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This study investigated the relationships between boredom proneness, mood monitoring, mood labeling, and tendency to experience flow; and explored some qualitative, phenomenological aspects of boredom. College students (N= 170) responded to an anonymous questionnaire containing the Boredom Proneness Scale (Farmer & Sundberg, 1986), the Mood Awareness Scale (Swinkels & Giuliano, 1995), a measure of flow proneness, and questions about the experience of boredom. As predicted, Boredom Proneness was positively correlated with mood monitoring, negatively correlated with mood labeling, and negatively correlated with flow. Respondents provided interesting information about their perceptions of boredom, its causes, and their strategies for coping with and planning for boring situations. A majority of participants described positive aspects of boredom, and 10% volunteered that they were never bored.  相似文献   

In 2009 we distributed a questionnaire on the deadly sins. It combined two research instruments—The Life Attitudes Inventory constructed by Capps (Pastoral Psychology 37:229–253, 1989) and the Deadly Sins Scale developed by Nauta and Derckx (Pastoral Psychology 56:177–188, 2007). In a previous article (Capps and Haupt 2011) we reported on findings from the Life Attitudes Inventory. In this article we report on findings from the Deadly Sins Scale and then discuss the fact that an unusually high percentage of the respondents identified positively with the item “I achieve my goals in life.” We suggest that their identification with this item is a reflection of the fact that humans are hopeful by nature.  相似文献   

Guided by self‐determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985), two studies examined adolescents' risk behaviors as a function of their extrinsic aspirations for wealth, fame, and image relative to their intrinsic aspirations for growth, relationships, and community; and as a function of their perceptions of their parents' autonomy support. In the first study, adolescents who reported using cigarettes had significantly stronger relative extrinsic aspirations than did adolescents who reported not smoking. In the second study, a composite risk behavior index for adolescents' use of tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana, and their having had sexual intercourse was significantly predicted by their relative extrinsic life goals, and both students' health‐compromising behaviors and their relative extrinsic goals were significantly negatively predicted by their perceptions of their parents' autonomy support.  相似文献   

同伴交往和青少年犯罪之间的关系是青少年犯罪研究的一个核心问题。大量的实证研究结果支持学习理论所提出的与越轨同伴交往会促进青少年犯罪的观点。这种促进作用适用于不同类型、不同性别、不同年龄阶段、不同犯罪路径的青少年犯罪, 也适用于众多类型的青少年犯罪团体干预项目中的同伴交往。为深化对这一领域的认识, 未来研究需更多采用纵向研究、对比研究、实验研究等方法, 以不同文化背景中的青少年为对象, 深入考察这种影响的群体差异、内部机制以及干预措施。  相似文献   

This article presents a model of conceptualization and intervention for juvenile delinquency. The model includes the characteristics of the adolescent, the ecological context in which the adolescent lives, and the interaction among these variables. Intervention addressing these variables is presented. A specific integrated service, training, and research project that is based on the model is described. The Juvenile Counseling and Assessment Program is a collaborative approach, joining university counseling faculty, educators, graduate students, and juvenile court system personnel in the mutual goals of reducing delinquency and increasing adaptive skills.  相似文献   

采用问卷法考察了少管所、工读学校和普通中学740名青少年的违法犯罪行为.据严重违法犯罪行为得分将被试分为3组:无、中等和严重.三组青少年在家庭环境、父母监控和自我控制上差异显著:严重违法犯罪行为组父母离异比例高,父母受教育水平低;家庭氛围的矛盾性得分高,亲密度、情感表达和道德观等维度得分低;父母监控水平低;自我控制能力低.路径分析发现,低自我控制是预测青少年违法犯罪行为的重要个体因素,它对家庭氛围有显著的中介作用,但对其他变量的中介作用不显著.  相似文献   

家庭伦理失范:青少年犯罪的重要原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青少年犯罪的原因是复杂的、多方面的,分析和研究青少年犯罪现象,可以得出结论:家庭伦理道德的失范是青少年犯罪的重要原因。  相似文献   

This study considers ethnic differences in the effect of perceived parenting on juvenile delinquency in a sample of Dutch and Moroccan-Dutch boys, by focusing on several perceived maternal and paternal parenting variables. Research has since long acknowledged the association between parenting and juvenile delinquency. However, extent literature appears divided over whether or not the etiology of juvenile delinquency for ethnic minority youth is somehow distinct from standard criminological theories, or whether parenting is a culturally distinct source. Cross-cultural studies on the effect of parenting on juvenile delinquency show inconsistent findings. Furthermore, most studies focus on only one aspect of parenting resulting in limited information regarding the relative importance of various parenting aspects in the etiology of juvenile delinquency. Lastly, almost all work in this area has focused solely on maternal variables or combined maternal and paternal variables in a general categorization without considering the contribution of each parent separately. Overall, the results seem to suggest both specificity and generalizability in the effect of parenting on violent delinquency by ethnicity. Despite the mean level differences on perceived parenting variables and violent delinquency, and despite the moderate differences in the predictive relationships of the variables by ethnicity, the results suggest similarity in the patterns of associations as well. Given that both paternal and maternal parenting variables were significantly related to violent delinquency in Moroccan-Dutch boys in a manner similar to Dutch peers, it is important that social services and criminal justice offices provide prevention and intervention strategies for both fathers and mothers.  相似文献   

《Ethics & behavior》2013,23(2):167-176
This article discusses the ethical and methodological issues associated with boredom experienced by human participants during psychological experiments. Ways are suggested in which informed consent, briefing, and debriefing can be used to prevent or remedy boredom induced during experiments. We address methodological and ethical concerns, and we discuss the advantages of the proposed approach for experimenters' practice and training of undergraduate students. Future directions for much needed research on these topics are also emphasized.  相似文献   

Boredom is a key experience in the lives of many young people in contemporary rural Egypt. With its calm, predictable rhythm of life offering little excitement and surprises, village life is intrinsically monotonic. But monotony as such does not necessarily bore people. It is turned into intense boredom and despair by the presence of strong but unfulfilled aspirations for a better and more exciting life. Boredom and attempts to escape it form an experience and a discourse of life that stand in a strong albeit often unstated contrast to the ideology of Islamic revival. With the stated purposeless and pointlessness of the discourse on boredom, not only the forms of entertainment, but also the very position of entertainment towards the grand projects of religious revival and nationalist progress appears in a different light that fits in neither the secularist tradition of arts and entertainment nor their revivalist contestation and reinterpretation.
Samuli SchielkeEmail:

This study addressed the relations among personal strivings (daily goals) and future life goals and worst fears. Eighty undergraduate participants (62 women, 18 men) listed their daily goals, their ultimate life goals, and their worst fears, and completed questionnaire measures of subjective well-being. Daily goals were content-analyzed for relevance to attaining life goals or avoiding worst fears. Daily goals that were instrumental to life goals or that avoided worst fears were rated as more important but also more difficult by participants. Working on daily goals avoiding one's worst fears was negatively related to measures of subjective well-being, controlling for daily goal progress, difficulty, ambivalence, and importance. Working on daily goals that were instrumental to one's life goals only weakly predicted well-being. The avoidance of worst fears interacted with daily goal appraisals such that individuals who experienced little progress at daily goals that served to avoid their "worst case scenario" experienced the lowest levels of subjective well-being. In addition, progress at daily goals that were relevant to accomplishing one's life goals was significantly more strongly related to subjective well-being than progress at daily goals that were unrelated to one's life goals. Results indicate that daily goals are used to enact life goals and avoid worst fears and that these means–end relations have implications for well-being.  相似文献   

为探讨正念与大学生手机成瘾倾向的关系以及无聊倾向的中介作用和未来时间洞察力的调节作用,采用问卷法对790名大学生进行了施测。结果表明:(1)正念对大学生手机成瘾倾向具有显著的负向预测作用;(2)无聊倾向在正念与手机成瘾倾向之间起中介作用;(3)正念通过无聊倾向对手机成瘾倾向所起的间接效应受到未来时间洞察力的调节作用,即相较于未来时间洞察力水平高的大学生而言,该间接效应在未来时间洞察力水平低的大学生中更强。研究结果有助于揭示正念如何与手机成瘾倾向相联系,以及正念与手机成瘾倾向的关系在何种条件下更强或更弱。这对于移动互联网络时代预防和干预大学生手机成瘾倾向具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

Some research on creativity has linked higher levels of neuroticism with greater creative achievement, whereas existential psychology sees the neurotic as incapable of channeling anxiety through creativity. The current research examines how levels of neuroticism affect individuals' creative responses in coping with existential threats. Drawing from terror management theory and creativity research, this research conceptualizes creative endeavors as a means to ameliorate existential anxiety that possesses varying degrees of appeal to different individuals. All three experiments found an interaction between levels of neuroticism and mortality salience in determining levels of creative interest, with neuroticism either measured or primed. Specifically, mortality salience is less likely to boost creative interest among more neurotic individuals.  相似文献   

We examined the differences between early and late start juvenile delinquents in a sample of 531 previously incarcerated youth in Oregon's juvenile justice system. Data were analyzed with logistic regression to predict early start delinquency based on four explanatory variables: foster care experience, family criminality, special education disability, and socioeconomic status. Youth with foster care experience were four times more likely to be early start delinquents than youth with no foster care experience. Youth with a family member convicted of a felony were two times more likely to be early start delinquents than youth with no family felony. Implications for future research are discussed, as well as implications for practice and policy. We suggest that future studies examine differences between male and female delinquents, the effects of foster care on children, and interfamilial processes that facilitate criminal behavior. Efforts to support children and families at risk of abuse and neglect should be reexamined in light of the results of our study, which adds to the emerging knowledge base regarding the relationships between violence experienced in early childhood, and future criminal behavior.  相似文献   

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