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Visually induced self-translation is called linear vection, while visually induced self-rotation is called circular vection. Impressions of circular vection and linear vection were measured using flow patterns presented on a flat screen. Subjects reported strong circular vection when the flow simulated a projected pattern of a rotating cylinder, which had gradients in speed and direction of moving elements on the screen. When speed gradients in a horizontal dimension were removed while not changing the direction distribution on the screen, strong circular vection was still reported. On the other hand, when the motion direction of all elements was the same (horizontal), having speed gradients, the circular vection was weak. The impression of linear vection showed the opposite trend. This result indicates not a speed distribution pattern but one of a two-dimensional direction on the retina determines the type of vection.  相似文献   

Enns and Shore (1997 Perception & Psychophysics 59 23-31) found additive effects of test orientation (upright or inverted) and direction of lighting (brow or chin lit) when they studied the inversion effect on face identification. A two-stage model was inferred in which inversion was processed by an orientation-sensitive component after which chin-lighting was processed by a lighting-sensitive component. Face identification is also strongly influenced by contrast reversal. A study is reported which aimed to (i) determine if contrast reversal interacts with lighting direction or orientation, findings that would support Enns and Shore's model; and (ii) to test their assumption that holistic encoding is prerequisite for their model by inducing featural encoding through training names to inverted faces. Names for unfamiliar brow-lit positive-contrast faces were trained with the faces upright or inverted. Identification accuracy was measured with combinations of orientation, lighting, and contrast. Consistent with their model, test orientation and direction of lighting were additive after training on upright faces and lighting and contrast reversal interacted. When holistic encoding was prevented following training on inverted faces, test orientation and lighting direction interacted for positive-contrast faces. Negative faces showed only an effect of direction of lighting. These results support Enns and Shore's two-stage model and their interpretation that orientation and direction of lighting interact following featural encoding of faces.  相似文献   

The ‘deterministic‐input noisy‐AND’ (DINA) model is one of the more frequently applied diagnostic classification models for binary observed responses and binary latent variables. The purpose of this paper is to show that the model is equivalent to a special case of a more general compensatory family of diagnostic models. Two equivalencies are presented. Both project the original DINA skill space and design Q ‐matrix using mappings into a transformed skill space as well as a transformed Q ‐matrix space. Both variants of the equivalency produce a compensatory model that is mathematically equivalent to the (conjunctive) DINA model. This equivalency holds for all DINA models with any type of Q ‐matrix, not only for trivial (simple‐structure) cases. The two versions of the equivalency presented in this paper are not implied by the recently suggested log‐linear cognitive diagnosis model or the generalized DINA approach. The equivalencies presented here exist independent of these recently derived models since they solely require a linear – compensatory – general diagnostic model without any skill interaction terms. Whenever it can be shown that one model can be viewed as a special case of another more general one, conclusions derived from any particular model‐based estimates are drawn into question. It is widely known that multidimensional models can often be specified in multiple ways while the model‐based probabilities of observed variables stay the same. This paper goes beyond this type of equivalency by showing that a conjunctive diagnostic classification model can be expressed as a constrained special case of a general compensatory diagnostic modelling framework.  相似文献   

Recent work in the general recognition theory (GRT) framework indicates that there are serious problems with some of the inferential machinery designed to detect perceptual and decisional interactions in multidimensional identification and categorization (Mack, Richler, Gauthier, & Palmeri, 2011). These problems are more extensive than previously recognized, as we show through new analytic and simulation-based results indicating that failure of decisional separability is not identifiable in the Gaussian GRT model with either of two common response selection models. We also describe previously unnoticed formal implicational relationships between seemingly distinct tests of perceptual and decisional interactions. Augmenting these formal results with further simulations, we show that tests based on marginal signal detection parameters produce unacceptably high rates of incorrect statistical significance. We conclude by discussing the scope of the implications of these results, and we offer a brief sketch of a new set of recommendations for testing relationships between dimensions in perception and response selection in the full-factorial identification paradigm.  相似文献   

Time is essential to speech. The duration of speech segments plays a critical role in the perceptual identification of these segments, and therefore in that of spoken words. Here, using a French word identification task, we show that vowels are perceived as shorter when attention is divided between two tasks, as compared to a single task control condition. This temporal underestimation pattern is consistent with attentional models of timing and hence demonstrates that vowel duration is explicitly estimated using a central general-purpose timer.  相似文献   

Measurement is a process aimed at acquiring and codifying information about properties of empirical entities. In this paper we provide an interpretation of such a process comparing it with what is nowadays considered the standard measurement theory, i.e., representational theory of measurement. It is maintained here that this theory has its own merits but it is incomplete and too abstract, its main weakness being the scant attention reserved to the empirical side of measurement, i.e., to measurement systems and to the ways in which the interactions of such systems with the entities under measurement provide a structure to an empirical domain. In particular it is claimed that (1) it is on the ground of the interaction with a measurement system that a partition can be induced on the domain of entities under measurement and that relations among such entities can be established, and that (2) it is the usage of measurement systems that guarantees a degree of objectivity and intersubjectivity to measurement results. As modeled in this paper, measurement systems link the abstract theory of measuring, as developed in representational terms, and the practice of measuring, as coded in standard documents such as the International Vocabulary of Metrology.  相似文献   

We compared the relative effectiveness of rotating or translating the head, either horizontally or vertically, on the perception of depth resulting from motion parallax. Using Rogers and Graham's (1979) paradigm, we yoked the movement of random dots on a screen to movements of the head, simulating a corrugated surface. In two experiments, subjects nulled the apparent depth or motion seen in the display. Horizontal head movements yielded the most precise depth judgements, irrespective of whether the head translated or rotated. Motion thresholds were higher than those for depth and were independent of direction of head movement. In a third experiment, suprathreshold stimuli that simulated differing amounts of depth were used, and the subjects' perception of depth was virtually the same for all types and directions of head movement. In our stimulus situation, rotating or translating the head either vertically or horizontally produced motion parallax cues for depth that were equally effective. Our results also showed that, within a range, retinal image motion from head movement is converted into a depth signal and that above that range location constancy breaks down and motion is seen.  相似文献   

Three studies examined the implications of a model of affect as information in persuasion. According to this model, extraneous affect may have an influence when message recipients exert moderate amounts of thought, because they identify their affective reactions as potential criteria but fail to discount them as irrelevant. However, message recipients may not use affect as information when they deem affect irrelevant or when they do not identify their affective reactions at all. Consistent with this curvilinear prediction, recipients of a message that either favored or opposed comprehensive exams used affect as a basis for attitudes in situations that elicited moderate thought. Affect, however, had no influence on attitudes in conditions that elicited either large or small amounts of thought.  相似文献   

At the heart of homeostatic theory is the idea that explicit or implicit behavioral demands placed on physiological systems are required for the biological detection of homeostatic disturbances. The detection of drug-induced disturbances is required to drive the development of all systemic tolerance, both associative and nonassociative (i.e., both forms of tolerance are behaviorally contingent). A wide range of findings ranging from morphine-induced analgesia to ethanol-induced hyposexuality shows that contingent tolerance is pervasive and may be universal. The theory also stipulates that behavioral demands placed on the target system will govern the loss of both associative and nonassociative tolerance (physiological). The present formulation integrates contingent, associative, and nonassociative tolerance and drug-opposite withdrawal reactions within a unified theory.  相似文献   

In this study, an extended pacemaker-counter model was applied to crossmodal temporal discrimination. In three experiments, subjects discriminated between the durations of a constant standard stimulus and a variable comparison stimulus. In congruent trials, both stimuli were presented in the same sensory modality (i.e., both visual or both auditory), whereas in incongruent trials, each stimulus was presented in a different modality. The model accounts for the finding that temporal discrimination depends on the presentation order of the sensory modalities. Nevertheless, the model fails to explain why temporal discrimination was much better with congruent than with incongruent trials. The discussion considers possibilities to accommodate the model to this and other shortcomings.  相似文献   

We derived a model of appraisal, coping, and adaptation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) from the more general theory of Lazarus and Folkman (1984) and examined this model using a longitudinal data set spanning 4 years and involving 239 RA patients (of whom 157 contributed to the primary analyses, with the remainder contributing to various follow-up analyses). This model attempted to identify the short- and long-term adaptational consequences of coping as well as the antecedents (appraisals, beliefs, social support, disease activity, etc.) that promote particular coping styles. Interrelations among the variables were examined using path-analytic techniques. Many observed relations were consistent with the model. Significant relations were subjected to more stringent analyses examining the ability of hypothesized causal variables to predict changes in outcome variables 1 year later. These analyses provided additional support for many observed relations and suggested the existence of a vicious cycle involving helplessness appraisals, passive coping with pain, and psychosocial impairment that promotes maladaptation in the face of RA. Theoretical implications, strengths, and limitations of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine factor structures of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.) symptoms of ADHD in adults. Method: Two sets of models were tested: (a) models with inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity as separate but correlated latent constructs and (b) hierarchical general factor models with a general factor for all symptoms and separate specific factors for inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity. Participants were 751 adults with ADHD. Two models with correlated factors and two general factor models of ADHD symptoms were tested. Results: The general factor model provided a better fit of the data than the correlated models. The general factor model with one general and three (inattention, motoric, and verbal hyperactivity/impulsivity) specific factors best accounted for the adults' symptoms. Conclusion: These results suggest a unitary component to ADHD symptoms as well as dimensional specific factors. The replication of a general factor in adults suggests continuity of symptom presentation from childhood into adulthood. Clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Unidimensional absolute identificatio—identifying a presented stimulus from an ordered set—is a common component of everyday tasks. Laboratory investigations have mostly used equally spaced stimuli, and the theoretical debate has focused on the merits of purely relative versus purely absolute models. Absolute models incorporate substantial knowledge of the complete set of stimuli, whereas relative models allow only partial knowledge and assume that each stimulus is compared with recently observed stimuli. We test and refute a general prediction made by relative models, that accuracy is very low for some stimulus sequences when the stimuli are unequally spaced. We conclude that, although relative judgment processes may occur in absolute identification, a model must incorporate long-term referents to explain performance with unequally spaced stimuli. This implies that purely relative models cannot provide a general account of absolute identification.  相似文献   

A very simple spatial model of memory storage and retrieval is described, analyzed, and discussed. The postulated memory is without organization in the sense that neither the place of storage nor the order of search during retrieval is influenced by the nature of the information being stored or retrieved. The memory consists of a three-dimensional space containing a large number of homogeneously distributed loci at which data may be stored. Data received near each other in time are stored at nearby locations. Access is by an undirected expanding-sphere search. The model exhibits a wide variety of quantitatively and qualitatively humanlike behavior with respect to both standard learning and forgetting paradigms and with respect to frequency effects and other phenomena in word processing.  相似文献   

Blurred edges appear sharper in motion than when they are stationary. We proposed a model of this motion sharpening that invokes a local, nonlinear contrast transducer function (Hammett et al, 1998 Vision Research 38 2099-2108). Response saturation in the transducer compresses or 'clips' the input spatial waveform, rendering the edges as sharper. To explain the increasing distortion of drifting edges at higher speeds, the degree of nonlinearity must increase with speed or temporal frequency. A dynamic contrast gain control before the transducer can account for both the speed dependence and approximate contrast invariance of motion sharpening (Hammett et al, 2003 Vision Research, in press). We show here that this model also predicts perceived sharpening of briefly flashed and flickering edges, and we show that the model can account fairly well for experimental data from all three modes of presentation (motion, flash, and flicker). At moderate durations and lower temporal frequencies the gain control attenuates the input signal, thus protecting it from later compression by the transducer. The gain control is somewhat sluggish, and so it suffers both a slow onset, and loss of power at high temporal frequencies. Consequently, brief presentations and high temporal frequencies of drift and flicker are less protected from distortion, and show greater perceptual sharpening.  相似文献   

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