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An habituation/dishabituation paradigm demonstrates that 2- and 4-month-old infants are able to discriminate auditory sequences that vary slightly in tempo. Discriminations were only observed for intermediate tempi (600 ms but not 100, 300, 1500 ms IOI), suggesting that infants have the same optimal tempo range as adults.  相似文献   

The results of an earlier study (Olsho, 1984) indicated that 5- to 8-month-old infants were relatively better at discriminating among high-frequency pitches than low. In the present study, sensory and nonsensory explanations for that effect were evaluated by examining infants' performance in a task requiring similar sensory processing but differing in the demands placed on processes such as memory. Infants' ability to resolve frequency was tested using a tonal masking paradigm, the psychophysical tuning curve. Twenty-four infants were tested at probe frequencies ranging from 500 to 4000 Hz; a group of young adults served as a comparison. Masked and unmasked thresholds were estimated using the visually reinforced head turn procedure in conjunction with an adaptive psychophysical method. Although infants' tuning curves fell below those of adults (indicating poorer performance), the widths and slopes of the infants' curves were not different from the adults'. Moreover, the difference between age groups remained constant across probe frequencies. These findings imply that by 5 months of age, the infant's ability to resolve sound frequency is similar to the adult's.  相似文献   

婴儿听觉感知能力的发展对于他们未来的语言学习和社会化都具有重要意义。过去大量的研究主要关注语音感知方面,只有较少的研究将非语音感知纳入考虑之中,但了解非语音感知的特征和机制将有助于增加研究者对听觉加工以及儿童发育的认识。该文分别介绍了婴儿语音感知中的三种偏好——对语音、“婴儿语”和母语的偏好,并尝试着将非语音分为音乐、人类的非言语发声、环境声音三类进行阐述。通过对比这两大类声音的感知得到婴儿可能存在语音感知的左脑偏侧化和音乐感知的右脑偏侧化现象,但这也尚存争议,目前有特定领域模型、特定线索模型和脑网络模型三种理论对偏侧化现象的认知机制进行解释。  相似文献   

Using a habituation/dishabituation procedure, near-term foetuses (36-39 weeks gestational age) were tested in a low variability HR state, to examine whether they could discriminate between a male and a female voice repeatedly uttering the same short sentence. Prosody and loudness of the two voices were controlled. Once the foetal heart rate (HR) habituated to the first voice, the effect of a second voice was investigated in two experimental conditions: male/female voice and female/male voice. HR variations after the onset of the second voice were compared to those occurring in two control conditions in which the same voice was presented twice (male/female voice and female/female voice). Highly conservative statistical criteria taking each subject's pre-stimulus HR variability into account showed that most foetuses exposed to the voice change displayed decelerative cardiac changes, with no significant difference between the two conditions. These HR decelerations were found in the first seconds following the onset of the new voice, and reached their peak amplitude within 10 s in most subjects. These responses lasted more than 10 s for two-thirds of the experimental subjects. Mostly transient HR accelerations and only a few decelerative changes were recorded in the control subjects. Furthermore, mean amplitudes of these changes were significantly lower than the HR decelerations induced by the new voice in the experimental conditions, suggesting that the latter were not spontaneous HR modifications but rather cardiac responses to the voice change. It is argued that near-term foetuses may perceive a difference between voice characteristics of two speakers when they are highly contrasted for fundamental frequency and timbre.  相似文献   

The discrimination of relative frequency by pigeons.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Five experiments addressed the issue of how pigeons learn to discriminate the relative frequency of stimuli. During a sampling period, three different stimuli (keylights) were presented serially, in mixed order, and with different frequencies. During a choice period, the stimuli were presented simultaneously, and reinforcement was arranged for choosing the stimulus that was presented the least number of times during the sample. The results showed that (a) the overall proportion of correct choices was always above chance levels; (b) the likelihood of a correct choice decreased with the serial position of the correct stimulus, a negative recency effect; (c) when the last three stimuli of the sample were constrained to be one of each kind, the negative recency effect decreased but errors became more likely when the correct stimulus occurred early in the sample, a negative primacy effect; (d) accurate performance generalized to new and larger samples; and (e) under some conditions the probability of a correct choice was independent of the serial position of the correct stimulus. The serial position curves suggest that in a least frequent discrimination task, two processes determine how the least frequent stimulus controls behavior: a passive decay process (the stimulus loses its effectiveness with time since its last occurrence), and a residual salience process (when the stimulus occurs in the first position it may decay to a higher asymptote than when it occurs in later positions.  相似文献   

Rats were trained to respond on a lever adjacent to a sounding speaker (the sound source) when a single click was emitted. A second click (the artificial echo) was presented through a second speaker on the opposite side. In Condition I, the echo (equal in intensity to the source) was delayed from .015 to 32 milliseconds; greater than 75% correct responses were given for delay times between about .040 milliseconds (lower threshold) and 8 milliseconds (upper threshold). In Condition II, the echo (simultaneous with the source) was reduced in intensity relative to the source over a range from 2.5 decibels to 40 decibels; greater than 75% correct responses occurred for intensity reductions greater than 5 decibels. In Condition III, both the intensity and the delay time of the echo were manipulated in a manner analogous to that which would occur under natural conditions; greater than 95% correct responses were given for delay times from 1 to 32 milliseconds. These data indicate that both time and intensity differences are necessary for localization of primary sources, with delay time contributing more at short echo path distances, and intensity differences at long distances.  相似文献   

Recent research with cotton-top tamarin monkeys has revealed language discrimination abilities similar to those found in human infants, demonstrating that these perceptual abilities are not unique to humans but are also present in non-human primates. Specifically, tamarins could discriminate forward but not backward sentences of Dutch from Japanese, using both natural and synthesized utterances. The present study was designed as a conceptual replication of the work on tamarins. Results show that rats trained in a discrimination learning task readily discriminate forward, but not backward sentences of Dutch from Japanese; the results are particularly robust for synthetic utterances, a pattern that shows greater parallels with newborns than with tamarins. Our results extend the claims made in the research with tamarins that the capacity to discriminate languages from different rhythmic classes depends on general perceptual abilities that evolved at least as far back as the rodents. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

In Johansson and Börjesson (1989), a new theory of visual space perception—the optic sphere theory—was presented in which the hemispheric shape of the retina is utilized for determination of slant of plane surfaces in wide-angle perception. The process of the optic sphere mechanism can be described as the projection of a translating distal line on the optic sphere, and an extrapolation of this projection to a great circle. The determination of the 3-D slant of the distal line is made by identification of points of no change on the great circle during its rotation. The main objective of the present study was to investigate this process as applied to central stimulation of the retina with reduced and minimal information of slant or horizontal orientation. Each stimulus pattern consisted of either two continuous lines or two pairs of dots in motion presented on a computer screen. The pairwise lines and the pairs of dots defined simulated 3-D slants (or horizontal orientations) of different magnitude within each pair, and the subjects' task was to discriminate between these simulated slants. It was shown that the simulations evoke percepts of 3-D slants, and of horizontal orientations, and that it is possible to discriminate between them even from minimal information (pairs of dots). Further, the empirical findings of Börjesson (1994) indicated that longer extrapolations of the projected arc to a point of no change yield less accurate discriminations of slant. We failed to replicate this in Experiment 4, in which case stimulus variables that covaried with extrapolation length were eliminated or minimized. It is suggested that this raises some doubt about discrimination accuracy as dependent on extrapolation length per se. The overall conclusion, however, is that the optic sphere theory represents a possible explanation of, or analogy to, the process utilized by the visual system for determination of the simulated 3-D slants and horizontal orientations in the present study.  相似文献   

For nearly two decades it has been known that infants' perception of speech sounds is affected by native language input during the first year of life. However, definitive evidence of a mechanism to explain these developmental changes in speech perception has remained elusive. The present study provides the first evidence for such a mechanism, showing that the statistical distribution of phonetic variation in the speech signal influences whether 6- and 8-month-old infants discriminate a pair of speech sounds. We familiarized infants with speech sounds from a phonetic continuum, exhibiting either a bimodal or unimodal frequency distribution. During the test phase, only infants in the bimodal condition discriminated tokens from the endpoints of the continuum. These results demonstrate that infants are sensitive to the statistical distribution of speech sounds in the input language, and that this sensitivity influences speech perception.  相似文献   

Discrimination of vowel duration was explored with regard to discrimination threshold, error bias, and effects of modality and consonant context. A total of 122 normal-hearing participants were presented with disyllabic-like items such as /lal-lal/ or /mam-mam/ in which the lengths of the vowels were systematically varied and were asked to judge whether the first or second vowel was longer. Presentation was either visual, auditory, or audiovisual. Vowel duration differences varied in 24 steps: 12 with a longer first /a/ and 12 with a longer last /a/ (range: ±33–400 ms). Results: 50% JNDs were smaller than the lowest tested step size (33 ms); 75% JNDs were in the 33–66 ms range for all conditions but V /lal/, with a 75% JND at 66–100 ms. Errors were greatest for visual presentation and for /lal-lal/ tokens. There was an error bias towards reporting the first vowel as longer, and this was strongest for /mam-mam/ and when both vowels were short, possibly reflecting a sublinguistic processing strategy.  相似文献   

陈桄  朱皕 《心理科学进展》2006,14(4):625-630
在婴儿早期的视觉经验中,面孔是最特殊的一类刺激,小婴儿从出生开始就喜欢看面孔,这种现象称为面孔偏好。面孔偏好的发展反映了婴儿知觉能力的发展规律,具有重要的社会化意义。该文系统介绍了线性系统模型、右脑优势模型、CONSPEC理论、视觉模块理论和非特异化识别理论5种最主要的婴儿面孔偏好理论,并对这些理论的区别和联系进行了探讨。最后,对面孔偏好研究的新趋势和未来方向进行了评价和展望  相似文献   

Stimuli in many visual stimulus control studies typically are presented simultaneously; in contrast the stimuli in auditory discrimination studies are presented successively. Many everyday auditory stimuli that control responding occur simultaneously. This suggests that simultaneous auditory discriminations should be readily acquired. The purpose of the present experiment was to train rats in a simultaneous auditory discrimination. The apparatus consisted of a cage with two response levers mounted on one wall and a speaker mounted adjacent to each lever. A feeder was mounted on the opposite wall. In a go-right/go-left procedure, two stimuli were presented on each trial, a wide-band noise burst through one speaker and a 2-kHz complex signal through the other. The stimuli alternated randomly from side to side across trials, and the stimulus correlated with reinforcement for presses varied across subjects. The rats acquired the discrimination in 400 to 700 trials, and no response position preference developed during acquisition. The ease with which the simultaneous discrimination was acquired suggests that procedures, such as matching to sample, that require simultaneous presentation of stimuli can be used with auditory stimuli in animals having poor vision.  相似文献   


The present study examined the degree to which tests of visuospatial storage capacity tap into domain-general storage and attention processes. This was done by comparing performance of visuospatial memory tasks with performance on sound-based sensory discrimination tasks. We found that memory task- and discrimination task performance both tapped into a cross-modality factor (visual and auditory). We further examined the degree to which this common variance could be explained by attention control and sustained attention. These attention factors accounted for roughly 60% of the variance in memory. This indicates that tests of visuospatial memory capacity reflect more than modality-specific memory.  相似文献   

We investigated how different psychophysical procedures affect frequency discrimination performance in children. Four studies used a design in which listeners heard two tone pairs and had to identify whether the first or second pair contained a higher frequency target tone. Thresholds for 6- and 7-year-olds were higher than those for 8- and 9-year-olds and adults. Two manipulations led to lower (better) thresholds in young children: (a) moving the standard comparison tone before the target tone and (b) using three target comparison tone pairs. It is suggested that young children benefit from designs that help cue them to when they need to attend to a target tone. The two-interval, forced-choice procedure that is widely used in studies of developmental disorders led to variable performance even in adults and did not give a realistic picture of the perceptual capabilities of children under 8 years of age.  相似文献   

本研究考察了50~80岁说普通话的中老年人对普通话声调T2—T4的范畴化感知表现,探究影响声调范畴化感知老化的因素。采用经典范畴感知范式。结果显示,(1)中老年组所有年龄段(50~60岁、60~70岁、70~80岁)的范畴边界宽度都显著大于年轻组,但中老年组间差异不显著。(2)中老年人范畴边界宽度与记忆广度测试得分呈显著负相关,而与年龄的相关性不显著。(3)和年轻组相比,中老年组范畴内识别函数的斜率差异显著,而范畴间差异不显著。结果表明,中老年人声调感知范畴化程度下降,音系层面的加工能力发生衰退,记忆广度的衰退与声调范畴化感知老年化之间存在关联。此外,50到80岁间,年龄不会直接影响声调感知范畴化程度。  相似文献   

Children who have status epilepticus have continuous or rapidly repeating seizures that may be life-threatening and may cause life-long changes in brain and behavior. The extent to which status epilepticus causes deficits in auditory discrimination is unknown. A naturalistic auditory location discrimination method was used to evaluate this question using an animal model of status epilepticus. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were injected with saline on postnatal day (P) 20, or a convulsant dose of pilocarpine on P20 or P45. Pilocarpine on either day induced status epilepticus; status epilepticus at P45 resulted in CA3 cell loss and spontaneous seizures, whereas P20 rats had no cell loss or spontaneous seizures. Mature rats were trained with sound-source location and sound-silence discriminations. Control (saline P20) rats acquired both discriminations immediately. In status epilepticus (P20) rats, acquisition of the sound-source location discrimination was moderately impaired. Status epilepticus (P45) rats failed to acquire either sound-source location or sound-silence discriminations. Status epilepticus in rat causes an age-dependent, long-term impairment in auditory discrimination. This impairment may explain one cause of impaired auditory location discrimination in humans.  相似文献   

Speech Perception Within an Auditory Cognitive Science Framework   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT— The complexities of the acoustic speech signal pose many significant challenges for listeners. Although perceiving speech begins with auditory processing, investigation of speech perception has progressed mostly independently of study of the auditory system. Nevertheless, a growing body of evidence demonstrates that cross-fertilization between the two areas of research can be productive. We briefly describe research bridging the study of general auditory processing and speech perception, showing that the latter is constrained and influenced by operating characteristics of the auditory system and that our understanding of the processes involved in speech perception is enhanced by study within a more general framework. The disconnect between the two areas of research has stunted the development of a truly interdisciplinary science, but there is an opportunity for great strides in understanding with the development of an integrated field of auditory cognitive science.  相似文献   

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