQ-R2 is the first tool designed to measure PSA and validated in France. This French validation has promising psychometric qualities. However, its discriminant validity and stability remain to be explored.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe Barratt Impulsiveness Scale is one of the most frequently used questionnaires to assess impulsivity. Many versions of the questionnaire were developed during the 50 years that followed its creation.ObjectivesThis article reports validation data for a French-language version of Spinella's (2007) BIS-15 questionnaire, a short version of Barratt's original scale (BIS-11; Patton, Standford, & Barratt, 1995).MethodReliability, principal component analyses and confirmatory factor analyses have been conducted with two university student samples (study 1, n = 366; study 2, n = 322).ResultsThe results of this study revealed a number of redundant items, which lead us to consider a unidimensional model with correlated measurement errors. Cronbach's alpha reliability was acceptable for study 1 (0.71), and satisfactory for study 2 (0.81). Test-retest reliability was also satisfactory (0.84). Elements of external validity (correlations with anxiety, neurosis, and extraversion) are reported.ConclusionsConsiderations regarding the type of response scales and assessment methods used in questionnaires are discussed in the conclusion.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2016,61(2):83-102
The measure of attitudes towards nature is a well-developed field in environmental psychology. One of the most used scales is the NEP Scale (New Ecological Paradigm Scale) proposed by Dunlap, Van Liere, Mertig, and Jones (2000). The aim of this paper is to propose a French version of the NEP Scale and to analyze its structure. In the first section, we present the paradigm and the original scale. In the second section, we present the French version of the scale and we examine its structure through exploratory factorial analysis and structural equation modeling. In a first study with a sample of 251 students and employees, exploratory factor analyses show a two independent factors structure. A second study with a sample of 182 students shows that this result is due to an acquiescence bias. Results of the second study confirm a four-factor structure. Structural equation modeling shows that a hierarchical model with four first-order factors and a second-order factor adjusts best to data. Results suggest that the NEP Scale can be used with French speaking samples, but each study should check the factorial structure of the data. Based on these results, the psychological dimensions of the NEP Scale are discussed.  相似文献   

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